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Unified Inventory, one BIG step backwards (fix needed)

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Adeptus Petrous
#1 - 2012-07-28 14:48:56 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

to state this right ahead, I got nothing against smart improvements, I dont dislike the new inventory in general, and I heard the bots hate it, so thats good, too, but...

And here comes a big BUT!

We have seen it before, and in so many ways, and when you think of it later, you say to yourself, but WHY, dear WHY did NO ONE think of it BEFORE it was implemented?!?!?

Like auto-packing BMs in a folder when they were more than 4, that slowed you down, meaning you could access them slower and might be killed cause of it, that was fixed, good, but could have been right from the start.

So when I rightclick my carrier in station, it does NOT say:
- open corp hangar
- open ship maintenance bay
- open fuel bay

It was the fastest way to access it this way, removing those options, and forcing players to browse through the tree structured folders is definatly not intentional, so FIX THIS, dammit!!!

And for your next iterations, FFS get someone to AT LEAST LOOK AT IT before its going live!
#2 - 2012-07-28 14:57:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Misanth
Had a major headache some days ago. Bought a new ship + fits on my trader in Jita. He sits in an Orca, he has his own corp, and quite a bunch of containers. So not only do I have a BLOB of options to scroll around to go between the different inventories - when I move modules from one can to another, they automaticly sort themselves into the new. I can't fit modules straight from the market delivery (where it ends up when you buy from corp), so I had to pull them into a blob of other modules. Then I have to sift through all of this crap just to find the stuff I just bought..

It was a million times easier before, with multiple windows. You'd have those open that you needed, and there was no auto-sorting bullcrap going on. You could chose to sort if you wanted, but when you bought big amounts of goods, it was real easy to detect them as they always ended up at the bottom of the inventory.

You can still do that, but now you have to shift-click to open a separate window.. essentially bypassing the new system to do exactly what it used to do. Except, it takes bigger space now, and like you described OP, there is less options to open certain windows.. you are forced into opening this new merged-inventory bullcrap first before you can open separate windows.

Yah, this really shouldn't have been rushed, it's quite clear someone did not think through or test this before release.

Edit; oh yah and for lols.. the very first thing I do (on every character) when I log in, is to shift-click cargo to open a separate cargo window. No matter if a trader, PvP or PvE char. Great intuitive mechanic, that won't even leave that thing open.. you'd think the game remembers I re-open this thing every damn time I log, no?

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Serenity Labs
#3 - 2012-07-28 14:58:57 UTC
You seem to have a couple week delay.


Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#4 - 2012-07-28 14:59:42 UTC
Taipion wrote:

to state this right ahead, I got nothing against smart improvements, I dont dislike the new inventory in general, and I heard the bots hate it, so thats good, too, but...

And here comes a big BUT!

We have seen it before, and in so many ways, and when you think of it later, you say to yourself, but WHY, dear WHY did NO ONE think of it BEFORE it was implemented?!?!?

Like auto-packing BMs in a folder when they were more than 4, that slowed you down, meaning you could access them slower and might be killed cause of it, that was fixed, good, but could have been right from the start.

So when I rightclick my carrier in station, it does NOT say:
- open corp hangar
- open ship maintenance bay
- open fuel bay

It was the fastest way to access it this way, removing those options, and forcing players to browse through the tree structured folders is definatly not intentional, so FIX THIS ****, dammit!!!

And for your next iterations, FFS get someone to AT LEAST LOOK AT IT before its going live!

Hey, just put faith in CCP Soundwave who told us all that they are "Restoring as much of the old functionality in the new framework".

When? Tsjhaaa....
Jimmy Gunsmythe
Sebiestor Tribe
#5 - 2012-07-28 15:03:55 UTC
You must be doing it wrong.

John Hancock

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-07-28 15:04:00 UTC
Taipion wrote:

to state this right ahead, I got nothing against smart improvements, I dont dislike the new inventory in general, and I heard the bots hate it, so thats good, too, but...

And here comes a big BUT!

We have seen it before, and in so many ways, and when you think of it later, you say to yourself, but WHY, dear WHY did NO ONE think of it BEFORE it was implemented?!?!?

Like auto-packing BMs in a folder when they were more than 4, that slowed you down, meaning you could access them slower and might be killed cause of it, that was fixed, good, but could have been right from the start.

