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[MLIBA] Declaration of Intent

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2012-08-03 05:03:38 UTC
The cluster watches, Tasha Ayanara.

Enough blood has been shed for the Amarr Empire. Your actions will ensure that your uprising will have it's own epitaph added to that long epic.

Your willingness to turn on your own people seals it. Promising the end of bloodshed at the threat of even more bloodshed is a hypocrisy of the highest magnitude.

Tread carefully. You are the architect of a fatal design. You are carefully crafting a scenario in which there can be only losers and no winners.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2012-08-03 08:40:20 UTC
If history teaches anything, it's that the Empire is prone to responding to defiance with a punishment that is whole orders of magnitude greater than the defiant act. Knowing that it seems quite obvious that overt violent action is perhaps the worst possible route to take in this professed effort to improve the lot in life of any Ni-Kunni. If anything this will now cause undue suspicion to be raised against anyone delving into the Pre-Reclaiming period of Ni-Kunni history. Violence at this point not only is effectively pointless, but is detrimental to rediscovering things about the Ni-Kunni people that have been suppressed by Amarrian law.

Terrorist action is a bad thing, in my opinion, and further I think it's wholly ill-suited to this supposed "plight of the Ni-Kunni people." For the most part, Ni-Kunni tradition and belief has, sadly, been effectively wiped out or thoroughly changed to fit within Amarrian societal norms. Conversely Matari tradition and belief survived much more intact through generations of slavery and attempts to stamp it out thanks to the Matari habit of oral tradition. Now, it's entirely possible there are is a vast wealth of history, belief, and cultural knowledge being circulated in whispers among the Ni-Kunni, but these blatant attacks only seem to endanger and further force any hidden caches of knowledge out of sight. It's also worth noting that the vast majority of Ni-Kunni are quite happy living an Amarrian lifestyle, which has never been true of the vast majority of the Matari people.

So, what is the plan then? Will "freedom" be forced on the so called Amarrian collaborators when they clearly don't want it?
Lyskal Oskold
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2012-08-03 10:12:36 UTC
Concerning engaging any ships I cease fire the second the ship is inoperable. Attempting to give crews a chance to escape safely. Whether they be Amarr/slaves or any other combination. (Pirate ships holding only pirates being an exception)

I can't speak for the Republic, but when a freedom fighter willingly spills the blood of innocents, to "save more innocents", their legitimacy ends. You had a chance to work within the Amarr system and improve their lives and alter the racism and skepticism that surrounds the Ni-Kunni. You could have tried to improve countless lives without bloodshed. But didn't.

The only people who should fight outside the system are those who could never enter the system at all. An Amarr doesn't want you to live next door? I'm terribly sorry but the collection of all races currently sitting in their own filth and forced to give birth repeatedly in slave reproduction camps can't hear your cries for "freedom".

"Love is just a chemical, no matter the origin. We give it meaning by choice." - Eleanor Lamb

Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#44 - 2012-08-03 12:32:48 UTC
Lyskal Oskold wrote:
when a freedom fighter willingly spills the blood of innocents, to "save more innocents", their legitimacy ends.

Define 'innocents'
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2012-08-03 14:20:44 UTC
A innocent is someone who has nothing and wants nothing to with a conflict which is taking place around them. I would think that you would know what one is considering all of your talks about the "horrors" that the Holy Empire commits

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Emile Belfleur
Solar Zouaves
#46 - 2012-08-03 15:12:53 UTC
Oh, great.

Since we're talking about predictions coming true here, let me add my own predictions to the mix. Let me tell you how this little charade is going to pan out.

As some of you may have picked up on, Mlle Ayanara is already well underway making her begging rounds within the public institutions of the Federation. She'll talk warmly about freedom and democracy, tell heartbreaking stories about the indignities and suffering her people are forced to endure at the hands of the Amarr, and present herself as an underdog hero.

