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Them Bombs... They be underwhelming!

Helion Dhamphir
Necromatic Inc.
#1 - 2012-07-29 09:06:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Helion Dhamphir
So, i was just sitting admiring the first stealthbomber i have used after missile launchers became visible and i must say i love the torpedo launchers, love em.

Then i fitted my bomb launcher and i was shocked, and appauled..

The bombs are just too damn small considering what happens when they go boom, it also does not make sense in comparison to other missiles' sizes.

A Bomb is aprox 8 meters long and takes up 75 m3 of cargo space which makes relatively good sense, giving it a radius of 1.73m or so, only thing needs fixing is the damn scale of it!

People have given me different explanations as to why the bombs are so small, the main one being that torpedoes etc. need space for engines and fuel..

Well, the description of a torpedo states that is is unguided, so it has no need of navigational thrusters, furthermore it travels a bit more than half as fast as a bomb, which by definition is unpowered, so it does not need engines (although it does have them for some odd reason)

As a comparison

Nova Citadel Torpedo
Length = 71m
Volume= 0.3 m3 (wth ?, that makes radius about 0.012m, as in 1.2 centimeters )
speed = 1750 m/s
damage = 2,000

Shrapnel Bomb
Length = 8m
Volume= 75m3
speed = 3000m/s
damage= 6400

ehm... Yeah that's all i have for now, discuss!
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-07-29 09:27:52 UTC
This is Eve. Mind torpedoes as secure cargo containers. They are compacted before the impact, when they hit they easily pierce the ship's defences, and then they EXPAND, rip it to shreds and for surefire go BOOM.
Shovel Bros
#3 - 2012-07-29 14:49:31 UTC
Torp and bomb sizes are that way for balance, not realism. Bigger bombs means that you can only carry so many at a time with you. In the end, gameplay > realism. /thread
Helion Dhamphir
Necromatic Inc.
#4 - 2012-07-30 11:06:46 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Torp and bomb sizes are that way for balance, not realism. Bigger bombs means that you can only carry so many at a time with you. In the end, gameplay > realism. /thread

I am not complaining about the volume of the bombs, it is actually realistic compared to its' size.

I want the visual size of the bomb to be larger and more unrealistic like the torpedoes ;)