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Ship ramming

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2011-10-10 16:35:13 UTC
Imperator Bloodhowl wrote:
probably the biggest issue with a ramming mechanic would be that if someone put a cruiser micro on a frig or a BS micto on a cruiser the momentum would ramp up to a heck of a lot more than would be reasonable.

The danger would be that a mass of frigs or cruisers set up the above way could be rediculously dangerous. one of the more important things for it would probably be to try to balance the way the damage is dealt seeing as if you were to use 1 kgms^-1 =1damage a ramming titan would be absolutely insanely dangerous, probably the best option would be to hardcap the damage to the ramming ship's max HP or current HP

My god, does NOBODY read entire posts?


Dodixie > Hek

Imperator Bloodhowl
Zero Forkz Given
#42 - 2011-10-10 16:46:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Imperator Bloodhowl
capital only would limit it too much though, where's the fun in capital only

Even if it was capital only you'd still have to be very careful with the momentum to damage ratios
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2011-10-10 18:11:57 UTC
Imperator Bloodhowl wrote:
capital only would limit it too much though, where's the fun in capital only

Even if it was capital only you'd still have to be very careful with the momentum to damage ratios

And I am, which is why I had to slice it down to 1/20,000th of mass.

Perhaps they could also develop a special type of destroyer? A rammer? Mods could include hull density plates to increase mass, capsule pre-impact ejection system etc...

Skills required: Interceptors Level V, Hull Upgrades V, Frigates V, Destroyers V etc.

Dodixie > Hek

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#44 - 2011-10-11 03:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Onions
I read it, but I think that the ramming should be allowed in for all ships, but a Kamikaze (overload the reactors, crash into something, make massive explosion, etc., etc.,) should be capitols only.

And making a dedicated tech2 ramming destroyer would be bad ass! But it would have to be dirt cheap to produce/sell or it would only by cost effective on other t2/3's or capitols


Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#45 - 2011-10-11 14:57:24 UTC
I'd love this but it wouldn't be feasible on anything smaller than a capital class ship because some idiot would use this in a highsec then complain about the concordokens...

And if it hasn't be added to the idea yet, should upon contact with the shield/ship itself emit an AOE to the general area based on ship class (carrier/dread - 10 km, supercarrier - 25km, titan -45km) or something like that. Debris doesn't stop after impacting just one object. Be nice if the aoe damage degraded with range too.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-10-11 18:16:44 UTC
Tauren Tom wrote:
I'd love this but it wouldn't be feasible on anything smaller than a capital class ship because some idiot would use this in a highsec then complain about the concordokens...

And if it hasn't be added to the idea yet, should upon contact with the shield/ship itself emit an AOE to the general area based on ship class (carrier/dread - 10 km, supercarrier - 25km, titan -45km) or something like that. Debris doesn't stop after impacting just one object. Be nice if the aoe damage degraded with range too.


Please read the first post. It says "Only for caps. Not subcaps or supercaps."

And I was sorta thinking along that line, but the AOE would make it a wee bit OP. Maybe an area-of-effect bump, but idk.

Dodixie > Hek

Caldain Morrow
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2011-10-11 19:54:52 UTC
oooh! I like the idea of a AoE bump. Won't really bugger up anything on a big scale but really drive home the scale of the impact. HEE HEE all those little tacklers doing Tokyo Drift. Big smile
Kayba Kanade
Ireco Industries
#48 - 2011-10-11 19:55:53 UTC
Sorry to go on with the sub cap idea, but I do enjoy the idea of other ships flying straight into the cross fire hoping to hit something. I remember the A-Wing from Star Wars VI going into the Super Star Destroyer command. Could make it entirely useless for a subcap to ram or kamikaze into anything larger than them, but effecting the ratios on whatever ship you're flying. Or change the 20,000 to a percentage so it can be applied to other ships.

