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How to fix drones (and Gallente at the same time)

Garthrim Alighieri
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-08-03 05:22:55 UTC
When I started playing Eve a little more than a year ago, I fell into the same trap many newbies fall into when they first start out: not realizing you don't have to stick with your faction's ship. Unfortunately, I chose Gallente because green is my favorite color. A few months into playing, I realize how ****** Gall can be compared to other factions, and mainly because of how bad the current drone system is (I'm assuming hybrids have been fixed as much as they're going to be for the foreseeable future, so I'll leave them alone). So I've made a list of ideas that will make drones a more useful weapon system.

1) Increase the allowed number of drones in space (sub caps) from 5 to 10 or 15 and decrease the bandwidth usage of each drone and scale down the effectiveness of each drone appropriately. This would allow use to avoid situations like we have with the Myrmidon, where 75 bandwidth is more than we need for a flight of 5 medium drones, but not enough for 5 Heavy drones.

2) Small and medium sentry drones. Because few ships can get away with using sentries well due to their bandwidth requirement.

3) Our repertoire of combat drones is lacking variety. It would be nice to see different types of combat drones, like a drone type that boosts shield or armor strength, or a type that is more of a wing-man, flying slowly next to the mother-ship and doing more damage, but are easier to hit, or a type that fires missiles instead of guns (like small fighter-bombers). I really don't have enough creativity to come up with better ideas, but you get the idea. This would give us more options to explore with different fits, much like how we can explore different fits with missiles and guns.

4) Treat drones more like ammo. Let us "reload" drones from the cargo bay to the drone bay, like reloading a gun. Also like guns, this could take time. I would think 20 seconds would be appropriate, but that's what play testing is for.

5) Training for T2 Heavy and sentry drones is a huge waste of time, so decrease training times. Drones are rarely a primary source of damage, so why make them take almost as long as T2 large guns to train for?

My main idea is that drones should be very versatile, like the swiss army knife of weapon systems at the cost of having the enemy able to shoot them. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Garthrim Alighieri
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-08-03 05:57:23 UTC
Bump because I'm special.
Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-08-03 07:19:01 UTC
I like the idea of reloading drones and firing them. And yeah the training is quite ... errrrm tiresome to have unless you are dead concentrated to gallented ships.
Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-08-03 08:32:25 UTC
Garthrim Alighieri wrote:
1) Increase the allowed number of drones in space (sub caps) from 5 to 10 or 15 and decrease the bandwidth usage of each drone and scale down the effectiveness of each drone appropriately. This would allow use to avoid situations like we have with the Myrmidon, where 75 bandwidth is more than we need for a flight of 5 medium drones, but not enough for 5 Heavy drones.

2) Small and medium sentry drones. Because few ships can get away with using sentries well due to their bandwidth requirement.

3) Our repertoire of combat drones is lacking variety. It would be nice to see different types of combat drones, like a drone type that boosts shield or armor strength, or a type that is more of a wing-man, flying slowly next to the mother-ship and doing more damage, but are easier to hit, or a type that fires missiles instead of guns (like small fighter-bombers). I really don't have enough creativity to come up with better ideas, but you get the idea. This would give us more options to explore with different fits, much like how we can explore different fits with missiles and guns.

4) Treat drones more like ammo. Let us "reload" drones from the cargo bay to the drone bay, like reloading a gun. Also like guns, this could take time. I would think 20 seconds would be appropriate, but that's what play testing is for.

5) Training for T2 Heavy and sentry drones is a huge waste of time, so decrease training times. Drones are rarely a primary source of damage, so why make them take almost as long as T2 large guns to train for?

Drones need love I agree.

Back in the days of 03-04 Maybe longer I started in 2008 you could deploy drones up to 10 from a thorax and other drone boats. This in turn (as I understand it) caused horrible lag and was very OP so... *CCP Nerfbat*

1) Keep the bandwidth the same, and the number of deployable drones the same. It is fairly balanced as it is now.

2) I would love small and medium Sentries, although they wouldn't fit well with scout drones. I would need to have a better reason to support small/med sentries other than it would be cool, what role would they play on the battlefield.

3) More variety would be great, missile drones would be interesting, more so would be interception drones; basically drones made to block incoming shots or shoot down incoming missiles. +1

4) Interception drones would need to be reloaded, so yes I support this.

5) Completely disagree, a sentry carrier is now the best ship to rat in besides supers. Sentries and Heavies put out a massive amount of damage. They are the large weapons groups for the drones, they should have the extended training time. I never regreted the amount of time I spent training T2 sentries and heavies, and nobody I have asked has said differently.

Carriers are drone boats, so are a good portion of the Gallente fleet; you don't have to use them on any other ship but they are very useful.

