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The Black Ops Gang's Missing Link

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#1 - 2011-10-15 13:59:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrrashae
In a nutshell, a new ship-type:

Heavy Stealth-Bomber.

A Tech II variant of the tier two battle-cruiser chassis, give it the ability to mount 5-6 capital torpedo launchers, with the same explosion-velocity and range boni as frigate SBs get to their torps, along with cov-ops cloak capability, T II resists and EHP, and the ability to mount an infini-point, but scripted only--to tackle my favourite ship-type--and of course, covert jump-bridge transitting-capability.

They would retain at least a 25m^3 drone-bay, and have a free high-slot to mount a neut, to help deal with little nasties.

Maybe covert-cyno capability as well?

I would think this could use some pretty heavy skill requirements:

CovOps 5, all the pre-reqs for the infini-point, Battlecruisers 5, the capital torp. skills, Cyno Field Theory 5 if covert-cyno capable, and really good missile- and general-support-skills go without saying...It would give higher-skilled pilots who really love the idea/concept of BLOPs something new to train for, newer pilots something to be inspired by as a medium/long-term end goal, and the BLOPs-based gang more targets, ideally without needing a huge fleet of paper aeroplanes.

(And yes, I think the Drake would look awesome in black/red trim, with oversize missile-pods and enginesTwisted)

Discuss, please.


The Schnoo
#2 - 2011-10-15 15:46:49 UTC
Mostly yes, however do they need the cloaking ability? They are "Heavy Bombers", not "Stealth Bombers". It'd be great if they had the regular bombs in additional to capital torps, to justify being called bombers in the first place.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#3 - 2011-10-16 02:29:38 UTC
Schnoo wrote:
Mostly yes, however do they need the cloaking ability? They are "Heavy Bombers", not "Stealth Bombers". It'd be great if they had the regular bombs in additional to capital torps, to justify being called bombers in the first place.

I think they should have the cloaking ability, to get through gate-camps, and to remain in line with the role of the other clandestine-ops ships (Frigate SBs, Force Recons, etc.).

The regular bomb-launcher, yeah...Maybe mount more than 1? Otherwise keep those unchanged.

On the other hand, though...:

The "heavy bomb" is a concept that's been bruit'ed about as well...IIRC, the main damage of bombs is affected by the target's signature radius...Maybe give heavy bombs a minimum signature resolution to keep them from insta-popping anything of smaller sig-radius than say...A MWD'ing cruiser, or even battle-cruiser--that should keep it from being OP.


Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-10-16 03:58:02 UTC
BC's are far from fragile ships. Gut the tank ability to sub-cruiser levels while letting them fit something like that - perhaps but I doubt it.

Nobody would be afraid of a stealthbomber packing rockets or missiles but a BC packing 5-6 medium class launchers? Drop clock -> pop... insta-death to frigates and even many cruisers. Even unbonused, missiles are nasty and 5-6? That's a lot of firepower.

And no way in hell on a covert cloak. I believe CCP is trying to get rid of "I win" style ships and this idea puts that firmly on the plate.

Not a good idea at all.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-10-16 04:26:55 UTC  |  Edited by: muhadin
Mocam wrote:
Nobody would be afraid of a stealthbomber packing rockets or missiles but a BC packing 5-6 medium class launchers? Drop clock -> pop... insta-death to frigates and even many cruisers. Even unbonused, missiles are nasty and 5-6? That's a lot of firepower.

Did you even read it ?

Not a bad idea in general, but much less tank to no tank, and add a Heavy Bomb Launcher The bomb hits sub caps for very low damage, but carriers and up get hit for a significant ammount, on a level of.. 10 heavy bombers could do maybe 10% total hp dmg on a carrier or dread. With maybe a high cycle time on it, or room in cargo for a max of two.

Would be nasty to imagine a blops fleet 20 heavy bombers decloaking and face raping 10 dreads with little to no support fleet. Obviously if there is a support fleet, the heavy bombers would die, very fast. No drone bay on heavy bombers, at all.

Just as an example, a drake on eft with 7 citadel torps does 722 dps, obviously you cant fit them on a drake, but it gives you an idea on what the dps of heavy bombers would be like, and i would suggest citadel torps ONLY. Sniping caps at 200km seems dumb.

