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High sec pvp....Think CoD in Eve

First post
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#61 - 2011-10-13 02:06:38 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Eve is hard and I don't want people getting involved with my Arena

So to summarize, your biggest problems with current mechanics are that there is potential for people to mess with your player established Arena and the creation of an Arena is a lot of effort you are not willing to put forth.

Nowhere in your list of reasons did you mention actual game mechanics that are preventing you from doing this, only game mechanics that make it difficult.

That is not a quote of what I said, so thanks for that.


I would say that outside intereference is a huge game mechanic that prevents this.

As well, doing it in high sec with a security forces is complicated, again, because you have to trust your security, they have to be willing to suicide gank, and they have to be willing to lose sec status for destroying people that break the rules.

Trusting other players isn't a game mechanic, but game mechanics allow others to take advantage of this trust.

The fact that the security force would have to suicide someone because the arenas would be in high sec is a game mechanic preventing it.

Loss of sec status for the security force is a game mechanic.

Jack Carrigan wrote:

In reality, game mechanics would make his little Arena idea quite simple. i.e. a Red v. Blue type of scenario, or just an Arena Corp, as there is no CONCORD intervention when Corp mates shoot each other, and even pod each other.

It just wants attention. Ignore it and it will go away.

No one should listen to this man.

He is 100% a troll on the forums and does nothing but bust other people's chops.

Jack.........Seriously man........ GO AWAY
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#62 - 2011-10-13 12:55:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Emperor Salazar
Joe Risalo wrote:

That is not a quote of what I said, so thanks for that.

I'd say its an adequate summary.


I would say that outside intereference is a huge game mechanic that prevents this.

Correction: outside interference is a game mechanic that potentially prevents this, AS IT SHOULD BE. Anything else would be akin to instancing and not welcome in Eve.

As well, doing it in high sec with a security forces is complicated, again, because you have to trust your security, they have to be willing to suicide gank, and they have to be willing to lose sec status for destroying people that break the rules.

Trusting other players isn't a game mechanic, but game mechanics allow others to take advantage of this trust.

The fact that the security force would have to suicide someone because the arenas would be in high sec is a game mechanic preventing it.

Loss of sec status for the security force is a game mechanic.

You are simply proving my point here. Will game mechanics potentially get in the way of you creating this Arena? Absolutely. Is there more than one way around it? Absolutely. Be creative. Be innovative. Use the sandbox. Put your mind to actually doing this instead of asking CCP to hold your hand and create it for you. Make yourself efamous. Create this Arena. You have the tools at hand already. Use them.

Jack Carrigan wrote:

In reality, game mechanics would make his little Arena idea quite simple. i.e. a Red v. Blue type of scenario, or just an Arena Corp, as there is no CONCORD intervention when Corp mates shoot each other, and even pod each other.

It just wants attention. Ignore it and it will go away.

No one should listen to this man.

He is 100% a troll on the forums and does nothing but bust other people's chops.

Jack.........Seriously man........ GO AWAY

I actually kind of like him. He has made some good points, including in the post you just quotes. Red v. Blue is doing something creative in order to have constant PvP. Use them as an example. Extrapolate from their idea. Create this Arena yourself.

Or is that too much work for you?
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#63 - 2011-10-13 14:52:48 UTC
I'm a constant troll that contributes nothing and makes no valid points? News to me.

I'm pretty sure I'm just pointing out obvious fallacies in flawed ideas, while at the same time have suggested numerous ideas for improvement of the "user-friendliness" of people such as the following:

- Alliance Decorations
- Alliance Grantable Roles (Thus allowing an alliance to function even if the Executor has RL crap going on)
- Racial Ship Haulers
- Improvements that could be made to low security space
- Ways a Corp/Alliance Hangar could be implemented
- Ways of creating more "career paths" through a retooling of low security space
- Utilizing the CQ display for playback of recorded battles so that FCs could go over what went right/wrong while in game
- Means of making the NeX Store not a piece of crap (by selling things that people actually want for fair prices)

Furthermore, I have also shown support for a plethora of ideas:

- Right Click wrap for transport
- Alliance Wallet/Hangar/Roles
- Means of attracting more people to low sec
- Means of expanding low sec
- Dedicated Gas Harvesting Ships/T3 Mining Ships/T2 Capital Industrials
- T3 Frigates/Battleships (after above listed idea is implemented)
- Built in battle recorder

With the above said, yet another point invalidated.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#64 - 2011-10-13 15:30:45 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
I'm a constant troll that contributes nothing and makes no valid points? News to me.

