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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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... is there anybody out there?

NoFlint 42
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-08-17 21:46:22 UTC  |  Edited by: NoFlint 42

o7 fellow EvE-addicts!

In my never ending quest to find my rightful spot in New Eden, I find myself less then content in my current situation.... I really like the guys im flying with, and have been having a blast in the FW scene, but our active player-base has all but vanished over the last month or so and as a result things have taken a turn for the 'meh' .

So, here I am, seeing what I COULD be doing. Whats out there, who can offer me a situation that could keep me content on the long term?

Things I am looking for in a Corp/Alliance;

ArrowPEOPLE! I am fully self sufficent, but I find myself craving company. I NEED a leader, AND fellow soldiers in the trenches with me.

ArrowPVP PVP PVP! ALOT of it. NBSI is a must. I find that I enjoy nothing more then killing people. Ganks, camps, roams, fleets small-medium-big, I love it all. Between my two combat toons I have somewhere in the area of 700 kills, 165 deaths. 80% of those kills have been in the last few months. I LOVE small gang-warfare, and the occational blob vs. blob aint too bad either. I prefer fleets of around 6 - 20 though, where its down to skills on the field over flying-isk.

Roll RL first! As much as I like EvE, I like my awesome wife more. Until EvE can do the dirty-awesome stuff my wife does, EvE has to come second, hehe

Blink An achievable goal, a direction, a driving purpose, and a leader driving me FORWARD. I am at my best following orders. Some people are leaders, some are followers. I recognize that I am a better follower than a leader, have accepted it, and thrive in the role of someones dependable and loyal soldier. You point and tell me who to kill and I'll bring you their frozen corpse

Arrow Regular, non-manditory, Corp/Alliance Ops, for isk and fun. Need to make iskies so I can keep ships fit up and ready to explode. I can make isk on my own, but its boring as hell.

Arrow NO CTA's. Sorry, cant do alarm-clock ops. Wife, 2 kids, full time job. I never know what kind of time I will have at the PC each night, dont want to log on for two hours just to spin in station waiting for a CTA to happen. I need to log in and have FUN asap, if such an environment exists that also meets my other criteria.

Bear Humor. You need to have it. Siriously. I have no problem putting on my game-face when its sirious-spaceship-buisness-time, and will boil down my vacab to "yes sir, No Sir, rgr that" when its needed. But I like to have my fun when its appropriate.... You see, Im a vulgar Bastard, there will come a time where you will probably question my sanity, sexuality and gender identity, but I assure you that I am only marginally crazy, the good kind. Most of the rubber chickens are just for effect. Please ignore the drum of industrial-grade lube and the gimp suit. Im just a twisted 34-year old white-male trapped in the Pacific North West. Send help and strippers if you are still reading this

Arrow Prime Time for me is between 01:00 - 06:00 as I am US PST. 99% of the time, where im at now, when I log on fleet is "disbanding". This tends to suck almost as well as my wife, but without all the awesome.

Pirate PVP PVP PVP !!! Did I mention that already? Too bad, mentioning it again. Corp MUST be PvP-Focused, even if its nestled in an Alliance that is not.

If you are still reading this, you deserve a cookie, and you may be wondering what I bring to the table, and what I have expieriance in;

1 person, 6 accounts. Idea US PST tz IdeaBeen playing since the spring of 2010, I have gone from hi-suck carebear, to living in a C6 WH, to Null sec where I scrubbed the last remanents of the carebear off myself, to lo-sec and Faction Warfare for PvP refinement. I've seen some **** man, done some things. From small battles to 500 vs 700 man blobs, caps, dreads Titans, oh my. There is a whole plethora of **** I dont know, but nothing I cant learn or adapt to.