A kinda of anti-capital blob sub cap, were noone would dare fielding caps without a significant support fleet, which is what ccp is aiming for right now.

"Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love"

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#6 - 2011-10-16 04:32:56 UTC
muhadin wrote:
Mocam wrote:
Nobody would be afraid of a stealthbomber packing rockets or missiles but a BC packing 5-6 medium class launchers? Drop clock -> pop... insta-death to frigates and even many cruisers. Even unbonused, missiles are nasty and 5-6? That's a lot of firepower.

Did you even read it ?

Not a bad idea in general, but much less tank to no tank, and add a Heavy Bomb Launcher The bomb hits sub caps for very low damage, but carriers and up get hit for a significant ammount, on a level of.. 10 heavy bombers could do maybe 10% total hp dmg on a carrier or dread.

A kinda of anti-capital blob sub cap, were noone would dare fielding caps without a significant support fleet, which is what ccp is aiming for right now.

I could see reducing the tank to balance its' covert-capability--if it had a greatly-reduced signature radius, and/or inertia modifier, and at least the same tanking as its' tech I progenitor:

Remember, this thing is intended to fight capital/super-capital class vessels--fighters and/or fighter bombers would tear it to shreds otherwise, so it needs at least some tank.


Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#7 - 2011-10-16 04:48:27 UTC
Mocam wrote:
BC's are far from fragile ships. Gut the tank ability to sub-cruiser levels while letting them fit something like that - perhaps but I doubt it.

Nobody would be afraid of a stealthbomber packing rockets or missiles but a BC packing 5-6 medium class launchers? Drop clock -> pop... insta-death to frigates and even many cruisers. Even unbonused, missiles are nasty and 5-6? That's a lot of firepower.

And no way in hell on a covert cloak. I believe CCP is trying to get rid of "I win" style ships and this idea puts that firmly on the plate.

Not a good idea at all.

Since when are any CovOps ships "IWIN" buttomns? They never were, and never will be, even the tanky force Recons that can effectively solo, or the cloaky T3s.

Remember, this thing's fighting capital/super-capital class ships, and is at least BC-sized, so fighter bombers are especially a threat once you light off the MWD, and a flight of fighters would be arguably just as, if not more, dangerous to it, as they could catch it more easily.

Oh, and you really need to learn how missiles work:

Missile damage is determined by the target's velocity vs. your missiles' explosion velocity, and the target's signature radius vs. your missiles' explosion radius (of the two, target v vs. explosion v is the larger of the two, but signature radius is still significant. Note that this is the target's absolute velocity magnitude, irrespective of direction or of his velocity relative to you.).

With maximised skills and no implants (Guristas issue torps--not cheap, I imagine?), the citadel torps have an explosion radius of 2000m, and an explosion velocity of 12m/s (all numbers from EFT). Assuming the same per-level bonus to torpedo explosion velocity that frigate sized SBs get, at max skill that would add 50% more, or now 18m/s...

The only way this would hurt a sub-capital class ship is if a MWD'ing shield-tank BC or BS is multiple-webbed down to a crawl with its' MWD cycling.

Most things smaller, faster, and/or non-MWD equipped would simply shrug this off and outrun the explosion by several orders of magnitude, even with a few target painters on it.


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-10-16 05:33:50 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
I could see reducing the tank to balance its' covert-capability--if it had a greatly-reduced signature radius, and/or inertia modifier, and at least the same tanking as its' tech I progenitor:

Remember, this thing is intended to fight capital/super-capital class vessels--fighters and/or fighter bombers would tear it to shreds otherwise, so it needs at least some tank.

Well it has to be a glass cannon type ship, otherwise it would be way to overpowered. Alot of balancing would need to take place ofc.

Actually, if they change fighters and supers they way they are planning atm, then fighters will barely beable to scratch a bc sized sig thats moving.

"Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love"

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#9 - 2011-10-16 06:01:12 UTC
muhadin wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:
I could see reducing the tank to balance its' covert-capability--if it had a greatly-reduced signature radius, and/or inertia modifier, and at least the same tanking as its' tech I progenitor:

Remember, this thing is intended to fight capital/super-capital class vessels--fighters and/or fighter bombers would tear it to shreds otherwise, so it needs at least some tank.