I just want to be able to ram into stuff on anything. xD Doesn't matter if it does damage or not. Only then will I ascend to true Orkyness.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2011-10-11 20:09:32 UTC
Kayba Kanade wrote:
Sorry to go on with the sub cap idea, but I do enjoy the idea of other ships flying straight into the cross fire hoping to hit something. I remember the A-Wing from Star Wars VI going into the Super Star Destroyer command. Could make it entirely useless for a subcap to ram or kamikaze into anything larger than them, but effecting the ratios on whatever ship you're flying. Or change the 20,000 to a percentage so it can be applied to other ships.

I just want to be able to ram into stuff on anything. xD Doesn't matter if it does damage or not. Only then will I ascend to true Orkyness.

Hrrm. You make a good point. TO THE MATHMOBILE!

Dodixie > Hek

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2011-10-13 10:12:18 UTC
Is it illegal to bump in this internet spaceships forum?

Dodixie > Hek

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#51 - 2011-10-13 12:50:04 UTC
Only once a day per character, but if all this babbling has come to an end, maybe we can make a coherent post on Assembly Hall as a proposal and pray like hell a GM likes it.


University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2011-10-13 15:52:22 UTC
Let's do it.

Dodixie > Hek

Ione Dee
Lucror Commerce Investment Corporation
#53 - 2011-10-13 16:42:05 UTC
If they did implement collision damage, it should be for all ships, not just capitals. But then they could give you your ramming skill for caps. I figure they could just add skills like collision damage mitigation and avoidance, along with affects of shields on collision.

People talk about small ships torpedoing, but I would think that a frig running into a larger ship with adequate shielding would have most of the impact negated. They would also need to consider all of the other factors that arise with collision damage, such as station (Jita) undocking. So maybe a station buffer that prevents bump damage until you get > 0 from the station.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2011-10-14 00:23:18 UTC
yeah, but jita is still quite crowded past the 0km mark. It would very annoying, and possibly hilarious, to see ships getting bumped into oblivion, completely by accident and dying great big blue balls of fire.

just saying
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#55 - 2011-10-14 13:29:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Onions
Ione Dee wrote:
If they did implement collision damage, it should be for all ships, not just capitals. But then they could give you your ramming skill for caps. I figure they could just add skills like collision damage mitigation and avoidance, along with affects of shields on collision.

People talk about small ships torpedoing, but I would think that a frig running into a larger ship with adequate shielding would have most of the impact negated. They would also need to consider all of the other factors that arise with collision damage, such as station (Jita) undocking. So maybe a station buffer that prevents bump damage until you get > 0 from the station.

I've already said most of what you just said.

Also, there was an idea about a special t2 dessie that would be "optimized" for ramming. How's about instead of t2, create a second tier of destroyer that would be optimized for ramming. This would lower the cost and help make this a more effective tactic.

EDIT: El Quirko, shoot me a convo later. I want this to legitly get in Assembly Hall.


Ione Dee
Lucror Commerce Investment Corporation
#56 - 2011-10-14 18:02:53 UTC
Angry Onions wrote:
Ione Dee wrote:
If they did implement collision damage, it should be for all ships, not just capitals. But then they could give you your ramming skill for caps. I figure they could just add skills like collision damage mitigation and avoidance, along with affects of shields on collision.

People talk about small ships torpedoing, but I would think that a frig running into a larger ship with adequate shielding would have most of the impact negated. They would also need to consider all of the other factors that arise with collision damage, such as station (Jita) undocking. So maybe a station buffer that prevents bump damage until you get > 0 from the station.

I've already said most of what you just said.

Also, there was an idea about a special t2 dessie that would be "optimized" for ramming. How's about instead of t2, create a second tier of destroyer that would be optimized for ramming. This would lower the cost and help make this a more effective tactic.

EDIT: El Quirko, shoot me a convo later. I want this to legitly get in Assembly Hall.