Sooner or later (and unfortunately, I predict sooner) she will succeed in talking mist into the eyes of some idiot senator, or his wife, or his children. And once one public official falls for the ruse, others will follow. Before long, Federal taxpayers' money will be pouring into Mlle Ayanara's wallet, to fund her "noble struggle for freedom". It is possible that this will be an overt donation, but more likely, it will take the form of covert transactions, ostensibly to prevent it from causing "added diplomatic friction" with the Amarrian Empire. Incidentally, this secrecy will also serve to hide this scheme from the critical eyes of the Federal public at large.

Some of the funds so diverted will no doubt go into training and equipping impressionable young men and women to go and get killed in the name of this cause. What makes it even sadder is that these youths will not be the "bungling idiots" earlier described in this thread. They will be unformed intellectuals - intelligent enough to imagine a better life and ambitious enough to fight for it, but not yet experienced enough to apply critical thinking skills to what they are doing. While these youths do the killing, the bleeding and the dying, lending credibility to the struggle in the eyes of their sponsors, a considerable portion of leftover funds will quietly disappear into the pockets of Mlle Ayanara and her fellow ring leaders. And nobody will ever know.

And once their political tantrum fails, what then? Will those responsible all suffer the terrible retribution of the Amarr Empire?

Not at all. Oh, a considerable number of the young sacrificial fodder will no doubt be rounded up by Imperial forces and dealt with harshly, but they were expendable in any case. Mlle Ayanara herself, however, along with most if not all of the other people who actually matter within the movement, will make a miraculous getaway. They will slip across the border, into the Federation, taking care to look sufficiently haunted and bedraggled to inspire pity and sympathy.

They will ask for political asylum. They will get it. They will be housed, clothed and fed, all with public funds. If any Federal officials are even aware of how much more public money they've got squirreled away already, nobody will ever mention it aloud. Doing so would be highly politically inconvenient.

It doesn't stop there, of course. Mlle Ayanara will be asked to appear in newscasts. She will be invited to celebrity parties. She will, without a doubt, be approached by holo directors wishing to cast her for the leading role in the massive holofilm production that tells the "true" and over-emotional story about the brave but hopeless Ni-Kunni uprising. She will write a book about her experiences, and it will become a best-seller. Maybe she and her co-conspirators will even establish a mis-managed charity fund, with the purported aim of "aiding their brethren still in bondage". It all works out very nicely.

Contrary to the opinions of some in this thread, Mlle Ayanara is no idiot at all. She knows perfectly well what she is doing. She is, however, a crook.

Out in Solitude, we have long experience with these Ni-Kunni border runners, as they are popularly called. We know exactly what they're like.
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2012-08-03 17:18:54 UTC
I would agree with your conclusion completely Mr.Belfleur. As I said before, this is not even a moment that has point but to help Ms.Ayanara in reaching some goal that has nothing to do with the Ni-Kunni people who are not oppressed an who are not low class citizens.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#48 - 2012-08-03 17:49:34 UTC
I wish the Ni-Kunni all the best even if im half Gallente, half Ni-Kunni.

But i think that in case of the Amarr Empire a millitary solussion isn't the best one since you don't have the numbers like the Minmatar during their rebellion or any established relations with the Federation or the Republic, because they can to label you as a terrorist organization.

Also don't you think it would be more wise to first try a diplomatic solution and push into gaining a limited autonomy for Mishi or even whole Aridia. None of those solutions won't work if you don't have support from the Ni-Kunni them self and the outside groups.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Silas Vitalia
#49 - 2012-08-03 17:55:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Silas Vitalia
I believe most of you have a serious lack of knowledge about the state of integration of the Ni-Kunni into the larger Empire, among a great many other things.

Just because a group is not at the top of the social order does not mean it is not an integral and inseparable component.

That, and it is without dispute that the vast majority, the many billions and billions of faithful Ni-Kunni currently living under the Aegis of the Empress, are quite content with their lot in life.

Every few years when one of these nut-cases comes on the Summit discussing some fictional mass discontent I wonder what Serpentis drug cocktail they've been abusing into the morning hours.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#50 - 2012-08-03 19:05:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Just because a group is not at the top of the social order does not mean it is not an integral and inseparable component.

