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Figuring out your worth.

Ja'thaal Deathbringer
The Directionally Challenged
#1 - 2012-08-17 00:11:06 UTC
Hey all,
Now, there have been quite a few topics related to the market estimator put into the game recently, and ways to make it better. This is one of those threads. Before you roll your eyes and get out of this topic, just let me pose a question to you. How would you like to know exactly what your ship is worth, fittings, rigs and all. It'd help for those people who contract fitted ships to know just what they're worth. So I pose that there be at least an option to see your hangar and individual ships worth, including everything in and on them.
As we've already got market estimates on everything in singular amounts, I don't see it being immensely difficult to tally up everything fitted to, and inside the cargo bay, of a ship and to have that displayed. It would help for those (who are not scammers) to know their ship's worth with everything on it when they want to sell something.

Anyway, it was just a thought,
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-08-17 03:27:03 UTC
EveHQ and a few other programs will already tell you that info, no reason for the Devs to add in another halfway working price estimation, there are more important things to do.
Hull Down Inc.
#3 - 2012-08-17 09:18:01 UTC
mxzf wrote:
EveHQ and a few other programs will already tell you that info, no reason for the Devs to add in another halfway working price estimation, there are more important things to do.

But those other programs and evehq are not from ccp.
What if the developers of those programs decide one day not to update anymore?
ccp should cover all those bases wich their membership needs/wants.
Not saying this should be implemented, but if enough people want this, then why not?
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#4 - 2012-08-17 12:40:31 UTC
mxzf wrote:
EveHQ and a few other programs will already tell you that info, no reason for the Devs to add in another halfway working price estimation, there are more important things to do.

Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-08-17 13:13:19 UTC
Evolution1979 wrote:
mxzf wrote:
EveHQ and a few other programs will already tell you that info, no reason for the Devs to add in another halfway working price estimation, there are more important things to do.

But those other programs and evehq are not from ccp.
What if the developers of those programs decide one day not to update anymore?
ccp should cover all those bases wich their membership needs/wants.
Not saying this should be implemented, but if enough people want this, then why not?

The problem is twofold. First off, the Devs have more important things to do, things which a third-party can't write a program to do. Second, if CCP did such a system, it would be buggy and useless information (the current price estimates are bad enough as is).

Also, if whoever's writing a third-party app just gives up on it, it's not that big an issue. You just find another program, or make one yourself, or someone else picks up that program and starts updating it themselves.
Antal Marius
Allied Operations
Mechanicus Macabre Immortale
#6 - 2012-08-18 09:43:34 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Evolution1979 wrote:
mxzf wrote:
EveHQ and a few other programs will already tell you that info, no reason for the Devs to add in another halfway working price estimation, there are more important things to do.

But those other programs and evehq are not from ccp.
What if the developers of those programs decide one day not to update anymore?
ccp should cover all those bases wich their membership needs/wants.
Not saying this should be implemented, but if enough people want this, then why not?

The problem is twofold. First off, the Devs have more important things to do, things which a third-party can't write a program to do. Second, if CCP did such a system, it would be buggy and useless information (the current price estimates are bad enough as is).

Also, if whoever's writing a third-party app just gives up on it, it's not that big an issue. You just find another program, or make one yourself, or someone else picks up that program and starts updating it themselves.

Or the fourth option, someone starts a new one altogether. (Mixs in with the option of making it yourself.)