Yes, there are similarities to what we are both saying. But your comments seemed more geared toward actual ramming/kamikaze tactics, while I was speaking more about collision damage in general. Personally, I have always found the bumping physics a bit silly, especially given some of the massive differences in ship sizes involved.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#57 - 2011-10-14 18:28:08 UTC
This would be awesome to see, but I have a hard time seeing it actually happen. I think that for right now, CCP is too focused on other issues to work on making collision mechanics for ships in the game. However, although I did read the original post saying caps only, this should work for every ship in the game. It should also be based on a couple of factors: Skill, Remaining HP of the ramming ship, and relative velocity of the two ships. It should be done in such a way that you cannot make any useful impact with anything smaller than a BS, and you should not be allowed to eject when you suicide ram.

Skill is obvious - everything in EVE is based on skill.

Remaining HP of the ramming ship - if you ram at full strength (I don't agree that you should have to be into armor or structure to begin ramming) then you should do more damage, as your ship is stronger and has fewer holes in it. However, keeping that in mind, you are destroying a perfectly good ship.

Relative Velocity between the two ships - If both ships are heading in the same direction, ie away from one another, then less damage should be done than if they are both headed right for one another.

As far as allowing this for all ships, I believe that is very feasible. A rifter ramming a supercap would be like a bug hitting the windshield of my car - splat. No damage (maybe 1HP?). Even a BS would not do much damage. However, if two ships of similar size hit each other, then a lot of damage would be done. Additionally, using the relative velocity between ships, it would be easy for a BS/Cruiser/frigate to get out of the way of a capitol ship and avoid getting hit.

When you commence the ramming run, you should have to be at least, say, 10km away from the target ship (for run-up time, maybe the ramming skill allows for shorter distance with more training?) and you cannot change course once you start the run. Therefore, a faster ship targeting a slower ship would have the advantage, as it would be hard to move out of the way, but if a "battlefreighter" tried to take out a cruiser, it would miss the target.

When initiating a ram, you must have at least 75% capacitor, and your cap is COMPLETELY used, regardless of how much/little you have left.

Finally, I think that once the ramming run is activated - all active modules are deactivated and offlined, any drones that are active are immediately abandoned, and the ship cannot be steered, ie you are throwing your ship like a dart at the enemy and hoping you hit. This results in two outcomes:

1. You hit the target ship and the damage is done based on skill and the above mentioned factors. Your ship is either destroyed completely and you wake in your clone, or your ship survives and:

2. You miss the target ship (or survive the impact). Your ship now maintains direction and velocity very slowly decreases. You are unable to change direction for 5 minutes. Your cap recharges at the normal rate, and you can put modules online as you get the cap that allows you to do so. Essentially, even if you ship survives the battle, it is out of commission for quite some time. This ensures that the ram is used as intended, as a suicide move against an otherwise more powerful aggressor.
Tasiv Deka
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly.
Kybernauts Clade
#58 - 2011-10-15 07:05:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tasiv Deka
Its a nice idea except for a few things

It should be for all classes of ships(capital only isnt really fair besides they dont really move fast enough for it to be a kamikaze its more like an iceberg hitting a ship yea it can be fatal but still)
damage is based off velocity and mass (yes this allows for smaller ships to do more damage but it is more realistic i mean a bullet does more damage then a baseball)
there should be bonus damage for ramming ships having armor at full after all thats another layer to force itself through the target yet no bonus for shields because they do not work that way
there should be a simple way to determine which ship survives if the ramming ship kills the other ship it survives(either crashes through it or pushes its wreck out of the way) whereas if the ramming ship cant kill the other ship the rammer dies(just sorta crumples against the target)
of course there would have to be a set of skills to do and limits (possibly make it a module that requires a target lock, takes a large amount of cap and have other drawbacks)

I mean if you do something might as well do it right and that means basic physics

of course coming from the viewpoint of a programmer ... this would probably be a b*tch and a half to code(i actually am in my second year of studying to be a video game coder and would probably kill someone if i had to do this)

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Caldain Morrow
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2011-10-15 11:34:37 UTC
Mind posting how it goes at the assembly hall? I really like where this idea is heading and would like to see the result.......bump
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#60 - 2011-10-15 18:38:44 UTC
I'm sure its too complicated to implement code wise but if it wasnt the pilot of suicide ship should lose his pod on impact

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