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Cloak's and afk cloakers

Azn Empire
#81 - 2012-08-04 08:37:32 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.
How so?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Azn Empire
#82 - 2012-08-04 08:41:12 UTC
Electra002 wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Electra002 wrote:
Pretty obvious you would be very butthurt if CCP change AFK cloaking for the better.
I wouldn't be particularly butthurt if they fixed local, no.

Local? Whats wrong with it?
Do you remember that question I asked, that you didn't answer?

Well there you have the answer now. Local. Blink

Thanks for joining in. Big smile

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Marconus Orion
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2012-08-04 08:48:20 UTC
AFK Cloaker never harmed anyone.
Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2012-08-04 13:00:24 UTC
Marconus Orion wrote:
AFK Cloaker never harmed anyone.

I'm sorry but that is an outright lie! I was blown up by an AFK cloaker yesterday. I'm sure the bastard was AFK the WHOLE DAMN TIME HE WAS SHOOTING ME!!!!!!11
Amarr Empire
#85 - 2012-08-04 13:05:58 UTC
AFK Cloaker wrote:

Yay hes back!
Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2012-08-04 13:13:30 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.

Apo Lyptica wrote:

Who are you speaking for?

Take note here kids, the pronoun we, used in such a manner, is meant to build false consensus around what is commonly the most inane bullshit you will ever see. Hence:

Apo Lyptica wrote:
afk cloakers are a problem.

Which should read, if the sentence was intended to be an honest argument:

Apo Lyptica wrote:
afk cloakers are a problem for me.

So, the sentence corrected for the false consensus and false objectivity would read:

Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think that afk cloakers are a problem for me.

Which is unfortunate Apo, for you.

By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

Oswald Banecroft
Muteki Imperium
#87 - 2012-08-04 16:08:59 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.

No, we do not.

Apo Lyptica wrote:
So how about this-

Compounding capacitor use per cycle.

Example- 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 cap use

Now you ask what about ships who are supposed to use cloaks? Add in a bonus, either flat or per t2 skill. But at the same time, balance it out so a ship that is SUPPOSED to cloak can do so for about an 1.5 hours with out specialized fitting.

Sound good?

Did I not read this post before? Can't really say, but, I imagine I did!

This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine.

Shepard Book
Underground Stargate
#88 - 2012-08-04 16:19:20 UTC
How about removing local instead.
Oswald Banecroft
Muteki Imperium
#89 - 2012-08-04 16:24:03 UTC
Shepard Book wrote:
How about removing local instead.

I like that idea.

This is my signature, there are many like it but this one is mine.

Tarsus Zateki
Amarr Empire
#90 - 2012-08-04 16:26:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarsus Zateki
I think its unbalanced that players who are cloaked while AFK can attack and destroy my ship while being AFK and cloaked. I think the best thing CCP could do is make it impossible for someone who is AFK to attack me, make it impossible for a cloaked ship to attack me, and make fitting a cloak on a ship a fitting resource expenditure that will make cloaking ships less able to attack me.

Now that I think about it I believe its also unfair that ships that can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Devices are so overpowered on their own and I'm tired of having my battleships blown up by solo stealth bombers. I really think CCP should nerf these ships down to the point where they cannot effectively attack anything while on their own. A single bomb from a bomber destroying my Titan is not balanced!

You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#91 - 2012-08-05 02:51:32 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No. But it gives you instant, constant, and 100% accurate information for free about who's there.

On the one hand, it creates this silly “AFK cloaker” fear, and on the other, it gives vital tactical information about the viability of hunting for targets. All of it is bad, largely due to the whole “instant, constant, free” part…

on the other hand, nobody will bother actually living in nullsec except to join fleets because having to spam dscan for utterly useless information is tedious and not worth the 10% extra income you'd get over simply farming l4s in hisec where all risk of nonconsensual PvP is being gradually reduced to nothing

Erm.. every time a miner salts the earth with tears after being ganked, the response is 'spam D-scan for incoming hostiles, or don't cry about losing your ship'. Now its different for combat ships? While I do not claim to know the cures for making 0.0 a better place for play, that particular argument I don't see standing well. /shrug

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Victoria Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2012-08-21 19:23:00 UTC
AFK Cloakers ARE a problem. I have nothing against cloaking and i dont think it needs to change in any way. Its the AFK part that its ****** up.

AFK clockers have just one specific function, and its that someone who is not playing at that time, can **** up the game experience of someone who is. Remember, this is a GAME, GAMEs are meant to be FUN.

