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Name the unnamed ORE frigate Chribba

KingMazz ONE
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2012-07-19 12:16:27 UTC  |  Edited by: KingMazz ONE
name the mining frig anal warts or herpes covered penis.Or call it shoot me I'm easy to gank . this ship will be so fail anyways who cares what they name it.


Oraac Ensor
#102 - 2012-07-19 12:27:11 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Hrothgar Nilsson wrote:
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
It breaks immersion and reeks of favoritism.

I don't think so.

USS John F. Kennedy, HMS King George V, the IAV Stryker, M1 Abrams, M48 Patton, etc.

It's perfectly normal human nature to name these sorts of things after people.

No, it's american and western nature. Challenger tank, the HMS Invincible, the USS Enterprise...

The world extends beyond america's borders.

Er . . . , Kalashnikov?
Arkturus McFadden
#103 - 2012-07-19 12:53:13 UTC
Forum Clone 77777
#104 - 2012-07-19 12:55:52 UTC
All of you people are ridiculous..

Chribba might have done "something" for the "community" but he did so by his own will, why should CCP feel a need to reward it by naming anything after him?

If anything, the DEVS themselves have done alot more, they made the game, shouldnt we start by naming stuff after every single dev first?
The Antiquarian
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#105 - 2012-07-19 13:12:55 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
All of you people are ridiculous..

Chribba might have done "something" for the "community" but he did so by his own will, why should CCP feel a need to reward it by naming anything after him?

If anything, the DEVS themselves have done alot more, they made the game, shouldnt we start by naming stuff after every single dev first?

This is exactly the reason why Chribba should be honored. He did so selflessly and out of his love for EVE which simultaneously benefited thousands of EVE players for the past several years.

If he was a paid employee or an ISD, then screw it, but he was just a normal capsuleer like us, who took the extra mile and did something that made EVE universe a whole lot better.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#106 - 2012-07-19 13:28:14 UTC
Hrothgar Nilsson wrote:
Thor Kerrigan wrote:
Usually these people are dead. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?

Nah. Half the time or better, they're usually alive, e.g. the USS Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, HMS King George V, Queen Elizabeth II, etc.

I think you're thinking of US banknotes/coins.

This is why it's not a good idea to name a public item after an individual person. To some people Ronald Reagan is the hero who ended the Cold War. To others he's the bastard who created a new homeless class by stripping funding and turning mentally ill people out into the street. Same for Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, whoever. People's opinions differ.
The Antiquarian
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2012-07-19 13:53:44 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Hrothgar Nilsson wrote:
Thor Kerrigan wrote:
Usually these people are dead. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?

Nah. Half the time or better, they're usually alive, e.g. the USS Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, HMS King George V, Queen Elizabeth II, etc.

I think you're thinking of US banknotes/coins.

This is why it's not a good idea to name a public item after an individual person. To some people Ronald Reagan is the hero who ended the Cold War. To others he's the bastard who created a new homeless class by stripping funding and turning mentally ill people out into the street. Same for Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, whoever. People's opinions differ.

Please identify several things that Chribba did that impoverished other players economically and psychologically.
KingMazz ONE
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2012-07-19 19:03:36 UTC
Oraac Ensor wrote:
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Hrothgar Nilsson wrote:
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
It breaks immersion and reeks of favoritism.

I don't think so.

USS John F. Kennedy, HMS King George V, the IAV Stryker, M1 Abrams, M48 Patton, etc.

It's perfectly normal human nature to name these sorts of things after people.

No, it's american and western nature. Challenger tank, the HMS Invincible, the USS Enterprise...

The world extends beyond america's borders.

Er . . . , Kalashnikov?


Jena Jamson
Archangels 13
#109 - 2012-07-19 19:09:13 UTC
looks like a tiny insect.
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#110 - 2012-07-19 20:33:43 UTC
The Antiquarian wrote:
Please identify several things that Chribba did that impoverished other players economically and psychologically.

Inadvertently? This topic.
Elena Melkan
Magellanic Itg
Goonswarm Federation
#111 - 2012-07-19 21:18:10 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
All of you people are ridiculous..

Chribba might have done "something" for the "community" but he did so by his own will, why should CCP feel a need to reward it by naming anything after him?

If anything, the DEVS themselves have done alot more, they made the game, shouldnt we start by naming stuff after every single dev first?

Devs get paid for what they do for the game, while a player who chooses to contribute for the community gets no payment. Or, well, you could say appreciation is a payment in itself, because certainly you will become even somewhat famous if you do charity or generally just help other people.

Also, Chribba never asked for that ship to be named after him. Other players asked CCP. I think that speaks of itself about what this guy really deserves. But to be honest, I don't personally care that much, it's ORE frigate after all and I'll probably never fly it.
Hrothgar Nilsson
#112 - 2012-07-20 00:40:34 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
The Antiquarian wrote:
Please identify several things that Chribba did that impoverished other players economically and psychologically.

