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Role Fever?

Goonswarm Federation
#41 - 2012-07-30 12:08:32 UTC
Given that you used a dual oversized ASB setup to get that kill I'm not sure its the best example (since ASBs are an extremely recent, idiotic addition to the game that has broken a lot of balance points).
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#42 - 2012-07-30 12:36:12 UTC
Ganthrithor wrote:
Given that you used a dual oversized ASB setup to get that kill I'm not sure its the best example (since ASBs are an extremely recent, idiotic addition to the game that has broken a lot of balance points).

QFT. The balance between armor and shields, which was already tenuous at best, has recently been defenestrated (love when I get to use that word) with the addition of these new modules.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-07-30 12:37:15 UTC
Ganthrithor wrote:
Given that you used a dual oversized ASB setup to get that kill I'm not sure its the best example (since ASBs are an extremely recent, idiotic addition to the game that has broken a lot of balance points).

I think you missed my point. I'm sure if I was buffer tanked I would still have beaten him anyways.

ASB's are i different matter. Do I think they're imbalanced? Not really. That 60 second reload timer makes a huge dent in their ability and simply slapping two on a ship isn't as easy as it sounds and doesn't entirely eliminate your vulnerability whilst waiting what feels like 3 minutes for the thing to reload.

Anyways, back on topic. Even though it is the OP who is derailing (bloody goons!)

Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#44 - 2012-07-30 17:12:38 UTC
Mechael wrote:

This is why this sort of thing should be class based (frig, cruiser, destroyer, etc) and not hull based. Destroyers should pretty much always beat frigates, just like cruisers should pretty much always beat destroyers. It's a counterbalancing system, and it works. But because there are multiple types of each class (or rather, should be ... destroyers are an exception right now) we wind up with interesting scenarios where one cruiser isn't necessarily any better than any other cruiser. And in cases where neither ship type is a counter to the other, it's again a toss up (read: based mostly on pilot decisions rather than the counterbalancing system.) While a cruiser beats destroyers (barring pilot error), when a cruiser goes up against a battleship all of a sudden things should become much less clear. Does the cruiser have the damage output to break the battleship? Can the battleship manage to score enough solid hits to kill the cruiser? That sort of thing.

So you mean basicly frigates and destroyers are foot-soldiers, cruisers and BC are cavalery, BS are either tanks or aritillery, and capitals are moving fortress. This can also be seperated in different subclasses, like destroyer are heavy gunners and stealthbombers are AT-infantery. Most cruisers are more light cavillery, while the BC are heavy cavillerie (or Tier3 are ATG/Pak). And within the BS-categorie, the Rokh or Raven would be more something like Artillerie while the Abadon is more a Tank.

From the things CCP anounced, I would understand it this way. It would also be in reference to the price and skilltime and also the number of units or pilots you need. A stealth bomber may be the dead for a BS but a squad of stealth bomber will be the dead of a BS.
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