It can be fixed quite easily, put a 15-20min timer, and if you do not perform any action in that time, cloak goes offline. Active spies wont have any problem staying all day long cloaked providing intel, as long as they are there playing. And if they need to take a break, they just log off, like anyone else would if not in a safe location.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#93 - 2012-08-21 19:32:07 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem. So how about this-

Compounding capacitor use per cycle.

Example- 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 cap use

Now you ask what about ships who are supposed to use cloaks? Add in a bonus, either flat or per t2 skill. But at the same time, balance it out so a ship that is SUPPOSED to cloak can do so for about an 1.5 hours with out specialized fitting.

Sound good?

I HATE when people do this, and by this I mean complain about AFK cloaking. It makes null sec people look like high sec whiney cry cry carebears and I just hate it.

AFK cloaking (which I dislike but is a part of the game) is a counter to upgraded systems, the counter to afk cloaking is to fit a cloak, pick one of the HUNDREDS of unclaimed null sec system (teeming with the anomalies, plexes and, roids, and profession sites people don't do because they have upgraded systems) and go do them. I call it "ass displacement" because you displace said ass from easily deniable upgraded system to less easily deniable non-upgraded system, and the isk keeps flowing

Easy as that.
#94 - 2012-08-21 21:10:30 UTC  |  Edited by: BoBoZoBo

IF.. IF they are afk, so what they dont know what you are doing.
Also, cloaked ships cannot attack...

WTF is the problem here.. ill tell you... The real problem is your balls.
Someone is in local and you canot counter a SINGLE paper-thin ship using your current lack of strategy.
Maybe YOU are the one AFK mining o some other activity where you are not paying attention

Go get some friends and devise a way to bait them, if they dont bite, keep you Dscan open and your brain in the ON position.
Or go live in WH where local is delayed
Or set your chat to delayed mode
Or devise a way or verifying if someone is afk.
Or grow some balls

I vote for the later. many people can "ruin" the game for anyone at any time through any means. And by ruin I mean you having a sh!tty attitude on how to handle things. At least a cloaked ship won't cost you money.

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Denying You Access
#95 - 2012-08-21 21:12:19 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.

And stopped right there.

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Kyra Felann
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2012-08-21 21:37:57 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#97 - 2012-08-21 21:50:19 UTC
Isn't removing local to never see another one of these threads good enough guys??
Cyprus Black
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#98 - 2012-08-21 22:04:31 UTC
Apo Lyptica wrote:
I think we pretty much agree that afk cloakers are a problem.
Actually, no we can't. The people who think afk cloaking is a problem are a very small yet highly vocal minority.

Summary of EvEs last four expansions:

Ditra Vorthran
Caldari Imports and Exports
#99 - 2012-08-21 22:11:54 UTC
I really dislike the term 'AFK cloaker' as it presumes a person knows whether or not another player who is cloaking is also AFK. Since there is really no way to tell, I prefer to just use the term 'cloaker.'

"AFK cloaking is created and perpetuated by local. As long as local remains as an intel tool, AFK cloaking must remain as the only counter to that mechanic"

This is the best argument for perpetual cloaking that exists. I agree that local is overpowered. It is an instantaneous intelligence tool that is never wrong and allows someone to flee at the merest sight of danger.

First, we really need to define what the purpose of cloaking is. Limited to this context, it is a harassment tool. Thus defined, we need to ask, is that really what it should be used for?

While the argument for perpetual cloaking is the existance of Local, it logically follows that if Local is removed, so too must cloaking also change. The next question would be, if Local is removed, what then is the purpose of cloaking?

Cloaking now is a harassment tool. If Local is removed, I would like cloaking become an ambush tool. However, as with the potential for ambushes, there is the potential for escape. Cloakers would have to be detectable in some fashion. This would mean that while cloakers would have greatly increased chance of catching vulerable ships, new tools would also need to be developed to allow potential victims the chance to escape.

This would make for a more dynamic and exciting game play. Cloakers stop becoming street thugs, handing around the local corner, harassing the locals, and instead become the hunters, ambushing the unwary, while keeping their potential victims vigiant.

As an added benefit, it would encourage all parties to actually *play* the game, rather than log on and go to the movies (on the cloakers side) or immediately retreat to safe location and outwait the predator.

"Miners mine so I don't have to." ~Metal Icarus

arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#100 - 2012-08-21 22:24:28 UTC
Gabrielle Lamb wrote:
AFK Cloaking is great, it's the only mechanic in the game that makes PVE possible in hostile space without spending hours warping from safespot to safespot to save ship. Meaning we still have ninja-explorers / ninja-ratters and wormhole ninjas in the game.

Keep it, just as it is.

I have actually got quite good at this P who needs SOV when you can ninja?!