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Minefield and minefield clearing vessel?

Cutlass Claire
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-08-08 21:10:20 UTC
Just a thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a ship able to lay (and clear) space mines and thus creating minefields?

Just think of the extra dimension it gives when you can defend your space by laying minefields around your valuable assets. Mines will have poximity detection and go off when you are to close. This might be a nice niche role for a new destroyer hull (since we only have one atm). It will have a launcher that launches mines every x seconds or so. Traveling with a certain speed will put down a nice row of mines at fixed intervals. The destroyer will be non magnetic and the only ship to get close enough to disable and pick up the mines. They can ofc be shot to create a passage. Give them some decent resists and it will take time giving the defending side more reaction time.

To make sure EVE space wont get littered with mines and minefields the mines can only be deployed in 0.0 and WH space and will last a fixed amount of days untill they deterorate and fall apart.
A Soporific
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-08 21:16:31 UTC
They did a test with mines a while back. They were way too heavy on the server.

It's an interesting idea, but it's real easy to avoid, unless you use ALL the mines. And then it causes lag for people trying to warp in.

Now, super-big, super long range, super pwerful mines could fix the lag issues, but then they're too easy a target to be blown up or be avoided.

Not saying it's a bad idea. Just that it has some issues that really need to be worked out before implementation is feasible.
Umbrella Chemical Inc.
#3 - 2012-08-08 21:17:22 UTC
Was allready in eve!

but if u dont limit it hard u will have like 1000mines per gate what will destroy performance.
thats why they took it out :)
Cutlass Claire
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-08-08 21:19:49 UTC
A Soporific wrote:
They did a test with mines a while back. They were way too heavy on the server.

It's an interesting idea, but it's real easy to avoid, unless you use ALL the mines. And then it causes lag for people trying to warp in.

Now, super-big, super long range, super pwerful mines could fix the lag issues, but then they're too easy a target to be blown up or be avoided.

Not saying it's a bad idea. Just that it has some issues that really need to be worked out before implementation is feasible.

Well maybe just like real minefields they are in sort of stealth mode and only pop up on your screen when you are too close except for the mine clearing vessel that will have a build in electronics to detect them (obviously). Shouldn't that lower the lag issues?
A Soporific
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-08-08 21:24:27 UTC
So, there's no chance what so ever to avoid them? You can't react unless you can find them.

A small gang enters a new system. They uncloak... everyone dies because the gate has been mined heavily.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#6 - 2012-08-08 21:27:59 UTC
Cutlass Claire wrote:
A Soporific wrote:
They did a test with mines a while back. They were way too heavy on the server.

It's an interesting idea, but it's real easy to avoid, unless you use ALL the mines. And then it causes lag for people trying to warp in.

Now, super-big, super long range, super pwerful mines could fix the lag issues, but then they're too easy a target to be blown up or be avoided.

Not saying it's a bad idea. Just that it has some issues that really need to be worked out before implementation is feasible.

Well maybe just like real minefields they are in sort of stealth mode and only pop up on your screen when you are too close except for the mine clearing vessel that will have a build in electronics to detect them (obviously). Shouldn't that lower the lag issues?

Lag isn't always about what is one screen.

The server will still need to know where the object is, and continually make a check for each mine to see if any ship on grid is close enough.
Cutlass Claire
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-08-08 21:29:30 UTC
A Soporific wrote:
So, there's no chance what so ever to avoid them? You can't react unless you can find them.

A small gang enters a new system. They uncloak... everyone dies because the gate has been mined heavily.

Well specialized ships can detect them maybe a nice new role as well for stealth bommers. The can detect the mines and lob bombs into the minefield clearing a path. To make sure gates and stations and such arent packing with mines there should be some restrictions as to how close mines can be laued.

But would be fun. You are in a war with a corp and they just dock and wait till you leave. You can now lay minefields around the station beyond the undock perimeter so they need to clear that 1st before they go back to safe ratting and stuff.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-08-08 21:33:03 UTC
Cutlass Claire wrote:
A Soporific wrote:
So, there's no chance what so ever to avoid them? You can't react unless you can find them.

A small gang enters a new system. They uncloak... everyone dies because the gate has been mined heavily.

Well specialized ships can detect them maybe a nice new role as well for stealth bommers. The can detect the mines and lob bombs into the minefield clearing a path. To make sure gates and stations and such arent packing with mines there should be some restrictions as to how close mines can be laued.

But would be fun. You are in a war with a corp and they just dock and wait till you leave. You can now lay minefields around the station beyond the undock perimeter so they need to clear that 1st before they go back to safe ratting and stuff.

So they would either be totally worthless (because they would just have to shoot them) or totally overpowered (killing them before they can do anything)

I'm sorry but no, I don't want to punish players for having to go to bed every so often.
Hardcore Industries
#9 - 2012-08-08 21:36:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Mos7Wan7ed
No No hold up.. just because their were issues before does not mean those issues can not be worked out.

Require mines be:
visible because hidden is kinda silly...
un-target-able (just like probes)
Anchored (like mobile warp disruption bubbles)(CCP can also limit the security level required to anchor)
A minimum distance from other objects in space (just like secure containers)
A minimum distance from stargates (far enough the blast radius can not catch ships warping to gate at 0km).
Make them expensive so they are not just left lying around but unanchored and picked up (1-5M or more each depending on bomb size and effect it is given)

This would limit their usefullness to a degree so they don't get overused and so tightly packed they cause lag. The details can be tweaked by CCP to what they think the server can support and what effect it would have on ships in game. I could see all sorts of gameplay options. Small gangs could deploy 4-5 of these along with some warp disruption bubbles.

