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Fwar, another option

C5 Flight
#1 - 2012-08-22 13:44:23 UTC
Maybe this suggestions been thrown out before, maybe not. If not, I'll just throw another idea onto the pile.

The Reasoning:
Currently, Fwar WZC stems not from the PVP aspect as much as the PVE aspect of orbiting buttons. CCP has stated that their intent is not to allow a low SP alt to solo tank major plexes in frigates for the types of payout they are receiving, nor to have as much of an impact of Fwar WZC. They have also stated that they intend for each of the plexes to provide unique opportunities to establish fleet fights based on different ship fleet doctrines and to offer tactical elements to the pilots within a system to use to their advantage/ to allow them to pick the best fight.

To that end, many things have been suggested, to combat different weaknesses (introducing warp scrambling bubbles, webs, the need to kill all the rats to receive LP, etc). Some of these ideas not only combat the underlying abusive issue, but also raise the bar of entry for legitimate brand new pilots to be able to earn a living in Faction Warfare or to be able to offer meaningful contributions to their parent militia. None of major ones offer a solution to the real issue though, and that's encouraging team play. As with most things in Eve, all CCP can do is provide the sandbox and try to control how the players will behave by reinforcing positive/intended behaviors and discouraging unwanted behaviors through mechanics.

Most would agree that they want to fight in plexes, that plexes, because of their impact on territorial control, should be something that is fought over. Presently, this is often not the case, unless the plex is located in a staging system, or a happenstance battle occurs because two forces of equal size and composition bump into one another. Because plexes encourage solo play presently (I can do it alone, if I do receive help[someone else in my militia is in plex, ]it hurts my bottom line[my perceived entitlement of LP payout is reduced by the number of pilots present], either polite pilots will leave the plex, or plexers will seek quiet places to plex where griefer alts will not disturb them/there is an abundance of plexes. How about we change that?

Obviously, the payouts for plexes are intended to be distributed to the fleet that helps capture the plex, this makes sense with the scaling of effort required/the amount of time required to capture the plex. The mechanics are already in place to support the even distribution of LP to associated pilots. We also know that presently many people have alts in Fwar solely to capitalize on one sides prevalent territorial control and the profitability that comes with t4-5 wzc, and that as an unintended consequence of this, it becomes easier for that faction to continue control of their respective warzone, their plex runners having achieved critical mass.

The Plan:
Leave everything about plexes exactly the way they are(mechanics, ability to solo tank in a frigate, and LP payout totals of the plexes by their currently convention), with the exception of a wider variance on the amount of impact the plex being completed has on the vulnerability of a system. Determine a value, Y, that the regular 15 minute plexes will have and for 10 minute minors, make that value .25Y and the 20 minute majors 4Y and the unrestricted plexes 5Y.

In addition, hard cap the individual pilot LP payout to 5k LP/plex completion. If there are more pilots, simply allow the distribution to occur as normal. With this payment scheme, you encourage pilots to be in groups, more groups should intrinsically lead to more fights. No longer will that extra person in a minor disrupt your payout, they're just getting LP too, that otherwise would go wasted, so why not bring friends plexing? Since we're both here, why don't I tank, and you shoot rats for tags, to increase our profitability? Oh, there's two of us, why don't we take on that thrasher? For regulars, you could have 3 pilots in the plex, all receiving maximum payout, majors 5, and unrestricted plexes could contain 6, while they all are still receiving maximum payout.

Now we're actually encouraging, through mechanics, the types of group activities that faction warfare advertises it's really about, without taking away from a pilot. Now we're fostering an environment where small gangs can fight other small gangs for control of a plex, instead of the "best solution" being a gunless frigate out on it's own doing the darn thing.

In addition, since you'll never get "rid" of the afk alt plexer that's only there to capitalize on the t4-5 cashout, you're limiting their impact on the overall war zone. If they are flying solo and min/maxing they will go after minor complexes. In 20 minutes time, they could have 10k LP by 2xMinors, or 5k LP by 1xMajor. Effectively, in this way, you've reduced their impact by about 1/16. However, if someone is running in a small gang, and completing majors, they have a much stronger impact on the warzone control, and since they're in a gang, are much more likely to stay and fight (especially if the button rolls back to static when no one is in the plex).