I'm pretty sure I'm just pointing out obvious fallacies in flawed ideas, while at the same time have suggested numerous ideas for improvement of the "user-friendliness" of people such as the following:

- Alliance Decorations
- Alliance Grantable Roles (Thus allowing an alliance to function even if the Executor has RL crap going on)
- Racial Ship Haulers
- Improvements that could be made to low security space
- Ways a Corp/Alliance Hangar could be implemented
- Ways of creating more "career paths" through a retooling of low security space
- Utilizing the CQ display for playback of recorded battles so that FCs could go over what went right/wrong while in game
- Means of making the NeX Store not a piece of crap (by selling things that people actually want for fair prices)

Furthermore, I have also shown support for a plethora of ideas:

- Right Click wrap for transport
- Alliance Wallet/Hangar/Roles
- Means of attracting more people to low sec
- Means of expanding low sec
- Dedicated Gas Harvesting Ships/T3 Mining Ships/T2 Capital Industrials
- T3 Frigates/Battleships (after above listed idea is implemented)
- Built in battle recorder

With the above said, yet another point invalidated.

If you disagree with OP, you are a troll.

We are trolls my friend.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2011-10-13 16:27:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
I don't consider people trolls for disagreeing.
I only consider them a troll for disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.
Or if it can't disagree without knocking on the person who made the comment.
A simple no is better than no and you're and you're dumb for the suggestion.
However, even if you're being polite in your disagreement, I have the right to defend my posts.

There are many people in Eve that would enjoy this scenario, most of them just don't come on the forums.

I'm not going to let this idea die just because a few people disagree.

If everyone that had posted was disagreeing, then sure, its a dead subject, but as you've seen, there are people that like the idea so its worth looking at.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#66 - 2011-10-13 16:51:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Carrigan
Let me explain something. I don't disagree for the sake of disagreeing.

I disagree because there are already game mechanics in place that would allow for this:

- No CONCORD Response for PvP between Corp Mates
- Perpetual War Decs (Red v. Blue Scenario)
- WHS (Find unoccupied WH, give bookmarks to interested parties and move your combat site around from time to time)
- Null (Find low activity nullsec system, establish POS, anchor GSCs as boundary bouys)

Furthermore, there are so many broken game mechanics right now that adding yet another one would only hamper operations in fixing existing problems.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Jaari Val'Dara
Grim Sleepers
#67 - 2011-10-13 16:56:09 UTC

Fair fighting sucks, EVE isn't a game where you should get fair fights.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#68 - 2011-10-13 17:16:49 UTC
I disagree and have valid reasons and want you to know that I think you're an idiot for posting this idea.

CCP controlled Arenas are not for Eve. Your system is nothing more than an elaborate dueling system, which time and time again has been rejected by the general Eve populace as it does not conform to the sandbox nature of Eve.

All of the points you have made as to why you can't set up an Arena like this now can be summarized as "Its a lot of work" and "people will just interfere."

Guess what? Those are parts of Eve you have to live with. Or just leave. I'm not partial to either option but you need to pick one.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#69 - 2011-10-13 17:26:54 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:

Guess what? Those are parts of Eve you have to live with. Or just leave. I'm not partial to either option but you need to pick one.


Bort Bort
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#70 - 2011-10-13 18:19:03 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:
I disagree and have valid reasons and want you to know that I think you're an idiot for posting this idea.

CCP controlled Arenas are not for Eve. Your system is nothing more than an elaborate dueling system, which time and time again has been rejected by the general Eve populace as it does not conform to the sandbox nature of Eve.

All of the points you have made as to why you can't set up an Arena like this now can be summarized as "Its a lot of work" and "people will just interfere."

Guess what? Those are parts of Eve you have to live with. Or just leave. I'm not partial to either option but you need to pick one.

That's cool. I guess instead of Eve being a game that all players can enjoy in their own manner, we'll just Coform to what u think Eve should be.

Hell, we can make it all low/null sec and see how long it takes Eve to die.

Forget invation and options, we can all just come let you bank us, camp us, blob us, and whatever other things In Eve that you would like us to bend to your will on.

Just know that if you are unwilling to take suggestions on things that other players want because you wont benefit from them, then don't expect us to support the changes u want to make your life better.


No to ice only in low/null. Not gonna say yes to alliances controlling the formation of new alliances.

No to revamping low sec cause its low reward. U wanna be there, suck it up and enjoy.

And no to whatever the hell else you think will make your life better.
In your own words

Its game mechanics so such it up and quit crying about all the crap that hurts you.
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#71 - 2011-10-13 18:23:19 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Emperor Salazar wrote:
I disagree and have valid reasons and want you to know that I think you're an idiot for posting this idea.

CCP controlled Arenas are not for Eve. Your system is nothing more than an elaborate dueling system, which time and time again has been rejected by the general Eve populace as it does not conform to the sandbox nature of Eve.

All of the points you have made as to why you can't set up an Arena like this now can be summarized as "Its a lot of work" and "people will just interfere."

Guess what? Those are parts of Eve you have to live with. Or just leave. I'm not partial to either option but you need to pick one.

That's cool. I guess instead of Eve being a game that all players can enjoy in their own manner, we'll just Coform to what u think Eve should be.

Hell, we can make it all low/null sec and see how long it takes Eve to die.

Forget invation and options, we can all just come let you bank us, camp us, blob us, and whatever other things In Eve that you would like us to bend to your will on.

Just know that if you are unwilling to take suggestions on things that other players want because you wont benefit from them, then don't expect us to support the changes u want to make your life better.


No to ice only in low/null. Not gonna say yes to alliances controlling the formation of new alliances.

No to revamping low sec cause its low reward. U wanna be there, suck it up and enjoy.

And no to whatever the hell else you think will make your life better.
In your own words

Its game mechanics so such it up and quit crying about all the crap that hurts you.

The butthurt is strong with this one. Want some Preparation H?

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Karim alRashid
#72 - 2011-10-13 18:32:45 UTC
Please, explain me

Situation 1: two guys docked in a station. That's all.
Situation 2: two guys dueling in an instance (ohnoes, I said the I-word) , you can't touch them while they are still there.
And by dueling I mean dueling - not ratting, mining, trading, watching, chatting, trolling, nothing else.

How Sit.1 is ok in a ~sandbox~ game and how Sit.2 violates the principles of a ~sandbox~ game?

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#73 - 2011-10-13 18:38:20 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:

That's cool. I guess instead of Eve being a game that all players can enjoy in their own manner, we'll just Coform to what u think Eve should be.

With this logic, missions should be instanced, exploration sites should be locked when someone finds them, and we should get rid of high/low/null sec in favor of "pvp flags" that we can toggle on and off. Sounds like some great stuff wouldn't you say?

Forget invation and options, we can all just come let you bank us, camp us, blob us, and whatever other things In Eve that you would like us to bend to your will on.


Just know that if you are unwilling to take suggestions on things that other players want because you wont benefit from them, then don't expect us to support the changes u want to make your life better.

When did I say I wouldn't benefit from this? Stop trying to make this into something personal, its just making you sound like a moron who is e-mad.

No to ice only in low/null. Not gonna say yes to alliances controlling the formation of new alliances.

No to revamping low sec cause its low reward. U wanna be there, suck it up and enjoy.

And no to whatever the hell else you think will make your life better.
In your own words

Actually, I'm fairly certain none of these things would affect me. Once again, stop trying to make this personal. I disagree with your idea because it undermines a fundamental nature of Eve, a concept that seems to be entirely alien to you.

Step back for a second, take the high sec entitlement hat off and try to view your idea without any particular bias. View it in such a way that you see how it would intertwine with the basic logic of Eve: we play in a single shard world with no instancing and we have the ability to make all sorts of things happen, albeit with a bit of effort. Your idea simply does not fit into that. At least not in such a way that CCP should be creating it.

