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Deninard Industries Public Booth

Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-09-14 09:49:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Vadane Deninard
Note: Project had to be shut down. See:

Greetings MD Community

welcome to the DENIN Public Booth. No, this thread is not (yet) about an IPO nor am I asking for any kind of money. The purpose is purely on giving some information about our corporation to the public. I will talk about my intentions for this in a personal note within this topic - having that said, the intent is also to find possible business partners and providing additional (background) info should we ever decide to go through an IPO. Thanks for your attention and have a good read.


Deninard Industries [DENIN]

.1 Deninard Industries - The Business Idea

Deninard Industries is a yound start-up enterprise, dedicated to the production of top-tier ships, modules and commodities. The idea is to establish a business that is able to provide several trade hubs of New Eden with ships and equipment to take root in EVE's economy. And we will do so in a professional manner.

The key aspects of the DENIN philosophy are:
* We see our corporation as a professional service and we act like that. This incorporates a mature behaviour by our members, but also influences the way we do business: in an honest, authentic and trustworthy way.
* Everyone shall profit from the firm's success. We are probably asking a bit more from our members in terms of contribution - but we also provide more. The major aspect here is a monthly payment of dividends according to the corporation's overall profit. This can be understood as a provision-based salary for each member. A report will be sent to each member and shareholder once in a month, at the first weekend after the 15th of each month.
* Establish a network of corporations contributing to each other's success as business partners.

.2 Business Units

.a DENIN Industry
Our primary business unit is the industrial division. The focus is on production and, as a requirement, mining operations. Currently, we are able to produce Harbringer and Prophecy ship hulls and we are looking to expand our production portfolio to higher tier items as well and to obtain several BPOs to use them for research and copying.

Furthermore, we are planning to establish a network of PI production sites. The goal is to have PI producers working together to produce more higher-tier commodities and to sell them on the market together.

.b DENIN Finance
This is a secondary business unit supporting our primary division by working with the capital provided by DENIN Industry. Activities in DENIN Finance are creating an additional interest of the money that was obtained by selling our products. Financial operations include station trading (short-term), market investments (mid-term) and meta-game investments (long-term). In fact, DENIN Finance was the origin of Deninard Industries and was just recently replaced by the industrial branch as the primary business unit.

.c DENIN Services
As a professional business partner, we are also looking to get into the consultation business in EVE. This will become more important and profitable once we have achieved our initial goals and have established ourselves. The strategy is to provide certain services (e.g. Orca Support, Investment strategies) to other corporations or alliances and not only to ourselves. For that matter, DENIN Services will operate as a seperate business unit and will connect to both DENIN Industry and DENIN Finance when necessary.

.3 DENIN Operations
Our operations currently include:
* Mining Operations - Corp: Joint mining operations in order to stockpile minerals necessary for corp production. Ore belong to the corp. Members will profit from this in the long run, too.
* Mining Operations - Individual: Joint mining operations with Orca support. Each participant may keep his ore for himself.
* Mission Running: We also run missions together to provide some ISK input in our wallets and to enjoy the result of doing our work and business.

Soon, our operations portfolio will be extended by:
* Lowsec Mining Operations: Move to lowsec systems to get more valuable ore. We will start this by using T1 barges and other "expendable" ships to keep losses at a minimum. And there will be losses. We will benefit from these losses however by obtaining valuable experiences in these situations.
* Wormhole Exploration: Either mining operations in Wormholes or bounty hunting.

.4 Facts and Charts
Last estimation of the corporation's value was performed on August 15th. The value was determined to be 2.7 Billion ISK with a corresponding share value of 2.7 Million ISK. Please note that at that time, DENIN was a one-man enterprise and focused on the newly started trading business only.
The next determination of the firm's value will be performed shortly, in fact tomorrow, Sept 15th. A significant increase is expected.

We currently have about 15 people in our corp, totalling a number of 22 characters.
Board of Directors: Vadane Deninard, Kaylesta

Vadane Deninard - 879 shares
Kaylesta - 100 shares
*private invstor* - 21 shares


If you have any further questions, dont hesitate to ask and feel free to message me in-game. As I said above, we are always welcoming business relationships to other corporations for either joint operations or deals (regarding ship production, trading etc.). Our public channel is

DENIN Public

Very bests,

Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-09-14 09:50:11 UTC
Personal note regarding the post above
Personally, the aspect in EvE that fascinates me the most is the metagame. Apart from some other (in-game) features and EvE's economy (which is often enough a part of the metagame), the metagame is really what separates EvE from many other MMO's that I never found worth enough to even look into.

