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Ships & Modules

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In general, which race would you say has the best ships and which would you say has the worst ships?

Lin-Young Borovskova
#21 - 2012-09-01 12:41:13 UTC
Roime wrote:
I do agree with Ireland,

the answers are always tainted with the replier's personal experience and playing field.

I think that races in general all have about as many "good" ships, when you consider the whole range from noobships to titans, and all their various applications. Each race has "the best" or FOTM ships in some role.

I think you can agree with me on the fact the game is not exclusively null sec doctrines, nor WH's with dedicated bonus to armor ships making at some point Proteus being excellent in that specific area of the game.

On paper Gallente can absolutely deal with every single race in the game with their specific racial traits, in game we all know this is not true.
I'm probably amongst the players for a couple years now, who jump on each Gallente dev thread trying to put on the table difficulties gallente pilots have and still have the feeling the very first Gallente issues are not taken in consideration but just somewhat "covered" with fake bonuses and tools that still make them not the first choice you will do if you can fly all races like me, and I'm at first a very specialised gallente pilot before I realised I could have more fun if I trained other races so I wouldn't be stuck in a single restrictive game play/area of the game.


Last Wolf
Umbra Wing
#22 - 2012-09-01 12:47:18 UTC
so weird. it seems like not that long ago people were saying LOL minmatar and NERF amarr. gal has sucked for like 6 years. ever since the HP buffs and the switch from solo/small gang to mega fleets. caldari has alwAys been pretty balanced though they aRe ccurrently better at pvp than they have ever been.

That awkward moment at the Gentlemen's Club when you see your sister on the stage....and you're not sure where to put the money....

Devoid Privateering
#23 - 2012-09-01 12:48:53 UTC
Last Wolf wrote:
so weird. it seems like not that long ago people were saying LOL minmatar and NERF amarr.

Well over four years ago. The situation you describe lasted for maybe a year.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#24 - 2012-09-01 13:06:42 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Roime wrote:
I do agree with Ireland,

the answers are always tainted with the replier's personal experience and playing field.

I think that races in general all have about as many "good" ships, when you consider the whole range from noobships to titans, and all their various applications. Each race has "the best" or FOTM ships in some role.

I think you can agree with me on the fact the game is not exclusively null sec doctrines, nor WH's with dedicated bonus to armor ships making at some point Proteus being excellent in that specific area of the game.

On paper Gallente can absolutely deal with every single race in the game with their specific racial traits, in game we all know this is not true.
I'm probably amongst the players for a couple years now, who jump on each Gallente dev thread trying to put on the table difficulties gallente pilots have and still have the feeling the very first Gallente issues are not taken in consideration but just somewhat "covered" with fake bonuses and tools that still make them not the first choice you will do if you can fly all races like me, and I'm at first a very specialised gallente pilot before I realised I could have more fun if I trained other races so I wouldn't be stuck in a single restrictive game play/area of the game.

I can't say that I agree really. Of course Gallente has issues, but so do other races. I could have crosstrained already, if success in pvp was really a matter of race. It's not, among my numerous losses, there is not a single one that would be direct result of flying Gallente. This applies to all races, you don't win because :Minmatar:, you win because you fly a ship suitable for the task, and succeed in manipulating the battlefield circumstances to favour your strengths.

Or lose because you are bad, let your weaknesses be exploited.


Ten Thousand Days
#25 - 2012-09-01 13:32:53 UTC
Gorn Arming wrote:
Sphit Ker wrote:
The two best races right now are Minmatar and Tengu.

This, plus the Caldari ECM line.

If you're a newbie wondering what race to train, the answer is always the same--train Minmatar.

"Welcome to Eve. Please Choose Difficulty:


Scrubs seem to forget so quickly.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-09-01 13:46:36 UTC
Maeltstome wrote:
"Welcome to Eve. Please Choose Difficulty:


Scrubs seem to forget so quickly.

This belief comes from way back when Minmatar was actually the underdog and had to work to get a kill. Minmatar hasn't been hard to fly for a long time now. They're the easiest ships to solo in without a doubt.
Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#27 - 2012-09-01 14:21:37 UTC
You forget that the Rifter is a pile of garbage now, and I'm talking about it's performance.

