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How I would fix Hi-Sec and Low-Sec

Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-12 03:42:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
This is the second time writing this because the preview button deletes my posts.

Every area of EvE Online effects the other. Its like an ecosystem where you have many levels of consumers producers and decomposers. The different security status zones of EvE have very different advantages and uses that often make one extremely favorable over the others for a producer but hurt consumers, or vice-versa. I am only going to cover Empire low and high-sec since wormholes are awesome, and 0.0 needs its own thread that has been made a million times.

High Sec

High Security space obviously should be the low risk low reward area of EvE, however the rewards far out weigh the rewards compared to anywhere else in the game to a very stupid degree! Its understandable why some people really don't want to be involved in PvP at all. They have in real life very rough days and want to relax in front of a computer screen making E-money and running a commercial empire without having to constantly keep their eyes peeled. The only problem is they have so little to fear their wallets bloat to a ridiculous size. You can make more Isk per hour anywhere else in EvE however you must also consider how many hours you have to grind isk anywhere else. In High-sec your time is limitless. Its like a ecosystem where the predators are all gone and you have a bloated unhealthy population damaging other aspects of the game like inflating prices and over producing. The predator in high-sec, the griefer and merc, have a harder time than you think. Any care bear with a clue will simply drop corp or alliance immediately after a wardec and proceed to LOLOLOLOL MISSION LOLOLOLOLOL MINE LOLOLOLOLOL MANUFACTURING! This is silly. My solution would be first to nerf NPC corps by having a 50% tax, -50% ore refining, and -50% production speed. Being immune to pvp is one thing but being able to make big bucks doing so is stupid and a big flaw in a sandbox. Also make it so when you are wardec their is a 2 day stasis period before dropping corp and you are unable to leave an alliance unless you make conditions with the aggressing party. Now this definetly favors griefers however this would be balanced by having larger corporations pay a larger fee for declaring war. 10 man corps 50 million 20 man corp 100mil 30 man 150 and so on. This means we dont have 3 man corps running research pos's without some sort of backup. Not to mention that their will still be a myriad of wars to avoid fighting for weaker corps like docking up, fleeing to another region, or setting up in a wormhole for a time.

Risk will then equal reward.

Low Sec

At the moment not much happens in lowsec. Null sec alliances simply send jump freighters to cross it and most commerce except for noobs travel around it. Most pvp is simply large gangs or 1v1 frig fights. For not having that much reward is penalizes you for shooting anyone far more than nullsec. Really its high risk, high reward.

How Low sec should be is where traders fear to tread and Pirates do battle with those wishing to pass. It should be the place for hardcore pvp without committing to a large null-sec corp.The first part of my plan to make Low sec awesome to make it so all four of the empires are separated by at least 6-10 jumps of low sec. If you wish to have a freighter cross you will need an armed escort. Have the distances between systems be to far to cross for jump freighters to navigate except for deeper in low-sec on the way to 0.0, This would lower the homogenization of empire space and ad more interesting options for the budding trader. Also more opportunities for care bears are needed. Currently most care bear activities include running a pos, doing level 5's , and moon mining. To fix this I propose adding scattered amounts of high quality null sec ores in low-sec belts. Only a fraction the ore of null-sec giving start up corp an option other than wormholes to mine in if they like known space. Also perhaps level 6 missions should be considered which would be equivalent to a C5 wormhole in difficulty, or making it so level 4's in low sec give far higher rewards than high security space. Also to help keep Null-sec politics out of the new low-sec Super Capitals would be completely banned and new penalties will be added for a lower security status like decreased rat bounties the lower you go.

This is my plan for Empire space. Please offer suggestions and constructive criticism.

MOVE ME TO IDEA AND FEATURES I AM AN IDIOT not a big fan of how the new forum is organized either... Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Lord Amaterasu
Aves Autem Obumbratio
#2 - 2011-10-12 03:45:47 UTC
Umm I think that you were supposed to post this in Features and Ideas.

Long live the Empress Catiz of Amarr!!

Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2011-10-12 03:46:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
Lord Amaterasu wrote:
Umm I think that you were supposed to post this in Features and Ideas.

Sorry I realize that now. I said that at the end of my post with an edit before you stated that. and new forum is confusing Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Here there be Dragons
#4 - 2011-10-12 04:46:58 UTC
I'll add one comment here before they move it and that is at one time you did usually have to go through some low sec to go between Empires and it sucked because noone was in 0.0 and they just camped the low sec instead P

Finds camping stations from the inside much easier. Designer of Yapeal for the Eve API. Check out the Yapeal PHP API Library thread.

Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-10-12 12:42:55 UTC
Dragonaire wrote:
I'll add one comment here before they move it and that is at one time you did usually have to go through some low sec to go between Empires and it sucked because noone was in 0.0 and they just camped the low sec instead P

Well if having a lower security status in null security space means fewer rat bounties then wouldn't fewer 0.0 pilots want to pvp their? A full time pirate wouldn't care Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Zeta Zhul
Preemptive Paranoia
#6 - 2011-10-13 03:30:19 UTC
1. If you have to "fix" something in order to get more pvp then you're doing something wrong.

2. If you want to fix something then fix Factional Warfare.

3. How to "fix" low-sec; get rid of it.

It doesn't serve a purpose, has little use, almost no traffic and it is frankly pretty much pointless. Get rid of low-sec completely. Make low-sec into an extended form of null-sec where you cannot have ownership. You want to "own" low-sec then you have to garrison it. And that ownership only lasts as long as you can maintain that garrison.

Remove all restrictions and allow all ships and weapons.

4. Really make life interesting by putting all FW missions into low-sec ... but into the -other- races low-sec. So all Caldari FW missions would happen somewhere other than Caldari space.

5. You could make a type of contract a FW contract. This might be where the player could specify the system the kill mission takes place in, always in someone elses space, and a reward for x number of kills of say Amarr or something. OR anyone piloting an Amarr ship. That'll put a twist in the knickers of all those Tengu pilots. :)

6. Or if you really want to spice life up a bit and make things interesting how about kill contracts in high-sec? Specify the target pilot, costs the person issuing the contract 1x PLEX, takes 24 hours to take effect from the time the contract is accepted and the target is informed of who accepted the contract, so it isn't something you're going to waste on a noob. But there are plenty of people who have big stinking pie-holes who need to have their posterior kicked somewhere up around their ears.

*shrug* there are plenty of ideas floating around out there. My personal feeling? Low-sec = meh.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-10-13 04:14:17 UTC
[quote=Zeta Zhul]1. If you have to "fix" something in order to get more pvp then you're doing something wrong.

2. If you want to fix something then fix Factional Warfare.

3. How to "fix" low-sec; get rid of it.

It doesn't serve a purpose, has little use, almost no traffic and it is frankly pretty much pointless. Get rid of low-sec completely. Make low-sec into an extended form of null-sec where you cannot have ownership. You want to "own" low-sec then you have to garrison it. And that ownership only lasts as long as you can maintain that garrison.

Remove all restrictions and allow all ships and weapons.

4. Really make life interesting by putting all FW missions into low-sec ... but into the -other- races low-sec. So all Caldari FW missions would happen somewhere other than Caldari space.

5. You could make a type of contract a FW contract. This might be where the player could specify the system the kill mission takes place in, always in someone elses space, and a reward for x number of kills of say Amarr or something. OR anyone piloting an Amarr ship. That'll put a twist in the knickers of all those Tengu pilots. :)

6. Or if you really want to spice life up a bit and make things interesting how about kill contracts in high-sec? Specify the target pilot, costs the person issuing the contract 1x PLEX, takes 24 hours to take effect from the time the contract is accepted and the target is informed of who accepted the contract, so it isn't something you're going to waste on a noob. But there are plenty of people who have big stinking pie-holes who need to have their posterior kicked somewhere up around their ears.

*shrug* there are plenty of ideas floating around out there. My personal feeling? Low-sec = meh.[/quote

Hell I find kills just fine. Its just the current system sucks ass. Making lowsec simply extended 0.0 is just simple more blobs with no point. That sucks. I like to fight but I would be more motivated if their was some sort of greater objective. Low-sec is very important because it provides an alternative to 0.0 which doesn't appeal to a lot of peoples play style. Making Low-security space a unavoidable barrier that actually effects trade would make the economy more diverse for each region, make logistics fun again, and help provide an alternative to BLOB BLOB BLOB BLOB.

Your new High sec wardec system is just redundant. Its just the old system with a more complicated payment system. If I wanna wardec someone in High Security space I should be able to do it without them simply just dropping corp or alliance and lol'ing as they go on doing exactly what they were doing before. Currently the only people vulnerable to War decs are noobs who don't know how to avoid it. Also you appear extremely unfamiliar with High-Sec pvp thinking that a kill contracts don't already exist. We dont need a in game system to substitute something that is already very easy to do. All that would change is war decs are more expensive. So High security space continues to be the easiest way to make money.