The mine sweeper could just be a mod rather then a ship and would have a smart bomb like pulse that would detonate bombs in it's range witch would be far enough out to prevent taking damage from the detonation itself but only by a small margin (say 500 meters) so that it would be a more tedious operation to clear them.


You could have bombs of more then 1 size with bombs having different uses and roles.

smaller mines could be packed a bit tighter but would deal less damage and have a smaller blast range and faster velocity allowing better damage to smaller targets.

on the other extreme

extra large mines could pack a serious punch and deal significant damage to large ships with smaller and faster targets being almost invulnerable to it allowing them to swoop in and detonate them to protect a fleet.
Kitt JT
True North.
#10 - 2012-08-08 21:40:08 UTC
used to be in eve. taken out for very valid reasons. unless those reasons can be overcome, then NO

don't get me wrong, i think mines would be cool, and definately fit into the internet spaceships sci-fi genre.

i just don't see a way to overcome the problems.
A Soporific
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-08-08 21:42:34 UTC
Cutlass Claire wrote:
A Soporific wrote:
So, there's no chance what so ever to avoid them? You can't react unless you can find them.

A small gang enters a new system. They uncloak... everyone dies because the gate has been mined heavily.

Well specialized ships can detect them maybe a nice new role as well for stealth bommers. The can detect the mines and lob bombs into the minefield clearing a path. To make sure gates and stations and such arent packing with mines there should be some restrictions as to how close mines can be laued.

But would be fun. You are in a war with a corp and they just dock and wait till you leave. You can now lay minefields around the station beyond the undock perimeter so they need to clear that 1st before they go back to safe ratting and stuff.

I wouldn't find that fun at all. Surprise, everyone's dead because someone I can't shoot back did something days ago that I couldn't stop or effectively avoid because we wanted a fun fight with assualt frigates and interceptors as opposed to a blob complete with bomber scouts.

I also can't help but imagine that it would critically weaken small gangs in null sec. It couldn't possibly work in High Sec or Low Sec. And keeping it off gate by X-many meters makes them largely toothless because they wouldn't be close enough to hit anything important.

I don't think it's a terrible idea, but it needs to be thought out more/better. I would even prefer them to spoof jet cans, and act as a deployable turret, ECM point, or Repper like we have drones. At least then I can sell it as a way for miners to counter-gank pirates.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#12 - 2012-08-09 01:00:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
A Soporific wrote:
Cutlass Claire wrote:
A Soporific wrote:
So, there's no chance what so ever to avoid them? You can't react unless you can find them.

A small gang enters a new system. They uncloak... everyone dies because the gate has been mined heavily.

Well specialized ships can detect them maybe a nice new role as well for stealth bommers. The can detect the mines and lob bombs into the minefield clearing a path. To make sure gates and stations and such arent packing with mines there should be some restrictions as to how close mines can be laued.

But would be fun. You are in a war with a corp and they just dock and wait till you leave. You can now lay minefields around the station beyond the undock perimeter so they need to clear that 1st before they go back to safe ratting and stuff.

I wouldn't find that fun at all. Surprise, everyone's dead because someone I can't shoot back did something days ago that I couldn't stop or effectively avoid because we wanted a fun fight with assualt frigates and interceptors as opposed to a blob complete with bomber scouts.

I also can't help but imagine that it would critically weaken small gangs in null sec. It couldn't possibly work in High Sec or Low Sec. And keeping it off gate by X-many meters makes them largely toothless because they wouldn't be close enough to hit anything important.

I don't think it's a terrible idea, but it needs to be thought out more/better. I would even prefer them to spoof jet cans, and act as a deployable turret, ECM point, or Repper like we have drones. At least then I can sell it as a way for miners to counter-gank pirates.

Speaking as a former real-life USMC combat engineer, I think we could take a lesson from real life here. In real life, there are anti-tank mines and then there are anti-personnel mines. A person, even loaded down with a heavy pack, would be somewhat unlikely to set off an anti-tank mine (unless maybe he was jumping up and down on top of it, and I say somewhat unlikely because well ... you never know. Most mines are very, very old.) To protect small gangs in null/wormholes, something similar could be introduced by having different sizes of mines. The big ones, with the big damage and the big explosions, might not even go off on frigates. Meanwhile, the small ones would hardly be able to dent large ships.

God, I ******* hate mines. Seen too many people on the wrong end of them. But ... would they be awesome for EVE if done well? Hell yeah!!! Gimme a mine-laying/clearing destroyer! Then I can make all sorts of mining jokes.

I'd also like to add that if they were restricted to being placed very far apart compared to regular anchorable objects (say, 50km. You can make up sci-fi mumbo jumbo for a reason why) it would likely help server lag quite a bit.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-08-09 01:35:08 UTC
Honestly, you'd be more likely to see the EVE equivalent to IDEWs. Independantly Deployed Energy Weapons. More specifically it would be more likely that CCP would agree to considering an anchorable platform that has its own built-in reactor and requires fuel like a POS' tower but also fits the power of one or two of the smaller turrets. If done well it would allow for people to seed a couple defense turrets around a gate or some other object for extra firepower without overloading the environment like dumping 5,000 mines would.

It would also add some use to the Starbase Defense Management skill if these remote deployable platforms were treated as starbase weapon systems for the purposes of players assuming direct control.

Between the fuel consumption and, perhaps, a minimum safe clearance for deploying other similar structures to prevent them from being clustered together, and to limit the number you can fit in a given volume, it shouldn't be too hard to avoid overloading any given grid with them.
Atrament Inc.
#14 - 2012-08-09 02:38:59 UTC
Note: Mines are still in EVE, they just aren't functional. I have a couple ASP Mines. They used to drop 10 at time with normal loot (missiles used to be that way too). They cannot be sold on the market or contracted. That makes them virtually taken out of the game, I'll admit.