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Minmatar Capitals are being re-worked

First post
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#21 - 2011-10-12 13:38:13 UTC
Fix shield capitals' shield gang bonus recharge issue.
Make Slaves have no effect on capitals, rebalance EHP if necessary.
Reduce Archon PG and increase Chimera and Nidhoggur CPU, so they have similar ease of fitting RR.
Move two lowslots on Nidhoggur to medslots so the Chimera isn't the only shield carrier.

Leave the Naglfar with the split weapon system so the Phoenix isn't the only missile-using dreadnought (which would make it (even more) unwanted and effectively useless), but ensure that the Naglfar has a significant DPS advantage over even the Moros in compensation.

Do something, anything, to better balance the Hel with the Nyx.
Duchess Starbuckington
#22 - 2011-10-12 13:58:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Duchess Starbuckington
Make Slaves have no effect on capitals, rebalance EHP if necessary.

Removing Slave set bonuses from capitals is long overdue, especially with how much they contribute to the shield/armour gap.
#23 - 2011-10-12 14:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Aamrr
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
Make Slaves have no effect on capitals, rebalance EHP if necessary.

Removing Slave set bonuses from capitals is long overdue, especially with how much they contribute to the shield/armour gap.

Aamrr wrote:
On the subject of slave implants, please do consider whether you want to remove their benefit on all capital ships, or just supercapitals. A slave set currently retails for over twice the cost of a carrier before insurance. There's nothing particularly absurd about tripling your ship cost to get another 50% hp. On a ship with a 20 billion isk hull, on the other hand...

Really, do think about this question. I'm absolutely in favor of denying slave implants to supercapitals, but I don't think I have ever heard anyone whining about a slaved Thanatos or Archon. As far as normal capital ships are concerned, these implants offer a perfectly reasonable cost-performance ratio. There's a lot of things I'd improve on an Archon before slaving it (low-grade deadspace hardeners, faction EANMs, etc). And given the number of T2-fit carriers popping lately, people aren't doing that, either.
Lili Lu
#24 - 2011-10-12 16:33:58 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Fix shield capitals' shield gang bonus recharge issue.
Make Slaves have no effect on capitals, rebalance EHP if necessary.
Reduce Archon PG and increase Chimera and Nidhoggur CPU, so they have similar ease of fitting RR.
Move two lowslots on Nidhoggur to medslots so the Chimera isn't the only shield carrier.

Leave the Naglfar with the split weapon system so the Phoenix isn't the only missile-using dreadnought (which would make it (even more) unwanted and effectively useless), but ensure that the Naglfar has a significant DPS advantage over even the Moros in compensation.

Do something, anything, to better balance the Hel with the Nyx.

Interesting suggestions.

However, is it necessary to alter slaves as they relate to supercaps now? The 15 minute logoff will be gone. The slaved super/titan will no longer be hoping to hp=survive a logoff.

For those that suggested it, introducing a new shield slave equivalent presents a whole new set of balancing problems. What would the regen effect of a shield slave equivalent be? Might that not be op itself? It would certainly leapfrog Caldari shield buffers past Amarr armor buffers. These implants would affect all ships as well. It would upset the delicate if imperfect balance between shield and armor tanking that exists in the game for all ship classes.

I'm not conviced with the whole shield rr cpu cost being harsher than armor rr. I am not an eft whore so I won't throw numbers around. I'll just say anecdotally that my shield ships have rarely had cpu problems compared to the pg problems my armor ships regularly run into. Again, is it necessary to mess with this? What would the consequences be for all ship classes? Are the folks who complain about cpu costs experienced with pg costs on armor ships?

I agree with a rearrangement of the minmatar caps. I've always wondered why they aren't to Caldari caps analogous to the Amarr and Gallente slot distribution. There should be more focus on shield tank. The Nid has a same mid layout as the Thanny (6 low and 5 mid). That should probably be 5 low and 6 mid. Especially since the Hel is a shield tanker.

I think however that the Naglfar would operate better as a 4 high slot with 3 turret and no missile dread. Training up a Nag is already more skill intensive than other dreads due to split weapons. Noone else has to do this. I could again see a slot change to 5 low and 7 mid again to shield focus. If there is a problem still with capital missiles or 3 cap projectile turrets address these each individually, but don't continue to burden the Naglfar with split weapons. Having cruise, torps, lg arty, and lg ac already trained to 5 and tech II it does not affect me personally, but it should not be a burden for every minmatar dread aspirant.