Inadvertently? This topic.

Haven't seen him post on this thread.
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2012-07-20 02:12:29 UTC
The Antiquarian wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Hrothgar Nilsson wrote:
Thor Kerrigan wrote:
Usually these people are dead. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?

Nah. Half the time or better, they're usually alive, e.g. the USS Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, HMS King George V, Queen Elizabeth II, etc.

I think you're thinking of US banknotes/coins.

This is why it's not a good idea to name a public item after an individual person. To some people Ronald Reagan is the hero who ended the Cold War. To others he's the bastard who created a new homeless class by stripping funding and turning mentally ill people out into the street. Same for Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, whoever. People's opinions differ.

Please identify several things that Chribba did that impoverished other players economically and psychologically.

1) Stealing all of the veld from Amarr so the poor noob chars can't make ISK springs to mind Lol

2) Ummm.Ehh...

Black Hole Runners
#114 - 2012-07-20 19:54:45 UTC
Patrakele wrote:
Don't care what it's named but it a dam cool design. I wish they redesigned all mining barges and the Dominix....

DONT you dare touch my Dominix. I love it just the way it is. I dont CARE that it looks like a space whale or one of the navigators from that dodgy film dune. I dont care that if you look at the lights on it you can find both Yoshi and Bowser.

My missus thinks of EvE as 'the other woman'. :)
Kevin Gurnhill
#115 - 2012-08-08 19:36:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kevin Gurnhill
The "Chribbor" :P

Or, i have a few other names if they want it closer to the Procurer (to Procure), Retriever (to Retrieve) and Covetors (to Covet) naming convention!
These are the tech 1 names, as far as im aware there is no T2 version of the frigate, which is why ive tried keeping them close to the T1 Barge names as i can think to)

Fechor (to Fetch)
Reclaimer (to Reclaim)
Cravor (to Crave)
Larcenor (to Steal, Larceny)
Desiror (to Desire)
Lamentor (to Lament, perhaps over something you dont have yet)
Requor (to Require)

Thats all i can think of just now :)

They could also add my name in the description ;) lol

"This frigate was designed by an amarrian capsuleer, Kevin Gurnhill, the designs started as the doodles of a miner wishing for a smaller, but mich faster mining ship than the mining barges, which in recent times had become targets for Illegal raiding parties, this frigate was produced by the ORE syndicate to allow for a speedy get-away should pirates come knocking"

5% bonus to Mining Yeild per level
5% bonus to cargo capacity (or ore hold if it has one) per level
+2 to Warp Strength
Can fit Mining Lasers
50% reduction in CPU need for Dep Core Mining Lasers

Slot Layout (if it hasnt been decided)
2 Rigs
3 Highs (No turrets or Launcher points)
3 Meds
2 Lows
enough CPU/PG for 1x MLU, Shield Booster, Sensor Booster, WarpCore Stabilizer (the sensor booster would help negate the negative targetting effect), 3x Miner IIs and final slot for pilot freedom, though perhaps a hardener (adaptive?)
or perhaps reduce the CPU a little, but add an effect which reduces the penalty of fitting an MLU?
Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#116 - 2012-08-08 19:42:17 UTC
I agree with this plan.
All Hail The Liopleurodon
#117 - 2012-08-08 19:49:23 UTC
The Antiquarian wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
You don't name an entire ship line after a player to honor them. It reeks of favoritism. A popular player makes a name for himself under their own prowess. Which he has done.
A subtle nudge toward an individual or group in a very noninvasive way as in a easteregg that one would have to search for or stumble apon is a proper way for game designers to pay their respects.
Such as a 1% chance NPC "Veldnaught" ORE frigate found in some WH belt that drops a meta 4 miner upgrade.

Favoritism? I don't think so. I think it's a small gesture of gratitude that could be bestowed upon by CCP to someone who has contributed so much to our community. As for the naming convention, there are precedents to having things named after capsuleers:

Amarr Championship --> Ecliptical representing the House of Doriam Kor-Azor, having a system named after him after winning a simple tourney game that lasted for several minutes.

Eris --> As specified above, a ship named after a player who later became an employee of CCP.

Site One: Antiquus --> A site named after me, who is not even worthy of untying the thongs of Chribba's sandals.

What Chribba did trumps everything the above individuals did for EVE. I don't see why he shouldn't get a ship named after him.

WoW do you REALLY think it was named after you? LOL cause it has no other meaning right?

I hope your trolling

NO do not name the damn frig something ******** after a player.
Wilhelm Riley
#118 - 2012-08-08 19:53:02 UTC
Sure, name it after Chribba, he's a hero to the community!

For now.

What happens if and when he decides to pull the biggest scam EVE has ever seen?