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EVE General Discussion

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Two more accounts unsubbed.

First post
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#361 - 2012-08-08 00:49:58 UTC
Never met you, never knew you, won't miss you whoever you are.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#362 - 2012-08-08 00:51:59 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
What's changed in 8 years that makes Eve less dangerous? Is it mechanics, or is it player behavior?

Mechanics. If you have to ask, you haven't been watching. Or are simply too new to have experienced it as it once was.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#363 - 2012-08-08 01:03:24 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
Honestly, I wonder if we could form a large enough group of people, who don't necessarily have the same train of thought, but at least the same end goal~to improve EVE~I bet we could accomplish much more than all of this futile bickering.

I've always been about improving Eve. Please read the threads I have linked in my sig and let me know what you think. I would appreciate your feedback.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#364 - 2012-08-08 01:13:21 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
OP, what specific changes do you suggest?
(Not having been around when PVP was considered better, I have nothing to compare with).

I'll probably be flamed to hell for this, but I'll bite-

(in no particular order)

Put all local into delayed mode
Remove Warp To Zero, make every gate act as a warp bubble with a 15km radius. Even if you put a BM 100km behind it, you'll still come out of warp 15km from the gate. Problem solved.
Remove Jump Bridges
Remove Jump Freighters
Repping anyone locks you out from docking/jumping for 60 seconds
Increase aggression docking/jumping lock out to 60 seconds (this due to the increased relative HP of all ships and decreased peak DPS intended to 'prolong fights')
Remove all non static warp disruption bubbles (e.g. dictor bubbles and HIC bubbles)
Make probing more difficult, but more skill/technique based

I can detail out each reason, but that's a good start. What do you think?
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#365 - 2012-08-08 01:16:45 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
How to seriously increase the difficulty level of Eve, stop training.

Train up to, say 20m skill points, (decent multi-racial frigate skill level) then try to do as much as possible with those skills.

Been there, done that. With less SP.

In fact, I once soloed a Geddon with a Vexor and the character flying it had approximately 123,000 SP. Yep. 123K. Not 12.3 million, or 123 million, 123 thousand. Just to prove it could be done.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#366 - 2012-08-08 01:34:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan Civire
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
How to seriously increase the difficulty level of Eve, stop training.

Train up to, say 20m skill points, (decent multi-racial frigate skill level) then try to do as much as possible with those skills.

Been there, done that. With less SP.

In fact, I once soloed a Geddon with a Vexor and the character flying it had approximately 123,000 SP. Yep. 123K. Not 12.3 million, or 123 million, 123 thousand. Just to prove it could be done.

So whats the problem then? Stop the QQ and play or take a break come back next year. Every one do that. Its no shame. Steam off a little see you next year. You can not have everything on your knee.
Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#367 - 2012-08-08 01:35:10 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Put all local into delayed mode

The problem with this is that given the horrible risk/reward throughout the game (hisec incursions, l o l) people wouldn't bother figuring out ways to "adapt" to delayed local in nullsec. It'd make covops cloaking ships far overpowered and dudes would simply repurpose a subcap character into a hisec incursion alt where they'd farm ISK endlessly free of risk.

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Alavaria Fera
#368 - 2012-08-08 01:37:30 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Put all local into delayed mode

The problem with this is that given the horrible risk/reward throughout the game (hisec incursions, l o l) people wouldn't bother figuring out ways to "adapt" to delayed local in nullsec. It'd make covops cloaking ships far overpowered and dudes would simply repurpose a subcap character into a hisec incursion alt where they'd farm ISK endlessly free of risk.

What, I should have made that highsec incursion character?


Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#369 - 2012-08-08 01:45:10 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Put all local into delayed mode

The problem with this is that given the horrible risk/reward throughout the game (hisec incursions, l o l) people wouldn't bother figuring out ways to "adapt" to delayed local in nullsec. It'd make covops cloaking ships far overpowered and dudes would simply repurpose a subcap character into a hisec incursion alt where they'd farm ISK endlessly free of risk.

