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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


First post
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2012-09-04 02:22:25 UTC
C O'Brien wrote:
Why does no one understand CCP will NEVER get rid of bots. Each bot represents a PAID ACCOUNT. Drop any conversations involving bots.

Spoken like a true bot owner.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#62 - 2012-09-04 03:12:11 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
C O'Brien wrote:
Why does no one understand CCP will NEVER get rid of bots. Each bot represents a PAID ACCOUNT. Drop any conversations involving bots.

Spoken like a true bot owner.

The fact that CCP bans bots is ever so clear if you watch the various botting forums. Botter tears, best tears.
Peter Raptor
Galactic Hawks
#63 - 2012-09-04 09:18:14 UTC
James 315 wrote:
A better way would be to having laser cycles that don't last long or don't automatically repeat. Or you can fill the ice fields with bumpers who target the AFK. Cool

Poor James, the Devs specifically design ice mining to be an semi-afk activity (what weirdo would sit there for 40 miniutes watching his cargohold fill with ice from a never-depleting ice roidQuestion) and James is jealous cos he has to sit at keyboard for hours, bumping ice miners who are enjoying Real Life Big smileBig smileBig smile

James, get a life buddy, get e life Blink


The Amarr Empire, is known for its omnipresent religion  †  

Misunderstood Genius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2012-09-04 11:01:28 UTC
The major issue are not mining bots. It's the ratting bots. Why are bots ingame? The concept of EVE is great because the economy system is close to RL. Everything ingame has a value because you have to work for it: ingame or outgame. Making ISK too hard would slow down the game and just nerds would dominate. Making ISK too easy would kill all the thrill and adrenaline if a loss doesn't matter. Finally those nerds who have time to play will have time to make ISK. Those ones with a lot of RL are forced to buy GTC and sell them as PLEX if they want to PvP only and don't see a sense in wasting their RL in making ISK the rest of the spare time. And this can make EVE very expensive if you are not experienced or simply good at the game.

So the result is logical. There's always someone with skills programming something game related. For free or for money. It's not a surprise that people start to use macro applications. The decision might be: I can't afford to play EVE the normal way and I have to quit or I take the risk to get rich and have fun but at the high risk to get traced and perma-banned.

I also thought about ways how to stop botting. If there would be a good and effective way without affecting a user-friendly gameplay, CCP still had found it. CCP has worked out methods to go through the database and find bot activities by recurring patterns or simply farming 23/7. Some will be hit by the ban-hammer, some not. Fact is: this is finally an effective scare tactic and IMO the only good way to keep the cheaters out of the game.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2012-09-04 11:09:38 UTC
James 315 wrote:
A better way would be to having laser cycles that don't last long or don't automatically repeat. Or you can fill the ice fields with bumpers who target the AFK. Cool

Yeah I noticed all the AFK'ers telling you to jog on Kamio and Halaima


I Fought the Law, and the Law Won... Talon Silverhawk

Dystopia Arkaral
#66 - 2012-09-04 11:13:40 UTC
Dont forget to make the capture when you activate moduals as there are ratting bots also there are trading bots so when you make a trade you will need a capcha for that
ISD BiscuitThief
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#67 - 2012-09-04 12:46:54 UTC
Thread moved from "General Discussion" to "Features and Ideas Discussion" due to the fact that it mainly concerns the discussion of new features and ideas.

ISD BiscuitThief Ensign Community Communication Liasons (CCLs) Interstellar Service Department

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2012-09-04 13:58:38 UTC
Hello, forum police? I would like to report a biscuit thief.

He was bald and had a neckbeard.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Magic Crisp
Amarrian Micro Devices
#69 - 2012-09-04 14:08:43 UTC
Honestly, what's wrong with mining bots? those are just rolling the isk what is already in the game. and anyway, the economy could really use the trit, so you can have some more supers to blow up :)
funny, but there really doesn't seem to be enough trit in the game, and it's way too boring to dig any of it. remember chribba, it's all about the veldspar, and you can never have enough trit :)
C O'Brien
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#70 - 2012-09-05 01:34:18 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
C O'Brien wrote:
Why does no one understand CCP will NEVER get rid of bots. Each bot represents a PAID ACCOUNT. Drop any conversations involving bots.

Spoken like a true bot owner.

I can barely afford the one account I have! How the hell can I afford a bot account?!
Bobo Cindekela
#71 - 2012-09-05 07:48:16 UTC


You are about to engage in an arguement with a forum alt,  this is your final warning.

Bobo Cindekela
#72 - 2012-09-05 07:49:11 UTC
seriously though, why not just have every part of the overview and control surfaces move around the screen at random, frequent intervals? im sure that would break most bots too...

You are about to engage in an arguement with a forum alt,  this is your final warning.

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2012-09-05 08:26:47 UTC
I've a better solution. Make a mining ship the size of an orca which can fit 3 capital strip miners. It'd be a tech 2 version of the orca and it'll require tech 2 capital components in its construction. The special capital strip miners it uses are very expensive as well. You can only use it outside of empire space. Bots won't use it because it's too much bling to trust an AI defend it very well. Players, on the other hand, can set up defended mining ops near these and have carriers in the op holding combat ships to hop into.

You can't fit the t2 orcas into the carriers, but their tank will be all base value pretty much, so they're not significantly easier to destroy after you eject from them.

FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."