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CCP - promoting AFK mining and botting with the new barges.

Werst Dendenahzees
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#261 - 2012-07-25 21:28:06 UTC
Momoyo wrote:
Pretty sure ratting bots make more money than mining bots

They will after the mining ship buff nerfs mining income.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#262 - 2012-07-25 21:28:49 UTC
Fuujin wrote:

Hi, we use brutixes and tier3 BCs as well, which cost 50-70M depending on fitting. While you CAN scale up with destroyers, the level of coordination required to avoid getting concord on grid prematurely scales precipitously (And once it is, you need a LOT of destroyers since you need to alpha the target).

You guys and your myopic focus on destroyers is humorous, but ultimately counterproductive to serious conversation.

Talking about myopic who killed enough miners to make prices rise so much that BCs cost 50-70M again?
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#263 - 2012-07-25 21:30:30 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Talking about myopic who killed enough miners to make prices rise so much that BCs cost 50-70M again?

but the other posters said hulkageddon is irrelevant


npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Lin-Young Borovskova
#264 - 2012-07-25 21:31:54 UTC
Momoyo wrote:
Pretty sure ratting bots make more money than mining bots

And some do it with Nyx's, so yep, seems those should be the next crusade against bots since mining ones became "invincible" when people are not willing to put the effort to get them.

I just don't get it, why would you spend time and isk to kill mining barges for some "crusade" (lol irl about this) and then suddenly you just can't do it because you need to loose some ships?
Are those "players" doing the right thing or you just bullying the weaker?

If it's a matter of isk I'm quite sure NPC Guristas/Blood Rider missions/lp's/bounty's are far more profitable, and there are always some dudes to shoot at for peeveepee and make someone's life miserable Lol


Herr Hammer Draken
#265 - 2012-07-25 21:33:05 UTC
Ginseng Jita wrote:
MotherMoon wrote:
I'm pretty sure CCP promotes booting by having ships with any sort of mining bonus.

hell they could remove mining bonused ships, thus making only botters able to mine for profit.

Really anything CCP does, nerfing mining, boost mining, it all promote botting. Because CCP made it possible to mine at all


I run a mining corp on another account. Don't think I don't know about mining and what it takes to run a corp, or about mining in this game in general. I, as a player, am competing against players that do use bots and mine 23/7. I want to know what CCP is going to do to counter that problem now that they are just making easier for botters and AFK miners. This "oh we just banned a few miners for *two weeks* is not solving the problem.

People that cheat and use outside means(not built into the game) to play EVE hurts my game. I want to know what CCP is going to do about it sense they have now made it easier for people to do it.

Ok, But you can gank those miner competitors that are botting. They just sit and are easy targets if they are on 23/7.
You know where they are and you can scan the ship and build a perfect gank to take it out.
Now you can collect fees from the goons for doing this plus as they are botting you get all the salvage and you eliminate the competition all at the same time. In short CCP gave you all the tools you need to defend your turf. So do it. And if they come back do it again and again. You also get to recover all the minerals they spent the last few hours mining. Whats not to like. The bots are doing you a favor. Storing up all those minerals in those huge ore bays just for the taking.

Herr Hammer Draken "The Amarr Prophet"

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#266 - 2012-07-25 21:33:35 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It's not your business to decide what CCP does.

You are entrenched in your 0.0 blueball anyway, no?

the gradual removal of all nonconsensual pvp from hisec is a great idea, yes

i'm sure they'll enjoy the 3-month subscriber spike followed by everyone leaving for another MMO after they shed all of their core players

If people leave it'll be at about August 25-28 for a game where PvP requires skill and is fun.

I have played all the beta week ends and tbh EvE PvP can't hold a candle to it.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#267 - 2012-07-25 21:34:56 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
The so called "core players" are more about rage quitting for peanuts and the worst costumer you can ever have, they think they deserve more than any other when in fact their a true pain in the arse for everything, those are more like dog crap on your shoes when you want to make things evolve.