What I would love to see is that this metagame aspect of EvE is further developed by the community. More IPOs. More collaborations. More business deals. I always wondered why people prefer to buy ships on the market and be subject to market speculations instead of approaching industrial corps and make a deal with them. A number of # ships for a fixed price to be delivered at a specific time. Beneficial for both (considering the deal to be fair). I'm currently on a business trip, visiting a conference. I was wondering why there are none such events in EvE, where someone organizes an event to gather knowledge/info or to organize a market place on its own - and other people paying a registration fee for that. I would like to see more possibilities to earn ISK's from such activities (like consulting) instead of everyone only focusing on in-game mechanics.

My personal goal is to concentrate more and more on these aspects and to completely have an EvE experience that is based on metagame activities. I know this takes trust and its very dfficult to do in such an "outlaw space" as in EvE. But its a goal to strife for, right?

I always tell my corp mates: EvE is a game - and the intent is to enjoy the game. This does not mean however, that you are not dealing with real people here. Treat this like the sports team you are participating in.
Northern Sky Industries
#3 - 2012-09-14 13:31:12 UTC
Are you accepting applications to join your corp for characters, or are you strictly looking for business partners in corps? I am potentially interested in both.
Chiyeung Bonaparte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-09-14 14:32:24 UTC
If you can provide more information of your goals, Vanguard Investments would be interested as well.
Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-09-14 15:03:37 UTC
Of course we are always interested in new people willing to join our corporation - especially experienced players. So in case you, JonathanGalt, or someone else is interested in joining up, we should proceed with a private convo in-game or via eve mail.

Regarding our goals, I decided to just copy the following passage from our internal strategy white paper:

.4 Milestones and Gates
The following milestone and gate structure is a general sketch is not subject to detailled time schedules. It is however, a good orientation of how we will proceed in the future. Milestones are important steps and goals within the regarded time horizon. Gates indicate boundaries between time periods.

.4.1 Short-Term
* Establish regular corp mining operations in High-Sec
* Establish a production chain for the production of Harbringers
* Recruit more industrial pilots to build a baseline from which we can proceed.
* Start researching BPOs via POS access with a friendly corp.

* Reach a roster size of about 40-50 pilots.
* Enough members are able to fly exhumers and/or T2 combat ships for protection.
* First experience with mining ops in dangerous terretory is obtained.

.4.2 Mid-Term
* Obtain more BPOs and expand production portfolio.
* Establish regular lowsec and/or WH mining expeditions.
* Expand to the size of a "Megacorp" (50+ members)

* Corporation bankroll is able to support a POS and is able to compensate for a (potential) loss of it.
* Outline of a precise plan for the establishment of a POS in either high sec or nullsec and either by ourselves or within an alliance.

.4.3 Long-Term
* Make full use of our access to a POS via production and research.
* Full launch of DENIN Services in order to expand our business to consultation.
* Outline a concept for future steps (for example, settlement in nullsec, expansion in high sec etc)

This should provide a rough sketch of our future plans. Note that this milestone structure is mostly about the activities within our industrial unit. At this, we are currently negotiating a possible deal that will help us to obtain a set of valuable BPOs. The first task will be to do R&D with these BPOs and proceed with production later on.
Privateer NoBody
#6 - 2012-09-14 15:53:01 UTC
I have some POS structures that I could fit some labs too if you are interested.

I also have a crap load of BC and BS BPOS locked down if you would be interested in production rights to them or selling large volumes of minerals to me.

I have done all of you objectives getting upto 150+ members though the alliance, if you want anything let me know.
Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-09-14 17:01:00 UTC
"low-sec mining" :3

(nice document, you will realize the error of your ways soon enough Blink)


Caelis Boirelle
Aurora Investments
#8 - 2012-09-14 20:01:55 UTC
Interesting ideas.

Very, very ambitious goals for where you are now, but interesting.