Also if you think EvE isn't broken then their is something very wrong with you. Faction Warfare is just the tip of the iceberg. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Zeta Zhul
Preemptive Paranoia
#8 - 2011-10-14 03:25:39 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:

Hell I find kills just fine. Its just the current system sucks ass. Making lowsec simply extended 0.0 is just simple more blobs with no point. That sucks. I like to fight but I would be more motivated if their was some sort of greater objective. Low-sec is very important because it provides an alternative to 0.0 which doesn't appeal to a lot of peoples play style. Making Low-security space a unavoidable barrier that actually effects trade would make the economy more diverse for each region, make logistics fun again, and help provide an alternative to BLOB BLOB BLOB BLOB.

Your new High sec wardec system is just redundant. Its just the old system with a more complicated payment system. If I wanna wardec someone in High Security space I should be able to do it without them simply just dropping corp or alliance and lol'ing as they go on doing exactly what they were doing before. Currently the only people vulnerable to War decs are noobs who don't know how to avoid it. Also you appear extremely unfamiliar with High-Sec pvp thinking that a kill contracts don't already exist. We dont need a in game system to substitute something that is already very easy to do. All that would change is war decs are more expensive. So High security space continues to be the easiest way to make money.

Also if you think EvE isn't broken then their is something very wrong with you. Faction Warfare is just the tip of the iceberg.

So you want a greater purpose, less blobs, more fighting, more targets, less hassle and zero calories.

Yes Eve is broken. How is it broken depends on the POV of the individual.

You want a solution that works, then come up with one. My point is that there is no solution for low-sec other than changing the game completely to force people into low-sec entirely to please you and people like you. And honestly that is not going to happen. You want a low-sec wall to force people into the range of your guns. The vast majority of people playing don't want to be forced into range of your guns. I think you're going to lose that battle right there.

Over the past couple years CCP has gone a long way out of their way to try and force more people into low-sec. And frankly it hasn't worked. People either want to be in low-sec or they don't. And if they don't nothing is going to make them because they can all hit that unsubscribe button and move onto one of the other 500 MMO games out there.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-10-14 04:12:16 UTC
Zeta Zhul wrote:
[quote=Commander Ted]
Hell I find kills just fine. Its just the current system sucks ass. Making lowsec simply extended 0.0 is just simple more blobs with no point. That sucks. I like to fight but I would be more motivated if their was some sort of greater objective. Low-sec is very important because it provides an alternative to 0.0 which doesn't appeal to a lot of peoples play style. Making Low-security space a unavoidable barrier that actually effects trade would make the economy more diverse for each region, make logistics fun again, and help provide an alternative to BLOB BLOB BLOB BLOB.

Your new High sec wardec system is just redundant. Its just the old system with a more complicated payment system. If I wanna wardec someone in High Security space I should be able to do it without them simply just dropping corp or alliance and lol'ing as they go on doing exactly what they were doing before. Currently the only people vulnerable to War decs are noobs who don't know how to avoid it. Also you appear extremely unfamiliar with High-Sec pvp thinking that a kill contracts don't already exist. We dont need a in game system to substitute something that is already very easy to do. All that would change is war decs are more expensive. So High security space continues to be the easiest way to make money.

Also if you think EvE isn't broken then their is something very wrong with you. Faction Warfare is just the tip of the iceberg.

So you want a greater purpose, less blobs, more fighting, more targets, less hassle and zero calories.

Yes Eve is broken. How is it broken depends on the POV of the individual.

You want a solution that works, then come up with one. My point is that there is no solution for low-sec other than changing the game completely to force people into low-sec entirely to please you and people like you. And honestly that is not going to happen. You want a low-sec wall to force people into the range of your guns. The vast majority of people playing don't want to be forced into range of your guns. I think you're going to lose that battle right there.

Over the past couple years CCP has gone a long way out of their way to try and force more people into low-sec. And frankly it hasn't worked. People either want to be in low-sec or they don't. And if they don't nothing is going to make them because they can all hit that unsubscribe button and move onto one of the other 500 MMO games out there.[/quote

It wouldn't be "forcing" at all. Most people in High security space don't constantly bounce between all the different factions space all the time. It would only really effect people who autopilot freighters all day. Also I don't live in Low-sec at all so don't accuse me of bending the game to make my play style easier. I just think having a true "barrier" to cross would be cool and ad for immersion. Also it would make the profession of hauling a far more complicated and perhaps more profitable buisness if in order to get your freighter full of cheaper caldari ore to rens you had to cross a large gate-camp that your competition can't cross.

All I asked for was more PvE opportunities in Low-Sec that nobody would be forced into and a new obstacle to cross.
ALSO GM's MOVE THIS THREAD! Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.