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Zach Donnell
#21 - 2012-09-05 22:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Zach Donnell
Good post. However you cover an interesting mix of statements that I agree and disagree with. Makes it hard for me to come up with a reasonable response, without looking like I am attempting to pick your statements apart on a needlessly small scale.

I think maybe you misinterpreted my general message (or I did not make it clear enough?) . I wasn't as much suggesting that the state of the game is perfect, as I was insisting that people are bitching and flinging excuses because they can and it's laughable to me. I lump the group of people who don't solo and say BECAUSE ASB into the same category as those who have been claiming "Solo is dead!" for the past... forever.

But despite that, I have been pondering your final suggestions and comments for a while, and I have to say all I see needing to happen is the following:

  1. Nerf drake CPU some
  2. Give us 90% webs back

That would do a lot of fun stuff to almost everything you complained about there. If you are really really concerned about dual ASBs, you could (with my above suggestions) nerf tracking and explosion radius/velocity (across the board) for obvious reasons.

Or alternatively I think I suggested at some point that they increase the cycle time of ASBs by a factor of 2 or 3, as well as increase the boost amount by the same factor. This does a couple of things. First makes you incredibly vulnerable to alpha, and also will likely lead you to 'overboost' on boost bonused ships. But still retains the heavy tank that I think is so inspring for solo.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-09-05 22:58:10 UTC
Personaly speaking, i am very new to the video making scene and even with my lack of exsperience in this field i already face a barrage of problems when trying to get footage.

Looking beyond the ASB, Tier 3 BC's, Links etc..

Im finding that ECM drones are making it really shity to find good fights, EvE has become a kiters game.

I once had a fight with 3 drakes in a ferox, i would catch one scram it and rip into it, i would then get jammed by ECM drones, thus being forced to watch that drake gain distance, too many mechanics create a risk averse enviroment.

These days its just easy for me to roam solo in a wolf, purly because its mobile enough to pick and choose my engagments, rather then be blobed to high heaven by mr drake fleet and their 30 ec-300s.

Rant over...

Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#23 - 2012-09-05 23:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Fon Revedhort
How can anyone sane claim overtank to be inspiring for solo when you have to fight against it yourself, too? The thing is, small-scale PvP by definition means fighting against superior numbers and the only thing allowing to do that is gaining a temporal advantage here or there, which mostly comes from the maneuver. This temporal advantage may or may not be enough to get things done (that is: score kills), but in general it should be quite obvious that heavier tank means lesser opportunities to gain kills. Put it to the extreme and imagine ships in EVE having 10x EHP of today and also burst-tanking ten times as much - it would be just plain tedious, scoring just two kills in succession becomes pretty much a heroic deed.

I'm far from saying solo is dead and so on, but fitting an OP crap and fighting against the same crap to kill may be one or two ships at most when previously under the same conditions you could kill 5 is simply not what I would call progress or fun.

I do agree with EVE needing more frequent radical balance shifts, though. But still, these shifts should not consist of CCP introducing something so absurdly OP as ASB of today. An opposite example is The Great Nano Fix - instead of creating a single FOTM they created a diversion of ships, setups and tactics while previosly it was just nano or nothing. I was flying my Domi-web Abso and occasionally killing those nano abominations while succumbing pretty much to none, but that wasn't all that fun. It's more or less the same today.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Space Colony
Synergy of Steel
#24 - 2012-09-06 00:54:38 UTC
I love to fly something different and bigger. The only Problem is, that I'm not tempted anymore to take engagements that require alot of good maneuvers. I don't want to risk expensive ships (like a Nanopest or Hyperion) anymore. There is better stuff to do then carebearing 6 days and pvp 1 day. Maybe I'm just a terrible pilot or coward. It's amazing what amounts of isk Fon Revedhort risks, i barely get over 5b in ships. Back on Topic: I think what is fitting best your desires are the Vids of Kovorix, if you want to see more, convo him and send him isk/ships. he burns alot each month.
#25 - 2012-09-06 01:13:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
There are so many things to discuss on this topic, but there is something in particular i want to lift out:

As you lapse back to bottom-line ships it just put so much more focus on what you can do with them. A mediocre movie in a risky setting will always be more appealing than a mediocre movie in a mediocre setting. Few of the movies that come out today, a good year later, have the piloting quality of "Podcat's Dishonour" for example.