So basically, provide options, and control behavior through reinforcement/reward changes, and further enforce the "group" playstyle the large complexes were supposed to encourage, without forcing an individual to accomplish the goals in any set way. Also, make it so that if someone is participating in Fwar activities for profit, their impact on the warzone control is limited. If they are after conquering a system (a more PVP related activity), they can accelerate the process while exposing themselves to more risk by the ship restrictions on the major plexes (or completely unrestricted, where they are sitting ducks). Then, there's also a balance, where if they want to PVE a bit, but still have an impact, they can pursue regular plexes.

TL:DR: Encourage more gang PVP, diminish farmer alt impact, have fun.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-08-22 13:57:39 UTC
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-08-22 14:05:22 UTC
If there is any one player that knows stuff about plexes, it's Sehanine. Big smile
I approve these ideas.
C5 Flight
#4 - 2012-08-22 14:30:28 UTC
Still rolling with the initial proposal, but after doing some maths on a notepad, I'd post the following addendum to my proposals above.

Just make the minors .25% impact, the regulars 1% impact, restricted majors 2.5% impact and the unrestricted majors 3% impact.

It seems now that there's a slight variance in impact based upon the sub-category of class of plex, varying from about .7% to 1.2%, but this doesn't seem to be broken down by class (minor/regular/major) so much as by stronghold/compound/outpost.

I understand that one of the original goals of Inferno was to increase the overall time box required to take a system from stable to vulnerable, to combat a problem with variance in time zone control. If one militia had a strong enough time zone, they could capture a system completely in one time zone. These changes were intended, like POS reinforcement timers, to allow the defender more of an opportunity to combat the effect in their time zone. My proposal wouldn't significantly reduce the overall amount of time needed to contest a system. You would need great luck and 33 unrestricted complexes to spawn to take the system in the shortest time (at a total time of around 11 hours, or past one peak time zone of about 8 hours).

This does also introduce a "luck" based mechanic that could encourage impromptu PVP brawls to break out. Currently, due to the random/constellation based plex spawning mechanics, sometimes systems will "back up" with an abundance of plexes. If this were to happen in my proposed system, the offensive force could make deep inroads to conquering a system and force a more immediate response from the defenders, should they wish to keep the offensive forces from making great progress. It's these types of rushed passionate battles that lead to the most epic of fights, the most bloodshed and arguably the best PVP experiences one has with Eve. This is contrasted against the current system where the defenders have another 24-36 hours with which to prepare and wait for the offensive group to lose steam before going in and lackadaisically undoing the work of the standing offensive fleet, sans brawl.

My proposal also continues the ability to "snipe" a minor to keep a system out of vulnerable should the opposition show up shipped up without an adequate smaller support fleet. One could argue this isn't as important as it used to be, since the going meta conquering mechanic is to push enough systems vulnerable to achieve your goal tier before conquering and spiking your WZC level up, which leads to systems being overly vulnerable.. but I'm thinking with more of the luck based captures happening, and a quicker vulnerable capability with standing fleets doing majors, we may see the return of the "vuln it, flip it now" approach.

Either way..


XS Tech
#5 - 2012-08-22 15:15:22 UTC
Effectively, you're adding the incursion payout logic to FW, yes (wherein you're expected to bring a fleet F of size N, and if F!=N, then the payouts are reduced (either because the LP is wasted, or split amongst too many pilots).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

C5 Flight
#6 - 2012-08-22 15:34:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Sehanine
Velicitia wrote:
Effectively, you're adding the incursion payout logic to FW, yes (wherein you're expected to bring a fleet F of size N, and if F!=N, then the payouts are reduced (either because the LP is wasted, or split amongst too many pilots).

