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DUST/EVE collaboration

Bubba Von-Fox
Acquiro Inc.
#1 - 2012-09-09 23:14:22 UTC
As I watched the devs new video post of eve/dust collaboration through live test gameplay. I thought to myself, what could make this better? Well, what about ship take overs using DUST Mercs? You hire DUST players whom are Mercs, or your corp. or alliance already have DUST players already on hand. While commencing an incursion, fleet fight, or just reagular pvp, you and those nice little Mercs you have on board your ship await the perfect time to strike. And that time is nearing, as you await the targeted ships shields to wither away to nothing, and begin striking into the armor, you begin closing in on your target. You tackle ship and ensure there is no way out. As you approach, you click on the targeted ship, click on "Attach to ship", click on your crew manifest, and click "Force Board", allowing your Mercs to enter targeted ship, and either force capsuleer pilot to eject, or just kill pilot and take over said ship. Thus allowing for pirating, and hostile take overs.

This is what was imagined in my head, and I believe this would be a great add on, and work very well.

This is just a suggestion, and I would enjoy hearing any suggestions any of you may have or if this is even possible. I suppose as a dev and being an omnipitant EVE god Anything can happen.

"If your not learning, your DEAD!"

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-09-10 07:09:39 UTC
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#3 - 2012-09-10 12:48:09 UTC
Because you canĀ“t really balance it, and would increase privatee by stealing ships, I would also say no.

But maybe it would be possible that EVE-players can transport the hired mercs to a planet. This way they will safe money for transport, but theire is the possibility that the transporter got intercepted, before arriving and the mission is lost.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-09-10 13:28:19 UTC
You want players to sit waiting in your ship waiting to be inserted onto an enemy ship, which you have to do in Eve, during a fleet battle?

Have you ever been in a fleet in bridge range of a titan waiting to be hotdropped into a hostile system? Well your console players are going to be sitting waiting on that titan too, then, they're going to be sitting waiting again in the ship itself hoping you don't get primaried in the middle this fight. Then we have to get our fleet to shoot through the target's shields, but not their armor, so that you can fly up to it and get your console players to board the ship. Then once they do get onto the ship they do what? Kill bots? Also hope that the ship doesn't self destruct or get shot the rest of by their own fleet.

Contrary to what CCP would have you believe, Eve isn't real, it's a game, it's supposed to be somewhat enjoyable, especially for ADD Console players

This is a bad idea proposed by someone who has probably no experience of combat in Eve.