That tie back to the whole "many things" part again. It's difficult being unique but there's always room for something unexpected or some sort of rarity (it doesn't have the be the ship or it's pricetag). When the solo-revival and the initial tech I frig movies of this era came out, they were just that. Today it's staple, and it is such within a very undaunting setting.

I guess you can see it as two sides of a coin. On one side i'd like to think that the solo-revival movement have been extremely positive for the game, and while it was more sorely needed when it first came out, i think it's positive that it continues to influence generations of newer or insecure players today, letting you know that "it's as easy as this - go out and PvP - transcend Amamake".

At the same time, other things are more exotic today and within standards you need to shine extra gleaming to stand out. Yet another Incursus-Merlin-Thrasher movie won't catch eyes unless it's extraordinary, and i think alot of us are also hoping for the current "class" and their teachers to take the next step and break into more small-gang dynamics (such as the scalability Fon touches upon) that are more of a rarity today. Wether it's their "responsibility" to do so, can't be said...

There's so much to say, i'll just silence myself not to run off-topic.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-09-06 02:03:04 UTC
Ships and modules are way too ******* expensive now, that is all. Fix that (just roll us back pre-*******-incursions) and PvP will become possible again [no, PvP is NOT feasible when a god damn battleship costs 400+mill to buy and t2 fit- even if you are buying isk by selling plex it isn't feasible].

Sure modules need to be fixed as well, and balance issues addressed, but that is secondary to the ridiculous cost of PvP as it currently stands.
Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#27 - 2012-09-06 02:40:54 UTC
Noisrevbus wrote:
There's so much to say

By all means, do it.

Forums lack intelligent discussions. Also, discussing problems associated with movie-making can hardly be treated as off-topic in such a thread and section. Where else could we talk, then?

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Harbingers of Reset
#28 - 2012-09-06 04:36:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Inggroth
Zach Donnell wrote:

For the record, I think the only legitimate complaint here is the cost of a fit ship. Make hulls cheaper and module price more dynamic (with t2 being much more expensive).

While your suggestion is legit, i would argue that for a lot of potential soloers cost is not an issue - the ratio of time spent per worthwhile engagement is.

Since the introduction of tier3s and ASBs there are even more obstacles to get around before gaining a chance of initiating an engagement that can be remotely considered worth the time of a potential viewer.
Not only do you need to deal with ECM drones - you also have to deal with the potential for ridiculous tank on every shieldtanking ship AND with massive amounts of DPS from outside of point range.
These things put close-range brawling (and with it a lot of armor setups) and a huge percentage of solo battleship setups right into the dumpster, which is a pity.

Also on the subject of "frig crap" - there are 2 things to say about this:
1. there are obviously different opinions of what is interesting to watch, which depend heavily on what the viewers idea of challenging PvP is. I personally dont consider for example battleships brawling scrub camps down in lowsec or linked scram-immune Tengus worth my time.
2. In an environment progressively more hostile to soloers frigates are the most casual way to still solo and get engagements. You pay for that with limited target and tactic selection, but nothing is free in eve.
Zach Donnell
#29 - 2012-09-06 05:20:41 UTC
Inggroth I am too tired at the moment to articulate an intelligent response to you.

But briefly touching back on the larger discussion, I, as some may recall, have a pretty serious love for frigs. I discovered over years pvping though that it is for a primary reason. In a game where losses actually mean something, it's stressful for me to fly an expensive ship, granted expensive is relative, but still. For someone like me, coming home from a stressful day at work/class the last thing I want to do is stress myself out further flying something expensive. Thus frigates (or maybe BC or two on a good day) let me relax while pvping. This is often the largest factor in the ship I choose to pvp in for the day.

I am not sure if anyone else experiences this, but I would certainly be surprised if I am the only one.