Matches 42 is my oldest toon, @ 37.6 mil sp, and can fly most sub-caps, all races, t1 & t2. Skills are 90% Combat

NoFlint 42 is my second toon, @ 39 mil sp, JF pilot and was my primary indy toon until I got him into the Thanny. Trained him into a Sin after that, then Moros, and am now polishing off triage for the carrier, then focusing on rounding out his combat skills....they are lacking a bit. I expect to be killing folk with him in about a month. Affording the Sin and Moros....? Not yet =P

JiZzLoObber. My third and favorite toon @ 33.4 mil SP. All Combat baby, 100%. He's a dispicable bastard and I love him dearly. -8.5 sec status, mostly Minmatar and Gallente with some Caldari in the mix. If there is dirty to be done, this is the chap. Also 4-times as likely to be smacking in local then the rest of my toons.

D00RGUNNER was my 4th toon @ 31.1 mil SP. Shame that with a name like that he is my auxillary Indy toon, ZERO combat skills, but has Jump Cali 5, Jump Fuel Conservation 5, Jump Freighter 4. With my army of cyno-alts I can drop that Rhea anywhere, and not break the bank on Isotopes. About a billion isk shy of affording the skill books for the Thanny, soon to be resolved.

My two other Toons are barely worth mentioning, the are PI whores, Datacore-miners and Ice/Ore-Miners, nothing more @ 18.8 and 21.7 mil sp.

So, here I am, testing the waters, seeing whats out there. If you are still reading this wall'O'txt, and think you may have something that can draw me away from my current Corp/Alliance, hit me up here or evemail JiZzLoObber or Matches 42. Again, I sure like the folk im flying with, but sometimes it aint enough. I'm getting bored. I guess its human nature to to keep looking for something better =)

Pagids Legion
#2 - 2012-08-17 21:53:22 UTC
You would be more the welcome to Enslave. Please check our recruitment post to find out more about us.
NoFlint 42
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-08-17 22:36:49 UTC

Thanks for the response, appealing offer but I am US PST timezone, on around 02:00 - 06:00. Your post indicates that I would have as much solo-time as I do now Im afraid.

Will still keep you in mind though Blink
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#4 - 2012-08-18 01:15:59 UTC
Fairly sure we've crossed paths a few times, the corporation name is familiar at least.

As you probably know, we're a low sec piracy corp focused more about ~goodfites~ than about just winning outright. Going through your points....

PEOPLE - Our leadership is active, regularly in the top 10 killers for the month (generally requires about ~60 kills a month, all from small gangs/solo pvp). We have a tightknit community - once a Tusker, always a Tusker. Our forums are a hub of activity, with over 30 posts a day discussing upcoming changes, ship fittings, fleet setups, AARs as well as off-topic stuff.

PVP PVP PVP - We have no blues (except those that pay us protection + alts obviously), roam far (conventionally as well through wormholes, today we visited -A- Citizens farming lands!) and live in a busy part of low sec = TONS of targets around. In fact, we're the most active player corporation in Eve according to Battleclinic! We routinely pull in over 1200 kills a month - not bad for a small gang/solo corporation who likes fleets at that size where piloting ability is key!

RL first - We're RL friendly, have no CTAs and don't mind if you have to go away for a few months, as long as you post a short reminder on our forums.

An achievable goal, a direction, a driving purpose, and a leader driving me FORWARD - We have a goal, to become the most renowned pirate corporation in Eve and we need to spread our message! Our leadership is top class and down to earth - we fly in the same fleets as others, either FCing or just being an ordinary member.

Regular, non-manditory, Corp/Alliance Ops, for isk and fun - We have no CTAs and have multiple guides on how to pull in 100M/hour to 1B/hour whilst bearing, so you have more time to PvP.

NO CTA's - Again, no CTAs.

Humour - Most of the time, we're just chilling on comms and chatting ingame whilst we find something to kill. Then, it's game face on and we spring into action with a variety of gang compositions depending on the situation at hand.

Prime Time for me is between 01:00 - 06:00 as I am US PST - we have a decent sized PST & AU timezone group of players, as well as the US EST + EU guys who stay up late so there's plenty of activity going on.