Anyone who thinks otherwise, is a bad Minmatar nut-hugger.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

#28 - 2012-09-02 01:01:36 UTC
Generalisations rarely say much more than preference, but here's how i would put it.

Minmatar: most even, with a high general performance.
Amarr: quite even while slightly tipped toward larger ships and scales (BS and up).
Caldari: most spiky, some very popular notable ships but also many broken whole classes.
Gallente: some dips, tipped toward smaller ships and scales, most misunderstood.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#29 - 2012-09-02 04:20:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Lilianna Star wrote:
Each of the four races has their gems and their stinkers. But which would you say has the greatest quantity of good ships, and which would you say has the greatest quantity of bad ships?

Hmmmmm... ships that I really like (I make no claims for this list to represent everyone or be complete):

- Executioner
- Punisher
- Tormentor
- Slicer
- Coercer
- Arbitrator
- Omen Navy
- Guardian
- Zealot
- Curse
- Harbinger
- Oracle
- Armageddon
- Abaddon
- Archon
- Revelation

- Condor
- Merlin
- Griffin
- Hookbill
- Kitsune
- Harpy
- Hawk
- Manticore
- Blackbird
- Moa
- Caracal
- Ferox
- Drake
- Scorpion
- Raven
- Tengu

- Jaguar
- Stiletto
- Thrasher
- Sabre
- Rupture
- Stabber Fleet
- Vagabond
- Cyclone
- Hurricane
- Sleipnir
- Tornado

- Atron
- Incursus
- Comet
- Taranis
- Ishkur
- Ares
- Thorax
- Ishtar
- Arazu
- Myrmidon
- Talos

The ships I actually fly are almost always Caldari, Amarr, or Gallente. I can't even tell you how much Minmatar loot I've collected and have never bothered to put on a ship. And really, I think people dramatically underestimate how powerful lasers are with today's shield superiority.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-09-02 07:05:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
i honestly have no idea how anyone can say amarr are the worst...
their BSs are the best bar none, harb is great, they have excellent T2 ships in every category (including the only useable black ops) and have the best carrier and top of the line dread.

amarr have weak frigs/cruisers but the punisher and arbitrator are far from terrible. amarr heavy faction/pirate ships are the best around.
caldari have weak cruisers, no HACs to speak of, mediocre BSs, a useless dread and gurista ships are junk.
gallente have a good lineup overall but require a play style most people dont like. their command ships are lacking.
minmatar have a great lineup but it lacks the focus of the other races. their caps are the worst overall by a fair stretch.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#31 - 2012-09-02 07:05:34 UTC
CCP claims that laser crystals are one of our "strengths" but in reality they're little more than a royal pain the arse. With other races switching ammunition not only changes range but also the type of damage done by the weapon. With laser crystals the ranges change but the damage type always stays the same. That's only half the problem, however.

The real problem is well known to every player who's tried to use lasers on one ship after playing with something like cannons on another: Optimal Range and Falloff. Well looky here, we've got eight - count 'em - eight different flavors of crystal to chose from so you can stay at optimum range with the flick of a few buttons, ain't that grand?

No, not it isn't, because you have to have all eight crystal types and you have to constantly be swapping them out every third shot in order to keep your shots at optimal range. Why? Because the falloff on lasers is a complete joke. Your typical Minmatar light cannon may only have 3km or so of optimal range but the falloff will reach out to 12km or more easily. That's a nice wide bracket that you can use that weapon in before having to worry about changing the ammunition. Now compare that to your typical Amarr light laser in the same area and you'll find that the average falloff bracket is less than 2km wide at best... and it hardly gets any better as the gun tier goes up, either.

An Amarr pilot most constantly be juggling between eight different crystals to get keep a their target from falling too far under or over because of these absurdly narrow falloff arcs. That's click time that you're not spending doing things like adjusting speed, heading, managing drones or tinkering with all your other modules. Basically, an Amarr player needs to train in Multitasking 5 first in order to keep their weapons even marginally effective.

The oddest thing is that, scientifically, it makes absolutely no sense. What is the range of coherence of a laser in a vacuum? In real life you'd have be pretty much underwater to have to fiddle with focusing crystals as much as we have to in EvE. It's absurd.

