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The Highsec quandry.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#1 - 2012-08-28 23:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
So ganking has in some part received one more nail in its resplendent coffin.
So in review hulks are still easily killed yet for very little loss in yield everyone can move to more heavily tanked super cargo miners.

The problem: its harder to gank them in 8 seconds so they must be nerfed? No.
The true problem is NPC corps. Safety nets for the wardeck uninclined. The only desire to truly leave them in highsec is if you mission run due to taxes. Why would the masses of miners want to leave this sanctuary?
Nothing. Ore cant be taxed as it is collected unlike bounties.

I would suggest the Empire Ore Permit issued in a joint venture from ORE and Concord due to the lack or resources from within the built up empires.
You can ONLY mine in highsec as a player corp for a small insignificant fee (included in your corporation registration so you wont notice it) to force you into a player corp. Any player corp. Just to be a valid target as a entrepreneur.

What would this cause?
War targets.
What would see more use?
What about new players?
A 30 day miner permit that is only useful for pilots under 30 days old. Much like the Cerebral Accelerator booster.

What if I try and mine while in a NPC corp?
Concord shows up and confiscates any miner highslots from your fit. (after a warning screen for an invalid target of course)

Haulers can still be protected in NPC corps though.
Not that ganking them was ever hard and could still happen to save on wardec cost. Yet we could always make ore illegal if not in a player corp. How about that?

Or forgo the games and just kick people out of neutral NPC corps into FW corps after a month or two. NPC corps should not be a cloak of protection in an otherwise already safe zone. There are plenty of mechanics available to players to survive outside of NPC corps. It's a big world out there.

As if I wasn't clear enough:
Time to expose people to the universe. It brings validity to everyone's actions.
Most would still never be bothered due to new wardec costs for small groups anyway but enough of the shielding. This can just be a small part of a whole slew of changes. Bring in clone changes and change other risk adverse breeding mechanics and people may actually get involved with the game at large and stop being scenery "look but don't touch" while they screw with the game at large with idiotic pretenses like "I mined it, its free".
And of course the bots.
edit: This was almost new again. seems a ton of **** was necroed recently.
Ensign X
#2 - 2012-08-28 23:53:58 UTC
Did you come up with this idea all on your own? Your momma must be so proud of you for wearing your big boy pants!

Here, have a cookie. Roll
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#3 - 2012-08-28 23:56:05 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

The Final Solution.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#4 - 2012-08-28 23:56:15 UTC
Ensign X wrote:
Did you come up with this idea all on your own? Your momma must be so proud of you for wearing your big boy pants!

Here, have a cookie. Roll

Not enough hate in the right direction.
Jim Era
#5 - 2012-08-28 23:57:08 UTC
You know, I hate having all of these old threads up on the front page so I'm just going to post in here my hatred of them so that I can not bump them up anymore than they already are.


Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#6 - 2012-08-28 23:58:57 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
You know, I hate having all of these old threads up on the front page so I'm just going to post in here my hatred of them so that I can not bump them up anymore than they already are.

Quite. I decree NPC corp whining is considered fresh and new again.
Zaraz Zaraz
Zontik Paraphernalia Inc
#7 - 2012-08-29 00:00:00 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
So ganking has in some part received one more nail in its resplendent coffin.
So in review hulks are still easily killed yet for very little loss in yield everyone can move to more heavily tanked super cargo miners.

The problem: its harder to gank them in 8 seconds so they must be nerfed? No.
The true problem is NPC corps. Safety nets for the wardeck uninclined. The only desire to truly leave them in highsec is if you mission run due to taxes. Why would the masses of miners want to leave this sanctuary?
Nothing. Ore cant be taxed as it is collected unlike bounties.

I would suggest the Empire Ore Permit issued in a joint venture from ORE and Concord due to the lack or resources from within the built up empires.
You can ONLY mine in highsec as a player corp for a small insignificant fee (included in your corporation registration so you wont notice it) to force you into a player corp. Any player corp. Just to be a valid target as a entrepreneur.

What would this cause?
War targets.
What would see more use?
What about new players?
A 30 day miner permit that is only useful for pilots under 30 days old. Much like the Cerebral Accelerator booster.

What if I try and mine while in a NPC corp?
Concord shows up and confiscates any miner highslots from your fit. (after a warning screen for an invalid target of course)

Haulers can still be protected in NPC corps though.
Not that ganking them was ever hard and could still happen to save on wardec cost. Yet we could always make ore illegal if not in a player corp. How about that?