As a side note related to the topic, CCP can we please get a highslot module that slowly repairs the armor of anything within 2500 m of the ship. This would be great.

MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Hestia Mar
#5 - 2012-08-03 10:38:23 UTC
To the OP, your point 5 is completely wrong - in my Domi Navy Issue mission boat, I have one large gun to shoot rats to get aggro, and the rest of my dps then comes from a variety of T2 drones - sentries, heavies, mediums and lights all carried at the same time.

Sentries do act as your wingman anyway - get agrgo, drop sentries and orbit while making sure they don't take too much damage.

What I would like to see is the ability to change the damage a drone does - imagine they have a weapon bay themselves in which you can fit lasers, missiles, guns or whatever.

RAZOR Alliance
#6 - 2012-08-03 11:19:52 UTC  |  Edited by: StoneCold
How to fix drones

Wasn´t aware that they´re broken.

A few months into playing, I realize how ****** Gall can be compared to other factions,[...]

That´s taken as a personal offense ;).

to 1:
Use drones of different sizes? If tackled correctly all you drones will apply their full damage.
75 = 2 heavy, 2 medium, 1 small

to 2:
What is the pro on having a small sentry drones? range will be so limited that a warrior II will catch the target earlier.
Also: sentry = big bad gun.

to 3:
If you think this beefs you up.

to 4:
No. As a ***** Gallente you described before i say: drone boats with an "unlimited" supply of drones = bad.

to 5:
Training for T2 Heavy and sentry drones is a huge waste of time, so decrease training times. Drones are rarely a primary source of damage, so why make them take almost as long as T2 large guns to train for?

Drones are a huge part of my dps - even not on droneboats (roughly probably around 1/3 to 1/4 coming from drones).
As additional damage. That´s good enough imo. And worth the training time.
XS Tech
#7 - 2012-08-03 12:52:01 UTC
Garthrim Alighieri wrote:

1) Increase the allowed number of drones in space (sub caps) from 5 to 10 or 15 and decrease the bandwidth usage of each drone and scale down the effectiveness of each drone appropriately. This would allow use to avoid situations like we have with the Myrmidon, where 75 bandwidth is more than we need for a flight of 5 medium drones, but not enough for 5 Heavy drones.

You could do this pre-Trinity (that's the big one I remember -- when the bandwidth was introduced.) 5x drones at a time are fine. If you want "more" drones on the field, train your skills and fly the drone boats.

Drone Interfacing --> +20% damage/level (hey look, your 5 drones on the field now hit as hard as 10)
Dominix --> +10% drone damage / level (hey look, your 5 drones on the field now hit as hard as 7.5)

Both stacked --> 5 * 1.5 * 2 = 15 (yes, this is simplified. Deal with it)

If having "15" drones on the field isn't enough for you ... well, then you've got to train into capital ships. Them's the ropes.

Garthrim Alighieri wrote:
2) Small and medium sentry drones. Because few ships can get away with using sentries well due to their bandwidth requirement.

Working as intended. Sentries are large, stationary guns.

Garthrim Alighieri wrote:
3) Our repertoire of combat drones is lacking variety. It would be nice to see different types of combat drones, like a drone type that boosts shield or armor strength, or a type that is more of a wing-man, flying slowly next to the mother-ship and doing more damage, but are easier to hit, or a type that fires missiles instead of guns (like small fighter-bombers). I really don't have enough creativity to come up with better ideas, but you get the idea. This would give us more options to explore with different fits, much like how we can explore different fits with missiles and guns.

Shield/Armour drones --> see Logistics Drones. Sure, they don't work "on you" ... but you are fitting a tank anyway, right?
"Wingman" drones --> see Sentries.
"Missile Drones" --> no.

The "different fits" with missiles and guns are honestly as simple as "do I fit the HAMs, or the HMLs?" or "do I use the bigger*, slower-tracking guns and hit harder, but less often ... or the smaller* faster tracking ones and hit less hard, but more often?" This is akin to "do I bring 5 heavies, or 12 meds, or 25 lights?"

*Note that "bigger" and "smaller" are in reference to the "apparent" size of the turret --> e.g. 125mm railgun vs 150mm railgun.

Garthrim Alighieri wrote:
4) Treat drones more like ammo. Let us "reload" drones from the cargo bay to the drone bay, like reloading a gun. Also like guns, this could take time. I would think 20 seconds would be appropriate, but that's what play testing is for.

No. Drone bays are limited in size for a reason.

Garthrim Alighieri wrote:
5) Training for T2 Heavy and sentry drones is a huge waste of time, so decrease training times. Drones are rarely a primary source of damage, so why make them take almost as long as T2 large guns to train for?