Well it has to be a glass cannon type ship, otherwise it would be way to overpowered. Alot of balancing would need to take place ofc.

Actually, if they change fighters and supers they way they are planning atm, then fighters will barely beable to scratch a bc sized sig thats moving.

The fighter signature-resolution is now not being nerfed, according to further dev-posts in that threadnought (Post #931, page 41).

This is a very good thing, btw, as carriers would have lost a significant portion of their incredible versatility and combat-functionality, especially vis-a-vis smaller corporations, smaller gangs, and well-off solo players, otherwise.


Svenjabi Xiang
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#10 - 2011-10-16 06:09:43 UTC
While I think that the notion of a BC/CS sized hull in the covert line is interesting, what I'd far rather see is a "stealth" equivalent to the command ship giving bonuses of use to cloaking tactics,

Some potential options:
cyno time reduction for BO and conventional cynos
lock time reductions for force recons and heavier hulls (bombers already do not face this problem)
Missile speed increase
Alignment time reductions (giving the devs an opportunity to give a meaningful bonus on the Sin)
Bridging mass fuel reductions

Things of that nature.

As for the skill requirements, I'd rather see them follow the pattern that currently exists, i.e. Battlecruiser 5 and a rank 8 skill specific to it's own class. What you are describing (the capital class weapon spamming covert ship) I would rather see on a new class of ship at the cruiser size, given the new radius listed for fighters.
Tamara Longrifle
Les Mineurs Galactiques
#11 - 2011-10-16 06:38:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamara Longrifle
well there is a few problem i see with this first is with this new BC. for one only cald titan can carry this much citadel laucnher ... even the dread only carry half that and they big @$$ ship too boot so here what i would see that would make more realalistic.

It would be either this a Bc that can use Compact citadel torp and those would have a fit like this

Hi = 4-5 (2-3x compact Citadel Torpedo Launcher + 1x Heavy bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

if the compact version is out then it would go for normal Siege launcher and the fit would be as follow:

Hi = 6 ( 4x siege Launcher + 1x Heavy bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

or go for siege with 2x bomb launchers

Hi = 7 ( 4x siege Launcher + 2x bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

and yes for the cover cyno like all the other cover ops ship

as for skill goes it would look like this:

10% bonus to torpedo explosion velocity and flight time per level
20% bonus to torpedo missile velocity per level

Covert Ops Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to bomb (Race) damage per level
15% bonus to torpedo (Race) damage per level

Role Bonus:
-99.65% reduction in Siege Missile Launcher powergrid needs
-99.5% reduction in Cloak CPU Use
-100% targeting delay after decloaking

Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators and bomb launchers (or heavy bomb laucher)
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#12 - 2011-10-16 06:55:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Lyrrashae
Tamara Longrifle wrote:
well there is a few problem i see with this first is with this new BC. for one only cald titan can carry this much citadel laucnher ... even the dread only carry half that and they big @$$ ship too boot so here what i would see that would make more realalistic.

It would be either this a Bc that can use Compact citadel torp and those would have a fit like this

Hi = 4-5 (2-3x compact Citadel Torpedo Launcher + 1x Heavy bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

if the compact version is out then it would go for normal Siege launcher and the fit would be as follow:

Hi = 6 ( 4x siege Launcher + 1x Heavy bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

or go for siege with 2x bomb launchers

Hi = 7 ( 4x siege Launcher + 2x bomb launcher + 1x cover ops cloak )
Med = Amarr/Gallent= 4 Caldari/Minmatar= 6
Low = Amarr/Gallent= 6 Caldari/Minmatar= 4

and yes for the cover cyno like all the other cover ops ship

as for skill goes it would look like this:

10% bonus to torpedo explosion velocity and flight time per level
20% bonus to torpedo missile velocity per level

Covert Ops Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to bomb (Race) damage per level
15% bonus to torpedo (Race) damage per level

Role Bonus:
-99.65% reduction in Siege Missile Launcher powergrid needs
-99.5% reduction in Cloak CPU Use
-100% targeting delay after decloaking

Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators and bomb launchers (or heavy bomb laucher)

Maybe 3-4 launchers, then--my number was pretty much arbitrary, except for the fact that more local DPS = smaller numbers needed to apply the same theoretical total DPS to target--this is a good thing, IMHO.