That, and it is without dispute that the vast majority, the many billions and billions of faithful Ni-Kunni currently living under the Aegis of the Empress, are quite content with their lot in life.
Indeed. The God bestowed a purpose upon every race in the universe, and the Ni-Kunni are no exception.They fill the social niches they were created to fill; but like everyithing else in the world, every bonus has its darker side. The Ni-Kunni (i'm talking about the statistical majority, as in billions, here) make successful businessmen and artisans, but also good and obedient soldiers. Why? Probably because their inner drive, their divine purpose, commands them to succeed. To amass wealth, to climb the social ladder. And to express themselves. And this is a rather unique combination: for example, in a stereotypical Deteis we see a mix of businessman and scientist, in a Vherokior - a businessman and a seeker of the divine (unfortunately, 99% of those are utterly lost and are no more than tribal shamen of the worst kind, but still, their mind is open to the supernatural, as God made it to be).

What is the dark half to the Ni-Kunni's unique destiny? Of course, the adrenaline rush and search for freedom (for the artisans) and the greed that leads to all kinds of crime (to the businessmen). Combine it and you get your run of the mill border runner. Scrape that border runner a bit and reveal a heretic - a worshipper of the pagan spirits or a Sabik, it does not matter.

Everything is predefined. The only, and the main, choice left to the human, is: will he accept the Truth, or will he sink into the dark side leading to oblivion? Even the Brutor may make the Kameiras - but they can also make a lynch mob in Rens.

And this is the great test of faith that constitutes our lives.

Who is to blame that many Ni-Kunni give the wrong answer?
Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#51 - 2012-08-04 01:22:26 UTC
Mardon Hashur wrote:
"horrors" that the Holy Empire commits

Yeah, like this one
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#52 - 2012-08-04 03:34:44 UTC
Tasha Ayanara wrote:

However. any Ni-Kunni actively collaborating with our occupiers and oppressors will be treated just as harshly as the Amarr. we go.Ugh

What constitutes said "collaboration" no doubt defined in a rather...aaahhh..."fluid" or "malleable" manner, no doubt influenced by things like what time of the month it is.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Amaki Mai
#53 - 2012-08-04 07:26:15 UTC
Everybody should go back and re-read M. Belfleur's contribution to this discussion. In my opinion we could have pretty much locked the thread after that, as foresighted as some contributors have been, his vision provides probably the clearest picture of what is truly going on.
Evet Morrel
#54 - 2012-08-04 09:38:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Evet Morrel
Amaki Mai wrote:
Everybody should go back and re-read M. Belfleur's contribution to this discussion. In my opinion we could have pretty much locked the thread after that, as foresighted as some contributors have been, his vision provides probably the clearest picture of what is truly going on.

Why what has he said?

He’s playing political football, refocusing the issue on the impact of political immigrants. His is a recitation of Nimby indignation from a member of the most affluent class in the cluster, completely insulated from hardish.

My intelligence networks indicate that any ‘begging’ being done is directed towards the Ni-Kunni diaspora and a number of non-state actors not at government, who would hardly entertain terrorists. Whatever the impact of this incident, if it escalates, we will be sure to direct criticism at government cowardice if it fails to acknowledge the contribution of immigrants. There is a real role for government, after the necessary rounds of condemnation, and that is one of inquiry.
Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#55 - 2012-08-04 10:47:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicoletta Mithra
In response to these vile attacks the Mithra family wishes to make the following announcement:

A number of Ni-Kunni pursuing a military career that were dispatched to the Mithra families institute for advanced military training have filed request to get an exemption to be able to fight the terrorist of the so called 'Mishi Liberation Army'. In concord with their superiors in the Amarrian military and our Sarumite holders the Mithra family granted that wish to fight for the safety of their homeworld. The holders of Mishi IV were pleased by this initiative and immediately cleared the newly formed platoon for integration into the anti-terrorist forces. Military advisers of the Mithra family will accompany them and are happy to contribute to the concerted effort of the MIO and the troops of the local holders.

