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EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 to be deployed on August 8

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Harold Tuphlos
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#341 - 2012-07-26 05:10:20 UTC
So the skiff's bonuses are slightly insane. T2 tank battle skiff runs about 114K ehp base, with about 90% resists across the board.

If you manage to get ganged in one in hisec, you are simply doing it wrong.
The Arrow Project
#342 - 2012-07-26 08:10:14 UTC
G01kur Kisel wrote:
As a free human being ( can be argued about ) you have the choice of at least selecting the things you enjoy doing in your free time.

It seems to me that most people who complain and argue about the game making statements of how much they hate this or that in fact isn't telling the truth.

In all simplicity if you dislike something or hate something, you discontinue pursuing that goal.

If you had no choice ( can be argued here again since you always have a choice however limiting it may seem ) one could say that your complaints and discomforts are valid, however in this case since it revolves around your personal free choice of choosing a recreational game/ activity all comments about complaints are not valid.

Simply choose something else to do that you find love in doing. ( unless complaining is what you find love in doing : (

So my conclusion is that if you don't like something, don't do it. The irrational idea of complaining about something and still continue with that activity is beyond me. One must obviously still like the activity enough to disregard the complaining he/she is making. Until the breaking point is reached as I think many are aware of. However the double moral still persist since you have a choice on what to do with your free time and how to spend it.

Or, and I understand this is a CRAZY idea, you can find something you absolutely hate that is with something you enjoy. Solution? Fix the part you absolutely hate so you can get back to enjoying it. I know, CRAZY ******* idea, huh? Who knew, well thought out complaints are generally done to IMPROVE something. What a crazy world. I know. Go play in traffic.

Whoo! Lowered Sig radius! Right? If not, can I request the ability to customize our paint job? Not that I look at the ships enough to actually care, but I'd love to run around with a custom paint job :p

Lastly, throwing more customary hate for Unified inventory.

Bring back right click menus for bays.
Bring back hangar buttons for the neocom.
Make inventory window something completely separate so I can remove it from my play experience.
Give me a check box to default the behavior to opening new windows.
Mercilessly flog everyone involved with pushing this **** live with Inferno.
Mercilessly flog everyone involved with refusing to roll this garbage back and fixing it on the test server instead of live.
Mercilessly flog everyone involved with coding it up in such a fashion that a rollback is impossible. You really gotta put on try hard pants to **** up that bad.
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#343 - 2012-07-26 09:56:14 UTC
mkint wrote:
Also, please add to the feature request list dragging tutorials from the help tutorial list to chat. So many times i've been helping in help chat and rookie help where linking the tutorial would have saved so much time and typing.

Way ahead of you, already implemented Smile

(Don't worry, karkur did it - I was too busy destroying the game to get involved.)
Lucas Quaan
Goryn Clade
#344 - 2012-07-26 10:24:37 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:
We would also need to compare it to other Shift functionality regarding such an 'Esc' setting, would it only apply to the Inventory, or be a global 'Make SHIFT a primary behavior' kind of thing? etc.

Since SHIFT is in a very useful position on your keyboard, some of us already have it bound to other useful functions in combat situations. If anything, I would suggest having as few global shortcuts as possible to allow the player control over which keys to use.
CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#345 - 2012-07-26 10:33:33 UTC
Salpun wrote:
An Arrow post Big smileWe need more of these.

That will start happening again now that I'm back from vacation Big smile

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#346 - 2012-07-26 11:25:27 UTC
Somehow I would have pictured a faction named Angel Cartel to have silver or whitish paint jobs to emphasize the 'angel' in their name. Urban camouflage seem's a bit strange for a cartel.

What may be a good idea for the other pirate faction resprays could be offer a selection of designs per faction using still images and let players vote which design they like best for that faction. Just a thought.

Just don't go making Sansha ships bright green with black polkadots or anything, they already look nice with their dark red/dark green two-tone paint.
marly cortez
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#347 - 2012-07-26 11:35:35 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:
Salpun wrote:
An Arrow post Big smileWe need more of these.

That will start happening again now that I'm back from vacation Big smile

The only Arrow post I want to see is a JPEG of the team that thought up the unified UI liberally perforated by them.

Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.