I look forward to doing business with you one day!
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-09-14 20:24:30 UTC
JohnathanGalt wrote:
Are you accepting applications to join your corp for characters, or are you strictly looking for business partners in corps? I am potentially interested in both.

You literally look like a shady person Lol
Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-09-14 20:28:20 UTC
Barakach wrote:
JohnathanGalt wrote:
Are you accepting applications to join your corp for characters, or are you strictly looking for business partners in corps? I am potentially interested in both.

You literally look like a shady person Lol

Well, I always wanted to do business with a Sith Lord. ;)

To all the others: Thanks for both the encouragement and the scepticism. I just had a good conversation with our COO and I'm confident that we have outlined a production scheme that will take us to a next step.
Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-09-19 05:56:40 UTC
Greetings to all,

I would like to quickly share last months report about our activities:

Master 187.0 M
Trading (A) 420.0 M
Trading (B) 128.9 M
R&D 1.0 M
Exploration 1.0 M
Industry 387.1 M

Escrow 740.0 M
Sell Orders 322.0 M
Investments 750.0 M

Assets - A
Modules 46.0 M
Ressources 22.3 M
Weapons 28.2 M
Ships 914.0 M
Long-term investments 199.0 M

Assets - B
Modules 29.0 M
Unprocessed Ore 126.8 M
Ships 336.0 M
Minerals 593.0 M

Total corp value: 5.2313 Billion

.1 Payed by dividends to all members
3% of corp value: 156.9 M

Remaining capital: 5.0744 Billion

.2 Fixed salaries

Dividends to Shareholders
3% of remining capital: 152.2 M

Besides, there are some other news to announce:

* Last months industrial throughput did not live up to my expectations. This is due to the fact that a) our in-house mining ops are not sufficiant to fuel our production at a scale we'd like it to, and b) that me and the COO did not have the time to look deeply look into production opportunities that provide an adequate profit, even when minerals are obtained on the market. So now we have established a Sales Team that is taking care of identifying manufacturing schemes and managing buy/sell orders regarding our industrial in- and output.

* We have started to build a good relationship to our investors and the people we invest in ourselves. Investments will be used to obtain BPOs for researching (as outlined above). At this, our investors have sponsored an audit to be performed by VV.

* Since we have quite a number of newer players, we are now running an Advanced Training Program for skill book funding. As a minor note, almost all of our "younger" members are now able to fly barges - which is certainly quite a boost for our own mining ops.

Very bests,

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-09-19 09:17:50 UTC
Vadane Deninard wrote:
* Last months industrial throughput did not live up to my expectations. This is due to the fact that a) our in-house mining ops are not sufficiant to fuel our production at a scale we'd like it to, and b) that me and the COO did not have the time to look deeply look into production opportunities that provide an adequate profit, even when minerals are obtained on the market.

now think what you just wrote there.


Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-09-19 17:05:11 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Vadane Deninard wrote:
[...] even when minerals are obtained on the market.

now think what you just wrote there.

You are right, thanks - it looks silly.

What we did last month, was to build ships that would sell for a price slightly higher than the raw mineral price and at this, we used the minerals obtained through corp mining ops. I always try to keep opportunity costs in mind and I was quite unhappy with our scheme. When manufactured goods cannot be sold for a significant profit when compared to raw mineral prices, why even bother with production.

Thats why we are working on our schemes and are about to fix this.

Please note that we did not produce for a loss (selling goods lower than the raw price of our mined minerals). We also did not, however, have a production scheme that would make it profitable for us to actually buy minerals on the market and use that for production.

Thanks again for the remark, Vera.

Very bests,


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-09-19 17:10:25 UTC
"a production scheme that would make it profitable for us to actually buy minerals on the market and use that for production"

If it's not brokers fees, it's high sell prices.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#15 - 2012-09-20 05:57:29 UTC
I have been contacted by some potential Investors and asked an audit for a possible IPO by Vadane.

This has been refreshing, finally an investment where it's Investors who act like in RL and don't place the audit "burden" on the Investee shoulders!

I am still at the (API part) beginning of the research, so far he looks like he can do what he says. The operation is small though, it'd be mostly a "startup" more than a many digits, blasoned IPO.
Chiyeung Bonaparte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-09-20 16:15:37 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I have been contacted by some potential Investors and asked an audit for a possible IPO by Vadane.