Also, don't forget the infini-point in one of the highs, unless CCP changes the mechanic, and makes super-capitals tackle-able by standard points/scrams (maybe give them a big warp-core strength bonus, like +6 or something?), or allows HICTORs to transit the covert jump-bridge. So, at least 6 highs, just like their T I progenitors, 1 of those for the infini-point.

I like the former better, as it, again, will mean you need less people in gang (I envision 15-20 men, maximum--I despise encountering blobs, and I despised being in them, when I was in zerosec.).

Skills--a three-branch tree:

Battlecruiser skill bonus--as T I hull
Covert Ops skill bonus--as you stated
Heavy Bomber skill bonus--the torp. boni you outlined

Heavy Bomber skill prerequisites--BC 5, CovOps 5, rank 8 at least--or maybe even rank 9.

To actually fly the ship would require the skills for the infini-point, and either capital torp. launcher skill at 1, or a new skill for your new "Compact Citadel Torp. launcher at 1 (I really like this idea, btw. IIRC, when fighter-bombers were introduced, they said it had "miniature citadel torpedo launchers." Those have been proven to work quite well, no? Hence the upcoming SC nerf.)."

Role Boni, also as you stated, plus the ability to fit a Mobile Warp Disruption generator (scripted/targeted only, the "bubble" functionality would not be available to this ship-type).

EDIT: Bekuz I kin taip guud!


Tamara Longrifle
Les Mineurs Galactiques
#13 - 2011-10-16 07:43:58 UTC
well the compact citadel torp is what the fighter bomber are using atm (that the real name of those torps)

as for the infini-point i would have to go for a other ship cover ops capable but not the same one since it would be to powerful so by having a other ship like a frig t2 similar to Electronic frigate with the a dual role of captial interdicting and restricted to cover cyno
( to prevent hotdrops cap fleet) or a module that is a amagram of the 2 ( black hole beacon ) this beacon would act like the HIC field with a small radius to prevent a single ship and at the same time act also like a cover ops cyno

Ps the skill tree is the one from Stealth bombers
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#14 - 2011-10-16 08:09:27 UTC
Tamara Longrifle wrote:
well the compact citadel torp is what the fighter bomber are using atm (that the real name of those torps)

as for the infini-point i would have to go for a other ship cover ops capable but not the same one since it would be to powerful so by having a other ship like a frig t2 similar to Electronic frigate with the a dual role of captial interdicting and restricted to cover cyno
( to prevent hotdrops cap fleet) or a module that is a amagram of the 2 ( black hole beacon ) this beacon would act like the HIC field with a small radius to prevent a single ship and at the same time act also like a cover ops cyno

Ps the skill tree is the one from Stealth bombers

Yeah, I know...Maybe have Recons to 5 in there as well?

CCP has made noises recently about introducing new modules and possibly new ships, sooooo...who knows? I'm waiting for Xmas (expansion), myself. And for the first time in a long time, looking forward to the next expansion Blink

I'm thinking the module you outlined above would be a great basis for the 5th T3 subsystem? Diversify the gang a bit more, that's always good.


Gallente Federation
#15 - 2011-10-16 08:24:10 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Mocam wrote:
BC's are far from fragile ships. Gut the tank ability to sub-cruiser levels while letting them fit something like that - perhaps but I doubt it.

Nobody would be afraid of a stealthbomber packing rockets or missiles but a BC packing 5-6 medium class launchers? Drop clock -> pop... insta-death to frigates and even many cruisers. Even unbonused, missiles are nasty and 5-6? That's a lot of firepower.

And no way in hell on a covert cloak. I believe CCP is trying to get rid of "I win" style ships and this idea puts that firmly on the plate.

Not a good idea at all.

Since when are any CovOps ships "IWIN" buttomns? They never were, and never will be, even the tanky force Recons that can effectively solo, or the cloaky T3s.