I can live with the monotone EM/Thermal damage type because striking down sinners and heretics with the powers of Lighting and Fire suits our culture just swimmingly. But I'd also like to see the falloff brackets for our lasers get a massive boost and the number of crystals needed reduced accordingly. What I'd really like to see is for the crystal list to be dropped down to just three types: short, medium, and long range. Then adjust our falloff brackets so that's all we would actually need.

That or just invent a special module that automatically switches them for us. That would be spiffy too.

Marco Kerensky
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2012-09-02 07:34:34 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
CCP claims that laser crystals are one of our "strengths" but in reality they're little more than a royal pain the arse. With other races switching ammunition not only changes range but also the type of damage done by the weapon. With laser crystals the ranges change but the damage type always stays the same. That's only half the problem, however.

The real problem is well known to every player who's tried to use lasers on one ship after playing with something like cannons on another: Optimal Range and Falloff. Well looky here, we've got eight - count 'em - eight different flavors of crystal to chose from so you can stay at optimum range with the flick of a few buttons, ain't that grand?

No, not it isn't, because you have to have all eight crystal types and you have to constantly be swapping them out every third shot in order to keep your shots at optimal range. Why? Because the falloff on lasers is a complete joke. Your typical Minmatar light cannon may only have 3km or so of optimal range but the falloff will reach out to 12km or more easily. That's a nice wide bracket that you can use that weapon in before having to worry about changing the ammunition. Now compare that to your typical Amarr light laser in the same area and you'll find that the average falloff bracket is less than 2km wide at best... and it hardly gets any better as the gun tier goes up, either.

An Amarr pilot most constantly be juggling between eight different crystals to get keep a their target from falling too far under or over because of these absurdly narrow falloff arcs. That's click time that you're not spending doing things like adjusting speed, heading, managing drones or tinkering with all your other modules. Basically, an Amarr player needs to train in Multitasking 5 first in order to keep their weapons even marginally effective.

The oddest thing is that, scientifically, it makes absolutely no sense. What is the range of coherence of a laser in a vacuum? In real life you'd have be pretty much underwater to have to fiddle with focusing crystals as much as we have to in EvE. It's absurd.

I can live with the monotone EM/Thermal damage type because striking down sinners and heretics with the powers of Lighting and Fire suits our culture just swimmingly. But I'd also like to see the falloff brackets for our lasers get a massive boost and the number of crystals needed reduced accordingly. What I'd really like to see is for the crystal list to be dropped down to just three types: short, medium, and long range. Then adjust our falloff brackets so that's all we would actually need.

That or just invent a special module that automatically switches them for us. That would be spiffy too.

You don't need to be switching every few KM, because you have 3 crystals. Scorch, Multi, and Conflag. Scorch has the best damage projection within its range area in game, AFAIK, and when things get close enough that Scorch doesn't track fast enough, drop to Multi. It has good range (though not scorch) and great DPS. Grab a Conflagration crystal when shooting big things. There, you've got your crystals. You don't need a huge falloff because while those Minnie ships get huge falloff, their optimal sucks. You get a huge optimal, so you don't have to worry about falloff.

And if you're worried about Scorch not tracking within a range but before reaching MF range, grab a set of Radios. IIRC, they don't suffer tracking pentalties and have the same tracking as MF. So up until they're in MF range, use them.
Hidden Agenda
Deep Space Engineering
#33 - 2012-09-02 08:11:37 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
It is purely based on playing stlye.

Low sec doing hit and runs, fleet warfare, Running L4's, incursions, WH, Industry Defense, High sec war, Jack of all trades.
You will find different races are more successful at different aspects.
Naming off one group as having the most awsome ships is a sign of a new player.
Eve has been around a long time now ccp knows more then you. They have done a real good job at balancing. Being around since 2003 has that effect on a game.

If you happen to see one race as the best: It is due to that ship matching your stlye of play.

Absolute truth.

I may have only been around since 2006, but the best ships are entirely up to a player's style. CCP has worked long and hard at ship balance, and while not perfect it is very good. People will whine about this ship or that ship, but most of their experience comes from being shot at rather than shooting. CCP has tried very hard to make sure that one ship does not dominate all others, all ships have positives and negatives. Once you match the positives to what you like to do (or want to do) you'll have found your match.
Josef Djugashvilis
#34 - 2012-09-02 13:12:32 UTC
Gallente would be better, if folk would only keep their ships still long enough so that we (for the most part) can eventually crawl close enough to use blasters.