So when I rightclick my carrier in station, it does NOT say:
- open corp hangar
- open ship maintenance bay
- open fuel bay

It was the fastest way to access it this way, removing those options, and forcing players to browse through the tree structured folders is definatly not intentional, so FIX THIS SH­IT, dammit!!!

And for your next iterations, FFS get someone to AT LEAST LOOK AT IT before its going live!

Posting in another boohoo UI thread.
Yes, we know it's pretty terrible.
Yes, CCP know we think it's pretty terrible.
Yes, people actually did tell CCP it was terrible before it when live.
Yes, CCP still ignored everyone.

Despite being terrible, there are things in this game that need to be prioritised over the new UI. It's bad, but it doesn't take long to figure out how to use it.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Adeptus Petrous
#7 - 2012-07-28 15:07:55 UTC
Nyreanya wrote:
You seem to have a couple week delay.

I admit, thats right, was away cause of RL and so on...
Now I come back and find myself stuck with another half-hearted implementation of features. -.-

Pak Narhoo wrote:

Hey, just put faith in CCP Soundwave who told us all that they are "Restoring as much of the old functionality in the new framework".

When? Tsjhaaa....


@ Misanth: This time I tried not to say what everyone knows, but to have faith that CCP fixes it soon, like they did in the past, though with some delay and with need to kick them to the issue.
Like naming Scourge back to Scourge, because I got a trauma of the other name.
Like removing auto-folder-sorting-BMs when there were more than 4.
Like many other things that are much more important. (too bad I dont remember them now^^)

So when did Soundwave say they are going over it again?

And was there something said like when to expect it?
Critical Mass Inc
#8 - 2012-07-28 16:43:43 UTC
Jimmy Gunsmythe wrote:
You must be doing it wrong.

People read my bio and I get a lot of comments like the one above. Then I question them and their play style and it usually becomes clear that they don't play the game the same way I do. It is quite possible, for a large number of players, that there is nothing wrong with the unified inventory system. For me I call it 'barely tolerable'.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Adeptus Petrous
#9 - 2012-07-28 16:46:20 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
Jimmy Gunsmythe wrote:
You must be doing it wrong.

People read my bio and I get a lot of comments like the one above. Then I question them and their play style and it usually becomes clear that they don't play the game the same way I do. It is quite possible, for a large number of players, that there is nothing wrong with the unified inventory system. For me I call it 'barely tolerable'.

Now, thats an interesting point of view. Big smile

Anyone knows if we get some "update" on the U-Inv as early as 8th august, or is this not going to happen?
Gun Gal
Dark Club
#10 - 2012-07-28 16:54:22 UTC
the new UI is ok, actually help you sor things way better.

i am sorry that alot of you dont have the skills to adapt, considering thats what eve seems to be all about.

Ginger Barbarella
#11 - 2012-07-28 16:54:35 UTC
Another poaster wanting an easy button because of laziness. Love it.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

#12 - 2012-07-28 16:59:07 UTC
Taipion wrote:
Nyreanya wrote:
You seem to have a couple week delay.

I admit, thats right, was away cause of RL and so on...
Now I come back and find myself stuck with another half-hearted implementation of features. -.-

Pak Narhoo wrote:

Hey, just put faith in CCP Soundwave who told us all that they are "Restoring as much of the old functionality in the new framework".

When? Tsjhaaa....


@ Misanth: This time I tried not to say what everyone knows, but to have faith that CCP fixes it soon, like they did in the past, though with some delay and with need to kick them to the issue.
Like naming Scourge back to Scourge, because I got a trauma of the other name.
Like removing auto-folder-sorting-BMs when there were more than 4.
Like many other things that are much more important. (too bad I dont remember them now^^)

So when did Soundwave say they are going over it again?

And was there something said like when to expect it?

Hey, is all cool mate. I just took the chance to whine, as this greatly annoyed me some day ago when I bought the ship.

Don't get me wrong, it annoys me every day, every time I log in a character and have to re-open that separate window (that takes more space than it used to), but that's an annoyance I am used to. So is most of these threads. Tho, having a trader character that gets a mess when specificly buying stuff.. it just made me laugh and get pissed off at the same time. Thanks for inviting me to complain a wee bit! P

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Critical Mass Inc
#13 - 2012-07-28 17:01:43 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Another poaster wanting an easy button because of laziness. Love it.