PVP PVP PVP - No blues, no politics, we are the real deal. Everything is a target.

Contact me via Evemail and we'll discuss the recruitment process. It's fairly standard, although we do require you to display that you can actually solo PvP and are willing to fight outnumbered / outgunned, as this increases our gang's capability if each member is a seasoned hunter in their own right. Also, you will have to fly with us at least once, but this is mutually beneficial as you'll get a better idea of what we do and vice versa.

Fly reckless
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#5 - 2012-08-18 08:27:53 UTC
Haha, I love your post!

Have a look at Sons Of 0din, im sure we have some room in the barrel for you. Personality is more important to us than anythign else and you seem t o have plenty of that Cool

Come and talk.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

NoFlint 42
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-08-18 14:56:01 UTC

Blink bump
The Law Office's of Dewey Screwem and Howe
#7 - 2012-08-18 22:37:11 UTC

Bump for a friend, hope you find what your looking for mate
Lord Rahvin
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#8 - 2012-08-19 19:06:57 UTC
Black Aces is a well established corp trying to build up a new strong alliance. I am particularly looking for USTZ guys trying to help build up my time zone. We are really close to allot of fighting and there are always people roaming around to kill all the time. I'm looking for people that are willing to help train new guys. Help recruit and organize people. People that are willing to put in a little hard work to help build something greater, and have fun while doing it. So if you feel like you might be up for the job send me a mail in game or join our public chat "black aces recruitment".
NoFlint 42
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-08-20 02:36:53 UTC


Thanks for the offers folks, I belive I have found what I was looking for Blink


BlackLight Jr
Corbulo Academy of Navel Science
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#10 - 2012-08-20 18:09:02 UTC
The Black Nova Corp. "Recruiting"

Black Nova Corp. seeks players of all skills and professions. We are looking to recruit people, not accounts.

Black Nova Corp. is made up of pilots who are mature, professional, and team oriented.
“Everyone Fights, Everyone Mines, Everyone Prospers” is the philosophy we live by.
We live in 0.0, lowsec and are involved in PVP everyday.

Much of our success lies in its discipline and organization. We recruit people, not accounts, and the result is a very close-knit group of players who put their ships on the line for each other daily, and who dedicate their time to helping Corp-mates with no expectation of payment in return. BNC operates under a semi-socialist system, with money making operations for the Corp periodically throughout the week, and small to large PvP operations happening nightly.

We currently seek:
SKILLED combat pilots. Note that skill! = skill points.
-DEEP SPACE PILOTS. We need those with 0.0 experience, BNC is for fast learners.
-10 Pirate Status (No Problem)
-Anyone with dedication, big ideas, and the drive to succeed.

Compulsory Requirements:
-10mil SP+
-TEAMSPEAK. Microphone is required.
-English language is a must.
-Be a PvP focused pilot.
-Have Iskenderun making alts (I.e. Miners, PvE)

Secondary Requirements:
-Use of out of game forums.
-Adequate weekly play time.
-Mature, professional conduct.
-Ability to follow instructions

We recruit people, not accounts. Black Nova Corp. is not an ordinary corporation. If you can not see yourself in BNC for more than a year, do not apply. We work together for our common goals and benefit, and we are only interested in people who will do the same.

In-game contacts :
- BlackLight Jr, CEO


Please note:
-Former members of hostile corps or alliances are often not considered.
-100% dedication is the only level of dedication accepted in B N C Period.
Black Nova Corp. has a solid group of experienced leaders; we offer a mix of roughly 80% veterans, 20% newer members. This is not a corporation, this is a home.

Join channel " Nova PuB. " in-game to speak with B N C members. Convo any of the listed contacts to setup an interview.

To apply, send your full APi to BlackLight Jr for review. A Teamspeak interview will be setup after your background check is complete. Visit “Nova PuB.” In-game for questions.


Regards and Fly Dangerously