Business is business, costumers come and costumers go, and the more crying bitches go the better costumers you get Blink

those are not core players

the core players are the ones who enjoy the pvp-centric aspect of this game, UGC and an economy that is almost entirely player-driven, the ones who hope that it stays this way

those are the players who have kept this game going since 2003, not the carebears who burn out after training for a hulk/tengu/CNR and realizing that saving the damsel in distress for the 20th time isn't that exciting

Not their fault if non ship PvP content in this game is sh!t and makes them bored after 3 months.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#268 - 2012-07-25 21:38:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Pipa Porto wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Fuujin wrote:
On the one hand, I'm against these changes since hisec mining with these ridiculous tanks now redefines "risk-free activity," which to me is antithetical to the design of eve (a risk-filled universe).

Now the balm to this is that with the return of the mining bot (they never really left) to full strength the cost of low ends will plummet. Enjoy your 10-15M per hour grinding existence.

Risk vs. reward.

Low risk = low reward.

Mining in .9 with a Skiff will have 0 risk. How much reward should you get?

So it's been rendered invincible?

See many mining Rokh kills?

The new Skiff's gonna easily hit 100k EHP when maxed out for mining yield.

That'll take around 10 Nados (depending on resist profile), at a cost of around 700m. I'd say it's pretty effectively been rendered invincible.

We don't see many Rokh kills not because they are invincible, but I'd imagine it's also related to the fact that there are much softer and higher valued and higher potentially returning targets readily available. I'm not a miner by trade so I don't know the numbers as far as yield, but I do know the hold outstrips that of a Rokh. Is the yield also significantly higher, or do we have a boat sacrificing potential DPS and repurposablility for a bigger hold? And if so, what is the issue again?
Prometheus Deep Core Mining and Salvage
#269 - 2012-07-25 21:39:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Toroup
Pipa Porto wrote:
Toroup wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Fuujin wrote:
On the one hand, I'm against these changes since hisec mining with these ridiculous tanks now redefines "risk-free activity," which to me is antithetical to the design of eve (a risk-filled universe).

Now the balm to this is that with the return of the mining bot (they never really left) to full strength the cost of low ends will plummet. Enjoy your 10-15M per hour grinding existence.

Risk vs. reward.

Low risk = low reward.

Mining in .9 with a Skiff will have 0 risk. How much reward should you get?

Consumers determine the reward not the producers. I don't mine Trit and then tell you what to pay for it. I mine it and then put it on the market for what people are willing to pay for it. You determine the reward, not me.

The combination of supply and demand is what sets the price for a good. When supply increases, price falls. When supply decreases, price rises. Visa Versa for demand. The market's not an NPC thing.

Go look at an Econ 101 book. It'll help you.

I'll look at my degree in Economics instead, thanks though.

So you feel that your truly "Econ 101" view of Supply/Demand is what drives an Economy huh?

Ok, so we'll set aside the whole discussion of inferior vs luxury goods and their use as an economic indicator and how it could be applies to Trit vs say Morph and just go with the simplistic view of S/D.

So you're indicating that the market price increase in minerals is being driven by a supply side shortage vs an increased demand for inferior minerals? So wouldn't that negate your entire "AFK mining is bad" argument as AFK mining would increase supply thus driving down prices? Therefore, increased AFK mining would actually be beneficial for you. Also, an AFK mining epidemic at such a level as is being QQed about regulary would not be indicative of a supply side shortage, but i digress.

UNLESS, prices are being driven by increases in demand as a result of increased asset losses from some the various PVP/PVE elements that have been added to the game such as incursions or even suicide ganks (losses of both aggressor and defender) - but then, that would make my statement that consumers drive the price not the producers correct, and that couldn't be it could it.

Given the fact that Trit has increase so much over the last 12 months and has remained high and considering that it is the most abundant element in the game, your supply side shortage statement of "supply/demand" is flawed. The only mineral that has recently increased as a result of shortage is Pyerite because Scordite has long been ignored by miners and the only minerals that have really decreased are ice Products given their increased attention from AFK miners because of long cycle times and large asteroid loads.

But then, of course, you knew all that because of your vast EVE mining knowledge and you're oh so trusty Econ 101 book.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#270 - 2012-07-25 21:53:16 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

We don't see many Rokh kills not because they are invincible, but I'd imagine it's also related to the fact that there are much softer and higher valued and higher potentially returning targets readily available. I'm not a miner by trade so I don't know the numbers as far as yield, but I do know the hold outstrips that of a Rokh. Is the yield also significantly higher, or do we have a boat sacrificing potential DPS and repurposablility for a bigger hold? And if so, what is the issue again?