As to changing Nid and Hel bonuses, I like that my Nid can rep better. I never saw carriers as a combat focused ship anyway. I do not perceive the changes as making them such either. They serve more a logistical role imo. The Hel on the other hand is the odd duck for a ship class that is meant to be used in a combat role. Something definitiely needs to be changed with its bonus.
Dank Man
#25 - 2011-10-12 16:49:18 UTC
Give the Hel the ability to launch drones, along with fighters and FBs, it will be a true support ship. Also like the idea of being able to jump using less cap because of the racial bonuses to other ships (guns dont use cap, and min have fastest/most mobile ships) possible boost to fighters warp speed? and yes more CPU so we can have more shield reppers. 5% faster cap recharge per lvl, that may be helpful as well. Anyways any boost will be welcome as its already the sexiest of all the supers Bear
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-10-12 19:07:17 UTC
As some other have already said, the Hel need to be balanced.
The ship should have more tank (EHp) than a nyx. Nyx bonus is for DPS, Hel bonus is for ... (? not used at all)
Hel as less EHP than Nyx, less DPS than Nyx. I'm not even speaking about the Wyvern or the "3x more EHP than Hel" Aeon.

I can understand it's hard to find a good bonus for the minmatar super carrier class. I've not much idea myself. But something must be done and not just a little fix.
Hel is rarely (if ever used) in fleet. There is a reason behind it. As an Hel owner I know I'll go down first since have same DPS as Aeon or Wyvern and weaker tank. All FC not too much dumb will know that removing the Hel is easier than other supercarrier and remove the same amount of DPS from field.
The Hel need a bonus so that this situation change to something more balanced.

Make it the only super carrier able to use 20 bombers, 20 fighters and still all drones (or just warfare and logistics drones).
Give it a bonus to shield recharge time or maybe give it the same bonus as wyvern ? So the Hel can at least have more EHP than a Nyx.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-10-12 19:38:25 UTC
Headerman wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
This is more generalized, but Crystals should affect capitals shield boosters if slaves affect capital buffer.

They already do.

When did that happen? Opening up EVE right now, I get "Note: Does not affect capital class modules." in the description.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2011-10-12 20:23:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Headerman
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Headerman wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
This is more generalized, but Crystals should affect capitals shield boosters if slaves affect capital buffer.

They already do.

When did that happen? Opening up EVE right now, I get "Note: Does not affect capital class modules." in the description.

I was on the Test server a week or 2 ago and was using them in my Nag i was testing. Looks like it was a bug though that has since been fixed. Sorry

I always thought a Hel SC fleet could be awesome in it's spider tanking abilities, and as Aamrr said, a slight bump to 7.5% bonus would make it pretty good, a 2% per level of capacitor cost reduction per level would make it really good.

As for the slave set not affecting SCs... i think that like a SC it self, they are an "end game" prize and should go together. Expansions are about addin in content, and removing a Slave sets abilities from a SC would be a nerf too far.

Australian Fanfest Event

#29 - 2011-10-12 20:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: DogTyred
I'd like to see more capital modules :

capital warp disruptor
capital heavy interdictor module ? that'll ruin ure supercap day
capital smartbombs
capital nuet and nos
capital AB and MWD modules (yeah i know they should never be really fast)

capital shield and armour extenders

T2 Capital Weapons

ability to jump thru stargates, have to limit to nulsec i guess , but roaming cap gangs would be fun perhaps.

all these things would make dreads more versatile
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2011-10-12 21:26:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Headerman
^^^ What about the shield equivelent of the armor module that increases base armour amount by 8%?

