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PI - interface improvements

Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-07-23 10:24:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Neotin Nahrain
Just for info - 6 chars 32 planets.
Thing is , if you are setting a planet or even 5 - its OK, you will click it off. But if you have more than that - some small stuff that will save TONS of time and will make PI enjoyable for the broad eve population. I know people in my alliance that just dropped PI altogether because of the vast amount of clicks needed to maintain the project.
My experiments shows that setting up a planet takes around 150clicks after command center placement and before head adjustments. That IF you know that you can double click most of the routings and blueprint selection (and yes in this number i count double click as one click).

1. Save and Load of PI setups - you go in , build command center, upgrade, and then click - load , select "predefined barren planet construction" - pad , extractor , heads , storage , links , routes - voala , just place it near the resources, arrange heads if you like , click gather. Done.

2. "Apply to All factories"Edit a factory - click the button, or even select them with shift. Example result - all(or selected) factories now are set up to get p0 from storage, to process it to desired p1 and route it to pad/storage.

3. On the Industry&Science planet tab : 3 small buttons to replace the "right click/ custom office/warp to + right click / custom office/access custom office".
3.1 - Warp to
3.2 - Open Custom office
3.3 - Reset extractors - right click planet, view planet , selecting extractor(s) , click , wait for building pretty graphics , click start, clck apply ... all in one button. Rearranging of heads is more production, but sometimes you just need to reset the queues.

4. Move heads as a group - I spend a lot of time micromanaging extractor heads. Even if you have it perfectly - the flower + 2 more - to move it you need ~20 clicks , minimum. Also no need to update the graph while i am moving the head around- slows the computers enough every time one moves a head. Recalculating is good , but the pretty graphics for each and every millimeter of the trajectory of 8 or 12 heads is a losing game. Maybe option for it ?

5. Possibility to name your planets and showing this label/mouse over on S&I screen. Every time i open planet screen i have Planet II , Planet VI , Planet VII , Planet X and planet XI waits for you... what planet was extracting what again ?:)

Comment please, hope CCP read those threads:)
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-07-23 12:45:02 UTC
+1+1+1++1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1++1+1+1 !


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

Zansha Expansion
Brave Collective
#3 - 2012-07-23 15:52:29 UTC
If I may add another suggestion,

I would love to be able to move the command center in "edit" mode and your planetary buildings.
That way when (not if) your resources decide to "go" to the far side of your current position, you would no longer need to dismantel all your buildings and spend another 55mio to rebuild it everytime your resources move away.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#4 - 2012-07-23 17:37:33 UTC
Here's a better idea :

Make it so that it requires at least 3months of training to achieve similar effectiveness like it is now ( level 4 skills ) and make level 5 skills more worthwhile.
Less characters ( not players ) doing PI == much better prices and much less clicks.

I'm against anything that makes usage of those artificial PI alts much easier. You want to use them - you need to invest much more time into PI.
And don't give me this "enjoyable PI" b/s. It won't be enjoyable when using artificial alts ( not that it should be ).
PI alts have already broken PI materials market and we don't need more of that.

elitatwo wrote:

If I may add another suggestion,

I would love to be able to move the command center in "edit" mode and your planetary buildings.
That way when (not if) your resources decide to "go" to the far side of your current position, you would no longer need to dismantel all your buildings and spend another 55mio to rebuild it everytime your resources move away.


Firstly - it doesn't matter where your CC is, you don't have to move it closer to resources.

Secondly - what 55mil? ( you took that out of your ass didn't you )
In most cases you just need to move your extractors ( 45,000isk ).
Whole infrastructure will cost you between 5 and 10 mil at most ( usually less ).
So once again where are you taking this 55mil from?

Thirdly - resources does move from time to time and it should cost you if you want to have optimal extraction rates all the time.
Funless Saisima
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-07-24 00:02:26 UTC
+1 You should not have to break your left mouse button to do seemingly simple things like PI.
Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-07-24 11:32:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Neotin Nahrain
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:
Here's a better idea :
Make it so that it requires at least 3months of training to achieve similar effectiveness like it is now ( level 4 skills ) and make level 5 skills more worthwhile.
Less characters ( not players ) doing PI == much better prices and much less clicks.