You don't see many Rokh kills because Rokhs function like most other ships:

"When empty and cheap fitted, they are not worth being ganked".

Exhumers were among the very few ships worth being ganked even when empty and unfitted.

Just today I sold 250M I ninja salvaged off dead Macks and Hulks thanks to a Bat Country guy (I think, the other miners were saying he is one of them) who killed from 10am to 6pm.

The same guy killed untanked ships with Catalysts, tanked ships with Tornados and Amarr ships. He even used an Oracle (don't ask me why) in one gank.

It's just obvious that when in a game a LONE guy can kill everything for 8 hours with no pause (he staggered multiple gank alts) something WILL be done. Only a Goon could miss what's wrong with it.

The lesson should be easy to learn:

- use boomerang with some measure else CCP will nerf it.
- web-scram freigthers with some measure else CCP will nerf it.
- do insurance fraud with some measure else CCP will nerf it.
- do Catalyst / Tornado suicide gank with some measure else CCP will nerf it.

But no, Goons and others are sons of the decadent: "I will do WHATEVER till I am allowed to do it".

Well CCP decided the decency thresold got passed and put a stop on it.
With so many thanks to all the casual gankers who had fun. Now they are nerfed because of others who mass-industrialized the gank process till CCP put an hard stop on it.

You REALLY have only yourselves to blame.
Cruor Angelicus
#271 - 2012-07-25 22:06:16 UTC
Quite simply, we need a new thing that get more people to mine to recoup the supply loss that the drone poo removal caused, and these barge changes are good for that.

Afk miners are fine, bots aren't.

The Drake is a Lie

Pipa Porto
#272 - 2012-07-25 22:22:57 UTC
Toroup wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Toroup wrote:

Consumers determine the reward not the producers. I don't mine Trit and then tell you what to pay for it. I mine it and then put it on the market for what people are willing to pay for it. You determine the reward, not me.

The combination of supply and demand is what sets the price for a good. When supply increases, price falls. When supply decreases, price rises. Visa Versa for demand. The market's not an NPC thing.

Go look at an Econ 101 book. It'll help you.

I'll look at my degree in Economics instead, thanks though.

So you feel that your truly "Econ 101" view of Supply/Demand is what drives an Economy huh?

Ok, so we'll set aside the whole discussion of inferior vs luxury goods and their use as an economic indicator and how it could be applies to Trit vs say Morph and just go with the simplistic view of S/D.

So you're indicating that the market price increase in minerals is being driven by a supply side shortage vs an increased demand for inferior minerals? So wouldn't that negate your entire "AFK mining is bad" argument as AFK mining would increase supply thus driving down prices? Therefore, increased AFK mining would actually be beneficial for you. Also, an AFK mining epidemic at such a level as is being QQed about regulary would not be indicative of a supply side shortage, but i digress.

UNLESS, prices are being driven by increases in demand as a result of increased asset losses from some the various PVP/PVE elements that have been added to the game such as incursions or even suicide ganks (losses of both aggressor and defender) - but then, that would make my statement that consumers drive the price not the producers correct, and that couldn't be it could it.

Given the fact that Trit has increase so much over the last 12 months and has remained high and considering that it is the most abundant element in the game, your supply side shortage statement of "supply/demand" is flawed. The only mineral that has recently increased as a result of shortage is Pyerite because Scordite has long been ignored by miners and the only minerals that have really decreased are ice Products given their increased attention from AFK miners because of long cycle times and large asteroid loads.

But then, of course, you knew all that because of your vast EVE mining knowledge and you're oh so trusty Econ 101 book.

Hey, I have no objection to a flood of cheap minerals from AFK mining from a personal pocketbook standpoint. I had no objection to Drone poop from a personal pocketbook standpoint. Both of those help me. But they harm the game as a whole, so I say nay.

First, to be an inferior good requires that demand fall as incomes rise. When you buy a T2 ship, you also buy the T1 ship that went into building it. EVE minerals are not inferior goods, they're normal ones. As incomes rise, you either switch to T2 ships at the same hull class (mineral demand stays the same), you switch to a larger hull class (mineral demand rises), or you stay in the same ship class (mineral demand stays the same). In no situation does increased income result in decreased mineral demand.