My main idea is that drones should be very versatile, like the swiss army knife of weapon systems at the cost of having the enemy able to shoot them. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Don't "waste" your time in training them then. Just don't cry when someone who has spent the time to train them comes to the party. And, honestly, a few months of training isn't that long overall -- I'm currently in the place where the skills I want to train are 30+ days each...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Venom Pointe Industries
#8 - 2012-08-03 13:01:57 UTC
I am curious, but how indepth are your drone skills. I have them maxed out and drones themselves are rather powerful all by themselves. I am not sure what you use them for.

For missioning even Ogres can chew threw almost a 1 million ISK shield battleship by themselves. (Those tend to be the toughest to get through).
For PvP they are added bonus but you might not want to rely on them exclusively.

If this is not enough: add the drone specific gear to your ship.
Add ships that give drone bonuses and the drones become rediculess.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#9 - 2012-08-03 16:39:01 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkKnife
I would like to see all drones do omni-damage. It is time to de-nerf Acolytes and Hornets.

Also, there are far too many other ships with drone bays. Not every ******* BC needs to be able to field a flight of drones. I'm LOOKING AT YOU HURRICANE
Atrament Inc.
#10 - 2012-08-03 16:57:09 UTC
Ug... I really have to write a post about how moar drones are better than more drones.

Btw, speaking of the Myrmidon:

CSM Minutes (p127) wrote:
The Myrmidon, which prompted an “Oh god!” exclamation from CCP Ytterbium where his main gripe with the Myrmidon is that it tries to fill too many roles and it should be a stepping stone between the Vexor and Dominix. To get there he would simply remove a turret or two and boost the drone bandwidth.

As for primary damage, they are just that for drone ships. You completely forgot about the Gila and Ishtar. They are not rare. As for the Dominix, hardcore Domi pilots hate the Navy Domi because it can't fit two sentry drone damage rigs. A normal Dominix can do more damage than a Navy Dominix.
Rosendal Research and Development
#11 - 2012-08-03 22:04:06 UTC
1: Buff the myrmidon instead? I see absolutely no point with this change.

2: Who would ever use small or medium sentry drones? Both scout and medium drones are fast enough, not mentioning the ****** range these new sentries would have.

3: If you want a wingman find a friend to fly with. But more variety sure. Your ideas are not very good except making caldari drones fire missiles.

4: How about restricting your drones to your drone bay's size. It's called balance. Drone boats have more so they can utilize that to their advantage.

5: Everything you've said before point five is invalidated because you obviously know nothing about drones. I've never been a fan of T2 heavies but sentries are worth every second of training. Cross train to caldari so you don't have to you never can use a full flight of sentries, you don't deserve them.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-08-04 03:05:28 UTC
Dem Drones need love, I agree too.

Indirectly speaking, too many non-gallente ships have drones.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Mr Beardsley
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-08-04 17:47:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Beardsley
Screenlag wrote:
1: Buff the myrmidon instead? I see absolutely no point with this change.

2: Who would ever use small or medium sentry drones? Both scout and medium drones are fast enough, not mentioning the ****** range these new sentries would have.

3: If you want a wingman find a friend to fly with. But more variety sure. Your ideas are not very good except making caldari drones fire missiles.

4: How about restricting your drones to your drone bay's size. It's called balance. Drone boats have more so they can utilize that to their advantage.

5: Everything you've said before point five is invalidated because you obviously know nothing about drones. I've never been a fan of T2 heavies but sentries are worth every second of training. Cross train to caldari so you don't have to you never can use a full flight of sentries, you don't deserve them.

Not sure if troll or serious, but you fail regardless. Combat drones are only used in missions (not counting fighters), and five isn't enough to get through most L4's in a reasonable time, if at all - drones die quick, recall/relaunch takes time, etc - you DO know this, right? All drone boats except non-Gal carriers are armor tanked too, which means you have to choose between tank and drone dmg boost. That's a massive handicap.

Deena Amaj wrote:
Dem Drones need love, I agree too.

Indirectly speaking, too many non-gallente ships have drones.

I don't have a problem with non-Gallante having drones *IF* dedicated drone boats were as capable as everything else. Other than a Myrm flown by a pretty decent SP char, drone boats stink for missions are useless in one-on-one PvP. Oh, and hybrids suck..cant never leave that out.
Belshazzar Babylon
#14 - 2012-08-04 18:14:22 UTC
The main thing I would like to see fixed with drones is the focus fire. They like to spread the love too much.
Atrament Inc.
#15 - 2012-08-04 18:48:15 UTC
Light and medium drones get back in a hurry; sentries in an instant if you are near them. I am currently planning on using sentries in my CNR. I've been very happy with them in my Navy Domi in missions.

