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no ship with a bonus to projected ECCM?

Blades of Grass
#1 - 2012-08-19 22:49:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Baalkon

So I was working on a few concept fleet compositions and part of what I was working on involves the use of projected ECCM in an effort to counter enemy falcon's before they can be brought down. but I've come to an interesting realization:

There is NO SHIP that gives a bonus to projected ECCM modules. Am I right, or am I just blind?

If I am right, who's with me in this being something that should be looked at by CCP? there's a counter to everything in eve, but why is the counter to falcon's so poorly supported?
Red zeon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-20 12:13:44 UTC
offline from game, but think scorpion gets bonuses to it
Ten Thousand Days
#3 - 2012-08-20 12:40:39 UTC
Red zeon wrote:
offline from game, but think scorpion gets bonuses to it

No it does not.

Good concept. I think projected ECCM would be an interesting 'niche' role for a tankier class of ship to buff up logistics in larger fleets.
Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#4 - 2012-08-20 13:04:25 UTC
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener. Boosting up a Logi with a dedicated ECCM ship will cause the falcon to
- Jam the dedicated ECCM ship
- Jam the Logi

You would need a flock of these ships, and then you are basically 'wasting' pilots. They won't fly dps or something else, where you could still fit remote ECCM into a utility midslot.

The difference between ECCM and Dampening:

Damp the Falcon, and it wont jam anyone.
ECCM the jamed ship, and the falcon will switch targets.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#5 - 2012-08-20 14:10:11 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:

Damp the Falcon, and it wont jam anyone.
ECCM the jamed ship, and the falcon will switch targets.

If it lives long enough.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-08-20 14:25:17 UTC
Sensor damp buff!!!!!!!!!!!!11

No Worries

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-08-20 15:17:22 UTC
Eos with sensor integrity link.
Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-08-20 15:36:53 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener. Boosting up a Logi with a dedicated ECCM ship will cause the falcon to
- Jam the dedicated ECCM ship
- Jam the Logi

You would need a flock of these ships, and then you are basically 'wasting' pilots. They won't fly dps or something else, where you could still fit remote ECCM into a utility midslot.

The difference between ECCM and Dampening:

Damp the Falcon, and it wont jam anyone.
ECCM the jamed ship, and the falcon will switch targets.

Give the new ship a naturally high sensor strength in exchange for weapons, or something similar. So many ways to balance it, it's not really a big deal.

Then it becomes a question of whether people want to use a pilot for it, just like any other situation. They might have falcons, so we have to use pilots to bring our own falcons. Or sensor damps. Or more logi's. Or whatever. More options are always a good thing.
The Black Shell
#9 - 2012-08-20 16:41:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener.
It doesnt work unless you're using 1) a lot of med slots 2) a high-skill SP toon 3) a proper damp boat and 4) gallente ganglinks.

You need at the very last 2 items from this list ; 3 are almost mandatories.

Why ? Because a basic falcon can lock too far (165km) and stacking penalties on damps would most of the time not reduce it under 80km...

If he has a signal amplifier/sebo it's just not possible to damp it.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Blades of Grass
#10 - 2012-08-20 19:21:40 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener. Boosting up a Logi with a dedicated ECCM ship will cause the falcon to
- Jam the dedicated ECCM ship
- Jam the Logi

You would need a flock of these ships, and then you are basically 'wasting' pilots. They won't fly dps or something else, where you could still fit remote ECCM into a utility midslot.

The difference between ECCM and Dampening:

Damp the Falcon, and it wont jam anyone.
ECCM the jamed ship, and the falcon will switch targets.

the thing is, if that ship being jammed is one that can nuke the falcon in the first place. then the falcon switching to a different ship will result in a very dead falcon and no one at all getting jammed.

as a few others have said, it takes a fairly high SP character to be able to sensor damp a falcon out of the fight and worse yet, the ships that can do this will, in any meaningfully sized engagement get primaried and explode before their job is complete, where as if there was a better option for projected ECCM it would provide all roles (including the falcon) a way to continue doing their job to some extent.

just as a general idea, following maeltstome's mention of making a "tankier class of ship" capable of doing this, perhaps also add to the ship a passive that ignores the stacking penalty of the ECCM module itself (or gives a buff to the stat bonus of the ECCM module and the stacking penalty remains). perhaps give it a layout something like:

2 token high slots
5 mid slots
5 (or 6) low slots.
as a cruiser or battlecruiser hull. and make it an armor tank

alternately for a shield tank variant:
2 token high slots
7 mids
3 lows and still a cruiser or battlecruiser hull

thoughts? the general idea would be that it is completely a support ship. it would lack the ability to effectively kill even a frigate on its own, yet as part of a fleet, it would have enough survivability to not be instantly dead upon loading grid and adequately support its fleet until such time as it is killed
#11 - 2012-08-20 19:37:52 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener.
It doesnt work unless you're using 1) a lot of med slots 2) a high-skill SP toon 3) a proper damp boat and 4) gallente ganglinks.

You need at the very last 2 items from this list ; 3 are almost mandatories.

Why ? Because a basic falcon can lock too far (165km) and stacking penalties on damps would most of the time not reduce it under 80km...