You can create it. Put some effort into it, stop wasting your time on the forums and make this crap happen. I'm sure people would line up to get in on a player run Arena.

Make it happen.
Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#74 - 2011-10-13 18:40:03 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Please, explain me

Situation 1: two guys docked in a station. That's all.
Situation 2: two guys dueling in an instance (ohnoes, I said the I-word) , you can't touch them while they are still there.
And by dueling I mean dueling - not ratting, mining, trading, watching, chatting, trolling, nothing else.

How Sit.1 is ok in a ~sandbox~ game and how Sit.2 violates the principles of a ~sandbox~ game?

Stations are the one area CCP has allocated for us to use as "instancing," i.e. the one safe zone. The moment you undock, you are in the sandbox and the gloves are off. Other players should have the potential to intervene at this point. Simple as that.
Karim alRashid
#75 - 2011-10-13 18:53:45 UTC
Emperor Salazar wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Please, explain me

Situation 1: two guys docked in a station. That's all.
Situation 2: two guys dueling in an instance (ohnoes, I said the I-word) , you can't touch them while they are still there.
And by dueling I mean dueling - not ratting, mining, trading, watching, chatting, trolling, nothing else.

How Sit.1 is ok in a ~sandbox~ game and how Sit.2 violates the principles of a ~sandbox~ game?

Stations are the one area CCP has allocated for us to use as "instancing," i.e. the one safe zone. The moment you undock, you are in the sandbox and the gloves are off. Other players should have the potential to intervene at this point. Simple as that.

Dude, you didn't answer my question and you don't understand what "sandbox" means. Hint: a game may be a sandbox game and not include any PvP or even be a single player.

I asked how the situation is different and you just kept repeating your "trolololol sandbox" slogan.


Situation 1: you undock, players can interfere, you dock, players can't interfere.
Situation 2: you undock, players can interfere, you enter instance, players can't interfere.

What's the difference?

Mind you, you can only die or kill someone like you in the instance, you can't do anything else that you can do either in space or docked. Ships are ~real~, ammo is ~real~.

For all intents and purposes, for anyone else other the two hypothetical dueling players, the instance is yet another NPC station.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Emperor Salazar
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#76 - 2011-10-13 18:57:22 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:

I asked how the situation is different and you just kept repeating your "trolololol sandbox" slogan.


Situation 1: you undock, players can interfere, you dock, players can't interfere.
Situation 2: you undock, players can interfere, you enter instance, players can't interfere.

What's the difference?

Mind you, you can only die or kill someone like you in the instance, you can't do anything else that you can do either in space or docked. Ships are ~real~, ammo is ~real~.

For all intents and purposes, for anyone else other the two hypothetical dueling players, the instance is yet another NPC station.

Are you trying to sound stupid or is that just happening naturally?

The point is everything in Eve should have an impact on something else. Instanced fights would mean less "real" fights and thus less global impact.

You still confused? If so, use the test server.
Karim alRashid
#77 - 2011-10-13 19:07:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Emperor Salazar wrote:

Are you trying to sound stupid or is that just happening naturally?

For you there's no doubt.


The point is everything in Eve should have an impact on something else. Instanced fights would mean less "real" fights and thus less global impact.

How instanced fights mean less "real" fights compared to sitting in station? How instanced fights do not have impact on something else if ships and ammo are lost?

See, these are simple questions that you should be able to answer in concrete terms instead of throwing around words that you don't understand the meaning of.

You still confused? If so, use the test server.

Oh, the test server? Wouldn't that mean less "real" fights, according to your logic? Also, how come that losing real ships and ammo on TQ has less impact than losing 100 ISK ships on SISI ?

Now, that you've made a complete ass of youself, STFU and let someone intelligent speak.

PS. Almost forgot ...

Biomass your character.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Pandemic Legion
#78 - 2011-10-13 19:32:49 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Internet tough guy words.

The point is, if your fight becomes "instanced" you are no longer in the single shard that is Eve. No one can potentially interfere. That simply does not follow the fundamental nature of Eve.