That already exists, presently. Currently its set to be payout is Ntotal, regardless of fleet size. 1 pilot P would receive all of N, each additional pilot causes payout to be N/P per pilot. I'm just suggesting that maximum Nreceived by each individual pilot doesn't go over say, 5k LP. Basically for the same exact reasoning and justifications.

This seems appropriate as for people in the know, farming plexes IS the new Incursion ISK earning mechanism (avoiding the debate over whether it's a sink or faucet). Only it requires less real risk than High Sec Incursions. Sure the random Linked dram can catch you or you might run into a ReSeBo gatecamp, but then you're only losing a 5m (very top of the line fit) Frigate, versus a shiny incursion ship. Sure, if you're slow on the draw or have a horrible ISP, you could also lose your clone, but that's not very likely. Also, considering the 5m ISK ship is more than capable of earning you upwards of 200m ISK/hr (conservatively), it's a "fair trade." You just don't get instant gratification of Concord LP payouts that are immediately actionable or outright ISK.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-08-22 15:49:05 UTC
I'm 100% behind the 5000 LP limit per player. But having thought about this some more, I have seen a flaw in the different effect part of the plan.

A couple of weeks ago the Minmatar were hard pressed in Auga. A large Amarr fleet were pressing hard, however a significant portion of the Amarr were in HACs, Recons and T3 Cruisers and were reluctant to ship down. Possibly because it involved flying a couple of jumps to reship.

They were taking the Major plexes without a fight. But a much smaller Minmatar force was engaging them in the minor and medium plexes. We won some, we lost some, great fights were had and ultimately Minmatar held Auga. This was only made possible because a significant portion of the Amarr fleet excluded themselves from entering the medium and smaller plexes. If your proposal goes ahead, the side with the larger force, could simple blob the Majors and ignore the rest, thus leading to no fights.

So whilst I agree that the larger plex should make a bigger contribution, I think you have gone too far. Perhaps figures in the area of 0.6% (minor), 0.8 (medium), 1.0% (major), 1.2% (major unrestricted) would be a better balance.
C5 Flight
#8 - 2012-08-22 16:37:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Sehanine
I like the entrenched warfare of that, that a smaller force can occupy and still dictate the terms on which they wish to be engaged, at least over a short while. Even at my values the fights would still take days to accomplish. Now unless you'd plan on having a destroyer class siege of a system over the course of 3 days, 23 hours a day, while the enemy is sitting around in BC/HAC.. I don't know that that really "works."

In the short term (a few hours play), yes, you'd want to see a small destroyer/cruiser fleet be able to hold their own against a fleet that was mostly running majors and keep a system contested. I think though, over the course of 2 days, we could both agree that the force that was willing to commit the larger ships should still be able to win the system. I guess the point is that we have to separate one day's encounter away from the larger picture of a protracted siege war spanning multiple days. I think that if a side was willing to commit 30 AHACs, 30 cruisers + support, from downtime to downtime and the ONLY thing they didn't do was the minors.. they should not be able to be held at bay by 15 destroyers. This just makes sense, and it'd help avoid the stagnation that we've seen in some areas of the map.

Furthermore, with the limitations on the LP payout per pilot, the minors are going to become the sought after plex of choice for PVE'rs, they still need to have an effect, but a greatly diminished one. A major, in my mind has to at least exceed the contestation level offered by completing 2 minors(because after all they require the same amount of time to complete). In your proposed numbers, the defenders would have to do one unrestricted major to offset the efforts of an offensive plexer that ran the two minors in the same amount of time (regardless of whether the offensive plexer was there for PVP or PVE purposes).

Maybe a happy compromise would be something along the lines of .4 / .8 / 1.2 / 1.6 || minor/regular/major/unrestricted?

On another note, I would *LOVE* for the unrestricted to be a big deal. I would *relish* the idea of them being worth some crazy exorbitant amount, like 5% or something silly. That would be... awesome. Think of the fights?
XS Tech
#9 - 2012-08-22 17:36:24 UTC
Sehanine wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Effectively, you're adding the incursion payout logic to FW, yes (wherein you're expected to bring a fleet F of size N, and if F!=N, then the payouts are reduced (either because the LP is wasted, or split amongst too many pilots).

