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Lowsec Mining - A Failed Experiment

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#21 - 2012-09-05 00:05:07 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:

Believe me, I've thought about this stuff. A lot. There's no way to crunch the numbers on lowsec mining unless you can bring a whole fleet with you, armed to the teeth.

Heh, that's funny. No, you don't need a whole fleet you just need to have BMF painted on the side of your retriever. It's not as profitable as sitting there for hours on end in high sec going brain dead BUT is it ok if I add in the price of 4 arbi heavy launchers some mission runner dropped in between filling my ore hold? If I can count that I'm pretty sure I make more after a numbers crunch.

Low sec mining is profitable with the new barges but not if ya just want to go in and whine that people won't leave you alone. That's not how it works you'll have to make them not want to bother ya....and grav site? Yeah, you won't see my probes those last for days and get corp marked as soon as they spawn.
Din Chao
#22 - 2012-09-05 11:47:54 UTC
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Low sec mining is profitable with the new barges but not if ya just want to go in and whine that people won't leave you alone.

No, it isn't. Lowsec ores are virtually worthless. You're better off mining Veldspar in highsec.
#23 - 2012-09-05 13:47:02 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Erm you think a system only 2j from high is a good choice?

Lo sec is more dangerous the closer to a hi sec entrance you are. What you really want is a dead end system far away from hi sec preferably with a station that refines but has little else going for it (that would attract others).

Not for mining. That's just a longer logistics chain to get your minerals up to hisec, which means more trips in a transport/hauler, which means a (lot) more opportunities to get ganked. And pirates keep track of who's coming and going, you know -- a miner making regular trips back and forth is bound to attract their attention. The shorter your route from lowsec to high, the better chance you have of getting your minerals to market.

Remember: mining efficiency isn't about how much ore you get into your warehouse. It's about how much you deliver to market.

Why don't you just move it through wormholes like everyone else? The only really dangerous part of lo sec is the hi sec entrance and there are three ways to circumvent that - cloaky haulers, jump freighters and wormholes. Cloaky haulers can't carry enough, jump freighter fuel eats into profits but wormholes are fairly straight forward. I used to use them to haul all my gas from deep hostile 0.0 with no problems, far safer than null or lo sec journeys.

Anyway surely anyone mining in lo sec has a customer in lo sec?
Idris Helion
#24 - 2012-09-05 14:21:01 UTC
Doddy wrote:
Anyway surely anyone mining in lo sec has a customer in lo sec?

That's what I thought. That's why I invested a bunch of money in my little experiment: I figured that all those losec pirates and n'er-do-wells would need a local connect for minerals and manufactured items. I could charge a premium for being nearby, and could offer a competitive price on certain modules (neuts, warp scramblers, and the like).

But as it turns out...not so much. They just go to hisec like everyone else, or use hisec alts and contracts. Meanwhile, all the logistics hassles and lack of security in-system prevent mining and manufacturing from ramping up to any reasonable level.

I thought for awhile about trying it the other way: getting a lowsec path into null, and sell to null customers who don't want to travel all the way to hisec. One day I may try that strategy instead.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#25 - 2012-09-05 14:34:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Idris Helion wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Erm you think a system only 2j from high is a good choice?

Lo sec is more dangerous the closer to a hi sec entrance you are. What you really want is a dead end system far away from hi sec preferably with a station that refines but has little else going for it (that would attract others).

Not for mining. That's just a longer logistics chain to get your minerals up to hisec, which means more trips in a transport/hauler, which means a (lot) more opportunities to get ganked. And pirates keep track of who's coming and going, you know -- a miner making regular trips back and forth is bound to attract their attention. The shorter your route from lowsec to high, the better chance you have of getting your minerals to market.

Remember: mining efficiency isn't about how much ore you get into your warehouse. It's about how much you deliver to market.

Well there is where you messed up in your careful planning. As Doddy said, for this to work you need to be in deep low sec with basically zero traffic. You are correct though that this would not work moving ORE or even minerals with DST or Blockade runners.

