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EVE The movie

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Heidi Boom
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-07-27 14:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Heidi Boom
Ive searched the forum, but could not find any info or post about this being asked before. Might have overlooked it.

What if CCP would ally itself with a movie company and make ... um... a movie?Attention

I think that would be a great idea! I just saw the intro for the next expansion. And thought what a great movie feeling I got from it, with the drumming sound in the background:
Inferno Trailer on CCPGames Youtube channel

To add a bitta fuel to the discussion is here a little list of questions you could answer about it:

  • Full Animated movie? Or real people? Or a bit of both?
  • What should the story be about? Should they start at the beginning of the lore? Or somewhere in the middle?
  • Which director and or company would be best suited to make this movie, you think? Why?
  • Actors and actrices, you'd like to see star in this movie?
  • Would it be fun to see real player corporations/alliances in the movie? ... atleast some names perhaps as an easter egg.
  • what should definately be in the movie? I'm thinking about stuff like, hardworking miners being ganked by rats and such. Suicide ganking, wormhole ambushes, 0.0 space,... being podded, such things.
  • Which ships should FOR SURE be shown in the movie?
  • Would we want any reference to Jita as a trading hub, in this movie?
  • Should the movie focus on single characters trying to 'make it out there' or be about the major sides and corporations?

Just a few penny of idea's that popped up in my mind.

What I personally think is if there would ever be such a movie made,... it should definately show massive fleet wars. And ALOT of it too. Lol
Denying You Access
#2 - 2012-07-27 15:00:25 UTC
Who's going to fund this movie?

Do you smell what the Lock's cooking?

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-07-27 15:00:33 UTC
Movie adaptations of computer games are always terrible.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Jed Bobby
#4 - 2012-07-27 15:02:29 UTC
I will fund it. I get about $3,000 in welfare checks every month. Gimme just a little bit and we can make it!
Serenity Labs
#5 - 2012-07-27 15:03:19 UTC
Have you seen the 'Clear Skies' videos? If not, look for them on youtube, it's the closest thing we have right now to what you're looking for.

I personally prefer the books written by CCP to a movie made by CCP. You can go into a whole lot more detail in books, because you're not rushed to cram everything into 2 hours or so. Plus, I'd rather see them dedicating resources to improving the game, rather than making 'extra' stuff like this.


Charles Baker
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-07-27 15:04:27 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Movie adaptations of computer games are always terrible.

A million times this.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-07-27 15:05:04 UTC
As long as Uwe Boll isn't allowed to get anywhere near it, I say go for it Cool

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

Heidi Boom
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-07-27 15:09:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Heidi Boom
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Movie adaptations of computer games are always terrible.

I'd say for computer games based on movies it would definately be true.

I'd disagree on what you said. The other way around ,... there are some great movies around based on games.

You forget that EVE has TONS of lore,... you can make 100 movies about EVE purely based on it's lore. Lore is what could make a movie great. You just have to find great writers to make a great storyboard.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-07-27 15:14:06 UTC
Heidi Boom wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Movie adaptations of computer games are always terrible.

I'd say for computer games based on movies it would definately be true.

I'd disagree on what you said. The other way around ,... there are some great movies around based on games.

You forget that EVE has TONS of lore,... you can make 100 movies about EVE purely based on it's lore. Lore is what could make a movie great. You just have to find great writers to make a great storyboard.

Please name some of these great movies.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Majic Pony Love
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-07-27 15:15:14 UTC
They did it's called 1984. Staring the ISD.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom

Jed Bobby
#11 - 2012-07-27 15:15:30 UTC
WoW-The Movie
Savnire Jacitu
Undead Retirement Crypt
#12 - 2012-07-27 15:16:37 UTC
Good idea. Put it on kickstart. But you'll have to make a video promotting it. Here's how.

Get cardboard cutouts of famous directors and place them around you. You will be sitting in the center on a stool. The video opens to low lighting, you are looking at the floor. Music begins to build(epica) and you lift your head. Mouth the words "eve online movie" then the set erupts in flame, followed by a black out. Afterwords text appears saying "Free pin to those who donate 5000 or more."

Once you aquire 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars you begin building space ships. Actual space ships, for realism. Then you write a script, hire Joss Wheddon to do this(possibly the only serious part of this.) Next hire Nathan Fillion to be your lead. The rest should just follow.

But really, there are too many things that could go wrong with the movie. I wouldn't trust any director to do it right. No saying it could not be done but still...


Lord Ryan
True Xero
#13 - 2012-07-27 15:17:28 UTC
Jed Bobby wrote:
WoW-The Movie

I think that one was called Lord of the rings.

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Heidi Boom
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-07-27 15:19:05 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Heidi Boom wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Movie adaptations of computer games are always terrible.

I'd say for computer games based on movies it would definately be true.

I'd disagree on what you said. The other way around ,... there are some great movies around based on games.

You forget that EVE has TONS of lore,... you can make 100 movies about EVE purely based on it's lore. Lore is what could make a movie great. You just have to find great writers to make a great storyboard.

Please name some of these great movies.

Resident Evil (several of them)

Just 2 that pop up in my mind. Though liking a movie is always personal. I actually liked these movies.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#15 - 2012-07-27 15:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Micheal Dietrich
Heidi Boom wrote:
Ive searched the forum, but could not find any info or post about this being asked before. Might have overlooked it.

Edit: Also, only reason to watch the Resident Evils is Mila Jovovich. And Doom? Seriously?

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#16 - 2012-07-27 15:20:43 UTC
Go watch Clear Skies :P

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-07-27 15:20:59 UTC
If the crew of Clear Skies makes a movie, then i'm all for it.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-07-27 15:21:42 UTC
Nyreanya wrote:
Have you seen the 'Clear Skies' videos? If not, look for them on youtube, it's the closest thing we have right now to what you're looking for.

I personally prefer the books written by CCP to a movie made by CCP. You can go into a whole lot more detail in books, because you're not rushed to cram everything into 2 hours or so. Plus, I'd rather see them dedicating resources to improving the game, rather than making 'extra' stuff like this.

Now with SFM (Source Film Maker) out, making something such as clear skies isn't nearly as much work. I've been planning to do a couple short machinimas with it and eve, but SFM requires a lot of work to become good at.
Aegis Security Consulting
#19 - 2012-07-27 15:22:37 UTC
Lord Ryan wrote:
Jed Bobby wrote:
WoW-The Movie

I think that one was called Lord of the rings.

Nah, that was the movie for LotRO.
Jed Bobby
#20 - 2012-07-27 15:23:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jed Bobby
Lord of the Rings was a book, then a movie, then a game
movie sucks anyways

edit: WAAAT? a movie for lotro? serials?
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