That already exists, presently. Currently its set to be payout is Ntotal, regardless of fleet size. 1 pilot P would receive all of N, each additional pilot causes payout to be N/P per pilot. I'm just suggesting that maximum Nreceived by each individual pilot doesn't go over say, 5k LP. Basically for the same exact reasoning and justifications.

This seems appropriate as for people in the know, farming plexes IS the new Incursion ISK earning mechanism (avoiding the debate over whether it's a sink or faucet). Only it requires less real risk than High Sec Incursions. Sure the random Linked dram can catch you or you might run into a ReSeBo gatecamp, but then you're only losing a 5m (very top of the line fit) Frigate, versus a shiny incursion ship. Sure, if you're slow on the draw or have a horrible ISP, you could also lose your clone, but that's not very likely. Also, considering the 5m ISK ship is more than capable of earning you upwards of 200m ISK/hr (conservatively), it's a "fair trade." You just don't get instant gratification of Concord LP payouts that are immediately actionable or outright ISK.

Was supposed to be a question (curse you punctuationOops) ... as I'm not very familiar with FW...

... though makes sense with your clarifications, and that other people have posted too. I like it.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

space chikun
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-08-22 19:03:05 UTC
tha-bump-bump. Great ideas, sir. Keep 'em coming!
Plus 10 NV
#11 - 2012-08-22 20:31:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
Sehanine wrote:
The Plan:
Leave everything about plexes exactly the way they are(mechanics, ability to solo tank in a frigate, and LP payout totals of the plexes by their currently convention), with the exception of a wider variance on the amount of impact the plex being completed has on the vulnerability of a system. Determine a value, Y, that the regular 15 minute plexes will have and for 10 minute minors, make that value .25Y and the 20 minute majors 4Y and the unrestricted plexes static when no one is in the plex)..

I don't really care too much about this one way or another. I am not sure how this change will make plexing more or less of a pvp activity.

There is a sort of balance in plexes currently. Smaller plexes contest/decontest a system more per minute. Bigger plexes pay more lp per minute and offer tags that have a good value. So the smaller plexes are better for flipping systems bigger are better for isk.

In either case much more pvp happens in the smaller plexes because the rats aren't so obnoxious.

Since I do allot of pvp in plexes I sort of like the idea that smaller plexes are an option to add to contesting a system.

Sehanine wrote:

On another note, I would *LOVE* for the unrestricted to be a big deal. I would *relish* the idea of them being worth some crazy exorbitant amount, like 5% or something silly. That would be... awesome. Think of the fights? .

Actually I wish all the plexes were worth more. Before inferno hit we were getting allot of plex fights because each plex was worth 3.5%. Inferno reduced that to the .7% we see now. IMO that is a big reason why everyone is like HO HUM when they see someone plexing.

They reduced the vp from a plex to 20% becasue of the station lockouts. I say get rid of station lockouts and have systems flip faster. Make every plex important.

Sehanine wrote:

more groups should intrinsically lead to more fights..

Statistically this is not so - at least fights other than ganks. Once your group excedes the firepower of say a battlecruiser your chances of finding a comparable gang to fight decreases. You can get more ganks and collect more killmails as your group increases because you can all whore it. But as your group grows the chances of finding a fleet that is both something you would engage and something they would engage becomes much lower.

I am not a big fan of incursions artificial pay scale. I think payments should be made based on what is done not based on how many people it took.

Would people docked in the fleet get they pay or just those who are on the button?

I do think this would lead to more people running missions. I'm not sure that would encourage pvp.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

C5 Flight
#12 - 2012-08-22 21:06:12 UTC
Cearain wrote:

Welp; basically, my idea doesn't break a whole lot(if anything), and also deals with the plexbot menace in a pretty easy fashion.

Plex rats wouldn't be an issue in the major if it's a defensive plex from your perspective as the aggressor. I'd like to think that someone hanging out in their own plex in a ship would be afforded some protection by the rats in the major.

