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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.
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First post
Santo Trafficante
Kira Inc.
#1 - 2012-08-10 18:07:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Santo Trafficante
character trade canceled !
Alexiej Stukov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-08-10 18:20:52 UTC
What a deal!. Free bump
Invention Services
#3 - 2012-08-10 18:23:23 UTC
Hai gais, only 1b per 1m SP!!! Get it noaw!!!!!!!
Santo Trafficante
Kira Inc.
#4 - 2012-08-10 19:01:10 UTC
Santo Trafficante
Kira Inc.
#5 - 2012-08-10 20:02:43 UTC
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#6 - 2012-08-10 20:51:41 UTC
Keep it to one bump a day by the person that started the thread. Thank you.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Ghost Frog
#7 - 2012-08-10 20:54:00 UTC
LMAO. 18b for 18m sp? funny stuff.
Lucifus Prime
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-08-11 00:42:30 UTC
LOL Almost all kills are only pods and shuttles. Roll
Space Men
#9 - 2012-08-11 01:36:06 UTC
Haha, what a deal for a quality character with an amazing kill record.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-08-11 08:44:56 UTC
Oh wow, you're now selling the char after I blew you up to bits.

What a baby.
#11 - 2012-08-11 09:04:53 UTC
Wow, yeah. I definitly want that Character. 2 Bill for the SP, 10 Bill for the ****-fit-Losses-Killboard. Deal?
Santo Trafficante
Kira Inc.
#12 - 2012-08-11 09:28:39 UTC
Post ur bids only
Safety Set To Red
Train Wreck.
#13 - 2012-08-11 13:31:23 UTC
I offer 2 units of thons modified large graviton smartbomb and some Kleenex.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-08-11 14:56:52 UTC

I believe the english word you are looking for is 'Annoying' as thats all sitting in a smartbombing Mach on gates in FW space ever was.

If you want the flaunt the 'Infamous' tag for some isk, you should probably try PvP sometime.
Santo Trafficante
Kira Inc.
#15 - 2012-08-11 15:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Santo Trafficante
Victua wrote:

I believe the english word you are looking for is 'Annoying' as thats all sitting in a smartbombing Mach on gates in FW space ever was.

If you want the flaunt the 'Infamous' tag for some isk, you should probably try PvP sometime.

yeah right...

EDIT: starting bid and b/o lowered
Space Men
#16 - 2012-08-11 15:56:25 UTC
I'll start you off at 300 isk, assuming you pay the transfer.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-08-11 16:08:39 UTC
500 isk, you pay transfer.


Gallente Citizen 20111005
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-08-11 16:10:49 UTC
1 mil isk you pay transfer :)
Robert Warner
Back Door Burglars
#19 - 2012-08-11 16:12:47 UTC
502 ISK b/o, you pay transfer.

I love this thread, and especially how the ISD's keep deleting all the posts where people are poking fun.

p.s. linking of killboards is not permitted.

p.p.s. I think the entire game heard when you caught that 130 mil pod. That was EPIC Roll
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-08-11 16:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Keyanu
Faceless ISD's removing my posts!

On a more serious note, the toon is not worth anywhere near the 17bil he was originally asking for.

I suggest whoever is bidding on him get's a 2bil discount due to the nomad set he lost carelessly.
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