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New defense tactics for in coming changes in FW

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#61 - 2012-09-04 11:57:09 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
...Damar is good example about player who have managed to keep pvp going on, his rage upon enemy keeps people trying to kill him over and over again....

Hahahahaha, that made me giggle Big smile

Had the same impact on people back in the day (ie. when I was a plexing machine), only downside is that for all the awesome fights one gets solo one is almost always called primary when in gangs/fleets.
Hell, noticed the same impulse myself .. go against an enemy gang, recognize name and conveniently hear any primary called as that name and go at him. Gotta have that grudge!
Stalking Mantis
Tr0pa de elite.
#62 - 2012-09-04 12:18:16 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Yuri Intaki wrote:
Lock out wrote:
Waah, I want to gank everything with bs/logi blob sitting on titan bridge!

0.0 that way ---->

Your Statement

Sorry Gallactica/Lock out. While I agree with you EVE is what you want to make of it we must come to the agreement that corporations like WBR and SOTF (while remaining in FW) are the equivalent of a bear living in a petting zoo.

Time and time again SOTF pilots (including the two aforementioned) complain of not getting the fights they seek. WBR pilots complaining the minmatar front is not exciting enough for them as it turned into 'thrashers online'.

How many times have both SOTF and WBR had to rumble with the likes of Rooks and Kings, Pandemic Legion, Ninja Unicorns, snuff box etc. (you get the picture) just to get the sort of fights they love and live for?

Don't get me wrong, those fights are hugely fun, in fact I have an alt that is fully skilled for Guardian/Abbadon/Legion that will be lining up the last skill needed for full gunnery skills sometime this month. Problem is those 'perfect' fights are few and far between in my opinion. Leaving the pilot that seeks only those fights with weeks of thumb twirling in anticipation of that next BIG fight.

From my experience the first hour or two of a day in simple plex fighting can net me 5 to 10 kills not to mention the intense blood pumping action that we all love and are addicted to. The case for me was simple; Why wait for weeks on end for one blood pumping fight when I can have it (albeit in smaller doses of frig/cruiser/bc fights) pretty much everyday? At least thats my choice in EVE.

To your credit (and I say this with great disappointment) at least SOTF remains beneficial to the FW side they fight for. Lining up for bunker busting/counter bunker busting fleets being the Zenith corporation the Gallente look up to. WBR on the other hand in my opinion turned into an abomination of what it once stood for but that my friend is a totally separate can of worms I will refrain from bringing up here.

We all seek balance and to slant the mechanics of a certain aspect of EVE in our favor. But one must agree that FW was never meant for the type of slugfests your pilots seek. While yes the BS/logi fights happened in the past. Lets not forget they happened between WBR and SOTF. Both beasts as previously pointed out that have far outgrown the limited confines of FW.

Bottom line in most of the 'Anti' WBR/SOTF posts like the one pointed out by Damar is simple.... The fighting style of both corps is just to big to be confined in FW. Based in FW is fine, but confined to it? no. And your hope that the new FW fighting mechanics will be slightly tilted to allow you to play your game in FW is what all the objection is about.

Besides who wants to pet a bear when there are fluffy bunnies as an alternative.Blink

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Shadows Of The Federation
#63 - 2012-09-04 12:49:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
Fair enough comments Mantis.

The point is though, you dont have to be blinkered (like a hell of a lot of people are) with just FW - Just because we are in FW does not mean we have to be confined to it, thats our sandox.

The other night for example we had a scrap with the Russian dudes 50 of us v 120 of them, not a huge amount of kills / losses but it was great fun - 10 mins after we got back to Nisuwa we shipped to Thrashers and chased a plexxing gang out of Nisuwa and did a roam in them.

2 nights ago Caldari had a large sized fleet that outnumbered ours and without the batphone that they had we would have taken that fight too - Again the same night the same gang was around and we welped a Talos / Naga gang onto it and killed a few faction BS.

Point is just because you are in FW you dont have to limit yourself to just that and you cant have fun in numerous areas without being organised.

Anyway, back on topic.
#64 - 2012-09-04 15:06:11 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:

WBR on the other hand in my opinion turned into an abomination of what it once stood for but that my friend is a totally separate can of worms I will refrain from bringing up here.

Oh no, now you've made me curious : what did it once stand for? what does it stand for now?
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#65 - 2012-09-04 15:48:01 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Lock out wrote:
First off, I am old, bitter and tired, fast pace makes me dizzy and confused :)

As for logi ... instead of complaining about how setting up at range will make them invulnerable, I'd take it as a challenge and try and figure out a workaround. Alpha or damps are the first that spring to mind, am sure there's more.

Last but not least, the faction vs t2 dilema is a false one. As Major Killz pointed above, in a sandbox there should be no favoured classes, no restricted classes. Let people bring what they want, they can bring supers for all I care, more stuff to kill/die to in a big ball of glory.

Sorry, didn't realize it was a troll. Anyways, There's four natural breakpoints for plexes.
1. Max T2 Ship
2. Max Level Pirate Faction Ship (current)
3. Max Empire Faction Ship
4. Max T1 ships (non faction)

Whichever one CCP chooses (it looks like #1 right now), but ought to be #3 IMO), we'll adjust accordingly.

But back to the original post.
Defensive alts in stabbed mwd frigates will rult the day in plexes. Grief offensive plexers until they leave. With such a huge advantage to defense (both LP and griefing), FW will stagnate.
Shaalira D'arc
Gallente Federation
#66 - 2012-09-04 18:04:23 UTC
Yuri Intaki wrote:

...Your whole militia is nothing but isk starved little people...

Damar-edited Lock out wrote:

Waah, I want to gank everything with bs/logi blob sitting on titan bridge!

0.0 that way ---->

According to Damar, GalMil is composed of:

1) "Isk-starved" people.
2) People who don't hesitate to throw faction BS / logi fleets into battle via titan-bridge.

I suppose delusions don't have to be consistent.

Back to constructive discussion, I agree with Gallactica's sentiment that FW is just part of the sandbox. You can devote as much or as little of your time into the intended mechanics as you wish. Being in a militia doesn't require that you play the game a certain way.

Part of why we have a set of diverse corporations is to cater to different playstyles and time zones. People who don't like to fly the way SoTF does can always sign up with a different corp or vice versa.

As far as plex mechanics goes, people generally want several things out of it:
1) A mechanic to encourage PvP.
2) Isk, so people can 'make a living' off of FW if they so chose.
3) An occupancy metagame that 'makes sense' and immersively resembles an actual war.

Number one seems best served by making the "cut-off" point of a lot of plexes a basic t1 empire hull. As the popularity of RvB shows, there's a rather big demand for cheap and accessible PvP. People will gladly throw their ruppies and thoraxes into the fray, if they're not owned every time by a cynabal.

And to encourage PvP, CCP should definitely do away with plans to allow a single WT to stop the timer just by being on grid. Speedy Benny-Hill chases don't make for satisfying pew pew for a lot of players. But this has been a very commonly-voiced reservation about Ytterbium's posts, and I'd be surprised if this possibility isn't on CCP's radar.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#67 - 2012-09-04 19:51:09 UTC
Shaalira D'arc wrote:

And to encourage PvP, CCP should definitely do away with plans to allow a single WT to stop the timer just by being on grid. Speedy Benny-Hill chases don't make for satisfying pew pew for a lot of players. But this has been a very commonly-voiced reservation about Ytterbium's posts, and I'd be surprised if this possibility isn't on CCP's radar.

Behavior like this, orbitting 200km and looking how enemy captures plex is natural reaction even now for some gallente players.
With new changes ccp just makes it mean something.

Whole idea why enemy being in plex halts capture is that ccp want to prevent players from disabling npc spawning with oppsing militia alts. Sad thing that solution to fix another problem bring bigger issues than it fixes.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#68 - 2012-09-04 20:08:28 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Behavior like this, orbitting 200km and looking how enemy captures plex is natural reaction even now for some gallente players.
And Caldari players as well....
Shaalira D'arc
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2012-09-04 20:21:48 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
[quote=Shaalira D'arc]
Behavior like this, orbitting 200km and looking how enemy captures plex is natural reaction even now for some gallente players.
With new changes ccp just makes it mean something.

Gallente this, GalMil that. You guys are an angry bunch.

Are you having fun in FW? I'm having fun.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#70 - 2012-09-04 20:48:12 UTC
Shaalira D'arc wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
[quote=Shaalira D'arc]
Behavior like this, orbitting 200km and looking how enemy captures plex is natural reaction even now for some gallente players.
With new changes ccp just makes it mean something.

Gallente this, GalMil that. You guys are an angry bunch.

Are you having fun in FW? I'm having fun.

Angry? No. You do not just seem to realize how it goes. All Caldari see is how their enemy does stupid things, usually you do not see what your own militia does. So most of my observations are from gallente players as enemy.

So all i see now is how gallente player try to be smart and smack something, but fails miserably.
Quentin Marshall
#71 - 2012-09-04 21:38:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Quentin Marshall
Shaalira D'arc wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Shaalira D'arc wrote:

Behavior like this, orbitting 200km and looking how enemy captures plex is natural reaction even now for some gallente players.
With new changes ccp just makes it mean something.