Your idea(about amount of plexes needed to sov flip) also revolves around systems being able to be popped by one time zone. The system won't be able to be flipped back until the next down time. If a militia had a strong euro time zone, conceivably they should always have the upper hand.. I'm not sure what value or balance that'd bring.

You should also still be able to maintain your current status quo by seeking PVP targets in minors, I'm not sure how what I propose would affect that?

I guess you missed the point of all of this, that being that it helps curtail the affect of a PVE activity (plexing alts, plex farming for LP solo) on what should arguably be a PVP activity (Warzone control/dominance). Of course changing the payout structure/method of doing the plex itself isn't going to intrinsically increase the amount of PVP. I did propose that the paradigm of plex running might shift, that "groups/small gangs" may start plexing, which leads to wolf packs hunting them, which leads to skirmishes.

You are right though, none of this would really be a positive impact on the PVP amount seen by a solo pilot who hunts alone. I'm not sure Faction Warfare was supposed to cater solely to those pilots though.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-08-22 21:55:47 UTC
I like this. I think it will also greatly reduce the amount of people in FW simply for the lp payouts you get at T4/5. Though still possible this is restricting the amount of lp you get per plex. As of now a single pilot in a fast ship with reps can afk plex a major and leave with 40k lp. in just 25 majors they're at 1mil lp. enough for a nice cash out. This jumps it to 200. Say they only do minors that's roughly above 33 hours and 30minutes for 1mil. that's up from 10 hours 30 minutes ish doing only majors.

From a person that really doesn't like afk plexers this is would be a nice change.
Bob FromMarketing
Space Marketing Department
#14 - 2012-08-22 22:37:35 UTC

Also this sounds brilliant, BUT it also means you can have 3 accounts and triple farm everything you do which could lead to exploitation, no?
Lighting the blight
#15 - 2012-08-22 23:27:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Sheynan
This just diminishes the effectiveness of farming instead of making it unviable, which would be much better.

Just 3 things:
1) reseting plex capture rates to 0 as soon as no one is on it
2) giving some reward for sucessfully making someone leave a plex
3) making it mandatory to bring guns to a plex (either for shooting the rats or a structure)

would go a long way to **** with farmers.
Then do something to make T1/T2 less horrible and do something about the vulnerable-system-stacking and it's much better than it currently is.
C5 Flight
#16 - 2012-08-23 00:07:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Sehanine
Sheynan wrote:
This just diminishes the effectiveness of farming instead of making it unviable, which would be much better.

Just 3 things:
1) reseting plex capture rates to 0 as soon as no one is on it
2) giving some reward for sucessfully making someone leave a plex
3) making it mandatory to bring guns to a plex (either for shooting the rats or a structure)

would go a long way to **** with farmers.
Then do something to make T1/T2 less horrible and do something about the vulnerable-system-stacking and it's much better than it currently is.

Yeah, see, let me use some of my experience farming plexes..

1: Often times a non-issue.. I go for great sums of time without being interupted, so this will have negligible impact, also what happens if you have a socket disconnect/DC, a child catches on fire in your house? I'm all for it resetting to zero, but I'd prefer a count down in lieu of a hard reset.
2: What reward, and how do you prevent >this< from being abused? I mean I can say someone should get unicorns and rainbows and leprechauns shooting out of their rearends for performing X action, but if I can't provide an equally non-exploitable method to actually cause these things to explode from the posterior, have I really provided an alternative?
3: Incursus with rep can still mount guns, merlin fit can still mount AC's, how does this help, exactly?

You still have to provide some appreciable reward to those that do the plexes that benefits the individual pilot. For a newbro not getting t2 loot from corpses, they do need some way to pay the bills as it were.

I've already proposed a change to the LP store previously, and it echo'd what a lot of others have said, basing WZC on LP earned instead of a multiplier on the LP store.

Bob, if someone wants to pay CCP to have 3 disparate accounts in a plex to farm, I'm fairly sure CCP won't stop them >.>
space chikun
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-08-23 15:55:38 UTC  |  Edited by: space chikun
Sehanine wrote:

I've already proposed a change to the LP store previously, and it echo'd what a lot of others have said, basing WZC on LP earned instead of a multiplier on the LP store.

I found this bit confusing - did you mean:

"The WZC LP factor should be applied to the amount of LP earned, instead of the cost in the LP store."


If so, +1 from all my alts. Bear

EDIT: Further thoughts:

This would give the roleplayers Bear a way to "feel" that victory of pushing the other side's you-know-what in; a great amount of LP for all that hard work in the last bit to get to T5 (because, :fights: would happen more on the ihubs - you'll want to KEEP that ability to hit T4+).



  • some rich dudes will get really really rich.
  • some items will get flooded with supply and might well over-take the demand to the point of crash


  • lots and lots of poor dudes will get really rich.
  • fights will be required if anyone wants to keep getting rich
  • market crashes mean stability afterwards - not necessarily cheaper, but fairer in price
  • alt-plexing becomes a pain in the arse to maintain
  • afk-plexing becomes pointless for the :effort:
C5 Flight
#18 - 2012-08-23 17:04:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Sehanine
The WZC LP payout change/suggestion was in some thread on reddit awhile back.

The general gist was that LP payouts for activities (plexing/PVP) was modified by your factions current WZC (or even starting average for the day maybe to keep das maths/processing down) instead of the current LP store multiplier. (It could also affect missions, but in my mind, since missions aren't really even a PVP activity, and CCP has stated that they want them to be available as the PVE'r de facto option, and use the argument that 'hey, it doesn't affect wzc', I think missions should just be a flat payout rate[not affected by WZC], maybe a litttttle boosted over normal low sec missions)

Anyways, yes, so you earn more LP for your activities with a higher WZC, but the LP store is at T3/normal prices. In this fashion you don't have situations where the "bottom price" of goods are established by high sec mission runners for the faction (which aren't in Fwar at all, but still have access to 99.99% of the same goods), and that that "low water market" often times is still cheaper than a Faction Warfare player could purchase a good and bring it to market if they're under sustained T1 WZC.

Basically the reward now is, if you're at t3 or higher WZC, you're earning LP faster than a high sec person could, but everyone still pays the same prices when it comes time to make purchases. Again it also combats the meta game that everyone seems to be complaining about and demanding changes to.. Read: WZC spiking, infinitely vulnerable systems, etc.. and it makes system upgrades worth *something* at a time other than the now "SPIKE IT TO T$X, EVERYONE DROP LP NAO NAO NAO."
C5 Flight
#19 - 2012-08-24 13:22:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Sehanine
Here's some math to titillate the brain, and to demonstrate why AFK plexing is such an issue. For a side that can hit t5 at least once a month, this is how things break down. This is just baseline math, and doesn't include things like, plexing while under a higher tier of warzone control than 1, running majors/minors instead of regulars, the occasional stronghold (major would increase LP income by 30k LP/hr, minor would decrease LP income by 15k LP/hr).

17500 /plex/ 15 minutes 70,000 LP/hr

+5 Implant is 17k LP/ 17,000,000 ISK Sells for 85,000,000 ISK or 68,000,000 ISK profit

5 hours a day / 7 days a week

2,450,000 LP/week 144 +5 Implants -> 9,792,000,000 Profit

9,800,000 LP/month 576 +5 Implants -> 39,168,000,000 Profit

These numbers are just using +5 Implants, which aren't the most profitable items in any of the stores in LP/ISK (usually that's something like datacores or ammo). That math would break down like so:

63 LP / 63,000 ISK / 5 datacores

Monthly = 777,777 Datacores
Cost to acquire -> 9,799,990,200
@ 80,000/core -> 62,222,160,000
-> 52,422,169,800 ISK Profit/month

Now, I don't include this as my baseline profitability consideration because if one purchase of datacores takes 1 second, it would take 43.20 hours to cash out. It's improbable that a side would maintain t5 status for that long to allow cashout, but, several datacores go for more than 80,000 ISK/per (though with someone dropping nearly 800k cores on the market every month, that might change).