Remember, this thing's fighting capital/super-capital class ships, and is at least BC-sized, so fighter bombers are especially a threat once you light off the MWD, and a flight of fighters would be arguably just as, if not more, dangerous to it, as they could catch it more easily.

Oh, and you really need to learn how missiles work:

Missile damage is determined by the target's velocity vs. your missiles' explosion velocity, and the target's signature radius vs. your missiles' explosion radius (of the two, target v vs. explosion v is the larger of the two, but signature radius is still significant. Note that this is the target's absolute velocity magnitude, irrespective of direction or of his velocity relative to you.).

With maximised skills and no implants (Guristas issue torps--not cheap, I imagine?), the citadel torps have an explosion radius of 2000m, and an explosion velocity of 12m/s (all numbers from EFT). Assuming the same per-level bonus to torpedo explosion velocity that frigate sized SBs get, at max skill that would add 50% more, or now 18m/s...

The only way this would hurt a sub-capital class ship is if a MWD'ing shield-tank BC or BS is multiple-webbed down to a crawl with its' MWD cycling.

Most things smaller, faster, and/or non-MWD equipped would simply shrug this off and outrun the explosion by several orders of magnitude, even with a few target painters on it.

First - it's an upgrade to the stealthbomber - that's a very fragile ship.

Second - you aren't talking about an upgrade to EW style ships but an upgrade to a damage dealing ship - not even a DPS class damage dealer but an alpha-strike style ship.

A bomber can easily fit 3 rocket launchers or 3 missile launchers. A BC hull would easily replace those 5-6 capital launchers with medium class HAM's or HML's - that's a good deal of firepower from a stealthy ship which isn't matched in the cruiser EW cloaky versions and those ships are CRUISER class hulls.

2 classes of ships in the game have the ability to drop cloak and instantly start to lock: Black Ops and Stealthbombers. Whereas it's not stated that this ability would be granted it is implied by the "upgrade" comments.

As such, you end up with a hurricane class hull, able to fit 5-6 HAM's, coming close to a smaller ship: Drop cloak, lock & pop. I HAVE such a hurricane fit with 36k EHP, 2 sebo's and it'll lock a frigate in under 2 seconds to nail ships trying to slip through a gate camp.

With the ability to lock such ships, using medium class launchers that hit frigates 'decent', cruisers 'well' and anything larger for full effect - you just fielded the ultimate cloaked DPS team "bring more" to offset lost damage and small ships roaming will never see it until it pops them.

As stated "smaller class" being any frigates or cruisers.

Lastly capital ships don't hit smaller ships well. they don't lock them well at all either - so suggestions that this class ship needs more tank to drop cloak, drop a payload and warp out seems off. The capital wouldn't be able to lock you before you fired and warped so there is no real argument that it needs more tank, any more so than a stealthbomber needing more tank to punch at a dominix - drone boat.

Overall - not a good idea. It has too much room to put in that "I win" I'm talking about for lulz hunting of others, which no other ship in the game could match - not by fitting as you outline with citidals but by fitting missile slots with smaller launchers.

If there were a way to prevent this miss-matched fitting, then perhaps a discussion but not this generic.
Anshio Tamark
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2011-10-16 09:49:18 UTC
Actually, I like the idea of a Heavy Bomber. However, some things I think should be changed from the OP's concept:

1: All of them should have 5-6 Capital Torpedo Launchers. Aside from that, having 1 or 2 Bomb Launchers would justify their name "Heavy Bomber".

2: Have them based on the BC that doesn't have a T2 variant yet. A T2 Drake would look f*cking awesome!

3: Don't give them Covert Cloak-ability. I honestly think a ship with Capital Launchers and Bombs would be overpowered if they can also hide when there's nothing nearby. That, or give them a penalty, such as 150% penalty to distance to other objects for the cloak to work (so the minimum range would become 5000m, rather than 2000m).

4: Remove their Warfare Link. They are Heavy Bombers. Not Battlecruisers. They don't need to be able to give gang-bonuses if they can already nuke whatever.

5: Maybe give them a "Reduction in Explosion Radius" bonus? Otherwise, I have a feeling they're only going to be killing BSs with MWDs or Capitals.