I do really have high hopes for this thread, keep the thoughtful discourse up Smile
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-09-06 07:13:31 UTC
Fon Revedhort wrote:
How can anyone sane claim overtank to be inspiring for solo when you have to fight against it yourself, too? The thing is, small-scale PvP by definition means fighting against superior numbers and the only thing allowing to do that is gaining a temporal advantage here or there, which mostly comes from the maneuver. This temporal advantage may or may not be enough to get things done (that is: score kills), but in general it should be quite obvious that heavier tank means lesser opportunities to gain kills. Put it to the extreme and imagine ships in EVE having 10x EHP of today and also burst-tanking ten times as much - it would be just plain tedious, scoring just two kills in succession becomes pretty much a heroic deed.

I'm far from saying solo is dead and so on, but fitting an OP crap and fighting against the same crap to kill may be one or two ships at most when previously under the same conditions you could kill 5 is simply not what I would call progress or fun.

I do agree with EVE needing more frequent radical balance shifts, though. But still, these shifts should not consist of CCP introducing something so absurdly OP as ASB of today. An opposite example is The Great Nano Fix - instead of creating a single FOTM they created a diversion of ships, setups and tactics while previosly it was just nano or nothing. I was flying my Domi-web Abso and occasionally killing those nano abominations while succumbing pretty much to none, but that wasn't all that fun. It's more or less the same today.

This, this, many times this.

Don't get me wrong Zach. I don't mean to say that EVE was fantastic before and now ASB's have ruined everything. Restricted to 1 asb module per ship I think the module is in many ways an exciting, dynamic module that adds a lot of flavour.

But when almost every single soloer flying around today is fitting asb's on everything, even stuff that is usually armor buffer tanked, simply because its better than everything. Well that to me is an example of a stale environment.

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

IceBox Inc.
Rogue Caldari Union
#31 - 2012-09-06 08:31:54 UTC
Laktos wrote:

But when almost every single soloer flying around today is fitting asb's on everything, even stuff that is usually armor buffer tanked, simply because its better than everything. Well that to me is an example of a stale environment.

We should just go back to when i started playing and everyone was in armor and the drake was a joke. And why stop there? We should do away with sheild tanking altogether. I mean its not like it was any good before asb's unless you had an absurdly healthy wallet. Wow! I just rebalanced EVE! If you appreciate my efforts, send me some ISK. I just spent 100mil on a frigate.
Alexia Civir
Contraband lnc
#32 - 2012-09-06 09:40:25 UTC
Here's what I see could change and possibly improve the game FAR BETTER

1. Nerf drake CPU some <--- Thank you Zack as this is surely felt by many
2. Give us 90% webs back <--- Another Thanks to Zack.

3. Revamp Nosferatu's back to there original state . Where they use to Nos you dry until your opponents capacitor ran dry. This would greatly improve PvP in it's entirety , not only Small Group , But Solo aswell !.

And Boost Neut's in such a way where the Recycle is reduced to make them more affective.

Change these 4 Items. And watch more ships begin to explode :D . The Market will also benefit too.

The Nosferatu
Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#33 - 2012-09-06 09:49:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Fon Revedhort
EURIPODES, judging by this particular character alone you started playing in late 2009 and thus long after armour tanking had really been the way to go. In case you're interested, armour domination dates back to pre-EW nerf times, when a multispec of Doom had double the strengh of today, webs were 90% and so on - thus med slots actually meant something offensive. After the nerf - and after Dominion which made Tracking Enhancers utterly OP - the game has been favouring shield over armour in so many ways that it's not even funny. Superior mobility, superior range, superior burst tank, ease of bait tanking - you name it.

As for isk, well, they should give you an edge, shouldn't they? Otherwise we would be playing WoT in space, with each tard being able to freely field the very best gear, even if his skills are far from utilizing it at full capacity.

Laktos, I'm afraid that restricting ASB to one per ship, despite being such a common idea among the community, is utterly flawed itself. By doing so, we pretty much admit ASB is OP on its own. Apart from the DC with absurdly good bonuses and newly released adaptive hardener, ASB becomes the only module with such an artificial limitation, which is quite telling on itself. This approach can be justified for speed mods, since you can't really balance ridicilous speed values anyway, but if it applies to mere tank, then something is really wrong.