Keep in mind, all of this ISK can be made on a toon that has less than 3 weeks of skill training, flies a m4 t1 fitted ship costing less than 5m ISK.

This is why we have so many alt/afk/plex farmers, and as more and more become aware of the profitability, that number will only increase, which is why CCP should account for that, and hard cap individual pilot payouts, and decrease the effect these plex farmers have on territorial warzone control.

These same numbers are still fairly true for a person running lvl4 faction missions (might even be a little low compared to the person shotgun blitzing them), but while still incredibly profitable; it requires a more skilled toon, and doesn't impact territorial disputes. Granted, this isn't taking into account travel between plexes, periods where there is still competition for plexes, or an inability to locate a plex (due to all of the >other< plexbots).

Have fun.
Plus 10 NV
#20 - 2012-08-24 14:08:19 UTC
Sehanine wrote:
Cearain wrote:

Welp; basically, my idea doesn't break a whole lot(if anything), and also deals with the plexbot menace in a pretty easy fashion.

Plex rats wouldn't be an issue in the major if it's a defensive plex from your perspective as the aggressor. I'd like to think that someone hanging out in their own plex in a ship would be afforded some protection by the rats in the major.

Your idea(about amount of plexes needed to sov flip) also revolves around systems being able to be popped by one time zone. The system won't be able to be flipped back until the next down time. If a militia had a strong euro time zone, conceivably they should always have the upper hand.. I'm not sure what value or balance that'd bring.

Good point. I think they could just make it take longer for plexes to spawn to solve that problem. In sum I agree with you that increasing the vp value (the vp value is actually what determines the amount it effects how much the system is contested. When they slowed down the rate that captured plexes contest a system 5xs the dev blog said they simply reduced the vp gain to 1/5.) of plexes can lead to more fights.

A problem that exists now is people will see someone plexing and not really care. So they lose .0007 of the system, big deal. If we increased that by five or so then it would be a big deal. But yes they would need to make sure that too few plexes spawned in each system for the system to be flipped in one time zone.

Sehanine wrote:

You should also still be able to maintain your current status quo by seeking PVP targets in minors, I'm not sure how what I propose would affect that?

You decrease the amount the minors effect system contesting. Therefore reduce the importance of them. Right now minors are really the only plexes that get substantial pvp. So unless they do something to change the amount of pvp in majors I think that will just reduce the influence pvp has on the warzone. I would like to do the opposite.

Sehanine wrote:
I guess you missed the point of all of this, that being that it helps curtail the affect of a PVE activity (plexing alts, plex farming for LP solo) on what should arguably be a PVP activity (Warzone control/dominance). Of course changing the payout structure/method of doing the plex itself isn't going to intrinsically increase the amount of PVP. I did propose that the paradigm of plex running might shift, that "groups/small gangs" may start plexing, which leads to wolf packs hunting them, which leads to skirmishes.

You are right though, none of this would really be a positive impact on the PVP amount seen by a solo pilot who hunts alone. I'm not sure Faction Warfare was supposed to cater solely to those pilots though.

I didn't miss that point I specifically addressed it.

Your conclusion that this proposal would lead to more pvp was based on the assumption that "more groups should intrinsically lead to more fights.." This is false the opposite is true.

I think you missed what I said on this so here it is again:

Sehanine wrote:

more groups should intrinsically lead to more fights..

Statistically this is not so - at least fights other than ganks. Once your group excedes the firepower of say a battlecruiser your chances of finding a comparable gang to fight decreases. You can get more ganks and collect more killmails as your group increases because you can all whore it. But as your group grows the chances of finding a fleet that is both something you would engage and something they would engage becomes much lower.

I am not a big fan of incursions artificial pay scale. I think payments should be made based on what is done not based on how many people it took.

Would people docked in the fleet get they pay or just those who are on the button?

I do think this would lead to more people running missions. I'm not sure that would encourage pvp.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

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