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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Eve Online To Dust 514 Modules

Staleward Ad'mraa
#1 - 2012-09-11 10:26:09 UTC
Orbital Strike Modules
When it comes to orbital strikes, there is multiple different types of orbital types depending on the damage, but using the weapons on the hulls designed for space combat is generally a bad idea because they react different in atmosphere entry which generally makes it unpredictable. To fix this problem there would need to be a new breed of weapons that is designed for atmosphere re-entry and a onboard A.I. to compensate for multiple factors to complete a accurate shot. This also depends on the type of weaponry that will be used to bombard the surface of the planet, ranging from kinetic weaponry all the way to energy weaponry. This is where the idea Orbital Strike Modules come in, modules that are designed to take up that last slot on the high slot and deliver a punishing blow to the surface of a planet.

Hybrid Orbital Strike Module

  • Orbital M.A.C.

Projectile Orbital Strike Module

  • 6000mm Orbital Howitzer

Energy Orbital Strike Module

  • Orbital Ion Cannon

Launcher Orbital Strike Module

  • Orbital Ballistic Launcher
  • Orbital Cluster Bomb Launcher
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#2 - 2012-09-11 10:27:56 UTC
Come on, wait until ccp presents there own ideas.
Staleward Ad'mraa
#3 - 2012-09-11 10:29:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Staleward Ad'mraa
Orbital Re-Entry Drones
The idea behind this comes from modern day military tactics that involves massive bombing ordinates from bombers that carpet bomb entire sectors to deny usage for enemy to strafing fighters who lay waste to enemy units. Dust 514 players will choose a target on the ground and request either an bomber or fighter jet to target this unit. The player in Orbit above the planet, Eve Online Player will then either approve or reject the strike on the unit on the ground.

Gallente Drone Types

  • Cyclops Cluster Bomber Drone (Thermal/EM Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Orge Heavy Attack Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Hammerhead Scout Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Garde Sentry Drone
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]

Caldari Drone Types

  • Mantis Cluster Bomber Drone (Thermal/EM Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Wasp Heavy Attack Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Vespa Scout Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Warden Sentry Drone
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]

Amarr Drones Types

  • Malleus Cluster Bomber Drone (Thermal/EM Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Praetor Heavy Attack Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Infiltrator Scout Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Curator Sentry Drone
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]

Minmatar Drone Bomber Types

  • Tyrfing Cluster Bomber Drone (Thermal/EM Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Berserker Heavy Attack Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Valkyrie Scout Drone (Explosive Dmg)
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
  • Bouncer Sentry Drone
  • [Volume: 5000 m3]
Staleward Ad'mraa
#4 - 2012-09-11 10:33:40 UTC
Griffin Omanid wrote:
Come on, wait until ccp presents there own ideas.

No reason I can't give them ideas that might help them develop new features for the Dust 514 and Eve Online.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-09-11 11:08:13 UTC
Staleward Ad'mraa wrote:
No reason I can't give them ideas that might help them develop new features for the Dust 514 and Eve Online.

Yes. You're the hero CCP deserves, but not the one it needs right now.