Logistics in this scenario is done with a jump freighter. If you are really serious about making really good isk you also need a Roqual in the mining system. This way you can pick a system far away from even a low sec station. Compressing ore to jump out is even more m3 efficient than moving refined minerals even if you can refine them at a low sec station at or close to 100%. Jump freighter logistics is fairly easy once you get used to it. You are always jumping into a low sec system next to high sec anyway, no matter where you are hauling from. 2 gate jumps from high sec or 20 gate jumps makes no difference to a jump freighter. So in this scenario deep low is much safer and works almost as good as null sec.

Also blocks of compressed low ends sell very high in Jita. Just try to buy some at a price below the mineral value at 100% refine.

I would also use the opportunity to set up a reaction POS. Since you are in a fairly dead low sec system with no good moons(as good moons will bring in as much unwanted attention as a station) you can haul in the raw materials and haul out your reacted materials and compressed ore. With the right setup you can make over a billion per month just off the reaction POS and anything you make from mining will be gravy on top of that. Even with the drop in moon minerals such as tech there is huge profit in complex reactions.
Idris Helion
#26 - 2012-09-05 14:51:44 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Well there is where you messed up in your careful planning. As Doddy said, for this to work you need to be in deep low sec with basically zero traffic. You are correct though that this would not work moving ORE or even minerals with DST or Blockade runners.

Logistics in this scenario is done with a jump freighter. If you are really serious about making really good isk you also need a Roqual in the mining system. This way you can pick a system far away from even a low sec station. Compressing ore to jump out is even more m3 efficient than moving refined minerals even if you can refine them at a low sec station at or close to 100%. Jump freighter logistics is fairly easy once you get used to it. You are always jumping into a low sec system next to high sec anyway, no matter where you are hauling from. 2 gate jumps from high sec or 20 gate jumps makes no difference to a jump freighter. So in this scenario deep low is much safer and works almost as good as null sec.

I would also use the opportunity to set up a reaction POS. Since you are in a fairly dead low sec system with no good moons(as good moons will bring in as much unwanted attention as a station) you can haul in the raw materials and haul out your reacted materials and compressed ore. With the right setup you can make over a billion per month just off the reaction POS and anything you make from mining will be gravy on top of that. Even with the drop in moon minerals such as tech there is huge profit in complex reactions.

Also blocks of compressed low ends sell very high in Jita. Just try to buy some at a price below the mineral value at 100% refine.

That's not a bad idea. I thought Rorquals were limited to nullspace only; I didn't know they could operate in low security space. (I should have done my research better! That's what I get for assuming....) A Rorq would also make a refining array less necessary. I'll think about this. Thanks for the info!
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#27 - 2012-09-05 15:43:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Idris Helion wrote:
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Well there is where you messed up in your careful planning. As Doddy said, for this to work you need to be in deep low sec with basically zero traffic. You are correct though that this would not work moving ORE or even minerals with DST or Blockade runners.

Logistics in this scenario is done with a jump freighter. If you are really serious about making really good isk you also need a Roqual in the mining system. This way you can pick a system far away from even a low sec station. Compressing ore to jump out is even more m3 efficient than moving refined minerals even if you can refine them at a low sec station at or close to 100%. Jump freighter logistics is fairly easy once you get used to it. You are always jumping into a low sec system next to high sec anyway, no matter where you are hauling from. 2 gate jumps from high sec or 20 gate jumps makes no difference to a jump freighter. So in this scenario deep low is much safer and works almost as good as null sec.

I would also use the opportunity to set up a reaction POS. Since you are in a fairly dead low sec system with no good moons(as good moons will bring in as much unwanted attention as a station) you can haul in the raw materials and haul out your reacted materials and compressed ore. With the right setup you can make over a billion per month just off the reaction POS and anything you make from mining will be gravy on top of that. Even with the drop in moon minerals such as tech there is huge profit in complex reactions.

Also blocks of compressed low ends sell very high in Jita. Just try to buy some at a price below the mineral value at 100% refine.

That's not a bad idea. I thought Rorquals were limited to nullspace only; I didn't know they could operate in low security space. (I should have done my research better! That's what I get for assuming....) A Rorq would also make a refining array less necessary. I'll think about this. Thanks for the info!