Mercury Inc.
#348 - 2012-07-26 12:31:24 UTC
fantazmythe wrote:
Callidus Dux wrote:
You are right! But it was soon after the release of this sh!t inventory

perhaps it's "feedback" like this that is the problem. all most of you are saying is this is **** fix it, perhaps if you reworded what you were trying to get across we wouldn't be having these problems.

example: :your post: this inventory is sh!t and totally useless
:what you could have said instead] the inventory still needs work because -insert issue here- , maybe if you -insert useful resolution here- things would be easier for us players.

this is just an example, thus i am not saying that is exactly how you went about things

Which rock did you just crawl out from under ?

Over the last few months, there have been many, many, MANY threads giving very constructive feedback. The first of which was when this pile of crap was introduced to SISI. I don't know if you have heard of that, but it is CCP's Test server. Used for ummmm, testing.

All the feedback on that thread was completeley ignored. I mean COMPLETELY ignored and the new UI was introduced to TQ. So don't come on here with your uninformed comments about no constructive feeback.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#349 - 2012-07-26 12:36:48 UTC
Kagumichan wrote:
Just don't go making Sansha ships bright green with black polkadots or anything, they already look nice with their dark red/dark green two-tone paint.

Don't worry, they'll get their camouflage paint soon enough.

"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp."

CCP Arrow
C C P Alliance
#350 - 2012-07-26 14:33:27 UTC
Lucas Quaan wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:
We would also need to compare it to other Shift functionality regarding such an 'Esc' setting, would it only apply to the Inventory, or be a global 'Make SHIFT a primary behavior' kind of thing? etc.

Since SHIFT is in a very useful position on your keyboard, some of us already have it bound to other useful functions in combat situations. If anything, I would suggest having as few global shortcuts as possible to allow the player control over which keys to use.

What I meant to say was: If what currently needs Shift click is changed to work without Shift click (as an option), should that be only for the Inventory or extend to other UI elements currently used by Shift click? Example would be the Overview when opening up a Cargo hold of a wreck.

(UI is an acronym for User Interface.)

CCP Arrow   |   Director of User Experience   |   EVE Online   |   @CCP_Arrow

Mhari Dson
Lazy Brothers Inc
#351 - 2012-07-26 14:58:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mhari Dson
I'd appreciate it if you took the tracking cookies out of the feature page, it's kind of annoying that it sets off my antivirus to look at it.

Also, would ya get over it and start rebuilding the old UI, it performed far better than this pile of junk we have now.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#352 - 2012-07-26 15:26:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Droxlyn
CCP Arrow wrote:
What I meant to say was: If what currently needs Shift click is changed to work without Shift click (as an option), should that be only for the Inventory or extend to other UI elements currently used by Shift click? Example would be the Overview when opening up a Cargo hold of a wreck.

(UI is an acronym for User Interface.)

Anywhere where a shift-click would get you a new inventory window would always give you a new inventory window with this option turned on. Any other User Interface behaviors that do not involve Unified Inventory would not use this setting. The only exception would be the NeoCom since it is now an "open window" manager.

At least that is how I interpret it and would expect it to work.

And always have a button for each Ship and Items in the NeoCon while docked. Also, I can't drop ships into my station cargo window and I could do that before and have them automatically go to the right spot. This is quite annoying when emptying an Orca/Freighter or whatever that has ships and items mixed up in the cargohold and you're emptying out to the station. You now have to do two moves where one was enough.

Ms Michigan
Aviation Professionals for EVE
#353 - 2012-07-26 15:53:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ms Michigan
CCP Affinity wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Will be a nice little patch; however, could you have a talk with the graphics department? I do NOT see CCP's sudden die hard addiction to camo skins. Honestly, do you see any trees, shrubs, or bushes in space to blend in with?? IMHO they are ass ugly. Take the CNR for example. Granted, the raven looks like a cancerous deformed ship, but now with tech camo it looks like it is a sickly cancerous deformed ship with leprosy or something. Its nice CCP wants to make them stand out but damn.

At least go with some black hulls with variation in trim colors and crap like that. Just seems ******** to have a ship painted in camo in a space environment.

Awesome post CCP Affinity. As a WW2 buff it is great to see this posted here for reference. My only advice would be to INCLUDE such reference "Dazzle Camoflage" in the Patch notes to educate.

