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Constructive suggestions for the Unified Item system

Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#1 - 2012-08-13 14:10:00 UTC
So - the U-I still have some issues and I've heard many players complaining about simple things like not being able to drag ships or find their things. I also had few issue myself... So instead of just complaining I'm listing a few CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions:

From the ship hangar menu you should be allowed to drag ships from the overview tree into corp hangars or ship maintenance bays. It seems most people attempt this at least once and gets frustrated when nothing happens. having to click the ship hangar instead of the ship itself and then dragging from the content window there is like taking a step back for many people it seems and counter productive to what the UI want to accomplish (I hope)

Settings doesn't save properly and when I double-click a ship to open the hangar the overview tree is always hidden instead of remembering the last position as I am getting used to the tree structure and have to open it all the time.
Also I HATE the filter options below the overview tree, and for some reason it tends to not remember me minimizing it. Wish I could remove it entirely or keep it closed!

When I have a lot of ships in my current location the overview tree becomes rather tall. If my currently chosen ship needs more ammunition I will scroll down past all my ship and then click my item hangar. Then I will find my items and drag them?
My natural reflex would be to drag the ammo to the top area of the overview tree expecting the tree to start scrolling up - But noo... You should defiantely have the top and bottom area of the overview tree start a scroll action - plz?

Since most variables in the overview tree comes from how many ships or pos modules you have at your location, why not move those to the bottom of the overview tree? When my hangar has 100+ ships how long will it take me to drag items from my item hangar into my active ships cargo without opening multiple windows?

All cargo containers should have the first slot as an area where you can drag items into and they are thrown out of the cargo container and into the place holding it.

I really hope we get an even better and more intuitive UI with CCP keeping an eye on improving it. It has potential and I rarely have to open multiple windows, but the things I described above makes me feel limited when doing simple tasks

Pinky Denmark
Sati Kerensky
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-13 19:03:10 UTC
Overall a few good suggestions, I like it - however, I've always hated the typical "Windows Explorer" style, I need two full windows to drag stuff from/to. My usage before the update:

-Station hangar was a main, big window (with the ship hangar tabbed in the same parent window)
--- This works okay now, a bit less of an overview with the tree, but apart from the OPs comments and some others concerning the size of the tree, especially at POSs, it's an improvement

- One small window (just 3 items visible) of my ship's cargo open all the time that changed to the currently active ship
--- I've tried using the main inv. window for this, but that one constantly reopens the tree, so it's noticeably extra work. So I'm using a secondary window for it, but that one closes far too often by itself (relog after connection loss, switching ships requires closing the old and opening a new one) which always requires me to open the main inv. window or fittings -> still extra work

- I had my wrecks, cans, other containers, Orca's corp hangar (own ship or not), POSs etc. to open in another small window next to the ship's cargo one
--- That one is completely screwed up now of course, though I'm managing by using the main inv. for it. Needs to be bigger now though since the tree is a must-have with the new system. Even worse, with the filters reappearing constantly, it's another click to get the tree to be at least somewhat usable
Try having a corp-mates Orca corp hangar open along with the ship bay for emergency ship switching, then get a couple of wrecks open as well while still keeping the one position of the corp hangar you're interested in (for storing the ore) in one-click range - WITHOUT the need to have a huge, bulky window block most of your screen. (it used to be just 3x1 items plus the small frame, now it needs around 2-4x that size to be usable. Ugly.)

Main suggestion:
- Store a few more of the settings, it's done locally afterall (oh, and as part of that - DON'T always reopen the ship hangar tree, it should only open 'on demand')
- Allow configuring what's shown in the tree, for example hiding compartments of the corp hangar and POS modules. Not just collapse, but really hide. Maybe with a menu like the overview settings.