Second, I said prices are driven by a combination of producers and consumers. Miners no longer have to compete with other, more efficient producers (a Carrier used to pull more m3 of minerals per hour than a Hulk), so they have the leash on the supply.

Before Drone poo was removed, miners complained about the low income they earned, and rightly so. They had competition that was unfair to them. Now, they're still complaining about the low income they earn. But there's no competition but other miners, so the income is the amount that it's worth for them to keep mining, otherwise they'd have quit (increasing the income of other miners).

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#273 - 2012-07-25 22:27:06 UTC
Wow this whole thread gave me lots of chuckles. Gankers shedding tears over things not being so easy for them. Instead of adapting, they are crying. Where have I heard about that before?

Buff to Hulk isn't too much greater, a slight buff to armor and shields mostly, hull is actually weaker. Skiff and Mack's have those buffs but larger sig radius to go with it, making them more vulnerable to bigger guns. If you have to gank them, don't just fit for maximum damage(sounds alot like telling miners not to fit for maximum yield, doesn't it?), but fit for making your weapons more effective - target painters, webbers, scramblers.

Basically all CCP has done is given miners a 'security blanket' with camo paint on it to look like a nicely armored ship. Most miners will continue to mine as they have before, leaving them vulnerable to ganking. It will just take gankers with some smarts to pull it off.

I also had to laugh at the mention of the 'great coordination' to gank during the burn Jita event. A bunch of ships sat there outside the dock and ganged up on a ship. Big whoop on that. I've seen 12 yr olds pull of the same coordination when having water balloon fights too.

Lastly, the real reason gankers are so upset by the changes? You are going to see a lot less Hulks now as other barges and exhumers become viable alternatives. Coveterageddon or Procurerageddon or Retrieverageddon just does NOT have the same ring to it as Hulkageddon. So there you go. The real reason behind the tears explained.

I've seen lots of comments in the forums about it being a cold hard universe. Now it is harder for gankers. They've had it too easy for too long. I even saw many comments made on the Hulkageddon site by gankers saying their real goal was to make CCP change insurance payouts. "Don't blame us, blame CCP. Petition them to change it. It'll be better for everyone" So now we have these changes, lets adapt people.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

Betrinna Cantis
#274 - 2012-07-25 22:29:19 UTC
Werst Dendenahzees wrote:
Xercodo wrote:

...except that this is as much a nerf to suicide ganking as the ibis pilot is a contributor to total DPS in a CTA fleet...

You clearly haven't seen the results of our 200 man ibis fleets.

That sounds like a blast! I have been trying to get my corpmates to do this.Big smile

Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Betrinna Cantis
#275 - 2012-07-25 22:30:09 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
Barbara Nichole wrote:
I've been playing longer than you.,so yes I know about tanking thanks.

"i've been playing longer than you" is the eve equivalent of "my regdate"

considering that i've seen '04 players who think that dual-tanked ravens are baller, well, longevity doesn't mean anything there


Alts have been changed to protect the Innocent. You may have mistaken me for someone who cares.....

Lin-Young Borovskova
#276 - 2012-07-25 22:33:31 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:
Wow this whole thread gave me lots of chuckles. Gankers shedding tears over things not being so easy for them. Instead of adapting, they are crying. Where have I heard about that before?

Buff to Hulk isn't too much greater, a slight buff to armor and shields mostly, hull is actually weaker. Skiff and Mack's have those buffs but larger sig radius to go with it, making them more vulnerable to bigger guns. If you have to gank them, don't just fit for maximum damage(sounds alot like telling miners not to fit for maximum yield, doesn't it?), but fit for making your weapons more effective - target painters, webbers, scramblers.

Basically all CCP has done is given miners a 'security blanket' with camo paint on it to look like a nicely armored ship. Most miners will continue to mine as they have before, leaving them vulnerable to ganking. It will just take gankers with some smarts to pull it off.

I also had to laugh at the mention of the 'great coordination' to gank during the burn Jita event. A bunch of ships sat there outside the dock and ganged up on a ship. Big whoop on that. I've seen 12 yr olds pull of the same coordination when having water balloon fights too.