I'm a firm believer dual ASB setups are much more balanced than single one. In the first case trade-offs come into equation, while fitting a single ASB is never a problem. There are 2 things actually: single ASB > any passive setup, dual ASB > any active one. Neither of these is balanced.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Vilnius Zar
SDC Multi Ten
#34 - 2012-09-06 09:57:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vilnius Zar
Ship cost being an issue is silly, years and years ago with the T2 cartels we PVPed just fine, flying cheap hulls with expensive mods. Besides, with T1 hulls there really is no excuse due to insurance.

The reason why bigger ships don't work too well anymore is because kiting works so well due to extra TE/TC range, resulting in smaller ships being able to stay at range and kill from there. Back in the nano age they were even faster ofcourse but then even the BS's could nano, making up for it. I'm not advocating to bring the nano age back (it was terribly boring game mechanic wise) but we should drop applied dps at range, both for projectiles as with scorch.

It's ofcourse a double edged sword, having to commit works both ways, but at least it would mean you'd see bigger ships out there.

ASB need to be rebalanced (it's not a nerf), right now the EHP gain from an ASB almost always makes sense and it should be changed in 3 ways imo:

- limit to 1 per ship
- change it so that using the smaller booster charge only shield boosts for half the amount, that way it really becomes a burst tank
- remove the option for using navy boosters

Once it's decently balanced THEN bring out an armor equivalent with similar capabilities (although I'd rather have CCP remove them alltogether and put some actual thought into active tanking, by lowering HP gains from extenders/plates).
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-09-06 16:22:47 UTC
Laktos wrote:
Fon Revedhort wrote:
How can anyone sane claim overtank to be inspiring for solo when you have to fight against it yourself, too? The thing is, small-scale PvP by definition means fighting against superior numbers and the only thing allowing to do that is gaining a temporal advantage here or there, which mostly comes from the maneuver. This temporal advantage may or may not be enough to get things done (that is: score kills), but in general it should be quite obvious that heavier tank means lesser opportunities to gain kills. Put it to the extreme and imagine ships in EVE having 10x EHP of today and also burst-tanking ten times as much - it would be just plain tedious, scoring just two kills in succession becomes pretty much a heroic deed.

I'm far from saying solo is dead and so on, but fitting an OP crap and fighting against the same crap to kill may be one or two ships at most when previously under the same conditions you could kill 5 is simply not what I would call progress or fun.

I do agree with EVE needing more frequent radical balance shifts, though. But still, these shifts should not consist of CCP introducing something so absurdly OP as ASB of today. An opposite example is The Great Nano Fix - instead of creating a single FOTM they created a diversion of ships, setups and tactics while previosly it was just nano or nothing. I was flying my Domi-web Abso and occasionally killing those nano abominations while succumbing pretty much to none, but that wasn't all that fun. It's more or less the same today.

This, this, many times this.

Don't get me wrong Zach. I don't mean to say that EVE was fantastic before and now ASB's have ruined everything. Restricted to 1 asb module per ship I think the module is in many ways an exciting, dynamic module that adds a lot of flavour.

But when almost every single soloer flying around today is fitting asb's on everything, even stuff that is usually armor buffer tanked, simply because its better than everything. Well that to me is an example of a stale environment.

Mate to be honest, i think you just hit the nail on the head.
Arbiter Reformed
I Have a Plan
Shadow Cartel
#36 - 2012-09-06 17:32:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Arbiter Reformed
frig pvp has always been quick cheap fun, but unless there is a whole new meta its all been done before and doesnt make for great footage anymore. but then the whole dhb jumping into nullsec gates got pretty boring after a while

ive been trying to get fights in my nano golem and nothing dies anymore, as soon as i shoot back and point them people think im nuts and deagress,

xlasb everything

as for isk, people in eve are richer than ever, there was a time when vagas were 360 mill 2x pollycabrons another 150 and your domi mwd 200,

and you would see whole fleets of them ! we belt ratted those *******!
DHB WildCat
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#37 - 2012-09-06 18:05:48 UTC
My 2 cents......