P.P.S. - Nevermind - she was joking - thought she worked in art. Original post stands...needs more cowbell. Ship sensors negate all this and always will. : (
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#354 - 2012-07-26 15:55:27 UTC
Changes in the new build?

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#355 - 2012-07-26 16:28:20 UTC
Salpun wrote:
Changes in the new build?

Apparently the biggest change is the mad rash of responses from Devs. Or maybe I've been hiding from the forums too much.

This is awesome in its own right.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#356 - 2012-07-26 16:50:42 UTC
CCP Arrow wrote:
Lucas Quaan wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:
We would also need to compare it to other Shift functionality regarding such an 'Esc' setting, would it only apply to the Inventory, or be a global 'Make SHIFT a primary behavior' kind of thing? etc.

Since SHIFT is in a very useful position on your keyboard, some of us already have it bound to other useful functions in combat situations. If anything, I would suggest having as few global shortcuts as possible to allow the player control over which keys to use.

What I meant to say was: If what currently needs Shift click is changed to work without Shift click (as an option), should that be only for the Inventory or extend to other UI elements currently used by Shift click? Example would be the Overview when opening up a Cargo hold of a wreck.

(UI is an acronym for User Interface.)

lets put it this way. shift click currently opens a new show info window. There is a setting to make it so shift click does the opposite, and opens show info in the same window.

this toggle, allready there, should effect everything shift click if possible. so when your show info windows defualt to opening in a new window, then a wreck for instance should do the same thing when you click open wreck in the overview. Instead of having to hold shift. But you can still hold shift if you want to open it in the current window.

? is that at all possible?

also where else is shift used? i feel like my suggestion might actully be daft since I don't work on the UI all the time :P in other words, yes, it should be optional since it is for show info? what else even uses shift?

Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#357 - 2012-07-26 17:21:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Bubanni
CCP Arrow wrote:
Lucas Quaan wrote:
CCP Arrow wrote:
We would also need to compare it to other Shift functionality regarding such an 'Esc' setting, would it only apply to the Inventory, or be a global 'Make SHIFT a primary behavior' kind of thing? etc.

Since SHIFT is in a very useful position on your keyboard, some of us already have it bound to other useful functions in combat situations. If anything, I would suggest having as few global shortcuts as possible to allow the player control over which keys to use.

What I meant to say was: If what currently needs Shift click is changed to work without Shift click (as an option), should that be only for the Inventory or extend to other UI elements currently used by Shift click? Example would be the Overview when opening up a Cargo hold of a wreck.

(UI is an acronym for User Interface.)

To give answere to this question, if you mean anything related to the Unified Inventory... then yes! :)

Doubleclicking/opening a wrecks cargo bay or a container should also open a new window then!
Edit: (as long as you don't affect stuff not related to the inventory, like show info in new window or same, like Moon mentioned above me)
hope that helps :D

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

Veritex Industrial Inc.
#358 - 2012-07-26 18:14:23 UTC
What I see here is a small VERY vocal group of angry Unified Inventory people (same 4-5 posters). More than half their suggestions make me cringe if implemented. I hope the Devs weed out these "Uni. Inv. Fundamentalists" before their dogma becomes the Sharia Law of Eve. Ugh


Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#359 - 2012-07-26 18:29:51 UTC
Hustomte wrote:
What I see here is a small VERY vocal group of angry Unified Inventory people (same 4-5 posters). More than half their suggestions make me cringe if implemented. I hope the Devs weed out these "Uni. Inv. Fundamentalists" before their dogma becomes the Sharia Law of Eve. Ugh

There are a large number of Uni Inv angrys. They are vocal, just not all in one place.

Me, I just wish it was faster to respond.
#360 - 2012-07-26 19:13:01 UTC
Why is it the people who like the UI are mostly noobs, havent played the game for long or amassed large amounts of ships and materials to understand why it dosn't work. To play all aspects of the game involves a lot more than drag and drop (reasons covered in over 20 differant threads by many people)
Every time i open windows i get spinning discs, its appalling.... If i use a new account with a few ships and items it's fine, if not long winded to do the same functions as before. Try mining/building stuff and running a corp rather than just pew pew and you would understand.