The inventory should be an easy thing, not a puzzle.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Adeptus Petrous
#14 - 2012-07-28 17:14:51 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Another poaster wanting an easy button because of laziness. Love it.

The inventory should be an easy thing, not a puzzle.

Good to see there are not only trolls here! Smile

...btw I just watched the video in your bio, nice, really

@ all the countless wannebe trolls around here:

- U-Inv is broken, for it misses features that the old UI had
- U-Inv is broken, because, even if you "do it right", you are slower than with the old UI
- U-Inv is broken, and will be fixed, hopefully soon

But thanks for making a fool out of yourself by BullSh­itting around, and telling crap like "its ok as it is" or even "its better than the old one" or "l2p" or whatsofu­cking ever.

l2troll, seriously Big smile
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#15 - 2012-07-28 17:34:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Salpun
Your issue is fixed on Sisi already. The fuctionality you request will be available on the 8th. Nope sorry spoke to soon. While drone bay, cargo hold and Ore hold are back on my orca on Sisi. The rest are still in work per dev

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Elise Randolph
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#16 - 2012-07-28 17:42:38 UTC
ATM on SiSi you can right click, open fuel bay. Though I honestly find it more of a burden than using the new UI where I can access the fuel bay without having to right-click anything.

Though I will make a suggestion for people having "inventory pangs". Hit escape, General Settings tab, and in the middle column there's a checkbox for "Merge 'Items' and "Ships' into Station Panel"


Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#17 - 2012-07-28 17:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Salpun
Elise Randolph wrote:
ATM on SiSi you can right click, open fuel bay. Though I honestly find it more of a burden than using the new UI where I can access the fuel bay without having to right-click anything.

Though I will make a suggestion for people having "inventory pangs". Hit escape, General Settings tab, and in the middle column there's a checkbox for "Merge 'Items' and "Ships' into Station Panel"

True that is the way I have it set. but corp hanger on the orca really needs the right click option back.

With no buttons on the neocom that should be the default setting now.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Adeptus Petrous
#18 - 2012-07-28 17:50:15 UTC
Salpun wrote:
Your issue is fixed on Sisi already. The fuctionality you request will be available on the 8th. Nope sorry spoke to soon. While drone bay, cargo hold and Ore hold are back on my orca on Sisi. The rest are still in work per dev

Thanks for a usefull response.

Elise Randolph wrote:
ATM on SiSi you can right click, open fuel bay. Though I honestly find it more of a burden than using the new UI where I can access the fuel bay without having to right-click anything.

Though I will make a suggestion for people having "inventory pangs". Hit escape, General Settings tab, and in the middle column there's a checkbox for "Merge 'Items' and "Ships' into Station Panel"

This option is a nice idea, but at the cost of seeing who is docked, what can be critical in certain situations, this brings me to the idea, that there is actually nothing in the upper 2/3 of the station window that is anyhow usefull, and therefore, one should be able to re-arrange that window to fit your needs and playstyle.
Has anyone thought of that feature yet?

And about the right-click, it is 2 clicks, but it simply is much faster and much more intuitive than the new system.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#19 - 2012-07-28 17:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Elise Randolph wrote:
ATM on SiSi you can right click, open fuel bay. Though I honestly find it more of a burden than using the new UI where I can access the fuel bay without having to right-click anything.
The burden is that they don't open in the separate windows you've set up for them, but rather in the “primary” or “secondary” windows where more important things are showing atm. The problem isn't the rclick menu — it's that there is no longer any way to control what is opened where.

For the rclick menu in general, the problem isn't that there's a lot of stuff in it — it's that it's full of stuff that has nothing to do with the context and thus don't belong in a contextual menu, whereas tons of things that do make sense in the context are not there. Context menus are only problematic if they don't care about the context, which is exactly what the current rclick menu fails to do.
Cruor Angelicus
#20 - 2012-07-28 17:54:27 UTC
I haven't read the rest of this thread (not sure if this was already posted) ,but would like to point out that the context menu items for opening all the holds, including cargo, have been restored on SiSi already.

The Drake is a Lie

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