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i dont like this new patch for my click on my module and i can not saw my module after

Quebec's Underdog League
Quebec United Legions
#1 - 2012-08-08 19:55:36 UTC
i don't need to see information on module like that and make the graphic less beautiful .
the information hide my module ..plz just remove it ....because we can already see all that information in fitting panel.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-08 21:29:37 UTC
khmervareman wrote:
i don't need to see information on module like that and make the graphic less beautiful .
the information hide my module ..plz just remove it ....because we can already see all that information in fitting panel.

If it really bothers you then use hotkeys.
And if you constantly necro this thread like that idiot with the "I want the old turrets back" thread, god help you.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#3 - 2012-08-08 22:26:24 UTC
khmervareman wrote:
i don't need to see information on module like that and make the graphic less beautiful .
the information hide my module ..plz just remove it ....because we can already see all that information in fitting panel.

The devs already said somewhere that they will add an option to deactivate or delay this function. So just stop complaining, I really like it this way
Reign of Steel
Brave Collective
#4 - 2012-08-09 02:16:22 UTC
Griffin Omanid wrote:
khmervareman wrote:
i don't need to see information on module like that and make the graphic less beautiful .
the information hide my module ..plz just remove it ....because we can already see all that information in fitting panel.

The devs already said somewhere that they will add an option to deactivate or delay this function. So just stop complaining, I really like it this way

Being able to see my 600 dps turrets without going into my fitting panel is lovely.

I want to keep how it is now.
chris elliot
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#5 - 2012-08-09 02:38:19 UTC
Griffin Omanid wrote:

The devs already said somewhere that they will add an option to deactivate or delay this function. So just stop complaining, I really like it this way

Spare a link to where you saw this lovely info mate?
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-08-09 06:43:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
I think it was in the "Inferno 1.2 Feedback" thread, in the Information section. Yesterday evening it was in one of the last two pages, so today somewhere in the last 10 pages. I´m sure i can´t find cause a lot of guys are also complaining about the loose of their Hulk inventory...

Edit: I found one:
CCP karkur wrote:
I have not checked it in yet, but tonight I implemented a 1 second delay on the tooltips. I think it works great, and to be honest if we go with that, I don't see that we need the enable/disable option... tomorrow morning I'll show it to Soundwave and some other cool people and see what they think.

The tooltips are bigger than the old ones, but not that much bigger... we did talk about whether we should put more delay on them, but then because of consistency and stuff, and the fact that the old tooltips never seemed to be a problem, we decided not to do anything for the time being. The new tooltips pop in just like the old ones did, but I think the new ones maybe just demand more attention with the images and all.

I (and many more people) went on vacation, but I was still reading the forums and replying, so it annoys me a bit when some people say we don't read the feedback.
Yes, there were a few people saying they wanted more delay and to hide them, but as we all know, people have different opinions and others liked it. If I had gotten the feeling so many people would be this mad, I would have hit pause on my (well-deserved) vacation and gone to work to make any changes needed.

So can we just be happy that we are fixing the issues?P

(edit: and Cray47 is correct, there is an alignment issue with the "max flight range" text because I accidentally added an extra linebreak Oops)
Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#7 - 2012-08-09 09:39:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Cardano Firesnake
khmervareman wrote:
i don't need to see information on module like that and make the graphic less beautiful .
the information hide my module ..plz just remove it ....because we can already see all that information in fitting panel.

In fact, the problem is that the informations appear as soon as you pass the cursor over the modules. It should have a timer between 0.2 seconde to 0.5 seconde before appear. So, when you just pass to activate the module the informations will not
bother you.

It is though an excellent enhancement! You change Ammo in instantly see the new optimal, tracking etc. I love it.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Quebec's Underdog League
Quebec United Legions
#8 - 2012-08-10 19:37:00 UTC
The ccp had already fix the problem to day.. now the patch is good :)
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#9 - 2012-08-10 20:02:49 UTC
I want to be able to disable the tooltip in general..

Most experienced players do, we already know everything that window tells us, all it does is get in the way.

Maybe have three options you can chose from

1. like it is
2. Stripped of the fancy stuff like the pictures and ****, just a list of numbers
3. disabled.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish