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Just something that crossed my mind

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-08-26 05:09:44 UTC

So, when and where i leave up to your imagination, but i got to think about eve and something i (miss is the wrong word) kinda think i can put into words from my side, which describes a difference of the feeling i have toward eve.

I started in 2007 and i still remember my first day or better the first minutes, days and weeks in eve... to the point, the universe was a wonderous place and i learned new stuff the further i went.
But there is the point that i think, has changed. Earlier there have been things to discover, ... secrets to find out. Like what todo with these tags or COSMOS spaces... things u dont know when u start the game, and what is not common...

Lately I feel like the hole show goes into a more superficial world. Everyone see, learns and feels what is there. He/she finds it out in no time, ... its clear and superficial ...

there is no mystery; there is no lore; there nothing u can know and be proud about it... it is more something like a trading card game or ... yeah. Nothing bad, just when i remember how i felt the first days. Or prolly a different angle, when I think about space in general... then i want to explore it, i want to find things in that fast space outa there... Space is something that i think encorporates the unkown... and ...

yeah, in very short.
Maybe, introduce things to the world without telling us ... fill it with wonders, with awe and awaken our traverler and explorer... introduce things, that need puzzeling and even if u figure it out, well, let them change...

I think it is doable, even in the face of hardcore gamers...

well yeah, ... have a good one and ähm fly safe
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-26 08:06:51 UTC
I was half-way through your post and didn't find any idea so I gave up. Please reformat your post.

As I struggled a second time, the answer to your idea came pretty quick. No. What if CCP introduced a feature that accidentally crashes a node every time you meet certain requirements and not tell anybody about it. Would be pretty gnarly to have Jita crash every 1 hour and nobody would know why.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-08-26 14:10:25 UTC
Stop reading the patchnotes then. And then you have your mystery and the rest of us still have a clue what CCP's doing.

Transparency has been an issue at times and CCP isn't always the best at it, asking for less transparency is just stupid.