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One Account - Multi Chars - Training - An Idea

Thor Kerrigan
Guardians of Asceticism
#21 - 2012-08-27 12:33:39 UTC
Keep in mind such an option would enable people to increase the training queue way past 24 hours. Since you can always end your queue with a long skill, one could simply place 20-30 day long skills on each character, giving them the option to train for 60-80 days without ever logging into the account.

Why does CCP not give us a 100 day skill queue from the start then?

I would support the idea if the 24-hour training queue would be shared between characters. Having recently trained 4 extra alts on my 2 accounts I can understand the need to simplify the process.
C O'Brien
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-08-27 12:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: C O'Brien
I think alt skills should train while your main does. Make the alt train slower, like 50 or 75% slower.
Taranius De Consolville
#23 - 2012-08-27 12:43:06 UTC
This whole thread has been derailed

The idea is that u can SWITCH active training NOT cue skills

C O'Brien
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-08-27 12:47:02 UTC
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
This whole thread has been derailed

The idea is that u can SWITCH active training NOT cue skills


Ahha, sorry. And it's "jebus". Ask Homer.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#25 - 2012-08-27 13:10:58 UTC
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
The idea is that u can SWITCH active training NOT cue skills

What better way of achieving that than putting the current character's skill on the queue where you want it?

Main is training Gallente Battleship 5. Alt wants to train Astrometrics 1-3? Stick that on the front of the queue. No need to prevent the main reverting to Gallente Battleship 5 training after the Astrometrics 1-3 has finished for the alt.
Taranius De Consolville
#26 - 2012-08-27 14:10:37 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
The idea is that u can SWITCH active training NOT cue skills

What better way of achieving that than putting the current character's skill on the queue where you want it?

Main is training Gallente Battleship 5. Alt wants to train Astrometrics 1-3? Stick that on the front of the queue. No need to prevent the main reverting to Gallente Battleship 5 training after the Astrometrics 1-3 has finished for the alt.

Possibly but that could lead to abuse of the system itself
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#27 - 2012-08-27 15:22:43 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I think they should put a gay nightclub in Amarr with dancing choirsters.


In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#28 - 2012-08-27 15:34:34 UTC
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
Azrin Stella Oerndotte wrote:
How about being able to pay double and triple the amount of a single account to be able to train two and/or three characters at the same time on the same account?

Good bye account per alt.

Would never work

What im suggesting is, u make an alt and then u think im gonna train this skill to level 1

U need to log char B

Log on char A

Stop training on A

Log back on B

Start training on B

Rinse and repeat

I think it could be changed

Of course it could be changed. And made much easier.

But ask yourself this. What does CCP get out of making it easier to play on one acct than two? The answer is nothing. It's not in their best interest to have people doing on one acct what they currently do on two. That most assuredly includes character training.

Mr Epeen Cool
Orzo Torasson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-08-29 01:21:03 UTC
Taranius De Consolville wrote:

So sum times i train random alts on one of my four accounts to do things and the one thing that has always annoyed me was the need to *stop* a skill training on one char to then quickly spend a day training something on another.

So i was curious how hard it would be to implement an idea were say if im on an alt and want to train a skill to lvl 1 for something. Could when you click *train now to level 1* it would say *do u want to pause skill training on taranius de consolvile?*

Just wondered if this would be considered a good idea or a bad idea

I actually really like this idea, it would only save me about 10 seconds but I am super lazy.

For the same reason, another thing I'd like to see is not having to stop your skill queue when you clone jump or put in implants. The amount of times I've forgotten to turn it back on, man........I could probably fly a titan by now -_-
Lady Katherine Devonshire
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#30 - 2012-08-29 02:01:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Katherine Devonshire
This was proposed before elsewhere:

Basic Account - $15 a month, can train once character.
Silver Account - $20 a month, can train two characters at once.
Gold Account - $25 a month, can train all three characters at once.

Advantages over multiple accounts: It's cheaper and you only need one login for up to three characters.

Disadvantage over multiple accounts: You can still only have one character logged in at once.

Therefore it would be an alternative to multiple accounts for those who don't feel the need or compulsion to "multi-box" the game. Multiple account still have their place, of course, such as "one person" mining fleets with two Hulks and an Orca. What this would do is create a larger market for specialized alts. For example: You are a PvPer, but also want to dabble in T2 blueprints or something. You're main character that you use most of the time can train your ship skills. Your "science alt" can repsec & focus entirely on just those skills needed for T2 production. Or you can have an alt just for flying jump freighters while your main stays in their warship. Or a dedicated industrialist can train their main as a pro miner and their alt as a backup to open up more production lines for their products. Most common, I believe, would be dedicated PI alts and Corporate Management alts (thus allowing you to maximize Trade, Retail, Accounting, Corporate Management, etc while your main is off doing more interesting things).

Doing any of these tasks now sadly requires multiple accounts (because if you only have one account then why train an alt when you can just keep training your main to do the same thing?)

Another advantage to this over multiple accounts is that when you're done training your specific function alts you can just go back to a Basic Account again.

Would this cause CCP to lose money? Some, but I think they would actually gain more in the long run. I believe that there are many players who have no desire to run multiple accounts (and all the expense & logistics that go with them) who would have far fewer qualms about just paying a little extra to be able to train multiple characters at once on a single account. Yes, some potential multi-account players might "downgrade" to this, but an entirely new untapped market of the previously mentioned players would be opened, and I think that market would more than exceed the difference.
Yokai Mitsuhide
#31 - 2012-08-29 02:10:37 UTC
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
Chribba wrote:
That or dual training at reduced speed.

No ive never agreed with dual training as i find that one of the good qualities of eve

One does not simply disagree with Chribba.
Taranius De Consolville
#32 - 2012-08-29 09:13:56 UTC
Yokai Mitsuhide wrote:
Taranius De Consolville wrote:
Chribba wrote:
That or dual training at reduced speed.

No ive never agreed with dual training as i find that one of the good qualities of eve

One does not simply disagree with Chribba.

I am entitled to my opinion.

And no, i do not want multi char training in EvE, there would not point, there is a point to having more accounts, i have 4


If they were on one account i would have to do one thing and one thing only
Celestial Tomb
#33 - 2012-08-29 13:36:28 UTC

"Skill Chipping"

Buy a chip from NPC, export Skill Points to Chip.

Place Chip on market or Contract

Buy Chip on other char, insert into head.

Presto Chango! more skilzzz!!

You get the Idea...

Taranius De Consolville
#34 - 2012-08-29 15:45:26 UTC
Grendaran wrote:

"Skill Chipping"

Buy a chip from NPC, export Skill Points to Chip.

Place Chip on market or Contract

Buy Chip on other char, insert into head.

Presto Chango! more skilzzz!!

You get the Idea...

Again, another stupid idea deisgned to get u ahead fast.

I do like how keep trying to derail the thread
Jim Era
#35 - 2012-08-29 15:51:18 UTC
I would just be happy if I could switch avatars, (even though I don't have but one per account) or switch accounts without having to fully exit EVE.


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