Oh and increase mission runner taxes more in NPC corps.


Allow wardecs against NPC corps.

Then, when the NPC navy fleet shows up with its caps and supers it'll be just like an incursion for the war-deccers corp alone. And also a bit like faction war where the war-deccers corp is denied access to stations etc until they can take them by force. etc. Sounds like fun!

Hypercake Mix
#8 - 2012-08-29 00:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Hypercake Mix
I suppose someone gave the order "MAKE MANY THREADS ABOUT HIGH-SEC"

Edit: Oh, lots of them are just necro-posts.
Ensign X
#9 - 2012-08-29 00:02:05 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
[Not enough hate in the right direction.

Pity =/= Hate.
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#10 - 2012-08-29 00:04:36 UTC
Zaraz Zaraz wrote:

Allow wardecs against NPC corps.

Then, when the NPC navy fleet shows up with its caps and supers it'll be just like an incursion for the war-deccers corp alone. And also a bit like faction war where the war-deccers corp is denied access to stations etc until they can take them by force. etc. Sounds like fun!

Alternatively, and a little more simply. Auto movement from a civilian NPC corp to NPC navy in one month. A garbage chute into FW in a way.
Zaraz Zaraz
Zontik Paraphernalia Inc
#11 - 2012-08-29 00:06:52 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Zaraz Zaraz wrote:

Allow wardecs against NPC corps.

Then, when the NPC navy fleet shows up with its caps and supers it'll be just like an incursion for the war-deccers corp alone. And also a bit like faction war where the war-deccers corp is denied access to stations etc until they can take them by force. etc. Sounds like fun!

Alternatively, and a little more simply. Auto movement from a civilian NPC corp to NPC navy in one month. A garbage chute into FW in a way.

LOL, kind of like getting drafted?

Conscription in Eve, could work!
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#12 - 2012-08-29 00:10:23 UTC
Zaraz Zaraz wrote:

LOL, kind of like getting drafted?

Conscription in Eve, could work!

Exactly. "You are not pulling your own weight sitting on your NPC couch. Time for you to earn your keep. Here is your standard issue camo."
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#13 - 2012-08-29 00:25:28 UTC
I'm liking the ideas, NPC corps are part of the reason so much ganking has been going on in high sec, it's the only recourse some people had since the NPC corps can't be war decced. I think the idea of preventing all those mining alts from sitting in NPC corps has some merit, if they want to affect the economy they should have to deal with the possibility of others affecting their livelihood.

That would sure shake things up. Twisted

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#14 - 2012-08-29 00:33:56 UTC
Virgil Travis wrote:
I'm liking the ideas, NPC corps are part of the reason so much ganking has been going on in high sec, it's the only recourse some people had since the NPC corps can't be war decced. I think the idea of preventing all those mining alts from sitting in NPC corps has some merit, if they want to affect the economy they should have to deal with the possibility of others affecting their livelihood.

That would sure shake things up. Twisted

That's all it is. And the apathy of a few individuals shows just how often it has come up before. Yet this most glaring flaw has yet been addressed. Only a few symptoms but not the disease.
It's not miners, its not gankers, its not the act of living in highsec. It stems from NPC corps. The revamp of the wardeck system is pointless still. Once npc is the proper rookie stepping stone as they always should have been. The new mechanics actually become used.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#15 - 2012-08-29 00:36:43 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
... to force you into a player corp.

I guess the concept of 'sandbox' only counts for some and not others.

How about when your sec status goes to neg 5 you are forced to stay out of high sec? How about if you are global you are forced not to be able to warp and your weapons don't work?

I thought so.

Mr Epeen Cool
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#16 - 2012-08-29 00:41:14 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Virgil Travis wrote:
I'm liking the ideas, NPC corps are part of the reason so much ganking has been going on in high sec, it's the only recourse some people had since the NPC corps can't be war decced. I think the idea of preventing all those mining alts from sitting in NPC corps has some merit, if they want to affect the economy they should have to deal with the possibility of others affecting their livelihood.

That would sure shake things up. Twisted

That's all it is. And the apathy of a few individuals shows just how often it has come up before. Yet this most glaring flaw has yet been addressed. Only a few symptoms but not the disease.
It's not miners, its not gankers, its not the act of living in highsec. It stems from NPC corps. The revamp of the wardeck system is pointless still. Once npc is the proper rookie stepping stone as they always should have been. The new mechanics actually become used.

