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Drake and Hurricane rebalancing

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#101 - 2012-07-30 23:33:54 UTC
Noisrevbus wrote:
Sig-tanking missiles is already effective, much more effective than turrets.


In other news: do you have a degree in game design?


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2012-07-31 08:00:14 UTC
Good points, Noisrevbus.

However; the fact is that short of Drake and to some extent Hurricane (which is also a reasonably effective midrange ship, although with significantly less EHP in a ranged fit which for small scale scenarios it has other advantages over a Drake and I would consider it "reasonably well balanced"), the other two races have some difficulty in fielding a ranged BC which has more to do with the difficulty of fitting larger guns to the Harbinger/Brutix, and the split weapons of the Myrmidon, though. Hypothetically, if all races could field a ranged BC, the only thing which would make the Drake "special" is the superior EHP in a ranged fit.

That could be solved as well, but it's better to take balance piecemeal and give Amarr and Gallente reasonable ranged BC options first, then see how it goes from there.

As for tracking tanking turrets vs sigtanking missiles... both, with sufficient numbers, are non-issues. I mean, solo and stuff yes, it's somewhat relevant vs tacklers where missiles do better then medium long range turrets, but then again, it's nothing decisive.
Zicon Shak'ra
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-07-31 12:42:11 UTC
Marzuq wrote:


The hurricane is one such ship that can easily destroy frigates due to the tracking and range of autocannons, along with the ability to fit dual webs and dual neuts.

The drake and hurricane should be readjusted to the same level as the harbinger and the myrmidon.

Because the Myrm is bad at killing frigs.

Wormholes are cool, m'kay?

#104 - 2012-07-31 14:38:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
Cpt Branko wrote:

That could be solved as well, but it's better to take balance piecemeal and give Amarr and Gallente reasonable ranged BC options first, then see how it goes from there.

As for tracking tanking turrets vs sigtanking missiles... both, with sufficient numbers, are non-issues. I mean, solo and stuff yes, it's somewhat relevant vs tacklers where missiles do better then medium long range turrets, but then again, it's nothing decisive.

I'm sorry Branko, when you said this the last time i thought you were being ironic, so i didn't respond to it properly.

Bonuses and Balance

The thing is, if you look at balance and potential only, nothing is stopping you from setting your Myrms and Harbs up like that. They may not be as good as the Drake at doing exactly what it's meant to excel at. They are reasonable though. If you assume that you'd want to deal 400-500 dps at 60-80km and maintain a 70-90k buffer, they are all capable of it. I don't see why you'd want to do it and they are not as good as the Drake. But there are no "special properties" involved. That the Drake will tank upward 120k instead comes mainly from it's tanking bonus. You will see the same apply comparing Rokhs and Baddons to Maels or Megas. The differences stay within the frame of racial trait and ship bonus.

The demise of scale

This is where the design direction of CCP become interesting, since if you track back a couple of years the Drake may still have been more popular, but each other ship had potential appeal in balance between different setups. Go back to the early post-nano era when Drakes began to profile in "SHAC tactics". Alot of people were flying nano Harbs then, both beam and pulse. Their demise have nothing to do with the Drake being outright better at LR combat, and everything to do with small-medium nano growing impopular. Those gangs are gone because those corporations are gone (they are now PL P), not because of Drakes but because of dwindling content (read: targets, ships in space, at their scale).

Weight and scale

The problem today is that CCP sought to revitalize that balance with new ships. So anything the Harb or Myrm could potentially do with LR is simply better done in Talos and Racle. You saw similar things in the past, though they were never issues then. If you look at the races you can generalize and say that some ships (through bonuses) take half a step into another tier. You see that logic when people claim the Drake has a "Battleship tank". You probably don't think about it when you see how certain Battleships can be fast as BC.

The Harb offer up a good example. In the past when you had it's core setup done: beams, propmod, a basic buffer. You had 5-6 slots left to fill. You could push it's tank closer to a Drake. The better option was usually to divert those slots to what the ship did better though and put them into speed, damage and utility (and run a tactic that relied more on mobility). If you wanted to mimic a Drake as Amarr, the better option was to nano a Poc. Likewise now, the obvious option is simply picking a Racle. They may not be the same tier or class if you want to stare yourself blind on that, but they were picked in the past because they were better options - not because the Harb couldn't reasonably well.