Gallente this, GalMil that. You guys are an angry bunch.

Are you having fun in FW? I'm having fun.

You'd be angry too if you had badmouthed and talked smack in local to another Caldari militia corp and then caused your own alliance to be permanently wardecced by them.

So no, I don't think NAERY is having alot of fun. So much so that Caldari State Capturing has failscascaded and NAERY abandoned the alliance because they couldn't deal with the war. Honestly, I wish Damar would stop poisoning Cal Mil with all his incessant and immature behavior. We were doing well until this latest fiasco.

[quote]So all i see now is how gallente player try to be smart and smack something, but fails miserably.

Oh the irony here .
Devoid Privateering
#72 - 2012-09-04 21:49:05 UTC
Quentin Marshall wrote:
You'd be angry too if you had badmouthed and talked smack in local to another Caldari militia corp and then caused your own alliance to be permanently wardecced by them.

Let me guess: Fweddit?
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#73 - 2012-09-04 22:04:31 UTC
Shaalira D'arc wrote:
Yuri Intaki wrote:
Dread Operative wrote:

Post here if you don't like ship restriction changes.

Why you whine about these changes? We know that in actual fact you love the fact there will only be logistic blobs now for "medium" plexes. You are just getting what CCP wanted. You have Dev playing for Gallente side and Hans in CSM.

So come next year, you should be where CCP/Hans wants you to be. Gallente/Matar on top, aided by the faulty mechanics and the fact that everyone and their dog joins matar for farming and sends them to Caldari space and situation is tightly stamped to place when NPC's remove farming and plex changes make it so that logistic blob can just roll around and defense everything.

Add this to fact the "Trolldor" factor you can do for plexes which you actually ALREADY DO (link boosted mwd vigil off grid to stop plex despawning) and there will be land grab before patch, it's going to benefit gal/matar and that's all she wrote.

And CCP/Hans get what they want, can declare victory and CCP shuts down FW since nobody is playing for Amarr/Caldari.

Tinfoil hat business aside.

Your issue here is that you're too obsessed over who "wins." FW is designed as an eternal war system where anyone that wants PvP (and to make isk via PvP) can easily jump in. It's made to be an accessible and permanent feature of the game. "Victory" and "Defeat" for any given side is pretty meaningless, since FW is going to be a persistent feature for years to come.

If you're expecting some grand resolution to the conflict, some Tibus Heth or Jamyl Sarum deus ex machina to move the plotline along, then don't hold your breath. AURORA is dead. CCP no longer produces in-character news articles. All plotline movement is tied to development schedules, and frozen after the new feature has been implemented.

Now that Incursions are around as a game feature, the Sansha storyline is locked in place. Kuvekai is going to be ineffectually raiding in perpetuity. Expect similar treatment for FW.

Think of this as a children's game of cop's and robbers. People who die get right back up and jump back into the fray. The participants aren't playing to win or lose, but to point fingers at each other and go "pew pew." Winning the game is meaningless; playing the game is everything. This is MMORPG logic.

If you're having fun in FW, if you honestly enjoy PvP, making isk in combat, or whatever immersion you derive out of fighting for one of the four big factions, then all's good.

But if you're waiting for CCP to call a winner, you're going to be waiting for a long, long time.

Good post and on target. Which is why DUST will have a special place in FW, I hope. Has there been any CCP discussion around that aspect with all the upcoming changes?
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#74 - 2012-09-04 22:09:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
Quentin Marshall wrote:

You'd be angry too if you had badmouthed and talked smack in local to another Caldari militia corp and then caused your own alliance to be permanently wardecced by them.

So no, I don't think NAERY is having alot of fun. So much so that Caldari State Capturing has failscascaded and NAERY abandoned the alliance because they couldn't deal with the war. Honestly, I wish Damar would stop poisoning Cal Mil with all his incessant and immature behavior. We were doing well until this latest fiasco..

Me angry about wardec? Lol

You should know that i am well know about long wars, longest wardec PERVS had lasted more than 1 and half year, until enemy surrended.

We did not get war because of badmouthing, we got it because alliance who wardeced us has leaders from the DARK and they are still mad for us for some reason. Reason really does not matter because they are gallente militia after all. I was talking about their actions against caldari militia when they wardeced us but is just excuse for wardec, true reason is something else.

I doubt that wardec was not the reason why we left alliance.

