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[random thought] web/ingame crossover corp management

GeeShizzle MacCloud
#1 - 2012-09-05 18:22:24 UTC
so yahh was wondering if, when devs start to tackle the inevitable web of knots that is the terrible corp management, that they should consider tieing or co-developing it with the web dev team to make many aspects of corp management usable and workable not just with a full fat client like it is now, but fully workable with a normal web browser too.

what this would mean is people that have to do mundane but essential corp management etc... dont have to do it once theyre home when they want to fly around blowing sh*t up, they can do it in their lunch hour on a web browser at work for example.

it would also mean that as the web dev team are more flexable to launch hotfixes than an ingame dev team, they could troubleshoot any issues faster as it only requires server side fixes and not a client re-release requiring downloads and the such.

pluuuuuus... having corp management in a more accessible environment (in terms of resources, not security) it could lead to CCP creating corp / alliance / coalition management tools akin to large alliances / coalitions custom private tools.

(this idea was inspired by dust514's dev team making the more mundane aspects of dust514 accessible via sonys PS Vita)

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-09-05 18:41:14 UTC
Look up CREST, do a bit of research on that and see what you think.

Also, learn to search, this gets brought up every single week.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#3 - 2012-09-05 19:48:10 UTC  |  Edited by: GeeShizzle MacCloud
i know about crest and its development, what im talking about it the utilisation of crest by ccp to create some tools that corps/alliances really do need.

There are some disparities between corps with professional level web devs and ones without. Private web devs are like golddust and generally wield some serious power to seriously screw up a corp if they leave etc...

and yes this sort of thing does get brought up every week, but take ur head out ur ass and actually read what i put, im not complaining about corp management window and offering nothing to do about it, and im not saying yes this is what a corp in null sec needs to survive, im saying that Crest needs to be all encompassing and not just a resource accessible to experienced web devs and them alone.

certain things currently that showcase this is API verified jabber servers, member tracking API (normal & extended), member security log API etc...

these are areas that should be relatively accessible to corps regardless of having an inhouse web dev or not.

i admit that CCP have done some work on it with eve-o corp forums, and being able to voice-chat on ingame corp and alliance channels from evegate, its definitely better than nothing and helpful to many smaller corps but in order to manage many members with the immediacy and ease required for null sec life, it needs to be improved upon.

Crest is a great thing being able to not only pull things from eve but also inject and change things from outside the client, im saying it cant stop there cause all it will do is increase the disparity between the out-of-game capabilities of large corps/alliances vs small corps/alliances.
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-09-05 21:53:53 UTC
I'm not sure if you realize, but API verified jabber servers and such aren't CCP-supported either. They're supported by players who know how to program. As with our current API, the CREST API will end up being supported by third parties who have no interest in screwing over your corp when they leave because they're not in your corp.

Yes, people with in-house programming skills will have an edge in the ability to customize their programs, as with anything in life. That's just how programs work.

CCP shouldn't be working on writing programs to use the CREST API, those of us with programming skills will do that and release them to the community. CCP needs to be working on changing internal game code that only they can access, not doing things we can already do.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#5 - 2012-09-05 22:01:13 UTC
so ur reply can be tl;dr'd to:

"screw the corps that cant pay or recruit an external web dev to give them these tools"

or htfu....

Shovel Bros
#6 - 2012-09-05 22:23:24 UTC
No, the tl;dr of my post is "The entirety of Eve that CCP needs to be working on is more important than the few corps who don't have a programmer and don't want to use the freely distributed software that will be floating around".

If you feel that the few corps who are too selfish and lazy to put forth any effort at all are more important than the entirety of Eve, I can't help you there.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#7 - 2012-09-05 22:43:18 UTC
sorry but are you saying that in order to compete in eve in null sec you require to be able to call on competent program developers... and if u cant ur lazy?

can u name me one other game where this level of entry requirements are expected in order to compete? please id love you to name me one that hasnt crashed and burned and is now practically non existant.
Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-09-06 00:22:13 UTC
GeeShizzle MacCloud wrote:
sorry but are you saying that in order to compete in eve in null sec you require to be able to call on competent program developers... and if u cant ur lazy?

No, you need to be able to read the instructions that come with the publicly distributed software for working with APIs. Just the same as you need to be able to read the instructions on how to set up a forum. If people are too lazy to read instructions on setting up OOG communications, they're probably too lazy to do the logistics to move stuff out to null too.

The key thing you're missing is that you don't have to be a programmer to read the instructions to set up the tools that are available, you just have to be mildly intelligent.