Yes Roquals can run in low sec, but so can dreads and carriers. The only thing keeping them out of high sec is the need for a cyno to jump to. Keep this in mind when setting up POS defenses. (I believe supers can not enter low sec but I may be wrong on that)

Deep low sec can make a great home. But without a jump freighter logistics is an absolute nightmare. Deep low sec is also easier to make friends with the locals as they also are far from the high sec market and would appreciate a local industry that may supply them with some equipment.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#28 - 2012-09-05 17:34:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen160812
Din Chao wrote:
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Low sec mining is profitable with the new barges but not if ya just want to go in and whine that people won't leave you alone.

No, it isn't. Lowsec ores are virtually worthless. You're better off mining Veldspar in highsec.

Ok, let me word it for a miner level of comprehension. After all exploration sites are finished in a low sec system that is good for ganks but not so much for anything else there used to be almost nothing to do because jet canning is really dumb. So now instead of just hanging around with probes out or cruising a few systems looking for more targets I can just hang in a belt and let the drills fill an ore hold. All the high sec ore is there too and my rocks are always huge and juicy no matter what they are. Hell, I got a faction scram last night off a belt rat...can I count that on my mining isk per/hr compared to your high sec veld?


I could charge a premium for being nearby

There's your problem. No, you're not going to come in and rip me off on minerals because I'll just kill your crew and do it myself or like you said buy it in high sec and move it there myself. Discount minerals for your low sec buddies is what will work. Noone needs you choosing what mods and weapons will be needed at a discount.

(to the dude above. Yes supers can enter low sec and no you should not use a rorq unless you know what you're doing with it. I killed one sitting in a belt with a mining geddon a few days after the barge buffs.)
Scope Works
#29 - 2012-09-05 19:01:18 UTC
Vote in CSM 8 to keep your play style your own then.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2012-09-05 19:50:12 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Well there is where you messed up in your careful planning. As Doddy said, for this to work you need to be in deep low sec with basically zero traffic. You are correct though that this would not work moving ORE or even minerals with DST or Blockade runners.

Logistics in this scenario is done with a jump freighter. If you are really serious about making really good isk you also need a Roqual in the mining system. This way you can pick a system far away from even a low sec station. Compressing ore to jump out is even more m3 efficient than moving refined minerals even if you can refine them at a low sec station at or close to 100%. Jump freighter logistics is fairly easy once you get used to it. You are always jumping into a low sec system next to high sec anyway, no matter where you are hauling from. 2 gate jumps from high sec or 20 gate jumps makes no difference to a jump freighter. So in this scenario deep low is much safer and works almost as good as null sec.

I would also use the opportunity to set up a reaction POS. Since you are in a fairly dead low sec system with no good moons(as good moons will bring in as much unwanted attention as a station) you can haul in the raw materials and haul out your reacted materials and compressed ore. With the right setup you can make over a billion per month just off the reaction POS and anything you make from mining will be gravy on top of that. Even with the drop in moon minerals such as tech there is huge profit in complex reactions.

Also blocks of compressed low ends sell very high in Jita. Just try to buy some at a price below the mineral value at 100% refine.

That's not a bad idea. I thought Rorquals were limited to nullspace only; I didn't know they could operate in low security space. (I should have done my research better! That's what I get for assuming....) A Rorq would also make a refining array less necessary. I'll think about this. Thanks for the info!

We use rorq's to ship ore around in Null too. It's cheaper than a jump freighter and most times I don't need the extra space.

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Din Chao
#31 - 2012-09-05 21:28:56 UTC
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Din Chao wrote:
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Low sec mining is profitable with the new barges but not if ya just want to go in and whine that people won't leave you alone.

No, it isn't. Lowsec ores are virtually worthless. You're better off mining Veldspar in highsec.

Ok, let me word it for a miner level of comprehension. After all exploration sites are finished in a low sec system that is good for ganks but not so much for anything else there used to be almost nothing to do because jet canning is really dumb. So now instead of just hanging around with probes out or cruising a few systems looking for more targets I can just hang in a belt and let the drills fill an ore hold. All the high sec ore is there too and my rocks are always huge and juicy no matter what they are. Hell, I got a faction scram last night off a belt rat...can I count that on my mining isk per/hr compared to your high sec veld?