Just my cents.
Samantha Tel'Vellor
Continuum Interstellar Fleet Operations
#17 - 2011-10-16 11:48:44 UTC
In truth, considering the massive damage boosts from battleship to capital weapons, you really don't need very many citadel torps on these things. 2 with a bomb launcher would be just fine, especially if they had some damage and/or explosion radius/velocity bonuses, this, among other things, keeps them lighter than dreadnoughts in the weapons department, which I think is a must for these to work. Plus, if you limit them to a very small number of really powerful weapons, it eliminates the ability for the ship to fit smaller weapons and gank smaller ships.

Personally, I'd rather see them without the cloaking bonuses, as a purely offensive platform for anti-capital/heavy BS weapons. So I definitely agree that they should be focused towards that instead of cloaking, cynos, and/or capital interdiction.

I do agree that a tier 2 Battlecruiser skinned up for a heavy bomber role would look awesome.

+1 on Heavy Bombers
+1 No cloak/cyno/interdiction
+1 Remove warfare links
+1 Battlecruiser equivalent tank (but not assault ship, they don't need THAT much against their intended targets)
+1 Limited high slots and launcher hardpoints
+1 Some velocity/radius mitigation (but don't go overboard, these are still citadel torpedos)
+1 Bomb Launchers, or Heavy Bomb Launchers

Did I miss anything?
Tamara Longrifle
Les Mineurs Galactiques
#18 - 2011-10-16 17:09:58 UTC
well if we remove the cover ops cloak then it would 'n no longer be a heavy stealth bomber
but i still say 2-3 citadel (or compact citadel torp launcher is quite enought. Look at all the stealth bomber they all had 3x siege launcher (siege are BS class Weapon so if we had bc it should be the same in number since he would be carring capital class weapon)
Samantha Tel'Vellor
Continuum Interstellar Fleet Operations
#19 - 2011-10-16 21:12:51 UTC
The gap between battleship and capital class weapons is far greater than the gap between frigate and battleship weapons.

Just on projectile weapons, a battleship equivalent has something around 2 times the dps of frigate turrets (not counting damage loss from lower tracking/sig resolution), whereas capital projectile turrets are 30+ times the damage of battleship turrets.

Therefore I think 2 Citadel Torpedo launchers are quite enough, or perhaps 3-4 of these 'compact' launchers that have been mentioned.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#20 - 2011-10-17 00:49:32 UTC
Anshio Tamark wrote:
Actually, I like the idea of a Heavy Bomber. However, some things I think should be changed from the OP's concept:

1: All of them should have 5-6 Capital Torpedo Launchers. Aside from that, having 1 or 2 Bomb Launchers would justify their name "Heavy Bomber".

2: Have them based on the BC that doesn't have a T2 variant yet. A T2 Drake would look f*cking awesome!

3: Don't give them Covert Cloak-ability. I honestly think a ship with Capital Launchers and Bombs would be overpowered if they can also hide when there's nothing nearby. That, or give them a penalty, such as 150% penalty to distance to other objects for the cloak to work (so the minimum range would become 5000m, rather than 2000m).

4: Remove their Warfare Link. They are Heavy Bombers. Not Battlecruisers. They don't need to be able to give gang-bonuses if they can already nuke whatever.

5: Maybe give them a "Reduction in Explosion Radius" bonus? Otherwise, I have a feeling they're only going to be killing BSs with MWDs or Capitals.

Just my cents.

1) 3-6 launchers seems the best range, it would have to be tested extensively to see what the "best" number would be, with respect to balance.

2) My sentiments exactly. Don't forget oversize engines and black/red trim skin!

3) Disagree: Assuming that on some ops, they could/would travel conventionally (through gates, as SB/Recons often do due to the BLOPs' range-limitations), they would need the help to slip gate-camps.

4) Agree: This would be optimised as a purely offensive platform, and there are already other ships that are explicitly set up to do command-linking much better, regardless.

5) Disagree: In my experiences of missile combat, velocity is more a mitigating factor to missile damage than sig-radius, the MWD'ing BS would still outrun a lot of the explosion, unless it's webbed to a crawl with it's MWD cycling--this is death for any ship in 99.9% of cases, anyway.


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