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Ship infection

Sentinel zx
#1 - 2012-07-30 23:06:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentinel zx
What if the scientist discovered a technology to use Rogue Drone to infect their own ships to give them more power and to increase the connection between pilot and his ship.
Drawback could be
(-your are not able to leaf your ship (only possible in an infected POS to change in another infected ship or you die )
- you can not doc an a station (your ship is infected ;P)
-you can not enter Highsec (ok you can enter Higsec but Navy police will shoot at you)
-your sec drops to -0.5 but only if youin your infected ship => if you die you automatically wake up in your jumpclone in a Station just as always with your previous sec status
-every turret or device on your ship is infected if you remove it, it will be destroyed just like rigs

ok the Pros
-You need not longer any munition, the ship will regenerate it but only a limit depending on ships ammunition depot
-to generate new munition in your ammunition depot or to repair your ship, you must consume some asteroids or wracks

ok here come some new changes

first i didn´t thought about to have an overpowered infection ship for pvp
I try to explain it better ;)
it´s about flying a infected ship or that look like infected ship
like the Gallente Battleship

1. it would be not better than t2 ships but better than t1 maybe like navy ships
2. you could only infect t1 ships
3.there will be different infect typs or statuses, this will depends which infect spore you use
4.some infect spore will change some ship statuses some not and some will give bonuses but with drawbacks (like rigs) can only infect your own ship, only if you are in space with one infection Spore in your cargo hold and the infection will take some time
6.there will be different spore sizes small for -frigs,destroyer; medium for Cruiser, BC and large for BS
7.Spores could be only create on a Planets (different Planet-different Spore)
8.there will be some infection risk to your Commandcenter if you create the spore on your Planet (this could be a mission for Dust514 People to gain your facility back)
9. ok you can dock on any station, change in another ship like before and no sec changes, no munition regeneration
10. ok here comes the difficult part what could the infection spore change except the look

-maybe turning a laser ship to a blaster ship
for example Harpinger 5% bonus to laser damage per level will turn to 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level
hm.. and you could only change one skillbonus on your ship
spore created on a Lava Planet could give you this bonus
or turning armor ship to shild ship
or switching armor resis from armor to shild

just some thoughts sorry for my bad English

Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#2 - 2012-07-30 23:49:43 UTC
Not good idea because everyone would infect his ship before a pvp fight, and then if it survives a fight either parking it in a pos or self distruct.
Assuming that everyone who is flying in low sec and 0.0, and search for a pvp fight, can use this infected ship to attack some pve players and will get more advantages then before.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#3 - 2012-07-31 01:39:59 UTC
A Soporific
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-07-31 02:26:41 UTC
1) Why?
2) What about those who don't want to be infected?
3) What is the difference between a regular and an infected station, would all of the normal goods/services/market access still apply? If so, why? If not, how is the game still playable?
Sentinel zx
#5 - 2012-07-31 19:43:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentinel zx
ok here come some new changes

first i didn´t thought about to have an overpowered infection ship for pvp
I try to explain it better ;)
it´s about flying a infected ship or that look like infected ship
like the Gallente Battleship

1. it would be not better than t2 ships but better than t1 maybe like navy ships
2. you could only infect t1 ships
3.there will be different infect typs or statuses, this will depends which infect spore you use
4.some infect spore will change some ship statuses some not and some will give bonuses but with drawbacks (like rigs) can only infect your own ship, only if you are in space with one infection Spore in your cargo hold and the infection will take some time
6.there will be different spore sizes small for -frigs,destroyer; medium for Cruiser, BC and large for BS
7.Spores could be only create on a Planets (different Planet-different Spore)
8.there will be some infection risk to your Commandcenter if you create the spore on your Planet (this could be a mission for Dust514 People to gain your facility back)
9. ok you can dock on any station, change in another ship like before and no sec changes, no munition regeneration
10. ok here comes the difficult part what could the infection spore change except the look

-maybe turning a laser ship to a blaster ship
for example Harpinger 5% bonus to laser damage per level will turn to 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level
hm.. and you could only change one skillbonus on your ship
spore created on a Lava Planet could give you this bonus
or turning armor ship to shild ship
or switching armor resis from armor to shild
A Soporific
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-07-31 21:01:02 UTC
If the goal is simply to fly an bad-ass rogue drone faction ship, then why not do just that?

Look at the Pirate Faction Ships and think about how to make this idea work like them. Instead of adding brand new mechanics that require some recoding in just about every system in the game, why not make it work an armor tanker that lot like both Gallente (Drone Bonuses) and Amarr (Laser/Cap Warfare bonuses) and some kind of opposing force that shield tanks and works like both Caldari (Missiles) and Minmatar (Speed/Tackle)?

I think that is close to what you really wanted to do all along and wouldn't be quite so shocking and dificult to manage.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-08-01 04:23:26 UTC
A Soporific wrote:
If the goal is simply to fly an bad-ass rogue drone faction ship, then why not do just that?

Look at the Pirate Faction Ships and think about how to make this idea work like them. Instead of adding brand new mechanics that require some recoding in just about every system in the game, why not make it work an armor tanker that lot like both Gallente (Drone Bonuses) and Amarr (Laser/Cap Warfare bonuses) and some kind of opposing force that shield tanks and works like both Caldari (Missiles) and Minmatar (Speed/Tackle)?

I think that is close to what you really wanted to do all along and wouldn't be quite so shocking and dificult to manage.

Be like sansha's nation and combine the two most cap hungry things in the game and put them on one ship.