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On multiple accounts and characters

Narka Utama
Dutch East Querious Company
#1 - 2012-08-28 14:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Narka Utama
Hello, your probably here to say "this has been discussed to death" or troll so i'll go straight past that and get on with my point.

Now I have been playing on a variety of characters since 2009 and only recently have I seen a massive uptake in alternate characters with generic names. Now I don't mind people having alts, what I have an issue with is multiple characters having these names that makes you think "Does eve actually have real pilots."

Here is an in-game screenshot I took just now at one of my mining bases. The guests in the station, as you can see are all named "x of many" which makes me think there is some form of botting or simply no-one playing them or maybe 1 person being clever and juggling all the accounts (which I doubt).

Here is a solution. Enable more that 1 skill training on each account. To be honest I don't see why this hasn't been enabled before. When I have asked players apparently the reason was that people would train characters to sell for real money. As an excuse I don't think it holds water I mean you have people who make accounts like above and no doubt they will be sold on for real money when the player gets bored or leaves eve.

Well I don't know alot about the ins and outs of the subject but I think this is just a passive suggestion. I look forward to reading the replies.
James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#2 - 2012-08-28 14:50:45 UTC
This has been discussed since the beginning of EVE, I don't think it's going to happen. What?
Bionic Systems
#3 - 2012-08-28 14:52:21 UTC
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#4 - 2012-08-28 14:53:41 UTC
Narka Utama wrote:
The guests in the station, as you can see are all named "x of many" which makes me think there is some form of botting or simply no-one playing them or maybe 1 person being clever and juggling all the accounts (which I doubt).

I know of at least one case of a guy running 16 mackinaws and two orcas. It was rather hilarious watching the chaos of him trying to get them all docked when a friend of mine started shooting them.

Narka Utama wrote:
Here is a solution. Enable more that 1 skill training on each account. To be honest I don't see why this hasn't been enabled before. When I have asked players apparently the reason was that people would train characters to sell for real money. As an excuse I don't think it holds water I mean you have people who make accounts like above and no doubt they will be sold on for real money when the player gets bored or leaves eve.

I don't think you understand the purpose of alts. We use them to do things simultaneously, not one at a time. Besides that, allowing all three characters to train at the same rate would result in people who DON'T immediately make three characters missing out on skill points just because they didn't know they needed to make more characters on day 1.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Narka Utama
Dutch East Querious Company
#5 - 2012-08-28 14:54:45 UTC
Tekniq wrote:

See I wouldn't mind that but a number and then of many is abit daft
Jim Era
#6 - 2012-08-28 14:57:11 UTC
the only thing that would accomplish OP, is that there would be more bots.
besides, people use their alts to compliment their mains, you can only log into 1 at a time per account.


Narka Utama
Dutch East Querious Company
#7 - 2012-08-28 15:05:13 UTC
I don't think anyone is grasping where i'm coming from.

The idea is that we have multiple skill training so when you don't play you can train up, say a PvP/Pirate character and a Industrial/mining character.
This means that its a similar role to the multiple account theory. But say if someone feels like doing some pirating one day then I think there should be maybe only 1 of the character slots have the ability to train aswell as another.
Jim Era
#8 - 2012-08-28 15:13:29 UTC
**** 404

It should not be implemented, more money for CCP, more money for EVE.
you should pay to be able to "level" each individual avatar.


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-08-28 15:33:43 UTC
Narka Utama wrote:
I don't think anyone is grasping where i'm coming from.

The idea is that we have multiple skill training so when you don't play you can train up, say a PvP/Pirate character and a Industrial/mining character.
This means that its a similar role to the multiple account theory. But say if someone feels like doing some pirating one day then I think there should be maybe only 1 of the character slots have the ability to train aswell as another.

Why would CCP want to implement that when those who really do want to have multiple options are more than willing to run multiple accounts?

Personally I have 3 accounts. I only pay for one of them with real money.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-08-28 15:58:01 UTC
Narka Utama wrote:
Hello, your probably here to say "this has been discussed to death" or troll so i'll go straight past that and get on with my point.

Now I have been playing on a variety of characters since 2009 and only recently have I seen a massive uptake in alternate characters with generic names. Now I don't mind people having alts, what I have an issue with is multiple characters having these names that makes you think "Does eve actually have real pilots."

Here is an in-game screenshot I took just now at one of my mining bases. The guests in the station, as you can see are all named "x of many" which makes me think there is some form of botting or simply no-one playing them or maybe 1 person being clever and juggling all the accounts (which I doubt).

Here is a solution. Enable more that 1 skill training on each account. To be honest I don't see why this hasn't been enabled before. When I have asked players apparently the reason was that people would train characters to sell for real money. As an excuse I don't think it holds water I mean you have people who make accounts like above and no doubt they will be sold on for real money when the player gets bored or leaves eve.

Well I don't know alot about the ins and outs of the subject but I think this is just a passive suggestion. I look forward to reading the replies.

Not only do you pay for server access, but you also pay to be able to train 1 character. Now if you're suggesting an option for people to pay double or triple to be able to train more than 1 character on each account at once, I'm sure CCP would go for that.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Garreth Vlox
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-08-28 19:41:51 UTC
Narka Utama wrote:
Hello, your probably here to say "this has been discussed to death" or troll so i'll go straight past that and get on with my point.

Now I have been playing on a variety of characters since 2009 and only recently have I seen a massive uptake in alternate characters with generic names. Now I don't mind people having alts, what I have an issue with is multiple characters having these names that makes you think "Does eve actually have real pilots."

Here is an in-game screenshot I took just now at one of my mining bases. The guests in the station, as you can see are all named "x of many" which makes me think there is some form of botting or simply no-one playing them or maybe 1 person being clever and juggling all the accounts (which I doubt).

Here is a solution. Enable more that 1 skill training on each account. To be honest I don't see why this hasn't been enabled before. When I have asked players apparently the reason was that people would train characters to sell for real money. As an excuse I don't think it holds water I mean you have people who make accounts like above and no doubt they will be sold on for real money when the player gets bored or leaves eve.

Well I don't know alot about the ins and outs of the subject but I think this is just a passive suggestion. I look forward to reading the replies.

I understand that the thought of organizing your mining fleet doesn't make sense to a lot of people until you start mining like one of my friends used to, with an orca a rorq and ISboxer controlling his 15 hulks. when you have that many people in the same ship doing the same thing a naming system really helps keep track of ****.

Now stop crying that he has more accounts then you and was smart enough to think about the names he choose and go mine somewhere else.

The LULZ Boat.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-08-28 20:27:38 UTC
if you could train multiple toons on 1 account then you would have less accounts and CCp generates less revenue, they are a profit making company afterall it would be stupid of them to allow accounts to train 2/3 chars at once unless they paid more in prescriptions.
Jason Xado
#13 - 2012-08-28 21:53:01 UTC
Narka Utama wrote:
some form of botting

Having multiple accounts does not equal botting. Multiboxing is a normal thing in EvE.
Imbecile MIiss Managment and Disasters
Intergalactic Interstellar Interns
#14 - 2012-08-28 23:21:38 UTC
"428 of many"

I don't want to do the math or even trying to figure out how to control all.

I have to give props if he is controling 500 accounts solo, and I hope he is not paying by CC for eachShocked
Orzo Torasson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-08-29 01:15:01 UTC
It's not just for miners- flying a carrier (or ANY capital or supercapital, for that matter) pretty much makes a second or even third account mandatory because you want a bunch of cyno alts. Having somebody else light a cyno for you is like playing Russian roulette with a grenade launcher. When it goes wrong, it's gonna be really messy for you.

I personally don't really think that much would change allowing accounts to train more than one character at once- that guy with 12 hulks doesn't want 12 characters across 4 accounts, he *wants* 12 accounts to be able to field 12 hulks at once.

Although with that said, I don't think CCP allowing the player base to pay to train a second character on the same account would break anything.
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#16 - 2012-08-29 05:04:01 UTC
You can already train as many characters at once as you can play at once. Thats the perfect ratio IMHO and see no reason why CCP should change that. Doing so would affect their bottom dollar.