Well, that was a very quick list, with no detail. Also, I mean for local to be in delayed mode for all security systems, even high sec. Run incursions while war decced in high sec with delayed local? Maybe... even then, it would be worth it to suicide incursion runners for the ISK, they used such pimped out ships.

Clearly, the profitability of high sec would be reduced in relation to its safety in comparison to 0.0 and lowsec in my vision. But yes, I agree with you, as it stands right now, it wouldn't work.
Hunter Heavy Industries
#370 - 2012-08-08 01:56:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Rented
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
OP, what specific changes do you suggest?
(Not having been around when PVP was considered better, I have nothing to compare with).

I'll probably be flamed to hell for this, but I'll bite-

(in no particular order)

Put all local into delayed mode
Remove Warp To Zero, make every gate act as a warp bubble with a 15km radius. Even if you put a BM 100km behind it, you'll still come out of warp 15km from the gate. Problem solved.
Remove Jump Bridges
Remove Jump Freighters
Repping anyone locks you out from docking/jumping for 60 seconds
Increase aggression docking/jumping lock out to 60 seconds (this due to the increased relative HP of all ships and decreased peak DPS intended to 'prolong fights')
Remove all non static warp disruption bubbles (e.g. dictor bubbles and HIC bubbles)
Make probing more difficult, but more skill/technique based

I can detail out each reason, but that's a good start. What do you think?

Put all local into delayed mode - I too would find this enjoyable, then all nullbears would quit and I wouldn't care anymore

Remove Warp To Zero, make every gate act as a warp bubble with a 15km radius. Even if you put a BM 100km behind it, you'll still come out of warp 15km from the gate. Problem solved. - Tedium levels increased by 300%

Remove Jump Bridges - Don't care.

Remove Jump Freighters - Don't care... but you realize this combined with warp-to-15km-only would murder any and all significant industry activity in low and null?

Repping anyone locks you out from docking/jumping for 60 seconds - This change is already incoming with the new crimewatch system.

Increase aggression docking/jumping lock out to 60 seconds (this due to the increased relative HP of all ships and decreased peak DPS intended to 'prolong fights') - I'm pretty sure this is exactly how it already is.

Remove all non static warp disruption bubbles (e.g. dictor bubbles and HIC bubbles) - Supercaps should be harder to pin down?

Make probing more difficult, but more skill/technique based - Don't care.

Overall you seem to be a huge fan of encouraging massive blobs to carry out every task, and reducing null to a deserted wasteland filled with endless tedium.
Pankas Carter
Amarr Empire
#371 - 2012-08-08 02:02:08 UTC
Rented wrote:
Overall you seem to be a huge fan of encouraging massive blobs to carry out every task, and reducing null to a deserted wasteland filled with endless tedium.

Statu quo?

Adama: Starbuck, what do you hear? Starbuck: Nothing but the rain. Adama: Then grab your gun and bring in the cat.

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#372 - 2012-08-08 02:06:33 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Richard Desturned wrote:
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
Put all local into delayed mode

The problem with this is that given the horrible risk/reward throughout the game (hisec incursions, l o l) people wouldn't bother figuring out ways to "adapt" to delayed local in nullsec. It'd make covops cloaking ships far overpowered and dudes would simply repurpose a subcap character into a hisec incursion alt where they'd farm ISK endlessly free of risk.

Well, that was a very quick list, with no detail. Also, I mean for local to be in delayed mode for all security systems, even high sec. Run incursions while war decced in high sec with delayed local? Maybe... even then, it would be worth it to suicide incursion runners for the ISK, they used such pimped out ships.

Clearly, the profitability of high sec would be reduced in relation to its safety in comparison to 0.0 and lowsec in my vision. But yes, I agree with you, as it stands right now, it wouldn't work.

