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Animations; Shield/Armor/Hull

Polaris Advanced
#1 - 2012-07-31 08:14:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Unsurpassed
We've all seen our ships blow up many countless times, and that explosion just before you get into your helpless little pod.

Since 'Inferno' has been released with it's missles, and better effects (Impact) than why not take that a little more further?
So, we have our three main core structures; Shields, Armor, and Hull structure. When we're engaging another thriving player that wants to conquor the universe, or simply mission running. All the impact damage is the same. Same.

Shields; Anything which protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection.

Once a player, or NPC fires onto your ship, the missile/Guns seem to impact your ship looking like it's taking Armor or Hull structure integrity damage.

What if the player or NPC fired whatever projectile/Energy based weapon onto the shields on your ship, and the the impact of the weapon on the shields fluxated. And the shields are a distance away from the 'actually' ship itself.

NOTE: Let's say the shields aren't being disturbed by any force; the shields look like nothing. All you can say is your ship, no shield outline. The shields would be a blueish color, or depending on what shield equipment is placed onto the vessel? But once something has impacted the shields, the 'EXACT SPOT WHERE THE MISSILE/GUN FIRED ON IS THE LOCATION WHERE THE SHIELDS WOULD FLUXATE). Such as the missile/gun hit the engine; the shield would fluxate on that spot on the engines, or else where the missile/gun shot upon. And every Projectile/Energy based weapon has a different effect on the shields once impacted.

Once the shields have been to the breaking point, and about to reach into 'armor structure' the shields should have like a sourge effect that ingolfs the whole ship, indicating the shields have been depleted.?

Armor; Any covering worn as a defense against weapons.
After the depletion of shields, the ship has reached into Armor Structure the missiles/guns should would show the weapons hitting against the 'actual' ship itself.

Therefore the effects of the armor structure damaged, and let's say the ship is traveling at 100m/s while taking damage, why not show the armor plates ripping off the ship, and being debris on the overview? Or scatch that 'overview' suggestion, and you can clearly see the armor plates of your ship floating, or hanging off your vessel.?

Hull; Hull is the spacetight body of a ship that is surrounded by armor.
The 'armor' structure has been breached and it's the last structure of your ship, once your in hull integrity you know it's a bad moment. The effects of the hull, would perhaps maybe be 'huge' chucks of debris of your ship falling off, while the engines are caught on fire, or several different places on the ship caught of fire?

Propose another suggestion once in Hull structure?
Once you're in hull why not shut down equipment functions, such as guns/electronic equipment/engineering/?

*BESIDES ARMOR, OR HULL REP REPAIRS.* (if fitted onto your ship)


I think this could be a more realistic outlook on eve, and much more vigorous!
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#2 - 2012-07-31 14:46:03 UTC
When I´m not totally wrong your ship already have a disadvantage when the hull gets damaged. I think your ships agillity gets much worse.

The rest would be a nice visual thing like the turrets who misses a target. If it would influence neither the gameplay nor your systems hardware, why not. Because shields make a ship larger (signature) missiles could visually hit in front of a ship and damage their shields, while for armor the missile directly hits, and the ship is shaking, and small amount of debris flew away. But it should be just visually, so no turrets or launcher flying away as long the ship stays alive.

At the moment it looks a little bit boring when a ship explodes, although I can understand why ccp let it looks this way.

But you go too far with these suggestions of loosing functions while hull tanking. Normally shield tankers are on their hull if their shields brake (get below 25%), and if a armor tanker just miss the right moment for the active tanking he also only gots his hull left. The reduced agillity is already punishment enough.