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High Sec Exploration - ship and fitting

Zinn Irate
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-09-06 18:10:15 UTC
Ciaran O' Faolain wrote:
Exploration is not easy when we start it ;)
For instance, I can use 7 probes. I go in a system, I launch my probes, I find a signal. After a bit of tweaking I find a little red dot, or two red dots, so I recover my probes then launch them again and put them where those red points are and... damn no signal anymore ^^

I guess there is no way to save the result of a scan? As sometimes I see two different signals in a system, I would like to probe for one then probe for the second, but if I remove the probe from one signal to put it on another one, then this signal disappear on next scanning so after I do not remember where it was.

I can let a probe on the 2nd signal sure but this means I'll have one less probe...

For now I have astrometric acquisition to 2, pinpointing to 3, rangefinding to 2, astrometrics to 4, and I use a core probe launcher and core probes... The stuff they gave me for exploration career tutorial.

So now I know for whom I should mission... sister eve ;)
Perhaps I should try the epic arc... it gives sister eve standing, right? What kind of ship I need to finish it? And what kind of skill?

You don't pull in your probes after you get the single or double dots. You don't ever pull in your probes until you're done scanning the system.

You move the probes with that dot at the center, reduce the range of the probes, pull them in so you have lots of overlap, and then scan again. You should get a stronger signal. You repeat this process until you're at 100 percent signal strength. Then you can warp to the signal or BM it from the scan results and warp to it later.
Ciaran O' Faolain
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-09-06 18:14:34 UTC
In fact often I pull my probes out and in again because with those 7 probes on screen I see nothing ;)
btw is there a way to deactivate celestial objects on the solar map? As often when I try to move a probe I have some difficulties when my mouse is too close from a celestial object ;)
Critical Mass Inc
#23 - 2012-09-06 19:27:58 UTC
There is a lot in this thread, but i want to point out a few things.

1. If you do decide to fit a cloak on a ship, once you activate the site (like try to hack a can) if you cloak up the site will despawn. This was a mechanic change to the game because people were camping the sites that way.

2. If you use something larger than a cruiser in high-sec, some of the combat sites won't let you in.

3. When scanning I put all my probes in a pattern (square, diamond, or cube usually) and then hold SHIFT down to move them all at once and ALT to reposition them all from a central point.On the 'list' of probes I make sure they are all highlighted so I can change the scan ranges easily.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Hazen Koraka
HK Enterprises
#24 - 2012-09-07 23:49:53 UTC
Ciaran O' Faolain wrote:
Do I need to kite the rats in high sec? I cannot just tank them? ;)

Well if you are doing radar or magsites, you cannot access the boxes until you kill the rats, so you need to kill them, and if you are in an imicus or the like, you wanna be kiting at range or you could get whacked :P

Exploration is Random. Random is Random... or is it?!

Sgt Cipher
Rockbiter's Brewpub
#25 - 2012-09-08 18:27:07 UTC
My favorite high sec exploration ship right now is the executioner. It has the utility high slot for a probe launcher and enough dos and tank for radars, mags, 2/10s, hideouts, and lookouts. I don't usually do mags, but you can keep a salvager and analyzer in cargo for refitting if you decide to do them. I use it all over Amarr space and its speed is a great benefit for finishing sites quickly.

i fit 3 lasers, probe launcher, ab, code breaker, cap recharger, small repper, eanm, and cap power relay. I usually change out the cpr for a heat sink when doing the easy sites, but the extra cap to perma-run the repper is useful for lookouts and 2/10s.

Depending on skills and location, the slashed, condor, or atron would do the same thing.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-09-08 21:08:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Praxis Ginimic
I never even thought of running explo in an atron! After reading this I immediately eft'd one up with a mwd...I'll see you at the finish line suckers

Edit: I know, I know, I'm a with it
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-09-09 00:00:03 UTC

theres other info on evewiki too, happy searching
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2012-09-10 20:16:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Casirio
When I ran high sec exploration I trained into a Gila and used it as my all in one. Fitted it with probe launcher, salavager, missiles. Had an analyzer and codebreaker in my cargo at all times and would switch out at stations when needed. Gila or Ishtar is nice because you can have a full set of each drone (med/light/heavy or sentries.) I could solo any ded complex in highsec pretty quickly and without a bunch of ammo. This was before I had an alt, now I would probably have my alt scan with a bonused ship and use an AF or something. But the Gila worked great for me and I took it all over the map and got 100s of millions in drops with it.
Ciaran O' Faolain
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-09-15 09:45:50 UTC
Lol I found a few magnetometrics, and... a lot of wormholes for now in my high sec exploration... Nothing of great value ;)
Kate Stenton
Foundation Enterprises
#30 - 2012-09-15 10:05:20 UTC
Hey, hopefully you have a few days of practice under your belt now and are scanning things down faster.

I started exploring right away, too and I'm still new enough to remember how hard it can be when you are first starting.

I wanted to mention using Shift and Alt when moving your probes around. Somebody told me about it early on and it has saved a lot of time.

Holding down Shift when dragging a probe bubble will increase or decrease all the probes range together.
Holding down Shift when dragging a probe arrow will move all the probes at the same time.
Holding down Alt when dragging a probe arrow will cause all the probes to expand or contract around a central point.

So if you spend a little extra time in the beginning arranging your probes, you should never have to move just 1 of them when re-positioning them later.

Another thing. If you press F12 in-game you can type in the name of a site as it appears in your scan results and find out if there are pirate NPC's at the site, or find out if you need an analyzer or salvager etc.

The 2 skills that will help you the most now are Astrometric Rangefinding and Astrometric Pinpointing.

You can also create a filter in your scan results for just signatures. This can help clean out all the anomalies that would otherwise show up, too. Make sure you include "Unknown" when you make the filter, in addition to the other signatures.

When you have some ISK, Sisters Core Scanner Probes are a very good investment. You only need 5 or so and you can reuse them.

GL, you will find some valuable sites if you keep at it!
Ciaran O' Faolain
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-09-15 10:48:01 UTC
In fact I have not a lot of practice but I manage to scan down the systems. But in most systems I find only WH or combat sites ;)
I'll take the sister ones but I need to mission for them to get the LP first...

I have most explo skills to 3 or 4 now...
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-09-15 16:07:27 UTC
You don't need to mission for those. You can find them on contract. It may be expensive but you could get lucky and find a cheap set in a system with sisters' L4's
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-09-15 16:30:04 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
You don't need to mission for those. You can find them on contract. It may be expensive but you could get lucky and find a cheap set in a system with sisters' L4's

Or the normal market now a days.

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