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New Feature: Scripted Stasis Webifiers

Phoenix Foundry
#1 - 2012-08-17 22:47:00 UTC
Webs as they currently exist are fairly inflexible and I would like to add customization via scripting much like other modules in EVE. My idea is modeled off of some current scripting patterns for other modules but with a twist that the power of the webs at certain ranges be the defining trait of the script. So, certain scripts may web great at a distance over 8km, but poorly up close. Another script may have a very powerful close range web, but trickle off as you lose distance.

Please see this image to better explain the implementation:

While my values and representation may be off balance, I really like the concept. Please consider that, and not argue the merits of the Script Models I am presenting, but the core idea.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-08-17 23:42:33 UTC
I like this idea, actually. I don't think it's very likely to happen, but it would certainly make combat more interesting and challenging.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

HeartVenom Inc.
#3 - 2012-08-18 02:08:09 UTC
I can see rapiers and the like min-maxing this to hell and back, but I like the idea! It'd give kiters an actual webbing option (to KEEP their targets at distance) as well as help close-in brawlers really pin down those squirrelly little... ...dues.

Where the science gets done

Phoenix Foundry
#4 - 2012-08-18 21:33:23 UTC
I think it would be a challenge for CCP to implement this as webs seem fairly binary in how the operate now. It just adds a great deal of customization that I know I would want depending on the type of ship and weapons I had.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-08-18 22:47:09 UTC
could work... maybe OP though
Lighting the blight
#6 - 2012-08-19 00:46:28 UTC
Looks nice, but could be terribly OP.

What about giving this only to Hyenas/Rapiers/Huginns ? That would make it easier to balance.
Phoenix Foundry
#7 - 2012-08-19 14:02:19 UTC
Sheynan wrote:
Looks nice, but could be terribly OP.

What about giving this only to Hyenas/Rapiers/Huginns ? That would make it easier to balance.

Adding this to range bonused ships could be pretty interesting as well, I would like they would want to run sans script for the most part unless supporting snipers. Still, I would like to see it and play around with it.
Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-08-19 15:24:44 UTC
Why? What's wrong with the current system that you're trying to fix?

Also, as others have said, it has a strong potential to make things broken. You can't just design for the average case, you also have to think about what happens if a Daredevil/Rapier fits one of these things.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-08-19 15:49:32 UTC
Do you realize that the disadvantages of each script mean little when you can swap to a different script that is not disavantaged at the range your target is at?
Lord Helghast
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-08-19 17:40:36 UTC
simplest would be for the script to give extra range say 75% boost to range or 75% boost to speed
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#11 - 2012-08-19 17:53:51 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Do you realize that the disadvantages of each script mean little when you can swap to a different script that is not disavantaged at the range your target is at?


as a concept i see where you're heading but the script mechanic basically take ur initial thought and bastardises it to a rediculously OP suggestion.

my thought on differences in tackling mods and possibly even ewar and ecm is to have a tracking attribute to them.. and then separate them into 3 sizes like many other mods are. with those mods having progressively higher fitting requirements (PG/CPU)
Phoenix Foundry
#12 - 2012-08-20 21:17:59 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Do you realize that the disadvantages of each script mean little when you can swap to a different script that is not disavantaged at the range your target is at?

So long as it's available to everyone, and you are skilled enough to do it on the fly then what's the worry?
#13 - 2012-08-20 22:19:29 UTC
saying that something is "available to everyone and therefore balanced" is fallacious; for example if we tripled the strength of ECM would it be balanced? no? why not? its available to everyone.

That being said, these ideas are very interesting and I would like to see them implemented, just as separate modules thus forcing you to commit to one "doctrine" until you refit.
Balor Haliquin
White Wolf Dragoons
#14 - 2012-08-20 22:26:06 UTC
Okay so i like the idea of changing webs around so they are more useful to PvP in general. But i don't think the scripting system you have will work well in the current implementation of eve. Right now, no item without tracking can have any kind of curve to its engagement, like a gradual increase and a glandular decrease. Instead they are absolute until they hit their max range. So instead of scripts making very strange curves and angles. Why not simply make a set of 5 scripts, much like ammo. It goes from a -50% to web range and a +50% to web effectiveness to a +50% to range and a -10% to effectiveness. This way you have a choice that you can actively change as needed. Short range super web or a very long rage general catch net. So a Tech 2 Stasis Webifier looks something like this with scripts.

Stasis Webifier II (Range and speed Bonus)
Lock Down: -50% range, 50% web effectiveness ( 5km / 90% )
Anchor: -25% range, 25% web effectiveness ( 7.5km / 75% )
Stock: 10km , 60% web
Drag Net: 25% range , -12.5% web effectiveness ( 12.5km / 52.5% )
Spear: 50% range , -25% web effectiveness ( 15km / 45% )
Harpoon: 75% range , -50% web effectiveness ( 17.5km / 30% )
Phoenix Foundry
#15 - 2012-08-20 23:31:38 UTC
Balor Haliquin wrote:
Okay so i like the idea of changing webs around so they are more useful to PvP in general. But i don't think the scripting system you have will work well in the current implementation of eve. Right now, no item without tracking can have any kind of curve to its engagement, like a gradual increase and a glandular decrease. Instead they are absolute until they hit their max range. So instead of scripts making very strange curves and angles. Why not simply make a set of 5 scripts, much like ammo. It goes from a -50% to web range and a +50% to web effectiveness to a +50% to range and a -10% to effectiveness. This way you have a choice that you can actively change as needed. Short range super web or a very long rage general catch net. So a Tech 2 Stasis Webifier looks something like this with scripts.

Stasis Webifier II (Range and speed Bonus)
Lock Down: -50% range, 50% web effectiveness ( 5km / 90% )
Anchor: -25% range, 25% web effectiveness ( 7.5km / 75% )
Stock: 10km , 60% web
Drag Net: 25% range , -12.5% web effectiveness ( 12.5km / 52.5% )
Spear: 50% range , -25% web effectiveness ( 15km / 45% )
Harpoon: 75% range , -50% web effectiveness ( 17.5km / 30% )

I think you get my drift on several areas. Webs being binary in function would be the biggest challenge to overcome. Your solution is a good initial iteration to how things could work, and maybe even be finalized.

Good feedback.
Atrament Inc.
#16 - 2012-08-21 00:02:57 UTC
I like this idea. I think they should effect cap use too, mixing it up for which use the least.

And here is something I think webs need:


So I think scripts should effect:
cap use

That should make it more dynamic. It also should make it viable for long range weapons.