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Spreadsheets for Production

Ostracon Amarr
#1 - 2011-10-13 15:08:24 UTC
I've searched old forum posts regarding using spreadsheets for corp production. I've located a few, but none specifically address my question.

Specifically, what are the pros & cons of creating an account on Open Office or Microsoft Online for corp members? Does it work well, or are there too many problems to warrant doing something like this?

The account will contain spreadsheets for manfucturing, bpo research, PI, etc. So I'm just wanting t hear from people that have actually done this and if they think that it is a worthwhile endeavor. Thanks.
Liev Dleg
Deutsche Recycling GmbH
#2 - 2011-10-13 15:48:39 UTC
We worked with google!
I think the features are equal. If i'm not wrong you can give rights to read and / or write.

It worked for us a few weeks, until the corp were closed.

Worked fine, with a lot of time to create the sheets.
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#3 - 2011-10-18 21:42:51 UTC
google docs have amazing collaborating and sharing features. Check them out

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