A capital module, that fits in a low slot and requires capital amounts of PG, that increases the shields by 8-10%? Would be a lot easier to implement than a new implant set

Australian Fanfest Event

Bring Stabity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-10-12 21:55:38 UTC
Hel ehp = Nyx ehp, Rag ehp = Erebus ehp. Give the Hel a real bonus (rep amount is garbage)

nid is fine, move naglfar to 3 turrets
Bring Stabity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2011-10-12 21:55:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Bring Stabity
triple post goddamn I'm awful these forums blow
Bring Stabity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2011-10-12 22:00:03 UTC
Bring Stabity wrote:
Bring Stabity wrote:
Hel ehp = Nyx ehp, Rag ehp = Erebus ehp. wyvren = aeon, lev = avatar. Give the Hel a real bonus (rep amount is garbage), introduce shield equivalents for slaves. Fix shields so they realistically get their command bonuses.

nid is fine, move naglfar to 3 turrets

Verboten Technologies
#34 - 2011-10-12 22:48:20 UTC
The Naglfar will never get a third turret. For that would require the art team to redo the Naglfar's model to add another turret placing. Which is a lot of work apparently since it takes CCP's art team about a year from concept to end product to get one done.

During the projectile buff, there was also some changes done to the Naglfar, and one of the things that was asked for was. To remove the missiles part of Neglfar's weapons load out and add a third turret like all the other dreads. And that was a big "NO" from CCP because of all the work that would be need to make a new model.

So you are certainly not going to get a third turret. Which is fine by me who wants to be like all the other dreads anyways. A DPS or Alpha buff to compensate for having to train two capital weapon systems to fly the thing properly is probably what is really in order. So it will be paper thin at least you you be carrying a big stick and hitting things hard.

Naglfar should be on top of the Damage charts with a lead that makes the other dreads jealous.

Of course for having all that destructive power, Naglfar's will be the first to die in every large fleet fight.
#35 - 2011-10-13 01:36:31 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
However, is it necessary to alter slaves as they relate to supercaps now? The 15 minute logoff will be gone. The slaved super/titan will no longer be hoping to hp=survive a logoff.

Consider the effect that this giant volume of EHP has on target priorities. A supercapital does not much more DPS than a dreadnought, but takes about ten times longer to kill. This means that any smart FC will target and destroy the entire capital fleet before shooting any supercapitals. Is that what we want -- half of the fight being just supercapitals slogging it out with each other because capitals don't have the durability to stay on the field with them?

Lili Lu wrote:
For those that suggested it, introducing a new shield slave equivalent presents a whole new set of balancing problems. What would the regen effect of a shield slave equivalent be? Might that not be op itself? It would certainly leapfrog Caldari shield buffers past Amarr armor buffers. These implants would affect all ships as well. It would upset the delicate if imperfect balance between shield and armor tanking that exists in the game for all ship classes.

There's no reason that "shield-slaves" can't have a corresponding reduction in shield regen. Supposing they give a 50% increase in shield buffer, you can negate the effect on recharge rate by imposing a 50% longer shield recharge time. Or whatever value they choose to impose.

Lili Lu wrote:
I'm not conviced with the whole shield rr cpu cost being harsher than armor rr. I am not an eft ***** so I won't throw numbers around. I'll just say anecdotally that my shield ships have rarely had cpu problems compared to the pg problems my armor ships regularly run into. Again, is it necessary to mess with this? What would the consequences be for all ship classes? Are the folks who complain about cpu costs experienced with pg costs on armor ships?

Are you looking at subcapitals or capitals? Fitting a shield-tanked triage carrier is a nightmare no matter what hull you're using, and it's because of the absurd CPU cost of their shield boosters and shield transporters. Considering that they're the only ship classes that can actually use them, there would not be any consequences for other ship classes. This isn't hard. Roll

Lili Lu wrote:
I agree with a rearrangement of the minmatar caps. I've always wondered why they aren't to Caldari caps analogous to the Amarr and Gallente slot distribution. There should be more focus on shield tank. The Nid has a same mid layout as the Thanny (6 low and 5 mid). That should probably be 5 low and 6 mid. Especially since the Hel is a shield tanker.

This is probably worth looking into, particularly since capitals are more in need of utility midslots than utility low slots -- allowing armor tankers to achieve a stronger ship without sacrificing utility. My concern is that this maneuver would leave the resultant 3-low chimera with an awkward low-slot conundrum.

Lili Lu wrote:
As to changing Nid and Hel bonuses, I like that my Nid can rep better. I never saw carriers as a combat focused ship anyway. I do not perceive the changes as making them such either. They serve more a logistical role imo. The Hel on the other hand is the odd duck for a ship class that is meant to be used in a combat role. Something definitiely needs to be changed with its bonus.