But you know, keep on posting like the internet tough guy you are, lol at quoting "biomass your character." That was cute.

wait wait I got it

u mad bro?
Karim alRashid
#79 - 2011-10-13 19:45:09 UTC
XXSketchxx wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Internet tough guy words.

The point is, if your fight becomes "instanced" you are no longer in the single shard that is Eve. No one can potentially interfere.

Yea, I agree. That's why I'm asking what the difference to other scenarios where others also can't interfere.


But you know, keep on posting like the internet tough guy you are, lol at quoting "biomass your character." That was cute.

Indeed it's cute, isn't it ? Big smile


wait wait I got it

u mad bro?

Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. LolLolLol

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#80 - 2011-10-13 20:47:05 UTC
d I wish these forums would stop eating my posts. Lets try this again.


So I think we have a misunderstanding of what it is I'm suggesting. Which is why i put the word "arena" in quitations when I used it.

This is not a true arena by definition, nor is it instanced.

To suggest that it's an arena or instanced is to say 3 general things.

1) Limted to the amount of players and can involve no outside interference. Only those involved can control the outcome.

2) Is not effected, nor does it affect the sand box aspect.

3) The scenario has a begining and an end.

These however, are not true in this situation.

Think of it more as a uncontrolled pocket inside a high sec system.

These are to answer to the 3 statements that would make it an arena or instance.

1) Anyone at any time can enter these pockets by taking the accel gate in. You can attack anyone in the pocket and anyone in the pocket can attack you. There is not limit to the amount of people that can be in the pocket unless CCP would want to limit it for the sake of server load. You are not safe, the same as you are not safe in low sec.

2) It is effected by the sand box because the isk loss is determined by the price of ships on the market, any player can come in at any time, and what they use to fight are all items provided by the sand box and limited in fit by the sand box.
It effects the sand box because any ship lost in these pockets have to be bought off the market, thus affecting market prices of ships and modules.

3) The only begining to speak of is when the idea would be implemented and the only end to speak of would be in the event it were removed. There would be none of this queing to battle random players for a certain amount of points or last man standing type scenario. Nor would there be queing you and others to battle it out and no one else is allowed to enter. That would definitly not fit this situation.
Like i've said, you can enter at any time and battle until you're destroyed and have to get a new ship, or you decide to leave and are able to get out scott free because no one has you warp scrambled.

When it comes to limiting the ship sizes, this is determined by the accel gate the same way ship sizes are determined in mission accel gate, but in the same manner as missions, anyone can enter the accel gate at any time and affect your mission payout by taking salvage or loot, or can affect you by agressing you and starting a battle. The only difference is if you enter one of these accel gates, you're automatically tagged and can engage or be engaged by anyone else their free from concord response.

Now, the areas where it wouldn't fall under the sand box set rules is players in these pockets won't lose sec status, and no bounties will be paid out even if the player has a bounty on their head. If you want that bounty you'll have to catch them outside of the pockets.

The one aspect of the game that it will affect that tons of players will like is that their can't be any outside interference that can't be responded to. What i mean by this is we've all had a situation where you've been fighting someone either through aggression tactics or just a friendly duel, and someone else has come in and done something to which you cannot legally respond to such as repping your opponent.
In these pockets this can't happen, because if he enters the pocket he's tagged to be killed by everyone else there reguardless of why he's there.

The way that these pockets would fall into the game is that pirate faction discovered pockets of amtosphere that won't allow scanners or distress signals to go in or out. So they built accel gates to get into these pockets to hide out. At some point in time they were cleared out by capsuleers, and cappsuleers decided to use them as areas to settle disputes using their ships. Eventually more and more capsuleers found out and these basically became pockets where they would go to battle out their aggression against whoever was there, and since the atmosphere blocked any scanners or distress signals, concord wouldn't know to respond and wouldn't know that someone was committing a criminal act, thus they wouldn't lose sec status.

You can easily make it fit with lore.

But the main thing I wanted you to see was the earlier part where I said they were ongoing battles that could never stop, affect and are affected by the markets, and has no limits to who can be involved, but only limiting their ship size, and the same pvp limitations of low sec.