This has been refreshing, finally an investment where it's Investors who act like in RL and don't place the audit "burden" on the Investee shoulders!

I am still at the (API part) beginning of the research, so far he looks like he can do what he says. The operation is small though, it'd be mostly a "startup" more than a many digits, blasoned IPO.

:D glad to help, always better when more people are proactive.

Looking forward to your audit and working with Denin soon.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#17 - 2012-10-01 09:04:09 UTC
A full audit about Vadane Deninard's corporation and characters has been published on the Public Records Archive (P.A.R.)

A MD forum compliant version will be posted later today.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#18 - 2012-10-01 16:35:10 UTC
Audit report for Vadane Deninard business proposal

This is Vaerah Vahrokha’s analysis as of 2012-09-27 08:30 EvE Time.
Official discussion: link to investment prospectus.
Public Audits Record (PAR) for this investment: backlink.

Tools used

EvE Income Analyzer Crucible Edition
EvE Mentat
Microsoft® Excel™
Blender 3D => LuxRender
Paint.NET => Bolt Bait Pack, DPY Plugins, MadJik Pack, Vandermotten Effects

Forewords about the Audit

Vadane Deninard is an industry corporation CEO and high sec trader.
He wishes to make his corporation known to the Market Discussion community and eventually find investors in his business.
This audit is about checking Vadane Deninard’s skills and trading performance.


Main character for this proposal is Vadane Deninard, an high sec mining, mining fleet boosting and trader character. Vadane Deninard’s owner, also plays an additional small trading alt and a beginner PvP alt. He trained several level IV and V skills for trading, contracting, hauling with industrials and mining fleet boosting (his assets include an Orca). He may also organize level 4 mission runs.
Vadane Deninard is an October 2011 character with 14.8M SP.

All of Vadane Deninard’s characters have very short posting histories. They don’t show evident ill-behaviors. Killboard records are minimal, only pertinent kill mail relevant to his business, shows an early days loss of an untanked mining barge to an high sec suicide gank.

Statement of ability to deliver: Vadane Deninard has got the required character skills both to trade, to mine and to boost mining fleets (his assets include Orca and exhumers). API records show regular past and present market orders running.
Statement of past activity: the journal API records report a regular trading activity as far as the API allows to check for.

Involvement in other business

As of September 27, Vadane Deninard has about 774.591.304 invested (public investment in Barakach).

Business Plan Analysis

Vadane Deninard disclosed his business strategy both to the Auditor and to the public. It involves both on organizing mining fleets and trading.

Vadane Deninard’s plan is to find Investors and to raise funds to be able and expand the current operation. In fact, as of now, the whole operation is more of a start up than a fully established business.
Vadane Deninard is already in the proposed market niche and industry, he does not need logistics.

Feasibility statement: the mining and mining operation boosting skills are here, the business plan looks viable, look at the market performance analysis for further details. As stated above and as admitted by Vadane Deninard himself, his operation is still in a start up phase, therefore “the numbers” are not huge.

Collateral and exit strategy

Vadane Deninard has not talked about staring an investment (IPO) yet, so these details are not known.

Net Asset Value and other balance considerations

The estimated net worth of all liabilities, solid & liquid assets is about 7.446B ISK.
Market transactions are mostly made by the Vadane Deninard.
Assets across all of the characters and corporations are estimated to be worth 3.182B.

Important notice: the reported values may be lower than the real amounts, because certain assets in certain conditions are not reported by the API.
The listing includes both Vadane Deninard’s corporation’s assets and his characters assets. In fact he told the Auditor he’d eventually use those personal assets to compensate the Investors for any losses.