Streamlines: Hegemony

The issue with the Tier 3 BC is that they usurp both roles. The Racle, Nado and Talos offer up so much inbetween that they obscure both LR setups on Tier 2 BC and nano BS. It's for the same reason as the Harb example once more. It's usually a better tactical option to forego the tank and use your mobility. You can still lightly buffer a BS to be as fast, agile, tanky and reachy as a Drake (with more damage) - if you want to find ships that fly with or against Drakes on similar terms (beside cost-efficiency). Before someone barks at me, let me assure you that i have done that too. I have actually flown a variety of nano BS against Drakes.

It remains a good example of how Tier 3 BC obscured existing ships and existing balance with options between LR BC and nano BS.

We're back at the point where if you'd want Myrms and Harbs to be exactly as good as Drakes at being "Drakes", you'd have to give them all similar bonuses (resistance etc.) and shift all the weapon systems to function similarily (remove transversal, or apply transversal to missiles etc.). That makes for an incredly shallow and boring EVE. The other option would be to introduce buffs that put them closer to the Drake in the projection respect, but which would truely overpower them in other regards. I realize this is something beginning players who only can fly Myrms and Harbs would actually want. It's a very naive wish however. If you look at the actual balance of ships, and analyze the mechanics in place, which is what Lili have bringing up all along - all the differences are explainable. This is also why when one of you try to point to something being overpowered on the Drake, you only amount to point out the obvious, eg.,: it can tank and project. As if that alone would be the definition of overpowered. It isn't.

Tank and projection is a streamline of blobfare.

The fact remain that if you want to engage in blobfare, there are existing options for you both in the race and cross-race.

We end at the familiar point where i say that i would rather see smaller scale and alternative tactical gameplay revitalized, than seeing more ships adapted to F1 blobs. CCP screwed the pooch on that when they nerfed nano without counter-balance. Tier 3 BC was an adaption to the hegemony, but it was obvious it was going to do more against fast LR turrets than it was going to do against slower HML platforms - because they are, you know, fast LR turret platforms. Definately possible to kill Drakes in though, but then again, so were other fast LR turrets before. It's just that most people didn't pick up on that.
Nero Fazione
#105 - 2012-07-31 14:58:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Austneal
Marzuq wrote:

Why does a Hurricane be able to fit 220mm's, 1600mm, and 2 medium neuts. While a Harbinger can only fit 1600mm's, FMPs, and not have enough fitting to use its utility high?

You worry about artillery, but what about Amarr with beam lasers, you hardly see any ships fit those do you? The harbinger doesn't work with beams, while your hurricane can. How is that fair? The beam harbinger can't even fit a single ounce of tank that the hurricane can with artillery.

Either Amarr should be given more powergrid, or minmatar needs a reduction to balance the field.

Sure scorch makes pulses good, but compare beam lasers to artillery, its no contest.

Minmatar outranks amarr is several categories.

Superior Frigates
Superior Cruisers
Superior Destroyer
Superior Battlecruiser

Battleships are more or less equal in ways

Works well in solo and gangs

What does Amarr have?

Better capitals.

Sucks for solo pvp.

Hence the term "Winmatar".

I'd just like to quote this before posting this

[Harbinger, PvP]
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Damage Control II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Experimental 10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 25
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II

Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II, Conflagration M
Medium 'Gremlin' Power Core Disruptor I

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Hammerhead II x5

620 DPS with Imp Navy Multifreq / 527 Scorch - 72,851 ehp

Its 1% over on CPU, but I have implants to compensate for that. If anything, it needs a CPU boost P

Also, you "Winmatar" whiners need to learn to man up and stop crying to CCP to fight your battles for you.
Pinstar Colton
Sweet Asteroid Acres
#106 - 2012-07-31 15:02:08 UTC
Regarding their cheapness... remember that because these two ships are the most popular, there are probably many more manufacturers of them with fully researched BPOs churning them out compared to other models. Because they are so popular and bought so much, manufacturers can tolerate a lower profit margin on them and still make good money.