I think the jump drive operation bonus would be an interesting touch. Making it the only supercarrier that doesn't need to be capped up to do two consecutive jumps would give it a unique niche to justify its otherwise lackluster DPS and EHP. If I were to do anything today, it'd be to increase the repair value to 7.5% and apply it to local to local tank on the Nidhoggur and shield buffer on the Hel. If this wasn't well-received, I'd poke at the jump drive calibration option.
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#36 - 2011-10-13 02:28:55 UTC
I demand nano nidhoggur. Top speed with BS mwd to be around 1200m/s, align time 7s. This would put it inline with the other minmatar ships atm.Lol

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2011-10-13 04:29:20 UTC
Headerman wrote:

A capital module, that fits in a low slot and requires capital amounts of PG, that increases the shields by 8-10%? Would be a lot easier to implement than a new implant set

Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System is close, no?
Bring Stabity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#38 - 2011-10-13 04:59:31 UTC
Epiphaniess wrote:
The Naglfar will never get a third turret. For that would require the art team to redo the Naglfar's model to add another turret placing. Which is a lot of work apparently since it takes CCP's art team about a year from concept to end product to get one done.

During the projectile buff, there was also some changes done to the Naglfar, and one of the things that was asked for was. To remove the missiles part of Neglfar's weapons load out and add a third turret like all the other dreads. And that was a big "NO" from CCP because of all the work that would be need to make a new model.

So you are certainly not going to get a third turret. Which is fine by me who wants to be like all the other dreads anyways. A DPS or Alpha buff to compensate for having to train two capital weapon systems to fly the thing properly is probably what is really in order. So it will be paper thin at least you you be carrying a big stick and hitting things hard.

Naglfar should be on top of the Damage charts with a lead that makes the other dreads jealous.

Of course for having all that destructive power, Naglfar's will be the first to die in every large fleet fight.

Oh no they'd have to make the naglfar even longer. It's a convenient excuse. If CCP is looking to change their ways they need to start making the changes that matter to eve instead of investing the majority in their company into games that we won't see to 2014, odds are. Missiles are garbage against supercaps, cutting it's damage hardcore

Also in a capfight you kill revelations first due to them being the best in lag, then the moros. That will and would never change
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2011-10-13 05:12:27 UTC
Ha, the forum ate my post. Luckily i selected all and copied before it was gone.

Yeah it is close...

In a Nyx with 3 rigs, it has 2,268,000 armour
A Hel has 2,138,400 shield with 3 rigs

With a full HG slave set, the Nyx has 3,034,509 armour
With 5 CN PDUs, the Hel has 2,861,662 shield

Slave set + rigs for the Nyx = 6,176,604 EHP
CN PDUs + rigs for the Hel = 6,089,999 EHP

Obviously, the Hel now has no free low slots at all. On the other hand, a Slave set costs a lot of isk as it is.

- There is the 'Akemons' Modified Novel Zet5000 implant that is available for 8% more armour.
- There is the Zainou Gnome KVA3000 implant to give 6% Shield amount

In regards to cap usage:
- A Nyx with 4 Cap rechargers has a +156.5 peak recharge rate.
- A Hel with the 5 CN PDUs has a peak recharge of 127.6.

Tanking slots:
- The Nyx has 7 low slots available for tanking, and one spare mid slot (for a sensor booster). It has a 56.3mm Scan resolution.
- A Hel has 7 Mid slots in total. It has a scan resolution of 68.8mm

So not only does the Nyx have more armour than the Hel (in regards to the above fits), it would be able to resist more damage than the Hel. The Hels total resists for shields is 110. The Nyxs armour gives it 130.

To get the shield amount of the Hel equal to the amount of armour a Nyx has, the Hel needs about 1 more CN PDU.
To get the same cap recharge, the Hel needs about 3.1 True Sansha Cap Power relays, if it has no CN PDUs.

i believe the Hel should have superior cap recharge that the faction CPRs provide due to its RR nature, AND it needs the extra shield amount the 5 CN PDUs provide.

If there was 1 mod that gave a big increase to shield amount (nearly 50%), and was limited to 1 per SC, it would give the space for extra cap mods, as well as a signal amplifier, and 7 tanking slots.

Australian Fanfest Event

#40 - 2011-10-13 06:52:39 UTC
Or...we could just remove slave sets from the equation, and shield capitals could have the choice between getting more EHP (power diags) or having reasonable cap recharge (power relays).