If you are losing light, medium, or sentry drones often, it is pilot error.

In a mission, you have to get familiar with spawns or call drones back quick. Drone buttons will be added in the future to make this easier. I set mine to a hot key: [R] is return to bay, [F] is fire on target, and [D] is drone reconnect. Note that [F] is notched and [R] is right above it, making them easy to find.

If your sentry drones are dieing too fast, consider navy drones. They cost more for less damage, but can tank a NPC BS. They also require less skills than T2 sentries.

Heavy drones are short range weapons; consistent with Gallente war philosophy. You get in blaster range, web, fire, and unleash the drones. You can then call them back quickly. This is more for PvP than PvE, really.

As for the Myrmidon, it's a nerf/buff. It is losing a turret and gaining a drone. The idea is to make it a stepping stone to the Dominix. Right now, a Vexor about matches it in damage, which should not be. It should have more tank and damage. This should also put it more in line with other BCs. I've long thought the Myrmidon should get back a 4th drone ever since they took it and the 5th away.
Lavitakus Bromier
WTF Bunnies
#16 - 2012-08-04 19:15:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lavitakus Bromier
I like the idea about making drones weaker and making it possible to have more drones in space. At least for ships that are primarily drone carriers.

(wish his vexor was a flying, smiling, bee hive)
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-08-04 21:38:44 UTC
On the whole drones are excellent. It's just the dedicated drone ships that are a bit sad. Since more drones increases lag and lag is an abomination in the eyes of our spacelords, lets try and think of simpler solutions

I propose an experiment- instead of giving drone ships a bonus to drone hitpoints, how about giving them one for drone speed and signature radius? Those extra hitpoints never do much anyway, and a focus on evasion might make their combat abilities much more dynamic and situational which is always the heart of good fights.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-08-05 03:23:47 UTC
As I understand it, CCP don't like Drones because they are CPU intensive on the server. So more drones = bad, apparently. I wholeheartedly love drones, so I'm always going to be pro-drone improvements.

I agree about creating a transfer time for additional Drones to be moved from Cargo to Drone Bay. This would make flying back to restock less painful during long runs. The reload time should vary based on the ship. So specialist Drone Boats should have a faster, more dedicated transfer rate.. than say, a Paladin who can only fit a few light drones (because they've got dedicated lasers).

I think the timings should be reasonable, similar to boosters. 60 seconds for non-drone boat, 30 seconds for drone boats with specialty per transfer.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-08-05 08:18:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kusum Fawn
what did i just hear? drones are never used in pvp? 5 are not enough to finish a l4 mission? drone boats are no good?
damn guy. do you even play the game?
oh here he is
Mr Beardsley wrote:

Not sure if troll or serious, but you fail regardless. Combat drones are only used in missions (not counting fighters), and five isn't enough to get through most L4's in a reasonable time, if at all - drones die quick, recall/relaunch takes time, etc - you DO know this, right? All drone boats except non-Gal carriers are armor tanked too, which means you have to choose between tank and drone dmg boost. That's a massive handicap.

Deena Amaj wrote:
Dem Drones need love, I agree too.

Indirectly speaking, too many non-gallente ships have drones.

I don't have a problem with non-Gallante having drones *IF* dedicated drone boats were as capable as everything else. Other than a Myrm flown by a pretty decent SP char, drone boats stink for missions are useless in one-on-one PvP. Oh, and hybrids suck..cant never leave that out.

shield ishtar, myrm and gila checking in, there is some flexibility in here. also why are domis so prevalent in missions? oh yeah "reasonable time" i bet you've never fit 350s to your domi, 450 drone dps + 350 or so from the rails. total cost of ship is less then your faction repper. i doubt your carebear cred!
and neut domis are never used for pvp. never, in fact they are so rare that i bet you've never heard of them. blaster domis with the 1k dps?
or the triple rep myrm? ac fit and 5 mediums that thing owns pretty much every other bc out there 1v1.

seriously though that was a very dumb post. you should be ashamed.
also fewer non gallente ships should have drones

oh and they are never used in the alliance tournaments or in gate/station camps

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Armone Melchezidek
Last Rites.
#20 - 2012-08-05 23:39:15 UTC
There is a lot of -I have no experience with pvp in this thread but I like to speculate. <3 Tri-rep myrm. Most solo and small gang pvper's do though.... Its not the only Myrm fit that is awesome either...

Will I complain when they buff the ship do to your ignorance? HELL NO!

Also the Myrmidon is an amazing PVE ship for people who actually know how to fly one. If you want a ship that takes less brainpower to operate then roll missiles.