I can't speak to their effectiveness, but they...along with the Tengu, seem to be vastly popular for a reason.

In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.

#107 - 2012-07-31 17:38:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
Pinstar Colton wrote:
Regarding their cheapness... remember that because these two ships are the most popular, there are probably many more manufacturers of them with fully researched BPOs churning them out compared to other models. Because they are so popular and bought so much, manufacturers can tolerate a lower profit margin on them and still make good money.

I can't speak to their effectiveness, but they...along with the Tengu, seem to be vastly popular for a reason.

The cheapness is a Class thing.

It's the relative between their market value to insurance to size of modules. A BS is not extremely expensive (note my prior remarks of BS also being used much based on cost-effect) but all of the non-insurable (and non-droppable) bits amount to a much higher percentage. If every BC loss is 20m in modules and rigs and every BS is 60m, that's 3 BC for every BS (or 300 Drakes for 100 Maels)... and most importantly a 20m loss is at a breakpoint where it's easily recuperable for anyone or put little strain on SPR. It's no exact science and more one of those "player mentality" things but it's definately tangible. You can lose so many Drakes before you begin to "feel" it, and a game like EVE is about frequency, especially in attrition wars (but also in roams, defense fleets and such).

Sadly i have forgotten the name of the movie (i think it was a BL one), the one with the lone blap-dread, but it made an excellent example. How the opposing side had Drakes and Maels. They happily threw away the Drakes but kept the Maels safe as their replacement of them was obviously enough to put a larger dent. You rarely see Maels thrown around without caution despite tech I insurance coverage.

It can also be a Tech thing.

Though with BS turrets profiling that is evening out a bit. Compare Cruiser turrets and missiles and the advanced ammunition play an important role. With BS turrets it's more in line with HML, the advanced weapons and ammunition is useful but not crucial. That also mean that when going budget you can lower that 20-60m to next to nothing. I haven't bothered to look at lossmails enough recently to see any trends in that regard. I would assume most Drakes, even in large fleets, still put on Tech II launchers. There is room for discussion in that regard though. If Drakes get relegated even further to a stepping stone (as doctrine direct toward LR BS), it's not unlikely that Tech I fitting become more predominant, and Drake losses become even cheaper. Large fleets still fire alot of tech I missiles, i know that much.

I guess i need to point it out again, but i am definately for nerfing the "Drakeblob" - i just don't subscribe to any naive or unexplainable conclusions (attempting to nerf around popularity and such). I want to poke at the actual issues, that will have the desired effect. That issue is loss of ISK. If we were to start somewhere, that would be it. Then we might have a leveled discussion of how to balance the ships. As it stand, we won't and we don't.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#108 - 2012-07-31 17:53:23 UTC
People should pay a lot more attention to what Noisrevbus is saying. Look past the :walloftext: and actually read it.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Lili Lu
#109 - 2012-07-31 22:28:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Liang Nuren wrote:
People should pay a lot more attention to what Noisrevbus is saying. Look past the :walloftext: and actually read it.


Sorry Liang. Nosrev has some good points about blobbage and coalitions and isk efficiency. We all acknowledge those problems, well most people do, with drakes. But show me a perma mwd Harbinger that can hit at 70km with almost 400dps and 83k ehp and still have a spare mid for some kind of ewar or tackle mod. There is no such Harby, or Cane or Myrm for that matter.

Drake - Highs: 7 HML IIs with scourge fury Mids: experimental 10mn mwd, LSE II, Meta 4 LSE, Invuln II, EM Ward II, spare midslot
Lows: CPR II, DC II, BCS II x 2 Rigs: Extender I x 2, CCC Drones: not considered in stats but could add ecm or light
webbers or damage drones.

You simply cannot get the same tank on Harby unless it is pulse and half or less the range. Additionally you will not have a spare mid for ewar. Sure you will have more dps than the Drakes. But, take a close range and probably plated and therefore slow and sluggish as **** Harbinger fleet into any BS fleet comp and it will be destroyed in no time.

