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Idea for the lazy PVP'r who wants Alliance tourney style fights setup for them

Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-08-27 22:47:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Kingston Black
Troll away lads and ladies im sure a good few of you will but i propose the following as a way for people to get an even fight easily without the drama and boredom. Man eve can be boring looking for a 'Good Fight' somedays...

RvB seems to be very popular.

What about some form of combat arena with its own 'LP' store of goodies with the LP extracted from the hull value of killed player ships for those people who want a fleet fight of equal numbers but CBA to fly about for 50 jumps watching every fair fight run away because they might lose?

Example of how it works

1. Dock in the right station
2. Form a fleet
3. Talk to the agent and select the fight type (3 man friggies only or 20 man BS,BC 1 logi no recon etc etc)
4. Wait for the agent to find a compatible group - you'll be able to see all groups who want a fight - you can change fleet type to get a fight quicker
5. Each member gets a gate key which they put in their cargo hold once a fight has been found that their fleet qualifies for
6. Undock and warp to the BM in the right click menu where a mission warpin would be (each fleet has dif)
7. Activate the gate and warpin to the carnage
8. Look at the shiney leaderboard and cry cause your still at the bottom...

Optional 9. Camp the station and kill everyone as your a pirate MWAHAHAHAHAH Pirate
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-08-27 22:52:35 UTC
Obviously gate would need a ticker on types and number of ships let through so it wouldnt allow you to get the key then change ship and go in in something OP
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#3 - 2012-08-27 23:00:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
Make the Gate for the scale/ships of the group make it level based. F.e. level 1 allows only frigs/destroyer, level 2 cruiser, level 3 BC and level 4 BS. Or maybe something like Wormholes with different masses, and add something like an single item both teams need to get out of the Wormhole.

But i wouldn´t add these gate keys, because each group should be able to deal with pirates, cause they are already limited in ship size by the gate and got a pvp fit. But add something like a pass for Team Blue and Red, and everyone passing the gate without a pass will automaticly becomes hostile for both sides, like with ninja-looter.
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-08-27 23:05:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kingston Black
the only reason i said about the gate keys was a way to stop one group just bringing a load more ships than they were supposed to. I know its eve and blobbing is a fact of daily life im just suggesting an area of mildly enforced E-Honour so peeps only have their own fitting and piloting skills to blame for their losses not the usual he had a gazillion guys

I guess a wh with definite mass limitations would also suffice tho
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-08-27 23:07:53 UTC
I was also thinking of making it a lowsec feature in the hope of bringing more people to lowsec cause im a dirty pirate and want new 'friends' Pirate
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#6 - 2012-08-27 23:41:00 UTC

a.) Go read the threads asking for Arenas, so you can get an understanding of some of the issues they have:
Deadspace Nullsec ArenasConsensual PvP Arenas
Virtual Arenas
Tourney Arenas
Controlled Arenas
Lowsec Arenas
Dueling Arenas
Ship Restricted Combat Zones
Dueling Contracts
PvP Arenas
Simulated PvP
PvP Simulator
Null and Lowsec Arenas
Duel Mode
The Thunderdome
Proposal: Arenas

Here's a sample of many of the questions that come up:

  • How is this good for PvP??? (people fear it will interfere or obsolete everyday PvP!)
  • Why is this needed?? Is there a problem this is correct, or is this another "wouldn't it be cool if" thread...
  • Is instanced arena's the only real solution to whatever problem it is correcting??
  • Does it have a time limit? boundaries? rules?
  • How do you deal with fleet boosters & bonuses?
  • How do you enforce fitting limitations (number of asb's, faction/officer mods)?
  • Arena PvP is EXTREMELY BIASED, so what is the point of it?????????????

Please do a forum search when posting your new idea.....
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-08-27 23:51:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kingston Black
Ima look through the linked threads and see what they say and alter my suggestion if they come up with any problems.

With reguards to sidelining current PVP, people will still fight over resources have wars and roam about ganking carebears. All this is is an area where people can go for guarantee fights that are not > jump into blob die in a fire in Tama.


Looking through the threads id say its suggested once a month, pretty good going there must be some demand. Most of them are full leagues tho with complicated matchmaking. All im suggesting is an arena and leaderboard where people can go shoot each other in equal numbers
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-08-28 00:03:14 UTC
Fleet boosters are getting fixed so they have to be on grid given all the hints that have been said by Dev's so i dont think that is an issue. I wouldnt bother with a time limit personally, you get LP for killing the enemy, no dead enemy no lp and you have to cancel the match
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-08-28 00:04:22 UTC
personally i dont give two hoots on fittings if people want to officer fit their rifters good on em, theyre taking the risk the same you do whenever you shoot someone in the face
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2012-08-28 04:00:45 UTC
I really hope they don't spend a bunch of man-hours coding an EVE version of the WoW pvp arenas, personally. If you want instant action play another game or warp to a combat beacon on SiSi.
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-08-28 08:36:05 UTC
SiSi has no feeling of loss when you lose something and no feeling of achievement when you kill something. Besides SiSi is supposed to be for testing upcoming content in the game not loss less PVP
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-08-28 10:14:48 UTC
Faction warfare plexes are already almost arena PVP. All they need is for the rats to be removed
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2012-08-28 10:54:09 UTC
If you want to lose real fake spaceships on TQ then why not organize a thunderdome? We do it all the time. I know PL does it too, so there's an elite pvp endorsement...

Set some rules, tell people where to be, when, and in what, and run some matches. Seriously, this isn't WoW. If you want something to happen then organize it.
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-08-28 17:38:41 UTC
Ohh i do make my own fun, Im in fountain core on an alt enjoying the fun right now Big smile

I would argue tho that eve is not much of a sandbox and an awful lot of content is handed to you on a silver platter anyways ie
Missions, 0.0 respawning anomalies, FW plexes and Incursion sites so I fail to see why there cant be a method for newer players or those that dont have the time to find fights in eve to have them organised for them. My suggestion was for the server to organise the fight , not have the player organise the whole thing - if they dont have the time to find the fight they sure as hell dont have the time to organise a tourney.

Over the years many of my friends have run out of time to play eve and quit. The overriding factor why they gave up is always > "I love the pvp but dont have the time to find it." Im just trying to find a method to address that

In truth i dont really have much time to play anymore either why im in lowsec not 0.0 RL intrudes constantly these days Ugh
#15 - 2012-08-29 01:40:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Katalci
1. Install SiSI
2. Warp to CA 1

If you want to set up arenas on TQ, do so. You don't need CCP to hold your hand.
Cari Cullejen
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-08-29 03:28:33 UTC
I was thinking what if there were Alliance or Corporation LP stores?

For instance if im the big leader of a large null sec alliance I can set up a LP store in my own station using my own assets. I could also set how a member would gain these LP points. Whether that be taking part in kills or trading in ores and minerals.

This could maybe replace those "Ship replacement programs" that every corporation says they have but is really a lie.

What are you looking for here? Read the post!