Another problem with delayed local is that nullsec would need a drastic revamp re: the effort needed to find a target. Simply delaying local would allow me to simply jump a bomber into a system, look for a ship on dscan, warp to wherever it is, and instalock+point it (bombers don't have the targeting delay) - assuming that the ship is even there to be killed. At least in wormholes it works since you have to probe your targets out, with your probes showing on dscan, and there's a mass limit on the number of ships you can get into a given w-space system. No supercapitals, no cynos, no fixed routes. CCP would have to address a lot of things outside of hisec if they were to touch local.

Beyond that, hisec incursion runners don't tend to allow you to join their fleets if you have an active wardec, and you can simply drop corp during wardecs anyway.

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Hunter Heavy Industries
#373 - 2012-08-08 02:12:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Rented
Pankas Carter wrote:
Rented wrote:
Overall you seem to be a huge fan of encouraging massive blobs to carry out every task, and reducing null to a deserted wasteland filled with endless tedium.

Statu quo?

Touché, but now with escorting freighters for hours on end, holding hands with your 200 closest friends whenever doing anything requiring you to stand still for 3 minutes for fear of imminent doom, and the promotion of caps and supercaps to the only ships that can actually go anywhere without using a titan bridge that don't give you the urge to claw out your own eyes.
Mors Sanctitatis
Death of Virtue
#374 - 2012-08-08 02:18:17 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:

Another problem with delayed local is that nullsec would need a drastic revamp re: the effort needed to find a target. Simply delaying local would allow me to simply jump a bomber into a system, look for a ship on dscan, warp to wherever it is, and instalock+point it (bombers don't have the targeting delay) - assuming that the ship is even there to be killed. At least in wormholes it works since you have to probe your targets out, with your probes showing on dscan, and there's a mass limit on the number of ships you can get into a given w-space system. No supercapitals, no cynos, no fixed routes. CCP would have to address a lot of things outside of hisec if they were to touch local.

Beyond that, hisec incursion runners don't tend to allow you to join their fleets if you have an active wardec, and you can simply drop corp during wardecs anyway.

I agree with you- please read the thread linked in my sig: "Intelligence shouldn't be free" and let me know what you think.
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#375 - 2012-08-08 02:20:42 UTC
Randomize All wrote:
Where 1 hard player quits, 3 soft hearted NeX Store loving, Gold Ammo Wanting, Daddy's Credit Card Holdin', teenagers will soon replace him. And Hilmar's dream gets a step closer to reality.

You can already spend daddy, mommy, or wifeys CC on eve, have been able to since before I started in '08.

It helps to know what you're talking about sometimes.
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#376 - 2012-08-08 02:22:31 UTC
Mors Sanctitatis wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
What's changed in 8 years that makes Eve less dangerous? Is it mechanics, or is it player behavior?

Mechanics. If you have to ask, you haven't been watching. Or are simply too new to have experienced it as it once was.

Because they have ONLY added defense to the game, never offense.

#377 - 2012-08-08 02:23:26 UTC
Ugh Aww crud. Really wish you'd reconsider leaving.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#378 - 2012-08-08 02:28:38 UTC
Anslo wrote:

Sorry for not clarifying, I didn't think I needed to. I meant video games, not real world sports. That's a different story.

Actually no it isn't, quite, because people wanting to watch or follow that, will then be away from this.

Unless you've figured out how to be in two places at once? Do tell, if so!

(The AFK cloakie-cloakie "problem" --loools! Frigging nullbearsRoll-- would no longer be a "problem," then at least, eh?)


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

#379 - 2012-08-08 02:48:56 UTC
So to summarize... you can't get any kills so CCP should make it easier for you Roll

Caldari Loving needed..

Hunter Heavy Industries
#380 - 2012-08-08 02:58:48 UTC
drdxie wrote:
So to summarize... you can't get any kills so CCP should make it easier for you Roll

It's an interesting phenomenon that in EVE that when things are difficult for the 'hardcore' players they complain that the game is being made 'too easy for carebears'. On the other hand anything which makes slaughtering carebears easier is somehow seen as making the game more hardcore.