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Why Ninja Salvaging should be considered an exploit

Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#181 - 2012-09-14 12:26:56 UTC
Verone wrote:
If you don't like someone taking your stuff, be prepared to do something about it.

Problem is that they are so risk-averse that if there's more than one character from same corp they don't do it because it's possible that they just can't press that iWin button.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#182 - 2012-09-14 12:34:08 UTC
Doddy wrote:
100% wrong, like i say don't poast if you don't understand the mecanics.
Being 100% wrong is kind of Jorma's signature move. Blink

Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Problem is that they are so risk-averse that if there's more than one character from same corp they don't do it because it's possible that they just can't press that iWin button.
Who are “they” in this sentence? If people choose not to do something about the theft they're being subjected to, then no, that is not a problem.
Scope Works
#183 - 2012-09-14 12:45:58 UTC
Rats wrote:
Easy way to deal with ninja looters that's fun as well.

When one comes into your mission, target your own cans and just as he get to one pop it. then rinse and repeat just as he gets to the next to a can pop it again, that way if you don't get the loot /salvage then no one will.

Also fun to see how many cans your victim will fly too before he gets bored/angry Lol (my record is 5 cans) then leaves or starts to target you in the hope that you will shoot him or if your lucky does shoot you then fun really starts : )

^Confirmed for best method. 100% Safe trolling method, and you still get money from everything else while they don't :)
Did they take a mission critical item? Either (1) check the contracts cause they sell em for like...100,000 or (2) close the mission and tell them nope, I'll go do another mission :) sod off. Don't let them interfere at ALL, even ignore them completely if you want. Pretend to be a bot and just move to another mission or system. They can't stop you from playing YOUR way.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-09-14 13:28:21 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Who are “they” in this sentence? If people choose not to do something about the theft they're being subjected to, then no, that is not a problem.

"Ninja", "thief", "nullbear" whatever you want to call him...
#185 - 2012-09-14 13:31:49 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Who are “they” in this sentence? If people choose not to do something about the theft they're being subjected to, then no, that is not a problem.

"Ninja", "thief", "nullbear" whatever you want to call him...

What Iwin button do they have?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#186 - 2012-09-14 13:33:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Who are “they” in this sentence? If people choose not to do something about the theft they're being subjected to, then no, that is not a problem.
"Ninja", "thief", "nullbear" whatever you want to call him...
…so that makes that part of your statement incorrect as well.

They're doing it to get into fights (and there are no I-win buttons there), so the supposed problem doesn't exist: if it happens, you can do something about it, so no problem there. If it doesn't happen then… well, then it doesn't happen, so no problem there either. The only one with any kind of I-win button is the mission-runner, who can deny them what they want literally at the push of a button. Hell, they can do it without pushing anything, but there is a button (or four) for it as well just for the sake of redundancy.
#187 - 2012-09-14 13:40:36 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Verone wrote:
If you don't like someone taking your stuff, be prepared to do something about it.

Problem is that they are so risk-averse that if there's more than one character from same corp they don't do it because it's possible that they just can't press that iWin button.

I do it all the time, ppl are far more likely to agress if they think they have help, and its way more fun isolating one dude to kill out of 4 or 5 that can kill you than just ganking one random dude.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#188 - 2012-09-14 13:41:43 UTC
Doddy wrote:
What Iwin button do they have?

Ever tried to shoot a frigate with BS sized guns?

If mission runner is alone in the system (+ no corpmates in nearby systems) it's much easier for thief.

If it's even remotely possible that mission runner isn't as clueless as thief first thought and actually is working as a bait. This means corpmates in same system or nearby systems ready to warp in when ninja takes the bait.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#189 - 2012-09-14 13:46:08 UTC
Tippia wrote:
They're doing it to get into fights (and there are no I-win buttons there)

Umm... Last time ninja warp in to mission pocket I was in it was earlier this year. If I remember correctly it was a Rifter. Do you know what this Rifter pilot did when my alt jumped in to same system? He warped away...
All Web Investigations
#190 - 2012-09-14 13:53:54 UTC
Will carebears ever stop crying? Why do they play this game if it upsets them so much?
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#191 - 2012-09-14 13:54:52 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Will carebears ever stop crying? Why do they play this game if it upsets them so much?

Was it you who got scared by my alt's freighter?
#192 - 2012-09-14 13:56:20 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Doddy wrote:
What Iwin button do they have?

Ever tried to shoot a frigate with BS sized guns?

I don't bother because my light drones kill them in about 20 seconds.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2012-09-14 13:58:22 UTC
Not an exploit. Sandbox.


Bounties for all!

Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#194 - 2012-09-14 13:59:04 UTC
Doddy wrote:
I don't bother because my light drones kill them in about 20 seconds.

Even Vengeance? Quite epic drone skills you have there...
#195 - 2012-09-14 14:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Doddy
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Doddy wrote:
I don't bother because my light drones kill them in about 20 seconds.

Even Vengeance? Quite epic drone skills you have there...

People ninja salvage in vengeances? They aren't going to get many fights are they .....

Anyway you miss the point, a frig cannot kill your mission ship, so who cares if you can't kill it either? Assuming the thief actually wants a fight he wants to be in something that can kill you see he will either warp off to get another ship or let you kill his frig (bit dumb to use a vengeance for this) then come back in something else.

If you are engaging in your mission ship you are doing something wrong from the start anyway.
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#196 - 2012-09-14 14:10:55 UTC
Doddy wrote:
Anyway you miss the point, a frig cannot kill your mission ship, so who cares if you can't kill it either? Assuming the thief actually wants a fight he wants to be in something that can kill you see he will either warp off to get another ship or let you kill his frig (bit dumb to use a vengeance for this) then come back in something else.

Somebody has obviously never heard of:
- Orca
- safe spot
- aligning
#197 - 2012-09-14 14:55:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Doddy
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Anyway you miss the point, a frig cannot kill your mission ship, so who cares if you can't kill it either? Assuming the thief actually wants a fight he wants to be in something that can kill you see he will either warp off to get another ship or let you kill his frig (bit dumb to use a vengeance for this) then come back in something else.

Somebody has obviously never heard of:
- Orca
- safe spot
- aligning

Well you have clearly not heard of them either or you would know that if you are aligned you can just warp off when mr bad man swaps ships in the orca.

Not that you even need to worry about orcas in most missions ...
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#198 - 2012-09-14 15:00:33 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Anyway you miss the point, a frig cannot kill your mission ship, so who cares if you can't kill it either? Assuming the thief actually wants a fight he wants to be in something that can kill you see he will either warp off to get another ship or let you kill his frig (bit dumb to use a vengeance for this) then come back in something else.

Somebody has obviously never heard of:
- Orca
- safe spot
- aligning

All 3 of those involve warping off.

Unless you want to bring an orca into a mission.
Ginger Barbarella
#199 - 2012-09-14 15:09:35 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Verone wrote:
If you don't like someone taking your stuff, be prepared to do something about it.

Problem is that they are so risk-averse that if there's more than one character from same corp they don't do it because it's possible that they just can't press that iWin button.

It really is cute how all the masterful super-pew dudes assume that people don't "do something about it" because they're afraid. Quite simply, I don't care. Period. You want it? Rock on. Belly-button lint it more appealing than someone dropping into a mission to try griefing. It has zero effect on my day.

But you guys just don't get it. :) I think that's cute.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#200 - 2012-09-14 15:17:12 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
OP, did you know that in 0.0 the ONLY way for you to make money to survive is to kill rats while there are no bad people in local ...

and that there are some bad people who will then decide to jump in those systems and stay there .. like ... forever? And cloaked, so that nobody can kill them?! Now people can't make money!!

So really ... there are far worse exploits to deal with!!
