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Suggestions for new game mechanics/modules, inspired by different games

Kakuzo Noud
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-08-01 11:18:36 UTC
EVE shares some similar mechanics to other MMO's, like DD, debuffs, buffs, healing, etc.

There are some game mechanics which are common in other games that have still not been used in EVE.
Here are some of my suggestions:

DOT - Damage Over Time

Could be a high-slot module, doesn't require a hardpoint, that fires a beam of radiation at a target. On a successful hit, radiation damage over time is applied for X amount of seconds, with Y damage applied every second. Does not stack. Bypasses dmg resists?

Armor/Shield/Resistance debuffs

A high-slot (medium?), that lowers targets resistance to one of the damage types (EM, explosive...).
Can affect only shields, armor or hull, or affect all three layers to lesser degree - use script to determine.
Also, a general script can be used to lower resistance to all dmg types, but to a lesser degree.

Virus attack - like "confusion" in other games

A module that attempts to insert a virus into target ship. can be classified as a form of ECM.
Different viruses can be selected with different scripts. For example, a navigation virus can lock your speed at max, or cause your ship to fly in a random pattern, all for a set amount of time.
I was even thinking about a virus that causes the target ship to fight for you for a short amount of time, locking and attacking your hostiles, but this sounds too extreme even for EVE. Maybe just a virus that causes hostile drones to become friendly to you for a short amount of time could be cool.

Anyway, that's all I could think of for now.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#2 - 2012-08-01 11:29:23 UTC
Damage Over Time - There is already damage over time. It's called repetetive fire or dps.

Armour/Shield/Resistance debuffs - Energy Neuts.

Virus attack - all EWAR

Why would you want to introduce aspects of fantasy third person games to a sci-fi spaceship game anyway? Also, how do you justify CCP spending dev time on creating modules that basically reproduce what's already there but very slightly different?
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-08-01 12:02:57 UTC
As I've had to say SOOOOOO many times in the past, "just because it's in x other game doesn't mean it would be a good thing for Eve". Seriously, Eve is completely different from those games, what makes you think that their mechanics should carry over?

Ideas like this are roughly the equivalent of someone walking into a restaurant and asking them if they offer haircuts while you eat your meal. It's just so completely absurd to think that just because some other game has a mechanic that it would be good in Eve.
A Soporific
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-08-01 13:08:36 UTC
What problem does the DOT, Debuff, or Virus Attack solve?

What does it counter? Does that thing need countering? How would that help make PVP richer? How would that make PVE richer?
Kakuzo Noud
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-08-01 13:23:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kakuzo Noud
A Soporific wrote:
What problem does the DOT, Debuff, or Virus Attack solve?

What does it counter? Does that thing need countering? How would that help make PVP richer? How would that make PVE richer?

Solve? nothing. I think they open up more options for combat tough, and variety is a good thing. CCP could have settled for one turret type and gotten rid of the other two (three if you count missiles). Adding more types for turrets didn't "solve" anything, it added more variety and options to the game.

A resist debuff is a direct counter to high-res ships, like Amarr Maller, or ships fitting DC, EANM, etc.

A Virus Attack could be a counter to drones.

DOT, meh, I don't know. I was thinking of a weapon that in order to use you had to be in optimal for a very short duration to fire it, and the rest of the time you could kite. There's currently no weapon in EVE that functions that way.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-08-01 13:36:30 UTC
Kakuzo Noud wrote:
A Soporific wrote:
What problem does the DOT, Debuff, or Virus Attack solve?

What does it counter? Does that thing need countering? How would that help make PVP richer? How would that make PVE richer?

Solve? nothing. I think they open up more options for combat tough, and variety is a good thing. CCP could have settled for one turret type and gotten rid of the other two (three if you count missiles). Adding more types for turrets didn't "solve" anything, it added more variety and options to the game.

A resist debuff is a direct counter to high-res ships, like Amarr Maller, or ships fitting DC, EANM, etc.

A Virus Attack could be a counter to drones.

DOT, meh, I don't know. I was thinking of a weapon that in order to use you had to be in optimal for a very short duration to fire it, and the rest of the time you could kite. There's currently no weapon in EVE that functions that way.

Well it could be interesting. But there is still the big problem of Balancing. For Example DOT would make shield tanks weaker then armor tanks, assuming that the dps of a DOT-attack would be as high as dps of direct-damage attacks. Just because DOT is normally used against high regenerations equall to passive shield tankings. At the moment the balance between armor and shield lies in the fact that armor got more EHP but shield got the passive regeneration
A Soporific
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-08-01 13:37:04 UTC
There are some development blogs that say that if you're doing something just because it seems cool and doesn't have a specific goal in mind then it'll end up being used in a very different way than intended, normally to the detriment of the game as a whole.

For example, the Viruses as described are better warp scrambler than warp scramblers, since it prevents the player from aligning to warp. A Warp Disruptor and Scrambler can be defeated by modules, but how would viruses be balanced relative to this? If you limit the virus to non-player stuff, then you're still hard countering the Dominix/Rattlesnake for, well, no reason.

Ok, so you don't really NEED a problem to solve, but you do need to have a goal in mind.

If you think we need more point defence anti-drone stuff then see what would deal with drones in a new and interesting way, as well as how drone pilots can prepare to deal with the new anti-drone stuff.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#8 - 2012-08-01 23:24:09 UTC
For the DOT attacks I have often wondered why there isn't some ammo type for missles that deliver an acid or nanite based warhead to their target.

The damage of these are very low but they stack and keep going for a period of time untill the acid/nanite are neutralised but the structure thay are eating into.

For shields it could be an mini cap powered 'sticky grenade' that damages shields until the mini cap warhead runs out of charge so to speak.

Currently the only DOT style in EVE is nueting/drones and I feel this would give an extra element to play with. You then could have high tank ships that can stack decent (not high) dps on their target with the hopes to out last it. Rather tahn being just a meatshield and requiring others to do the dps.

Another aspect of this would be hit and run....dive into range....blap off a salvo or two them run away while your payloads does it's damage.

All in all not really anything 'new' but a slight wariation on current styles of play already out there.

And why oh why are beams not just a solid beam that does a certain DPS without alpha! A laser beam fires on it's target - as long as the target is in range and the tracking as sufficient then it should continue to damage the target. Pulses can still be conventional DD weapons.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.