You're right. But I think you and the OP are coming at this from different perspectives. He appears to be an industrial guy, primarily, while you're obviously a PVP oriented fella who does the exploration/mining stuff to pay for other endeavors. So I still think, for him the risk may outweigh the reward.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#32 - 2012-09-05 23:55:42 UTC
Din Chao wrote:
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Din Chao wrote:
Minmatar Citizen160812 wrote:
Low sec mining is profitable with the new barges but not if ya just want to go in and whine that people won't leave you alone.

No, it isn't. Lowsec ores are virtually worthless. You're better off mining Veldspar in highsec.

Ok, let me word it for a miner level of comprehension. After all exploration sites are finished in a low sec system that is good for ganks but not so much for anything else there used to be almost nothing to do because jet canning is really dumb. So now instead of just hanging around with probes out or cruising a few systems looking for more targets I can just hang in a belt and let the drills fill an ore hold. All the high sec ore is there too and my rocks are always huge and juicy no matter what they are. Hell, I got a faction scram last night off a belt rat...can I count that on my mining isk per/hr compared to your high sec veld?

You're right. But I think you and the OP are coming at this from different perspectives. He appears to be an industrial guy, primarily, while you're obviously a PVP oriented fella who does the exploration/mining stuff to pay for other endeavors. So I still think, for him the risk may outweigh the reward.

"Industrial guy" is another way of saying "lazy miner". What I hear is there should be better ore in low sec (which he wouldn't be able to mine either with the way he's doing it) or nicer people (but he thinks what he is doing is special and will reward him with premium prices).

My only endeavor is hanging around a few systems and exploiting the resources they have for money. That includes the rocks these days as much as the foolhardy mission runners. And for the record I am an indy guy, lots of skills in PI with 2 characters running it, I mine in low sec belts and have okish skills to refine, my hauler alt uses a freighter to move stuff around, I build and sell ships.....etc. The only difference is I will shoot my competition rather than asking them to please leave me alone so I can mine. That's EvE industry not this afk spreadsheet gimcrackery.
#33 - 2012-09-06 11:59:39 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:

Yes Roquals can run in low sec, but so can dreads and carriers. The only thing keeping them out of high sec is the need for a cyno to jump to. Keep this in mind when setting up POS defenses. (I believe supers can not enter low sec but I may be wrong on that)

You are wrong on that. Titans can't use the doomsday, otherwise supers are fully operational in lo sec.

if anyone wants to kill your pos with a cap fleet no amount of defences will stop it, you only need defences to prevent a passing gang reinforcing it.
#34 - 2012-09-06 19:26:26 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:
[quote=Din ChaoIn the end, system security is everything to a profitable mining op. You have to provide enough protection to allow your barges to collect ore unmolested for hours at a time, or the op is just not worth doing.

This is what it boils down to. Those persons flying security, even assuming they could provide 100% security, could have been additional barges in a high sec operation. I love low sec mining ops because they can be fun, but they are not and cannot be as profitable as high sec.

No good deed goes unpunished

Chimpy B
The Philosophy Of Two
#35 - 2012-09-07 08:46:24 UTC
I think low-sec should be more of a middle ground between null and high. As it stands, from a miner/exploration perspective, it's just the same as null minus the sovereignty.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-09-09 17:32:04 UTC
This has revealed what everyone knows but will never admit. There are too many hunters for the prey. Its just like a out of wack ecosystem.
Litla Sundlaugin
#37 - 2012-09-09 18:48:13 UTC
Din Chao wrote:
This is what the majority of the "nerf highsec" crew fails to address. If moving to lowsec actually was more profitable than staying in highsec, miners would find a way to be there. But the lowsec ores are such a joke, it's just silly to try.

WRONG, do you not see the size of them floating turduckins compared to hi sec roids they are massive, the problem is the people there make the bed they live in.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-09-09 22:32:43 UTC
An actual fix to this out of wack eco system would be to have low setup like FW for each empire. For example, you as a player are in a starter corp for caldari, you are a 'privateer' for caldari. In their lowsec space you can engage their enemies but NOT their allies (at least not without penalty and those penalties are already there.) This would fit with the back story of eve, empires fighting empires.

