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Warp, graphic change

Ballac Stormrage
Hogs Collective
#1 - 2012-08-07 11:48:20 UTC
Warp; initiating warp is creating a warp bubble and warp itself is moving between space and time (officialy) think we'll otherwise would crash straight into planets insted of flying trough it like its a gas cloud.

therefor, here it comes, there's not been use of the ships normal engines, wich means the visuals ain't correct on that part.

and since everybody LOOVEEE's visual improvements, (also alows to see if some1 tries to get into warp during PvP combat) could change the color of the exhausts from the engine, like a color schematic rainbow like thingy (kinda like you can see in the MASS effect games)

regards Ballac Stormrage
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-08-07 12:10:29 UTC
Yeah, with the addition of engine trails it looks even more awkward to have the thrusters burning during warp. I wouldn't suggest any more visual effects, the warping effect is sparkly enough already, just to turn off the drive while it's happening.