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EVE-Dust Summerfest 2012, Sep 14 - 16

First post
Quivering Palm
Caldari State
#121 - 2012-09-09 18:54:32 UTC
Split Infinity Radio will be there (hooray last minute booking) with a total of 6 folks :-D

Need one more ticket for the paintball tournament, but I believe that won't be a problem to get one onsite
Iokasti palaiologou
DAMSEL In Duress
#122 - 2012-09-09 19:51:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Iokasti palaiologou
Quivering Palm wrote:
Split Infinity Radio will be there (hooray last minute booking) with a total of 6 folks :-D

Need one more ticket for the paintball tournament, but I believe that won't be a problem to get one onsite

Great to hear. I see you guys are a web radio. Here is a thought-proposal. If you can make it techicaly possible we could stream the presentations live through your radio station for all eve players to listen. And since you are there it will be a good chance for you to do interviews and all from people and get some comments from the Devs. PLUS....

On Friday morning we have arranged for a breakfast with the press with the Devs and you can participate with any of your journalists but i need some heads up.

Please feel free to contact me at the phone i gave on the event FB page.
Iokasti palaiologou
DAMSEL In Duress
#123 - 2012-09-09 19:54:16 UTC
Alvin Kermack wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
9 days until we fly out to Greece! Getting pretty excited about this :)

And still waiting for event program... looks unchanged since its opening.

its posted for some days on fb but here we are....
Argo Navis Ltd.
#124 - 2012-09-11 15:20:43 UTC

I want to inform that entrance fee are : 20E

See you on the beach,

Ihar Enda
Free Trade Syndicate
#125 - 2012-09-13 12:06:16 UTC
See you all tomorrow! \o/
Quivering Palm
Caldari State
#126 - 2012-09-13 21:52:38 UTC
Live Radio coverage of the EVE Dust Summerfest 2012

All details have been finalized and your favourite crazy dynamic duo, Luminus Aardokay and Quivering Palm will be broadcasting live a special edition of the Planet Risk show, directly from within the heart of the EVE Dust Summerfest 2012.

The show will be broadcast live as always through Split Infinity Radio and we will be on-air both on Friday and Saturday from 4pm-8pm EVE Time, coming to you with CCP Dev and Player interviews, frantic music and of course streaming the CCP Presentations (audio only) segments live for those of you who cannot make it.

As always, the show will be recorded and uploaded as a podcast. Keep your eyes peeled to our blog, as we will also be uploading photos (and maybe video) from the event.

If you are coming to the event, be sure to seek us out and get yourself heard on-air.

If you want us to ask specific questions to the CCP Devs, let us know over on our blog ;-)

CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#127 - 2012-09-14 08:13:14 UTC
We arrived yesterday after a long night of traveling. The hotel is really nice and we met EVE players from all over at the hotel bar yesterday. Guys from Montreal, Canda, Swiss and Austria for example. Sat chatting into the night over beers and cocktails. Tonight we do presentations and answer questions. And drink more beers I'm sure :). If you're not here, get here!

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

State War Academy
Caldari State
#128 - 2012-09-14 18:15:29 UTC
Legions Ltd
#129 - 2012-09-15 05:08:49 UTC
How is this going? Are there lots of people?
Jarmen Kaleef
#130 - 2012-09-15 10:41:58 UTC
Pics or it didn't happen...
Argo Navis Ltd.
#131 - 2012-09-16 11:49:37 UTC
Jarmen Kaleef wrote:
Pics or it didn't happen...

Pics and other news from event.
Argo Navis Ltd.
#132 - 2012-09-16 11:56:07 UTC
Frod wrote:

Thank you for your contribution ( live streaming and photos from paintball game ) in this event.
Quivering Palm
Caldari State
#133 - 2012-09-16 18:40:52 UTC
Thank you all for tuning in for the live event and thanks to all the folks who came to talk to us on-site and on the interviews!

We just came back home from an amazing 3-day SummerFest and we will be releasing the full presentations as well as pictures and interviews with the Devs and the players on the Planet Risk Show website within the next few days.

Thanks to CCP Guard and CCP Tallest for the awesome talks and the fun we had! You guys rock!

stay tuned for pics and podcasts :)

Iokasti palaiologou
DAMSEL In Duress
#134 - 2012-09-17 10:16:56 UTC
I just came in and since i slept like 6 hours the last 5 days i will ht the bed right away. Before doing so i promisse that within the week i will post a PDF wih tones of materials from the event. Plus i will try to make the Facebook page open for all to post pics etc after CCP Guard's request.

For all that have not heard i think i might share now to you that as a world exclusive CCP Tallest presented to us a new Caldari Destroyer and a player noted that it appears to have a drone flying out of it. And indeed it had. Maybe it was just artwork offcourse.

We will wait to get confirmation and if we get it we might stream CCP Torfifrans's presentation as well.

Finaly i want to say that all of the people that came there where awesome. We did spend all the time tigether and rarely seperated. If i had a better weekend in my life, i do not remember it now. Anyway.....

Time for some sleep.

CCP thank you so much for the support.

Keep in touch, more info comming soon....

Ville Rat was constantly honored with a tribute on the video wall during the pre-presentation stream of videos.
As whe did sallute with full (to be emptied) glasses of alcohol on every possible occasion. We all wished we would not need too, but.....
Iokasti palaiologou
DAMSEL In Duress
#135 - 2012-09-17 18:41:57 UTC

try to locate the pic of CCP Guard in his condom discuise Shocked

CCP Talest's pics are uploading soon too
Wyrm Alnaden
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#136 - 2012-09-18 11:20:38 UTC
The fest was AWESOME!
Guard and Tallest gave their best and made us all have fun and get EVEN MORE exited about our game Big smile
W.A.S.P corporation (wich all of you who came know what it stands for) had a great time.

I was one of the lucky ones that Guard didnt shoot in the butt P in the paintball tournament.
Weather was crappy, especialy for this time of year. Normaly it should be sunny but... oh well.. islanders came and brought their own weather.

I hope we do this again next year.

Lots of us have photos and some videos about what happened (especialy in the paintball tournament where CCP Guard took it from behind. (the bullet i mean)

Cheers to all who organized it and a BIG thanks to CCP that honored us by sending their representatives.

Iokasti palaiologou
DAMSEL In Duress
#137 - 2012-09-21 12:19:12 UTC
It took me logn enough slackign in the forums and in EVE. I would liek to thank all the people attenting the event and all of the people who worked to see it in completion. I would like to thank also those who worked against us doing their best to see us fail cause it means that we are good enough to even have a few enemies.

Also i need to thank all of the people that could not make it this year but wanted to come.

Anyway. It is over now, it was fun and each and everyone of the people comming was so amazing they left a perma-mark in my memory.

We had fun, played paintbal, done presentations, went snorkeling and went to greek taverns where we united many tables in one big one and had lots of fun. Offcourse we had plenty of drinks with th devs, some under the trees next to the beach some sitting on the floor on pillows we removed from sofas in a semidark lobby with a full blown thunderstorm and other places.

I know it is unright to mention but allmost every second salute with our glasses went to Vile Rat. He was not forgoten and he will never be.

TO those of you who thought that Summerfest was in too short notice to get a ticket or book hotels here is a hint.

August 30-31-1 2013 (unless the mayans are right ofc)

My wife now actualy encourages me to play eve after meeting all the cool guys in person.