Drakes are ridiculously easy to fit for good tank, perma mwd, no tracking issues, ability to fit painters or have painter support to mitigate missile damage reduction. Can be further paired with Huggin and Lachesis support for tackle and further missile damage reduction mitigation.

This is one reason why we don't see Harbinger fleets and we do see Drake fleets even though the isk considerations are relatively the same. Now if the resist bonus wasn't there that decent buffer would not be so, although it would still be more robust due to the 6 midslots. That might cut down on Drake blobbage. If HMLs needed another low slot mod like a TE to get the 70-75km range it would be another forced ftiing choice that would reduce the 400dps at that range.

Do people really want somehow to buff Harbys to do something similar? Lets try the 70km 400dps. That 400dps on the drake is two damage mods and tech II ammo. With aurora and two heatsinks (again assuming max skills for sake of comparison) the Harby is putting out 271dps (and btw it needs a targeting range mod and two gun range mods to get there as well). So should we buff the Harby to 10% per level damage bonus? This might address the kiting dps ability disparity, but not the perma mwd. And what would it do to close range face melt fits?

Or lets say ok well Harby don't get to play the kiting 70km game and should be satisfied with their higher dps at close range. Ok, do we then chuck the cap reduction bonus and give them a resist bonus as well so they can survive to slug their pulse higher dps into an opposing fleet? Would they even get fielded in such a manner as a fleet backbone ship? Could they be buffed enough for such a use, having even more ehp than a Drake because they would need it to fight that way.

Then let's look at small gang use. Perma mwd is incredibly useful to run away from tackle if you have to. But a Harby can't do that. It caps out quite a bit more easily whether using aurora or scorch or either of the high damage ammos. Either way it has to commit up close and accept the cap out as coming either after it kills what's tackled or try kiting with scorch with a much closer margin for getting tackled in return.

I just don't see how people think Harbys could be buffed so that people would use them in similar numbers to Drakes without making them absolute monsters.

Should we then just accept like so many of you appear to be arguing that only one BC gets to be fielded in ways that put it as tops for ship usage by 2 or 3 to 1 margins over the second place ship? I don't think that makes a healthy game. What does make a healthy game is a nerf of that one ship so that no matter what race you rolled you have an ability to participate. A healthy game where you are not told train a Drake, but are instead told any of the current tier 2 BCs will have a place in skirmish and roaming fleets because no one of those ships can perform so much better in almost all situations than the rest. And after you train that BC you should be training HAC or Tech III or BS because those are what form the backbones of our serious internet space sovereignty battle fleets. And those ships are just simply worth it to use even though they cost more isk, require more training, and demand more commitment, and are not used as cheap fodder to pad mega coalition blob wars.

Nosrev can keep talking about isk efficiency and finding mechanisms to dissuade coalition blobbage and their use of the isk efficiency for it. That is wonderful. But it does not account for the Drake phenomenon. The Drake itself and its weapon system does.
Cpt Branko
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#110 - 2012-08-01 09:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Branko
I don't mean an ungodly boost of epic proportions giving Harbingers, Myrmidons and other BCs resist bonus and damage bonus and 500 pg extra. Something minor like 100-ish PG and some CPU would be nice, however, so you don't end up 3% PG short fitting a Brutix with 250s, MWD and LSE (after two fitting rigs).

Makes long-range fits a bit easier to fit and therefore more viable; which is not going to stop Drake blobbing, but does give more choices in fitting other BCs which is a good thing.

I still hold that the Myrmidon needs a rework, since it's bonuses, gunslots and dronebay don't make a lot of sense.
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2012-08-01 09:47:16 UTC
Cpt Branko wrote:

I still hold that the Myrmidon needs a rework, since it's bonuses, gunslots and dronebay don't make a lot of sense.

The worst part of the Myrmidon is its bandwidth.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Vapour Holdings
#112 - 2012-08-01 10:43:19 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
But show me a perma mwd Harbinger that can hit at 70km with almost 400dps and 83k ehp and still have a spare mid for some kind of ewar or tackle mod. There is no such Harby, or Cane or Myrm for that matter.