And what comes to me and Damar, you can always trust that we are loyal to Caldari State, if that does not fit in your plans it is your problem not ours.
Quentin Marshall
#75 - 2012-09-04 22:28:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Quentin Marshall
Oh of course. I should've known that somehow Gal Mil's fault again and never ever the constant drama that is Cal Mil and your own mouth that got you in trouble. Oops

The fact is that YOU USED TO BE a PVPer. But nowadays, you're a forum warrior with bad grammar and a pvp hack whose glory days of Draketrain is behind him. You spin your days orbiting buttons and avoiding bigger gangs and wardecs because you;

a) don't have the motivation to pvp
b) don't have the personnel to pvp
c) are afraid to pvp

Please just leave Cal Mil and let the mature people run the militia. We're all better off without you two roleplaying idiots.

Regardless, I'm glad you're still getting wardecced because you're only showing your true colors; cowards and bad pvpers who run. And yes, leaving the alliance was partly due to alliance inactivity (because of the wardec), and partly due to schisms in leadership that were caused because of the wardec
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#76 - 2012-09-04 22:43:48 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Post with main. Quentin Marshall

Quentin Marshall is definitately afraid to pvp and probably only orbits buttons all day to farm.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#77 - 2012-09-05 00:22:09 UTC
Quentin Marshall wrote:
Oh of course. I should've known that somehow Gal Mil's fault again and never ever the constant drama that is Cal Mil and your own mouth that got you in trouble. Oops

The fact is that YOU USED TO BE a PVPer. But nowadays, you're a forum warrior with bad grammar and a pvp hack whose glory days of Draketrain is behind him. You spin your days orbiting buttons and avoiding bigger gangs and wardecs because you;

a) don't have the motivation to pvp
b) don't have the personnel to pvp
c) are afraid to pvp

Please just leave Cal Mil and let the mature people run the militia. We're all better off without you two roleplaying idiots.

Regardless, I'm glad you're still getting wardecced because you're only showing your true colors; cowards and bad pvpers who run. And yes, leaving the alliance was partly due to alliance inactivity (because of the wardec), and partly due to schisms in leadership that were caused because of the wardec

Draketrain has nothing to do with my pvp 'glory'

Again one who try to smack without facts.

And if i have to choose one of your choises it would be option a.

There is no much reasons to fight in EVE that inspires me much, not even FW has currently any reason to fight, alts can do everything, no point to play with mains.

True, colour is Caldari, not any gallente puppet Big smile

Anyway, smacking me about my doings does not affect much, i've always done things as i want and i always will do, i do not need your approval, i do have my own visions how to play.
Yuri Intaki
Nasranite Watch
#78 - 2012-09-05 04:51:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuri Intaki
Shaalira D'arc wrote:

1) "Isk-starved" people.
2) People who don't hesitate to throw faction BS / logi fleets into battle via titan-bridge.

1) You are from minmatar militia, which consists of 99% nothing but lp farmers.

2) That is gallente militia who is filled by untalented hacks like Psymn/Crosi Wesdo who could not pvp their way out of wet paper bag if they didnt have their t3 links, neutral guardians, titan bridges, etc. for their "solo pvp".

Yet claim they are best thing since sliced bread.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#79 - 2012-09-05 05:27:08 UTC
Yuri Intaki wrote:
Shaalira D'arc wrote:

1) "Isk-starved" people.
2) People who don't hesitate to throw faction BS / logi fleets into battle via titan-bridge.

1) You are from minmatar militia, which consists of 99% nothing but lp farmers.

2) That is gallente militia who is filled by untalented hacks like Psymn/Crosi Wesdo who could not pvp their way out of wet paper bag if they didnt have their t3 links, neutral guardians, titan bridges, etc. for their "solo pvp".

Yet claim they are best thing since sliced bread.

Ignore drama, hes just mad i plexed intaki and killed 3 of his afk plexers.
Lev Arturis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2012-09-05 06:46:03 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Quentin Marshall wrote:

You'd be angry too if you had badmouthed and talked smack in local to another Caldari militia corp and then caused your own alliance to be permanently wardecced by them.

So no, I don't think NAERY is having alot of fun. So much so that Caldari State Capturing has failscascaded and NAERY abandoned the alliance because they couldn't deal with the war. Honestly, I wish Damar would stop poisoning Cal Mil with all his incessant and immature behavior. We were doing well until this latest fiasco..

Me angry about wardec? Lol

You should know that i am well know about long wars, longest wardec PERVS had lasted more than 1 and half year, until enemy surrended.

We did not get war because of badmouthing, we got it because alliance who wardeced us has leaders from the DARK and they are still mad for us for some reason. Reason really does not matter because they are gallente militia after all. I was talking about their actions against caldari militia when they wardeced us but is just excuse for wardec, true reason is something else.

I doubt that wardec was not the reason why we left alliance.

And what comes to me and Damar, you can always trust that we are loyal to Caldari State, if that does not fit in your plans it is your problem not ours.

And which leader should that be? Do you know how many pilots were in Dark-Rising during 6 years?