This is not a signature.

Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2012-09-02 22:19:19 UTC
Looking purely at solo, the most justifiable generalisation is that amarr are awful. They have the best damage at mid-range, but they pay for it with a pathetically fragile capacitor which disrupts their ability to stay at that range or to tank or both. Their damage is locked into anti-shield mode. Many of their ships have terrible fitting problems, and it is theoretically almost impossible for an amarr ship to solo anything with a heavy neut. Then there is the "wasted bonus" of cap usage and the lack of midslots which force them into predictable strategies
Zeomebuch Nova
Undrinkable Grog Inc.
#36 - 2012-09-02 22:57:41 UTC
Marco Kerensky wrote:

And if you're worried about Scorch not tracking within a range but before reaching MF range, grab a set of Radios. IIRC, they don't suffer tracking pentalties and have the same tracking as MF. So up until they're in MF range, use them.

So basically this is, in your opinion, everything an amarr pilot needs to do in order to be on par with winmatar?
Large Collidable Object
#37 - 2012-09-03 01:43:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
Roime wrote:
you don't win because :Minmatar:

Actually, you do in a way, since they're the race most likely ro be able to disengage at will. They're easiest to just poke some ship to see what happens and if things go wrong, you just 'do a barrel roll', so either you win or you disengage, but you don't lose.

CCP apparently never realized how much of a decisive factor that is.

The combination speed, agility, smallest sigs and very decent tanks that can be used for shield or armor make the ships the strongest sub-BS platform.

Having the only capless, all damage type guns with awesome tracking/alpha and tremendous falloff in combination with TEs made them most effective, rendering the most absurdly overpowered raceto have ever existed in the game. Pre-projectle-buff Minmatar were fine, since they had the tradeoff of dealing poor DPS as a combination for all the advantages. Now there's no drawbck and ASBs aggravated the problem.

Yes - their caps aren't great, but then again most people use alts to fly caps.

I don't doubt Liang kills mostly minmatar ships in his other races ships, but that's a statistically logical consequence of everyone flying Minmatar and Liang not doing so. A pilot with a clue (and an OGB) will always win against someone lacking both.

Anyway, considering the OPs question, the race with the biggest number of bad ships are either Gallente or Caldari, but especially the latter have a handfull of ships that make them shine(Drake/Tengu).

Except for the Avatar, Aeon, Archon, Abaddon and maybe the new punisher and exec (never tried the last two since the rebalance), Amarr are subpar accross the board.

And no - the Rifter doesn't suck, it's just a change from it being the only competitive T1 frig to one amongst many - people used to their I-win button for years may need time to adapt to that.
You know... [morons.](
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#38 - 2012-09-03 01:54:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Large Collidable Object wrote:

And no - the Rifter doesn't suck, it's just a change from it being the only competitive T1 frig to one amongst many - people used to their I-win button for years may need time to adapt to that.

Naw, the Rifter is pretty garbage now.


Ed: Also, Minmatar as a whole is pretty bad. There's a reason I listed so few "good" ships for them. But, dominance at the BC level provides an overinflated view of how "awesome" they are since that's the most common PVP ship.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Alara IonStorm
#39 - 2012-09-03 01:59:29 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:

Naw, the Rifter is pretty garbage now.


But it wasn't before?

The only ships they ever engaged is the other Frigate that just got buffed?

Tracking, Speed, Low Sig, Range, Neut / Nos slot, choice in tanking it, Scan Res. Seems like everything that was great about the Rifter is still there.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#40 - 2012-09-03 02:00:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:

Naw, the Rifter is pretty garbage now.


But it wasn't before?

The only ships they ever engaged is the other Frigate that just got buffed?

Tracking, Speed, Low Sig, Range, Neut / Nos slot, choice in tanking it, Scan Res. Seems like everything that was great about the Rifter is still there.

You can't just compare the ship to how it was. You have to compare it to the way it is. In yesterday's frigate metagame, it was pretty darn good. Arguably the best. In today's frigate metagame it's complete garbage.


Ed: Really, if you are flying a Rifter, you are doing it *wrong*.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.