Show me a Drake that can do all that. Your fit doesn't. Your fit is actually really bad.

You have 2 slots needlessly wasted on cap mods just so you can blab about "perma-MWD." Anyone fitting CCC rigs to their drakes is flying a ****-fit. You also have an empty midslot, which I'm assuming you left empty because you couldn't find anything to put there that wouldn't remove your "perma-MWD". Also, you're almost out of fitting. Also, your "perma-MWD" comment is dependent upon all Vs. If the pilot is missing just a single level of any cap related skill, your "perma-MWD" isn't "perma" anymore.

Your fit has no tackle, no utility, uses fitting mods it doesn't need, and needlessly gimps it's tank and DPS by doing so. Oh and it has an empty slot. But hey, a pilot with every cap-related skill at V can leave the MWD on until he gets neuted once.

You CAN get a similar tank on a Harby, you said it yourself. You can also get a similar tank on a Cane or a Myrm. You have to make sacrifices on all those ships (and the Drake) to do it though. The drake sacrifices tackle and utility. The Harby sacrifices DPS, the Cane sacrifices mobility. If you want a nice tank, you pay for it in one way or another.

The drake works really well in large spam fleets because it is almost idiot proof, it is relatively quick to train for and it is fairly effective even with low skills.

- T2 Heavy missiles are much faster to train for than T2 medium guns.
- T1/faction ammo for HMs is pretty close to the effectiveness of T2 ammo. Not so much for guns.
- Range means that piloting skill is a non-issue. Take the fleet warp and shoot what the FC tells you to. Don't worry about optimals, don't worry about transversal, just target and press F1.

Having said that, a Drake will lose a 1v1 against the other BCs.
#113 - 2012-08-01 17:48:15 UTC
Anyhow, the new 100km hop module will end the rein of the drake and 'cane.

But, the harby is missing a cap drain bonus, surely?

Getting you on your feet.

So you've further to fall.

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#114 - 2012-08-01 18:18:43 UTC
Something that I think is overlooked or underestimated in the discussion about Drake fleet popularity vs ships like the Harby, etc, is its recovery time also.
A buffer fit Drake gets such a nice passive regen that if it lives through a fight, it is ready for the next fight in a couple of minutes, tops. The buffer fit Harby's have to call in for repairs, or hit a base, and even if they barely went through their shield buffer, it takes a while for that to recover.

I don't believe there is any one thing that makes Drakes over powered (I do not factor in 1v1, as anything can be built to fight against. I am talking small / med / large groups). I think it is the combination of everything that makes the Drake so popular atm.

Great tank, Great damage projection at all ranges (up to 70,), great recovery rate, great cost (cheap), pretty easy to skill for, good speed, etc. Other BC's and ships in general can be great in one or two categories, but not many do as a whole.

How to fix this? I have no earthly clue. I am just tossing in my observation and enjoying this thread's discussion. ;)

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#115 - 2012-08-01 19:14:43 UTC
Zyella Stormborn wrote:
Something that I think is overlooked or underestimated in the discussion about Drake fleet popularity vs ships like the Harby, etc, is its recovery time also.
A buffer fit Drake gets such a nice passive regen that if it lives through a fight, it is ready for the next fight in a couple of minutes, tops. The buffer fit Harby's have to call in for repairs, or hit a base, and even if they barely went through their shield buffer, it takes a while for that to recover.

I don't believe there is any one thing that makes Drakes over powered (I do not factor in 1v1, as anything can be built to fight against. I am talking small / med / large groups). I think it is the combination of everything that makes the Drake so popular atm.

Great tank, Great damage projection at all ranges (up to 70,), great recovery rate, great cost (cheap), pretty easy to skill for, good speed, etc. Other BC's and ships in general can be great in one or two categories, but not many do as a whole.

How to fix this? I have no earthly clue. I am just tossing in my observation and enjoying this thread's discussion. ;)

Easy, fix the other boats to be great at what they do and tadaaaaaa

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


The Last Remnant
#116 - 2012-08-01 23:56:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Leysritt
I must say other than Artillery and Heavy missiles, all other medium sized long range weapons are rather lame.

