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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Returning back to anyone out there....

Kane Kamau
Catskull Cartel
#1 - 2012-09-01 16:35:38 UTC
104mil SP pilot with a long history looking to come back to eve after 1.5years leave, subbed for 90 days to see if it grabs my attention once more.

So Im looking for:

a bit of everything to get me going again, all though I am mainly specced for PvP.
Im easy going and would want the same from the corp/alliance.
I would like 0.0 but not always essential.
A challenge.
RL is always a problem...and my RL is no different.
Internet spaceships is serious business....but not that serious....

So let me know your requirments and lets see if it fits!


Arch Baby
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-09-06 06:45:01 UTC
Hello, Aegis Coalition & Logistics is looking for pilots such as yourself that likes working in team environments and building the tools of war in eve while having fun doing so. If you don't mind a move to Amarr space, we would would love to talk with you more.

Give us a check out, if interested chat with us in our recruit channel or send me a mail.

Aegis Coalition Logistics Specializes in supplying Eve with the goods needed to make wars happen and pride ourselves in supplying major alliances with goods when they need them.
ACL is looking for miners, mission runners, pvp, and logistics pilots to have fun in high sec with random raids into low and null.

- Corp with over a year history including 0.0
- Experienced corp members
- Orca and freighter support
- Corp ore buy programs
- new pilot friendly w/ training programs available
- Family and RL friendly
- Mature attitude in corp (5 yr olds need not apply)
- Self Sufficient build programs
- Strong high sec operations for learning pilots
- Mining Ops daily
- Low tax rate for when you are sick of mining
- Amarr Space - Setup in good systems close to 0.0
- Setting up mission running and incursion dedicated division
- Occasional ventures into nullsec (not based in null)

Check out our website at http:// for more information

API back ground check required for all pilots when joining
we are Anti-high sec pirating

Come join the fun and be part of a corporation that is active and has a purpose.

See link for corp to the left or join channel 'recruit acl'
Merciless Markus
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-09-07 01:01:55 UTC
We See Dead People, est. 2007, is an old school, new tricks pirate corporation. We are a null sec corp working together to meet corp and alliance goals. We offer a mature and friendly atmosphere, with helpful and knowlegable leadership. We understand that Eve is a game, played for fun and entertainment. All members are US players and all ages. (20-50) We are a well-rounded corp, proficient in every part of the game. We are all about hanging out on ts, having a good time while playing Eve. WE SE believes that the corporation should work for its members, not just its members working for the corp. We want to work with people, not just tell you what to do or how to do it.

The one complaint I hear over and over again, is the lack of people online to fly with. If every US pilot joined, this would no longer be a problem. Pilots of all types and occupations welcome. We have everything sov space has to offer. Our alliance space is pretty stable, but still expanding. All pilots and occupations welcome.

We have nothing against non US players. If they play Eve the same time as us, we would be more then happy to accept their apps. We just want to insure that members well be online during our time zones. Nobody likes playing alone.

Join "WE SE FRIENDS" channel ingame.
For more imfo and corp requirements click link:
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-09-07 02:34:39 UTC
Make an avatar guy


- ACTIVE PLAYER BASE (Most have been flying together for years)
- VOICE COMS (Mumble)

- Always deployed some where with logistic support to move ships and gear in combat area
- Always fleets up, Cap and Sub Cap
- Cap building program (if you need a cap for cheap)
- Ship replacement program in place at alliance level
- Forms with fleet ops

- You will need a sense of humor
- API Required
- Ratting to Fill your wallet
- Pub Free
- 0.0 Corp/Alliance
- Fountain/Delve/Querious/and more to COME!!
- Forums/Jabber

MV Publord Lounge
(Public Channel)
Trebizond/Lana Lane/John Dowland/Caprican Erock/Divercity/Zverofaust/5weety
TeamSpeak for a Chat
(Evemail a Recruit Member in list in public channel)