Player corps and alliances would have to declare a empire like FW corps, but these would be privateer ratings, not military, the same rules as above apply, WITH the addition of the FW rules that you cant dock in a enemy station (and apply this to outlaws too above 0.5 security). Want to fight a corp/alliance in the same faction? declare war. Corps/alliances with players that shoot allies take a hit to their standings when a player does that.

What would this do? It would stop casual roamers of the same faction from hunting their own. It would lead to more diverse trade hubs. You could still gate camp, pirate, whatever, but it would have to make sense in the larger eve universe.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#39 - 2012-09-10 23:37:02 UTC
Piugattuk wrote:
Din Chao wrote:
This is what the majority of the "nerf highsec" crew fails to address. If moving to lowsec actually was more profitable than staying in highsec, miners would find a way to be there. But the lowsec ores are such a joke, it's just silly to try.

WRONG, do you not see the size of them floating turduckins compared to hi sec roids they are massive, the problem is the people there make the bed they live in.

What bed would that be? You have to work with the people who live there or die? At least you have it right that it isn't just that low sec ores are useful but that all the others are in greater abundance, too.
Idris Helion
#40 - 2012-09-11 15:50:07 UTC
I just wanted to post a coda to this little adventure: I moved my POS to a .5 system out in a lonely backwater, and I found that my income more than tripled in a week -- mainly due to the ability to keep my mining barges out in the belts for a greater percentage of the time. For the negligible cost of some starbase charters, my mining outpost is finally making good ISK on a reliable basis. I've even decided to branch out into PI and small-scale manufacturing (mainly for personal consumption, since there aren't any trade hubs close to where I live).

One thing I've noticed: miners are chockablock in the central Empire systems, but the further out you go towards lowsec, the rarer the miners are. I'm not sure if this is due to the longer logistics chain or the perception of higher risk in .5 systems, but I'm beginning to wonder if the high trit and pye prices are simply because there aren't enough miners out there. I would have scoffed at this notion a few weeks ago, but now? Not so much. Getting rid of the botters and the drone poo took a lot of minerals out of the game. Good for me (more ISK!) but it means expensive minerals for manufacturers.

So here is my "lessons learned" summary from the past few weeks:

1. Lowsec is pointless from an industrial standpoint, unless you are in a large and active corp that can provide funding, security, and logistics.
2. The lower the security of a system, the better for mining...until you get to .5. Below .5, see point 1.
3. Profitable mining requires toons with high skills -- mining, astrogeology, mining barge, exhumers, refining, etc. All need to be at level V.
4. You need a freighter (or money to pay Red Frog) because to make a profit you have to sell in bulk.
5. A mining-outpost POS is very handy because it allows you to operate far from crowded systems. It also allows you do do other stuff (research, manufacturing). However, it entails large costs that your mining ops have to cover without killing your profit margin.
6. Orca support is vital if your corp is big enough, especially if you can't or don't want to set up a POS outpost. (Orcas are also great if you want to mine in certain missions because they can go through many deadspace gates that a barge can't -- so you just load your barges into your Orca and warp into the mission site to mine out all those tasty roids. "Break Their Will" is a mission where Orca support is almost a requirement if you want to mine out that belt.)
7. I'm still not sure the Mackinaw is really worth the ISK. A Retriever does damned near as good a job for a hell of a lot less ISK. Ditto the Covetor over the Hulk. You're going to have to mine for a long time to make up the difference in cost between a Retriever and a Mackinaw. And losing a Retriever to a ganker hurts a lot less than losing a Mack. And training-time to get into a Retriever/Covetor is a lot shorter than for exhumers.
8. Doing PI in parallel with your mining ops is a good way to augment your ISK for very little effort. You can train up your PI skills quickly, so it's not much of a hit. (And if you live in a POS, you can manufacture your own fuel.)

The upshot is that hisec mining as a profession is undergoing something of a renaissance these days. I'm actually making good ISK for the first time in forever. Mining no longer seems like such a chump's game.
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