They require more fitting, can't fit much tank on the ship.
They have less tracking.
They have long range ammo that gives abysmal tracking and damage.
They require more cap to use.
They do less dps. Beams and Pulses have the same volley damage, Beams have a slower ROF. Railguns have both a lower ROF and volley damage.

If you want range, you go fly a tier 3 BC with superior long range guns.

Artillery has a use which is high alpha.

Heavy Missiles do consistent damage up to 70km without ship range bonus.
#117 - 2012-08-02 01:41:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Noisrevbus
At first i was going to let this thread fester for a while, because i felt like Lili's last post only reinforced what i had said before. Then came Paikis and Zyellas posts and that just opened up too much potential of this discussion going somewhere for me to leave it be.

Paikis post is interesting because it's almost a bit too mean while both miss and raise a point at the same time. Paikis miss that Lili picked a "blobdrake" setup on purpose, but he also make the fair point that Lili is overvaluing the "perma-MWD" and spend way to much effort on raving about that. The MWD is just like the regen that Zyella bring up not something other people undervalue, it's something you overvalue. It takes a million times more time and effort to regenerate shields than to find a logi, slap on a utility repper, drone or pay a symbolic sum to a nearby station. We can't base a balance discussion around the event that somone may do something doubtful, better. Even if i roamed hostile sov in a shield buffer, i'd have contingency before i would regenerate.

The perma-MWD discussion chime in with that as well. I can not think of a single somewhat competent pilot that find the ability to run modules when you don't need to a concrete tactical advantage, important enough to start a discussion around. I'm not saying sustaining your MWD is useless, but you are expending alot of effort for little return here. Good pilots know how to manage their cap. Balancing the game around lazy resort is once again feeding the "Drake".

We're back at Paikis mean (but not necessarily incorrect) remarks: people who CCC-rig and SPR their Drakes do it because they can, not because it's better or that the ability to do so make the Drake better. It's a good example of how popularity is not balance. It's not even question of scale, it is never better to give up tank instead of managing your capacitor more effectively. It may be easier, and thus popular under management-daunting conditions, but it's most definately worse from any angle in a strict sense. Easy is good for upscale yes, but not powerful in ship balance.

Now this is where it gets interesting, because Lili had the opportunity to build an actual case. Let's review his post:

Hang on, i think this need a disclaimer: I am not pyramid-quoting him to start an argument about every standpoint, it's more a cosmetic and narrative to lead you from order of irrelevance to point of relevance. I felt it was a nice touch, but i might need to review that if it doesn't create the dramatic effect i went for - it's a bit flamboyant P.

"You simply cannot get the same tank on Harby unless it is pulse"
Now, that is wrong.

"Drakes are ridiculously easy to fit for good tank, perma mwd, no tracking issues"
That is also wrong.

"the Harby is putting out 271dps"
This is wrong, but the fact that you are thinking about the implications of various conclusions here makes me glad. It shows that you take in some of the things i have been arguing, and that we are understanding each other.

"Then let's look at small gang use. Perma mwd is incredibly useful"
This is wrong, but wait ...
Idea "It caps out quite a bit more easily whether using aurora or scorch or either of the high damage ammos"

Here you have identified an actual issue which you could have built an argument around. Nevermind "perma-MWD" or listing every other frustration.

If you had taken an LR Harby setup, looked at it's cap balance (and instead of going "capless weapons are OP") raised the point that as scales are growing, fights are prolonged and there is a general issue with cap sensitive ships like the Harby in that regard. Then you would actually have had an interesting discussion, that could be supported with good suggestions and ultimately lead to something positive for everything from everyone who fly Harbies to revitalizing capwar throughout the game.

You could have made a levelled suggestion such as cut the regen by X and increase all cap by Y and replace the Amarr cap-use bonuses with a more allround applicable cap total bonus. Had you done that, you might have had me applauding you instead. That is a constructive way to deal with the issue. A good suggestion with good implications that splash positively over into other areas of the game instead of causing new imbalances.