Assets and balance


Wallet balance: 1.725B
Market sell-orders: 1.116B
Market escrow: 0.648B
Contracts: 0.000B
Investments / receivable: 0.775B
Liabilities / payable: (0) B
Total: 4.264B

POS: 0.000B
Fleet / ships (unfitted): 2.139B
Modules: 0.287B
Misc. solid assets; minerals, salvage, ice and trade goods etc.: 0.406B
Blueprint copies and originals: 0.030B


Accessories (includes PLEXes): 0.000B
Charges: 0.045B
Commodities: 0.032B
Drones: 0.056B
Ordered assets under construction: 0.000B
Planetary items or resources: 0.017B
Ship components: 0.000B
General or classified items: 0.170B
Total: 3.182B

Estimated grand total: 7.446 Billion ISK

The above evaluations were made by using The Forge prices as reference.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#19 - 2012-10-01 16:35:55 UTC
Markets performance analysis

Due to the changes in the EvE® API, none of the analysis softwares used in the past seem to work any longer. In order to improve this audit's presentation, the Auditor ported and bug fixed one of them to the new standard. Thus EvE Income Analyzer Crucible Edition has born.


Vadane Deninard has traded 44 different groups of items in the period covered by the EvE API (from July 27, 2012).

His turnover has been of 9.03B.
His average profit has been of 33.51% per trade.
His top 5 most profitable items had a profit from 114% up to 1157%.
No item in the top 20 earned less than 1.67% profit.

Wallet transactions

The following sheets show some of the top and last transaction amounts, including the totals. As mentioned above the items have been grouped so each of the rows is a category of items. The item names have been hidden for privacy

Top transactions.

Bottom compounded transactions and totals.

Best selling items

This graph shows which items were the best selling for the full API covered period. The item names have been blanked for privacy.

Trading efficiency

This graph shows how much margin the Investee made by selling his stock. The “Efficiency” column shows the margin. In example, 1.58 means a 158% margin was achieved. The item names have been blanked for privacy.

The best item sales netted 1282% profit (fees not included, 1157% if included).
The average sales netted a 33.51% profit.

Selling speed

This graph shows how quickly the stock moved. The item names have been blanked for privacy.

Items and markets

This graph shows which markets had the highest turnover for which item. The item names have been blanked for privacy.

Time distribution

This graph shows the time distribution (per hour and per day) of the sales.


Vadane Deninard has the character skills and the assets to confirm his claims.
Vadane Deninard discussed about some possible actions to take in case of wardec.
Vadane Deninard accepted an audit and replied to questions.
Vadane Deninard announced he’d eventually make his alts assets available for Investors reimbursement in case of issues with the business he proposes.


No exit strategy has been discussed.
Little posting history makes it hard to understand the personality of Vadane Deninard.
The “public booth” thread could be seen as a quite well presented attempt to “rep grind”.
Vadane Deninard is a relatively new player some of his statements (low sec mining…) show that. Some Investors might be less comfortable investing in someone who could make mistakes.


Due to the risks bound with the trading profession, and due to the considerations listed in the “negatives” section, the Auditor classifies this investment as very high risk.

Please notice how “very high risk” does not mean “unsafe”. It’s two different concepts. Talking about high risk of bad performance, risk of real life complications etc. is one thing, the ever present chance of scam is another. The latter cannot be prevented by an audit, which only acts as first line deterrent.

The Investee seems competent (skills wise and player wise) enough to deliver on his statements and has past positive records. His business is in a growth phase, his API records show he may operated as he stated.

Basically, the Investee looks like having the ability to successfully honor an IPO. Notice how an audit may only evaluate the ability or potential of an Investee to succesfully honor a bond / IPO.
The Auditor suggests perspective Investors NOT to invest their full capital on this venture but to offer what they could eventually afford to lose.


Due to stringent EvE API limitations, although the information provided to you on this document is obtained or compiled from sources believed to be reliable, Vahrokh Consulting cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness, or completeness of any information or data made available to you for any particular purpose.
This Auditor is actively and passionately against any breach of privacy, in particular regarding in game mail API access. Therefore no information will ever be gathered and no audit will ever be released that will contain any element found by eavesdropping someone else's private communications.
Neither the information nor any opinion contained in this document constitutes a solicitation or offer by Vahrokh Consulting or its affiliates to buy or sell any securities, assets or services.

Vadane Deninard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-10-01 18:50:55 UTC
Thank you VV for your work regarding this audit. I'd also like to thank the supporters of this audit and my investors who helped to realize this. I'm looking forward to any questions - in the meantime, everything progresses as planned. We have started our cap ship production scheme and we are proceeding successfully.

I'll make sure to provide some additional info in the next monthly report. Regarding an IPO we still dont have any real plans for this but may move in that direction at a later stage.

Thanks and very bests,

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