Additionally, the Mithra family dispatched a company of ground combat specialists to guard the Amarrian monastics of Mishi IV, as the monks refused to be evacuated. The enclaves are expected to be high-priority targets of the terrorist organization, being the last areas of the planet not subject to Ni-Kunni authority. The Mithra family wants to honor the monastics that are so determined, that they'd rather take the chance to die than to surrender to the terrorists and abandon their duty to watch after the spiritual well-being of their neighbors. We will do so by dutifully serving them and God our Lord in ensuring their security.

The Mithra family commits both forces until the terrorist uprisings of Mishi IV have been quelled.

- N. Mithra
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#56 - 2012-08-04 11:11:13 UTC
Lyskal Oskold wrote:

I can't speak for the Republic, but when a freedom fighter willingly spills the blood of innocents, to "save more innocents", their legitimacy ends.

Here comes the difference between freedom fighters and professionals.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Evet Morrel
#57 - 2012-08-04 11:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Evet Morrel
Diana Kim wrote:
Lyskal Oskold wrote:

I can't speak for the Republic, but when a freedom fighter willingly spills the blood of innocents, to "save more innocents", their legitimacy ends.

Here comes the difference between freedom fighters and professionals.

I don't think this is the right place for humor, Diana.

Dear, dear the pomposity. Our acceptance of their legitimacy is irrelevant, it's the concern of the indigenous Ni-Kunni. If you allow this to be handled by assorted loyalist chickenhawks the situation will become acute. The terrorists will win if you remain in denial of the underlying issues while at the same time sending in the troops. I mean evacuating personnel! That is exactly, specifically, the goal. The only goal: to frighten you into showing your fear at the expense of the lives of the ordinary Ni-Kunni. That’s why they call them ‘terrorist.’ They use terror threats to induce reaction. Would you show the cluster that violence is your go to response. Dismissing this attack as isolated, as inconsequential, and then to overreact in this manner, I mean ::). Perhaps there's something to their claims after all?
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#58 - 2012-08-04 14:26:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Kithrus
Nicoletta Mithra wrote:
In response to these vile attacks the Mithra family wishes to make the following announcement:

A number of Ni-Kunni pursuing a military career that were dispatched to the Mithra families institute for advanced military training have filed request to get an exemption to be able to fight the terrorist of the so called 'Mishi Liberation Army'. In concord with their superiors in the Amarrian military and our Sarumite holders the Mithra family granted that wish to fight for the safety of their homeworld. The holders of Mishi IV were pleased by this initiative and immediately cleared the newly formed platoon for integration into the anti-terrorist forces. Military advisers of the Mithra family will accompany them and are happy to contribute to the concerted effort of the MIO and the troops of the local holders.

Additionally, the Mithra family dispatched a company of ground combat specialists to guard the Amarrian monastics of Mishi IV, as the monks refused to be evacuated. The enclaves are expected to be high-priority targets of the terrorist organization, being the last areas of the planet not subject to Ni-Kunni authority. The Mithra family wants to honor the monastics that are so determined, that they'd rather take the chance to die than to surrender to the terrorists and abandon their duty to watch after the spiritual well-being of their neighbors. We will do so by dutifully serving them and God our Lord in ensuring their security.

The Mithra family commits both forces until the terrorist uprisings of Mishi IV have been quelled.

- N. Mithra

I would like to join the support of my house to yours. This is a mockery of due cause that these people move right to extreme and uncalled for tactics that can and we result in the death of countless lives.

To keep things simple however since you moved in first your men get rank priority.

Kazzzi wrote:
Lyskal Oskold wrote:
when a freedom fighter willingly spills the blood of innocents, to "save more innocents", their legitimacy ends.

Define 'innocents'

Its really hard to define innocents to someone who clearly doesn't have one.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#59 - 2012-08-05 03:05:47 UTC

we appreciate your offer of help. I got clearance for your troops from the authorities, send them over and they will be integrated into the forces already present.

N. Mithra
Mardon Hashur
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2012-08-05 14:15:04 UTC
Hopefully this terrorist can be dealt with quickly and with a minimum lost of life.

Sincerly Mardon Hashur