One can fly a carrier in 90 days... PI is a addition to the game , not the end game itself.

Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:
Here's a better idea :
I'm against anything that makes usage of those artificial PI alts much easier. You want to use them - you need to invest much more time into PI.
And don't give me this "enjoyable PI" b/s. It won't be enjoyable when using artificial alts ( not that it should be ).
PI alts have already broken PI materials market and we don't need more of that.

Making PI harder and involving some risk is OK , making it dumber by adding another 100 clicks per planet is counterproductive. That's like telling your wife to use 10 different mops every time she wants to clean ONE dish, or she telling you to get 10 lawnmowers to cut 1sqm of grass.
Yeah , a lot less people will put up with that, but i think this is actually a game for fun- lets make carriers require 1 year of training and they jump only when you click 20 times different menus, select 10 parameters, solve a Partial Differential Equation (power 3) and send a petition to ccp...

I got scout alt, cyno alt , indy alt , dictor alt, transport alt and carrier main they all are part of my fun in this game.
Look , i am nor arguing alts for PI is balanced. Everyone uses alts for some reason, its easyer and less risk involved. Sometimes more alts means more profit - almost everyone have market alt in jita/other hub - that's a bare minimum. But suggesting that balancing PI clickage is adding more of it "couse it will be easy and everyone will do it , spend more clicks for reward" - that's farmville. Here we play spaceships. Add risks, add ambushing pirates when you go for loot. Add wide zone alerts and glowing custom officess like a cyno when you get stuff out. Add land forced to combat the greedy bastards trying to steal your pi mats. Sure. That was what dust should be about , right ?
But add more tediousness to balance it ? Offer something better next time.
Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-07-24 13:09:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Neotin Nahrain
Tomcio FromFarAway wrote:
Here's a better idea :
Thirdly - resources does move from time to time and it should cost you if you want to have optimal extraction rates all the time.

Question is - do i need to do it bushel by bushel , by hand , praying for a wheelbarrow ...
Yeah engineers and mechanics in real life build ships wire by wire , but this is a game , here we usually click a button and wait till robots build stuff ... Point is - you clicked the button , that's all that matters.
If you asked someone to do manual labor and you claim "this will be more fun for you" - i think most people will tell you to go somewhere while they play a normal game where choices > chores ...
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-07-24 13:23:04 UTC
+1 for naming colonies. The rest I can't talk about since I optimise my planets to require as little management as possible
Tomcio FromFarAway
Singularity's Edge
#9 - 2012-07-24 14:02:18 UTC
Neotin Nahrain wrote:
Add risks, add ambushing pirates when you go for loot. Add wide zone alerts and glowing custom officess like a cyno when you get stuff out. Add land forced to combat the greedy bastards trying to steal your pi mats. Sure. That was what dust should be about , right ?

In its current state, PI is painfully simple and without risk. Make it so that it is actually complicated, requires thinking and involves real risk and then you can safely eliminate all tediousness from it.

If you would reduce current tediousness without increasing challenge factor then what would happen?
How many people would start/get back to doing PI and what impact would it have on PI market?

In some PI thread recently there was a guy doing 60 planet PI in hisec. Making nearly 7bil and spending 2hours a day. Lets say that your changes would be implemented then what?
He would need to spend much less time than he spends now and by extension he would create even more alts.
Solo running giant industry operation, which would normally require cooperation between many players. Is that good for the game?

PI alts are different from other alts. No other type of alt allows you to make good profits with only 2 weeks of training and all of it in the total safety of hisec.

And don't get me wrong - I'm all for removing tediousness from this game but there must be some balancing factor implemented in it's place.
Make it so that it is actually worthwhile to train more skills instead of artificial 2week alt ( which are nearly as efficient as fully trained PI character ).

Generally speaking - PI needs to be totally redesigned. It's a nice concept, it's just poorly executed.

Neotin Nahrain wrote:

But add more tediousness to balance it ? Offer something better next time.