If he has a signal amplifier/sebo it's just not possible to damp it.

why would someone use falcon with multiple jammers but not for example celestis with multiple dampeners.

celestis with 1 sensor boost with targeting range script and 3 sensor dampeners with targeting range script reduce falcons range to 26+km. you can still fit an 10mn mwd and 1600 plate, DCII EANM and 3 trimarks on it, which gives 30k ehp.
Blades of Grass
#12 - 2012-08-20 19:48:00 UTC
nahjustwarpin wrote:
Reppyk wrote:
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener.
It doesnt work unless you're using 1) a lot of med slots 2) a high-skill SP toon 3) a proper damp boat and 4) gallente ganglinks.

You need at the very last 2 items from this list ; 3 are almost mandatories.

Why ? Because a basic falcon can lock too far (165km) and stacking penalties on damps would most of the time not reduce it under 80km...

If he has a signal amplifier/sebo it's just not possible to damp it.

why would someone use falcon with multiple jammers but not for example celestis with multiple dampeners.

celestis with 1 sensor boost with targeting range script and 3 sensor dampeners with targeting range script reduce falcons range to 26+km. you can still fit an 10mn mwd and 1600 plate, DCII EANM and 3 trimarks on it, which gives 30k ehp.

I just realized we all keep talking of our falcon rage, but missed one other aspect of ECM that isn't countered by sensor dampening.... ecm drones! (yar???) these are typically delt with by smart bomb battleships or frigs on the field with a specific job of killing drones

but once again, to cover all your bases requires so many different ship types added to the mix when there is a perfectly good, under utilized, and totally unsupported module available in the game that helps some-what cover these bases in a pinch.

back in the day of AHAC gangs roaming eve non-stop their trick was everyone of the AHAC's fit a phased meuon ECCM caster to their ship and was assigned a guardian to project it at to keep their guardian core able to lock through the fight, this wasn't a horrible idea and even works quite well in bulk. but in smaller numbers it was a futile endeavor.

now just think about the possibility of bringing this concept to smaller scale fights where ECM in general is utilized so much more. it may not be the most ideal solution in the massive null war's, but it does help the small skirmishes on the frontier of empire wars, low sec skirmishes, and small roaming null sec gangs (sub 15-20 strong). it is in these fights that ECM generates its biggest impact. not in the massive blob warfare of null.
The Black Shell
#13 - 2012-08-20 19:49:07 UTC
Baalkon wrote:
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Of course i might be wrong, but i'd say the counter to a Falcon is a Sensor Dampener. Boosting up a Logi with a dedicated ECCM ship will cause the falcon to
- Jam the dedicated ECCM ship
- Jam the Logi

You would need a flock of these ships, and then you are basically 'wasting' pilots. They won't fly dps or something else, where you could still fit remote ECCM into a utility midslot.

The difference between ECCM and Dampening:

Damp the Falcon, and it wont jam anyone.
ECCM the jamed ship, and the falcon will switch targets.

the thing is, if that ship being jammed is one that can nuke the falcon in the first place. then the falcon switching to a different ship will result in a very dead falcon and no one at all getting jammed.

as a few others have said, it takes a fairly high SP character to be able to sensor damp a falcon out of the fight and worse yet, the ships that can do this will, in any meaningfully sized engagement get primaried and explode before their job is complete, where as if there was a better option for projected ECCM it would provide all roles (including the falcon) a way to continue doing their job to some extent.

just as a general idea, following maeltstome's mention of making a "tankier class of ship" capable of doing this, perhaps also add to the ship a passive that ignores the stacking penalty of the ECCM module itself (or gives a buff to the stat bonus of the ECCM module and the stacking penalty remains). perhaps give it a layout something like:

2 token high slots
5 mid slots
5 (or 6) low slots.
as a cruiser or battlecruiser hull. and make it an armor tank

alternately for a shield tank variant:
2 token high slots
7 mids
3 lows and still a cruiser or battlecruiser hull

thoughts? the general idea would be that it is completely a support ship. it would lack the ability to effectively kill even a frigate on its own, yet as part of a fleet, it would have enough survivability to not be instantly dead upon loading grid and adequately support its fleet until such time as it is killed
tl;dr a scorpion/domi with ECCMs.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

#14 - 2012-08-20 20:23:53 UTC
eccm already doubles , welll 120% boost to the original sensor trength , a ship with dedicated bonus would be too powerful - probably 100 + strength to a vargur with 2 modules :), we don't want that do we .
Blades of Grass
#15 - 2012-08-21 02:50:43 UTC
Songbird wrote:
eccm already doubles , welll 120% boost to the original sensor trength , a ship with dedicated bonus would be too powerful - probably 100 + strength to a vargur with 2 modules :), we don't want that do we .

doubling someones sensor strength (or 120% as the module does) is rarely effective enough on its own when dealing with ECM in the first place. this is why guardians in an AHAC fleet can have upwards of 4-5 separate ships projecting ECCM onto them even though they even have a local ECCM running.

to argue that a ship dedicated to this task would "break" something. i have trouble seeing it. rather, i see it adding to the over all field of battle, making for more interesting fights and better balancing between fleets with ECM and fleets without.