Now, i don't belive that would do very much to convince people to blob in Harbies instead of Drakes (and if they did, that would be just as much a problem as the Drakeblobs, and i would still suggest the same treatment of cost-effect) - but it does identify an actual issue and correct it, to make the Harby a better, more enjoyable ship, certain aspects of the game more interesting, bridge the gap between the potential of the Harby and the choices you make with it. It's levelled.

Simply put, you could have made the statement that the uptime on the Harby be quadrupled (or w/e) to meet the new demands of EVE Online, because most fights (at the relevant scale here) are not settled within minutes.

The logic is pretty straight forward:
1. Very sensitive when bursting MWD.
2. Somewhat sensitive even when just firing.
3. Prolonged fights.
4. Sensitive despite a bonus.
5. A balanced review of cap in the game (depletion vs. regen).
6. Concluding that cap is either too little or much important.
7. Understanding that neutralizing smaller targets may be a bit too quick.
8. Having experienced that neutralisation-fights on larger ships can be quite exciting when it takes some time.
9. Seeing how that come back to balance BC, as the utility slots on the Cane may become less powerful, more useful.
10. Returning to the Amarr racials, tie that back to the overall balance and see how they could benefit as the cap-race.

Look at how many flies you are swatting, and how little collateral your swings break.

That's good game design and QA.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#118 - 2012-08-02 02:30:42 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
I can't really decide whether the hurricane itself needs nerfed or if it's more a statement on projectiles and (to a much lesser extent) neuts. However, if there are no changes to projectiles or neuts, the hurricane needs to lose a few hundred PG. Full rack of capless guns+two medium neuts is just stupid. I'd definitely like to see a projectile rework prior to any permanent hurricane balancing.

Drake rebalance is in the works, so I won't say anything about it.

Hurricane is a symptom of winmatar.

guns that are easiest to fit in game, use no cap, track nearly as well as blasters with more effective range, can change damage type and...the downside? takes 10 secs to reload.

Hurricane as a ship is fine, it should be fast, agile and do a good amount of dps. I see no problem with the hull itself. Drake needs to get rid of the resist bonus (tanky ones should be tier 1 domain) and will hopefully get RoF bonus. That should plant drake in with cane for dps...though its shield tank should then be similar to armor cane.

Myrmidon probably could use a better set of bonuses for the drones to bring dps up to an acceptable level, and boost its ehp, drop rep amount (that's brutix) and boost its speed and agility slightly.

Harbinger? Well its suckyness is mostly due to lasers. Lasers cap use needs to be brought in-line with blasters so we can dispense with the amarr cap use bonus that hampers so many of their ships and makes them extremely vulnerable to neuts. Also improve laser tracking slightly, otherwise the harbinger is a fine ship.
Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#119 - 2012-08-02 08:25:32 UTC
Noisrevbus wrote:
*dulls the scissors*

Great posts, but eye crossers to read through after a while. Blink

While I agree with 90% of what I've read on this thread from you so far, I wanted to make sure you don't think I was taking shield regen as a single standout. I was simply pointing out that, along with every thing else, that is something the Drake does well with also, and over time makes a noticeable difference vs armor buffers (or has for me so far in my experimentation with smaller scale engagements. I don't have logi's on call at all times, so after every scrap that I survive I have to hit a base with my Harby, but rarely with my Drake. But hey, I'm still new to the pvp side).

I personally don't think the drake is the 'best' at any one particular thing, or even two, when compared to some of the other ships out there.
I think it truly comes down to the package as a whole. Its fairly easy to use, doesn't have any particular weaknesses (eh even the EM hole isn't as dramatic on the Drake), is very forgiving in regards to newer players and people making mistakes, ... and I'll stop there as I'm just beginning to repeat parts of my previous post.

I'll blame the late hour, and take my happy self off to bed.

Looking forward to where this thread goes tomorrow,

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2012-08-02 08:56:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Noisrevbus wrote:

10. Returning to the Amarr racials, tie that back to the overall balance and see how they could benefit as the cap-race.

Can you elaborate on this? What would you replace the -10% laser cap usage bonus with?

How do you propose to make Amarr the cap race? They clearly are the not much cap race at the moment, at least as far as laser ships are concerned.