Making skills more meaningful and valuable( exactly what I proposed ) equates tediousness?
How so?
Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-07-24 16:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Neotin Nahrain
Thing is - if your the only deffence for a ****** mechanics is "keep it painfull or more people will use it" - then you have a problem with the mechanics or the game have problem with it. Either way my post is about interface improvements.
There is other threads where people can discuss what is wrong with PI - weather its alts, queues, reactions or desirability (planet vehicle hey ho).
My post was about badly thought out (if any) tedios tasks that can e redesigned to make PI more workable for the average joe - seting one planet and copy pasting it to 5 is not a "big pharma" problem.
Moving extraction heads one by one 8x4 planets (32 heads) watching pretty colours update - do not make a newbie smarter or it will make someone wants to do PI more.
Click factory , build factory , connect factory with pad , select blueprint , route stuff to pad, pad materials route to factory ... Now repeat this 10 times - this is not a job, this was supposed to be fun.

Also the big guy that you spoke of - well there is market people making more, there is production people managing few hours queue to make more - they invested heavy on their industry. The big guy - he descided to go hard on PI , how much chars that is (60planets/5)/3 = 12/3 accounts , 4 accounts = plexes x500mil =2bil. So assuming he has 5 bil left, for 2h/d - average null sec ratting rate is ~50mil(could be alot more actually as i make 22mil tics+ loot ~10mil to tick) 30d*2h*50mil = 3bil. So his actual profit is 2bil. If you factor a random dread gurista (yeah i am in gents) for ~100mil a day 30x100 = 3bil. So he could make those money just ratting and looting. There is more profitable enterprises out there too. Everyone choses how to spend his time. We had a guy with 14 accounts, he did not mine , he did not rat, he was hauling stuff for 3 alliances 0.0-jita. Made enough money for supers.

The core of the mechanics - have to be discussed elsewhere. I am here for interfaces. Things that could be done better, smarter and this will not disbalance PI. Adding more demand for its products and balancing out moongoo with PI would do alot of good things. For example sov would mean more outside the tech moons. But for now - lets talk about interfaces outside the "make it mind numbling so less ppl do it".

PS : i remember an artcle about discussing the new 500 eu banknotes. And the journalist claimed "this would let gangsters go with smaller suitcases, we realy need to take into account all implications". Thats the same as "if you make it less boring and idiotic - more people will use it for bad stuff, like errrm more eve play ?
Indy McSmarty
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-07-25 20:12:33 UTC
PI was supposed to take some of the isk load from the moon mining - this neandertalish interface must be updated.
Should entire alliances be subjected to mindless and repetitive task to keep them playng? That is not diablo ot wow right?
Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-07-29 18:53:44 UTC
Few days passed and apparently CCP do not read or respond to PI treads.
Neither someone cares from the community.
Until any changes are made to PI interface - i am just dropping the exercise.
If i wanted a clickage game i would have played diablo or random flash game.
PI is not and should not be a cornerstone of eve, at least not in the neandertalish interface of today.
Consequently an account is out of the picture.

PS : this is not a threat or anything to ccp. But as i am not paid well enough to do midless clicking(when there is so easyer way) in a game - i see no reason to continue paying for my third account, that was supposed to be PI centered. Take care.
Deena Amaj
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-07-29 19:49:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Deena Amaj
I don't know if this was already suggested or if anybody has the same problem, but I have problems finding the structures as I too place them at a remote location far away from the Command Center.

Could we have a verticle lines extruding out long enough - and in an eye-catching color - so we have a visual aid on finding them.

But I agree totally with Neotin as I'm also into PI and what he said in two posts above really is a pain (for an avid PI player). It would be half as bad if CCP could toss us a bone.

*Put that bone down, I meant metaphorically!*

We also need more useful things to make out of PI stuff, but that be for another thread.


I'm probably typing on a Tablet too, which means the auto-correct is silly and fixing typos is a pain. I ain't fixing them.

padraig animal
Machiavellian Empire
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2012-08-01 13:33:42 UTC
+1 PI has become better since it started , remember all the extractor you had to click each time Twisted .

Tho there is enough room for improvement as written in here .


Neotin Nahrain
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-10-03 03:36:20 UTC
Havent touched PI for months now- and i could say - i was never happier in eve!
No deadlines, no mindless clickage or the usual "log the next character please".
No random closing of custom office when you transfer mats to orbit.
You can close the thread. Not that blue has ever read it :P
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#16 - 2012-10-03 03:43:38 UTC
Please note that some of your ideas around PI have been included in this proposal to expand PI:

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!