I for one, used to be a vid maker of Battleship PVP. As the game is today I will never make another video...... why you ask? Well lets look

1) My Nightmare fit - xlsb / sba / 2 hardeners / tackle / cap booster. (We will ignore the highs and lows since they are irrelevant for this post). So with this fit I would get 1800 DPS tank out of it. Heavily rely on cap and usually die to neuts. However If I spend 100 mil on a maelstrom instead of 5 billion isk on a nightmare fit with dual ASB..... I get a cap stable tank that tanks 7000 DPS 3500 per booster / does more DPS and has more range, with only 1 hardener and full tackle gear. ASB's are broken. You cannot deny that.

How can we fix them, my idea is that we restrict 1 ASB per ship, or be able to fit multiple ASB, but it somehow interferes with the ships computer so that you cannot fit an MWD at the same time you fit an ASB. So nano would still have to use extenders but it would give brawlers an advantage if they could catch the nano.

2) Ship cost........ My faction Battleships only cost the same as 2 Tier 3 Battleships..... what a joke! CCP fix the market.

3) Go back to the days of cheap hulls and expensive mods. This would actually make pvp profitbale again. And an occupation more than a hobby.

4) Give back the 90% webs like so many others have said. This afterburner kiting Bullshit needs to stop. If I scram you and have three webs on you, you should not be able to outrun anything!

5) Nerf ECM drones, Come on this is still the most overpowered module in game. ECM in general needs to be a hard measure and not chance based. If your sensor strength is higher than the ecm strength you dont get jammed period...... if it isnt you do. Which would then make eccm viable and level 5 skills relavent. Also add a skill for sensor strength to your ship please.

But yeah I could go on forever but it is only one mans opinion. Like I said this game has gotten extremely worse over the years and now that a t2 cyclone has a better tank than my 5 billion isk Nightmare, I have called it quits except for the tourneys. CCP has a lot of fixing to do. This game was so much better back before they added so much crap. "Less is often More!"
Ame Sonoda
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-09-06 19:14:00 UTC
As someone who has spent most of my time in cruiser/bc hulls, I've recently found myself doing more frig/destroyer stuff.
For me, there are more broken ship types, mechanics and modules than at any other point in my time playing Eve and frig PvP is the only way to minimize exposure to these problems.
After the :18 months: of neglect players have had time to explore and train for everything than can give them an edge. Instead of CCP diving into sorting things out after the 18 months, we've just had more poorly balanced things thrown into the pile.
As for players being more competent, there may have been a small improvement but I'm not seeing any massive leap forward. If anything it's more that poor and unshifting game balance benefits poor-average PvPers.

As for the ASB, creating a situation where you simply can't remove some dps from the field for a set amount of time is not going to help solo pvp long term. People are already talking about how boring ASB v ASB fights are, just wait until it becomes more prolific.
Recoil IV
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-09-06 19:44:05 UTC
PROBLEM IS SIMPLE : ISK.otherwise i would fly everytime i log in a mach or vindi or something shinny and very expensive
Lords of the Lockerroom
#40 - 2012-09-06 23:25:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Viribus
ISK is not the problem. I have a stack of Vindicators in Jita I'll probably never solo with because large ships invariably get roped into extremely long engagements due to how damn tanky everything is these days. Back before the myriad patches that have worked to increase ship EHP, a battleship brawl might end when one's tank get overwhelmed; these days they end when the battleship eats up the last of its cap charges after wearing down 70k EHP plated hurricanes for five minutes straight. Longer fights means:

- More time for backup to arrive

- More time to get capped/neuted out

- More chances for you to get jammed by EC-300s and whatever you're (slowly) killing to warp off

- More time for their friends on the other side of the gate to deaggro and kill you

Pretty much everything comes back to ships just taking too damn long to kill, which completely works against the solo PVPer, especially active tanks. The reason solo frig pvp is more popular than ever is because it's one of the few forms of solo, unlinked PVP that strongly rewards clever positioning and good piloting; positioning doesn't matter for much when it takes a cruiser a full minute in ideal conditions to kill another cruiser.

And people wonder why the only cruiser/battleship solo PVP videos these days are offgrid-linked pubstomps or special snowflake fits killing clueless newbies...