Besides the odd NPC corp that I've heard has good support for new players, it would help many escape the clutches of the evernoobs that spend their entire careers in those starter corps, never seem to really experience and thus learn the game and end up giving new players some of the worst advice that can be given. I've heard some really bad stories about the help offered in some of those starter corps, I've even had to witness the rubbish spewed in corp chat when moving between corps.

It's horrifying.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#17 - 2012-08-29 00:53:42 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
... to force you into a player corp.

I guess the concept of 'sandbox' only counts for some and not others.

How about when your sec status goes to neg 5 you are forced to stay out of high sec? How about if you are global you are forced not to be able to warp and your weapons don't work?

I thought so.

Mr Epeen Cool

The argument for sandbox should be player content. NPC corps are CCPs fault it is player abused. As they tried to nudge more people out of it with more taxes proves this. Yet they only really effected mission runners. And that poor group got more nerfs than just a npc tax. Yet plenty still farm them just as many still mine with the same old awful mechanics but in new awesome "balanced!" ships.

Making people accountable for their effect on the markets is exactly the same as being punished after GCC.
I don't believe you can warp after GCC in high anymore anyway.
If your sec status is -5, all players can attack you anyway. That is sandbox. That is being accountable for your actions which led you to -5

Come up with better.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#18 - 2012-08-29 01:01:57 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

If your sec status is -5, all players can attack you anyway. That is sandbox. That is being accountable for your actions which led you to -5

Come up with better.

That's not the same as neg 5 being forced to rat up their status to be allowed in high sec. Even neg ten has a free pass in high sec. So the gankers get a free pass but you want to take what little shelter is left for the casual player away?

No that it would ever happen, but it sure would be Interesting to see how fast the server population drops if it ever did.

Mr Epeen Cool
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-08-29 01:05:24 UTC
Yes, those 500 guys on average, at any given time in each of the NPC corps, are the reason for all of EVE's problems and why people gank.

Dear OP,
How many high sec corps is your little 2 man corp currently at war with? Because when I'm flying around high sec on my alt, I see a shitton of people in player made corps also flying around high sec.

And explain to me, why exactly, that guy in a barge, who is a member of a player corp got suicide ganked while he was mining again? Oh, because the guy who ganked him was in an NPC corp, and the other guy didn't want to pay the wardec fee or put himself in a possition of being attackable while flying around high sec.
#20 - 2012-08-29 01:05:48 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
So ganking has in some part received one more nail in its resplendent coffin.
So in review hulks are still easily killed yet for very little loss in yield everyone can move to more heavily tanked super cargo miners.

The problem: its harder to gank them in 8 seconds so they must be nerfed? No.
The true problem is NPC corps. Safety nets for the wardeck uninclined. The only desire to truly leave them in highsec is if you mission run due to taxes. Why would the masses of miners want to leave this sanctuary?
Nothing. Ore cant be taxed as it is collected unlike bounties.

I would suggest the Empire Ore Permit issued in a joint venture from ORE and Concord due to the lack or resources from within the built up empires.
You can ONLY mine in highsec as a player corp for a small insignificant fee (included in your corporation registration so you wont notice it) to force you into a player corp. Any player corp. Just to be a valid target as a entrepreneur.

What would this cause?
War targets.
What would see more use?
What about new players?
A 30 day miner permit that is only useful for pilots under 30 days old. Much like the Cerebral Accelerator booster.

What if I try and mine while in a NPC corp?
Concord shows up and confiscates any miner highslots from your fit. (after a warning screen for an invalid target of course)

Haulers can still be protected in NPC corps though.
Not that ganking them was ever hard and could still happen to save on wardec cost. Yet we could always make ore illegal if not in a player corp. How about that?

Oh and increase mission runner taxes more in NPC corps.
As if I wasn't clear enough:
Time to expose people to the universe. It brings validity to everyone's actions. Most would still never be bothered due to new wardec costs for small groups anyway but enough of the shielding.
This was almost new again. seems a ton of **** was necroed recently.

i wrote a thread simular to this a few months back but with my syle of pros and the fact i choose to post with an npc alt no one took me serious... hopefully with you proper use of periods and capital letters people can get behind an idea like this.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

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