Lastly, the real reason gankers are so upset by the changes? You are going to see a lot less Hulks now as other barges and exhumers become viable alternatives. Coveterageddon or Procurerageddon or Retrieverageddon just does NOT have the same ring to it as Hulkageddon. So there you go. The real reason behind the tears explained.

I've seen lots of comments in the forums about it being a cold hard universe. Now it is harder for gankers. They've had it too easy for too long. I even saw many comments made on the Hulkageddon site by gankers saying their real goal was to make CCP change insurance payouts. "Don't blame us, blame CCP. Petition them to change it. It'll be better for everyone" So now we have these changes, lets adapt people.

Nah, they rather complain cry and moan "we're the faithful customers and the final word is ours or we just go away CCP!!"

Quite hilarious the fact most of them are completely unable to even think they might have shot their own foot.


Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#277 - 2012-07-25 22:34:48 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:
Wow this whole thread gave me lots of chuckles. Gankers shedding tears over things not being so easy for them. Instead of adapting, they are crying. Where have I heard about that before?

Buff to Hulk isn't too much greater, a slight buff to armor and shields mostly, hull is actually weaker. Skiff and Mack's have those buffs but larger sig radius to go with it, making them more vulnerable to bigger guns. If you have to gank them, don't just fit for maximum damage(sounds alot like telling miners not to fit for maximum yield, doesn't it?), but fit for making your weapons more effective - target painters, webbers, scramblers.

Basically all CCP has done is given miners a 'security blanket' with camo paint on it to look like a nicely armored ship. Most miners will continue to mine as they have before, leaving them vulnerable to ganking. It will just take gankers with some smarts to pull it off.

I also had to laugh at the mention of the 'great coordination' to gank during the burn Jita event. A bunch of ships sat there outside the dock and ganged up on a ship. Big whoop on that. I've seen 12 yr olds pull of the same coordination when having water balloon fights too.

Lastly, the real reason gankers are so upset by the changes? You are going to see a lot less Hulks now as other barges and exhumers become viable alternatives. Coveterageddon or Procurerageddon or Retrieverageddon just does NOT have the same ring to it as Hulkageddon. So there you go. The real reason behind the tears explained.

I've seen lots of comments in the forums about it being a cold hard universe. Now it is harder for gankers. They've had it too easy for too long. I even saw many comments made on the Hulkageddon site by gankers saying their real goal was to make CCP change insurance payouts. "Don't blame us, blame CCP. Petition them to change it. It'll be better for everyone" So now we have these changes, lets adapt people.

We will adapt, that is why we are the stronger species. Lets not forget that suicide ganking has been nerfed in to the ground repeatedly. We're still here.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Lin-Young Borovskova
#278 - 2012-07-25 22:42:07 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
We will adapt, that is why we are the stronger species. Lets not forget that suicide ganking has been nerfed in to the ground repeatedly. We're still here.

It has not, it's just getting some balance. The day you get insta lock/killed/pod by concord if you ever put a foot in high sec with -5.01 and you just can't work your SS back by any other way than change officer rat tags, then yes it will be nerf to the ground.

But you can still make a few jumps in null to get afk rating bots/players etc but you will not get Concord and high sec protection.


Avedis Corporation
The Vanguard Syndicate
#279 - 2012-07-25 22:44:02 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Anvil44 wrote:
Stuff said

We will adapt, that is why we are the stronger species. Lets not forget that suicide ganking has been nerfed in to the ground repeatedly. We're still here.

Spoken like so many criminally minded people I have known of. LOL. Well perseverance is a good quality so good for you. You keep doing what you enjoy. If that is ganking, then by all means do it. Even CCP says go ahead.

And you accept the challenge of finding a way to make it work despite it being impossible. Once you do it, you can show all these other people that can't figure it out how to do it and make it work for everyone. I salute you.

And I am really not being sarcastic. It's almost impossible to gank with these changes, several players have said so and it sounds like they really know what they are talking about. I think it will be good if you can rub it in their face how wrong they are. I just hope they don't get discouraged for not being such good players.

I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#280 - 2012-07-25 22:49:11 UTC
Anvil44 wrote:
Where have I heard about that before?

when hulk pilots didn't want to take it upon themselves to adapt

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration